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Axial Load
Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member
Axially Loaded
-The axial load of an object is responsible for the force
which passes through the center of the object,
-is parallel to its axis of rotation, and
-perpendicular to the plane of cross-section.
-The force owing to the axial load acts on the central
axis of the object,
-and it can be a compressing or stretching force.
-The central axis, or the axis of rotation of an object, is
that axis around which the object can spin.

4. Axial Load
Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member
δ=Relative Displacement.
-We will neglect the localized deformations that occur at
points of concentrated loading and where the cross section
suddenly changes.
-Saint-Venant’s principle
-The deformations due to concentrated loadings occur
within small regions of the bar’s length and will therefore
have only a slight effect on the final result. For the most part,
the bar will deform uniformly, so the normal stress will be
uniformly distributed over the cross section.
4. Axial Load
Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member
-Constant Load and Cross-Sectional Area.

4. Axial Load
Elastic Deform’n. of Axially Loaded Member-Sample Problem

4. Axial Load
Elastic Deform’n. of Axially Loaded Member-Sample Problem
4. Axial Load
Elastic Deform’n. of Axially Loaded Member-Sample Problem

4. Axial Load
Elastic Deform’n. of Axially Loaded Member-Sample Problem

4. Axial Load
Elastic Deform’n. of Axially Loaded Member-Sample Problem

4. Axial Load
Principle of Superposition
-The principle of superposition is often used to determine
the stress or displacement at a point in a member when the
member is subjected to a complicated loading.
-By subdividing the loading into components, the principle of
superposition states that the resultant stress or
displacement at the point can be determined by algebraically
summing the stress or displacement caused by each load
component applied separately to the member.
4. Axial Load
Principle of Superposition
-The following two conditions must be satisfied if the
principle of superposition is to be applied.

4. Axial Load
Principle of Superposition
-This principle will be used throughout this text whenever
we assume Hooke’s law applies and also, the bodies that are
considered will be such that the loading will produce
deformations that are so small that the change in position
and direction of the loading will be insignificant and can be
4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
-Consider the bar shown in Fig. 4–11a which is fixed
supported at both of its ends. From the free-body diagram,
Fig. 4–11b, equilibrium requires

-This type of problem is called statically indeterminate, since

the equilibrium equation(s) are not sufficient to determine
the two reactions on the bar.

4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
-In order to establish an additional equation needed for
solution, it is necessary to consider how points on the bar
displace. Specifically, an equation that specifies the
conditions for displacement is referred to as a compatibility
or kinematic condition. In this case, a suitable compatibility
condition would require the displacement of one end of the
bar with respect to the other end to be equal to zero, since
the end supports are fixed. Hence, the compatibility
condition becomes

4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
Sample Problem
4. Axial Load


4. Axial Load

4. Axial Load

4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
Sample Problem
4. Axial Load

4. Axial Load
4. Axial Load

4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member - Sample Problem


4. Axial Load
Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Member
Sample Problem


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