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Name: ________________________________________________________________

Section: ________________ 8. Isidra moves from a job as a computer programmer to a job as

a Web page designer. This is an example of _________
a. Horizontal mobility
b. Intergenerational mobility
Directions: Read very carefully the questions below and choose the c. Role mobility
letter that corresponds to your answer. Encircle the letter of the d. Vertical mobility
correct answer.

9. Which of the following perspective stated that “inequality

exists because some people are willing to exploit others”?
a. Conflict perspective
1. Which of the following defines social stratification? b. Structural- functionalist
a. Social isolation of people from each other c. Social exchange
b. System in which everyone is equal but perform very d. Symbolic- Interactionist
different tasks
c. System by which a person’s place in society is defined by
d. None of these 10. A politician describes inequality as a motivator of people to fill
the different and necessary positions in society. He is using
example of _______
a. Conflict theory
2. Which of the following best describes how social class is b. Social exchange theory
related to social stratification? c. Structural- Functionalist theory
a. Each layer has many layers of social stratification d. Symbolic- interactionist theory
b. Each layer of social stratification constitutes a social
c. The terms social stratification and social class mean the
same thing 11. Which of the states that stratification assures that the most
d. Social stratification exists in caste systems, whereas qualified people fill the most important positions, that these
social classes only exist in non-caste system qualified people perform their tasks competently, and that they
are rewarded for the effort?
a. Conflict theory
b. Structural- Functionalist theory
3. What is the key distinction between a caste system and a class c. Symbolic- interactionist theory
system? d. None of the choices
a. A marriage within a specific group
b. Occupational prestige
c. Educational opportunity
d. Social mobility 12. Which of the following best describes the structural-
functionalist theory of social stratification?
a. Inequality exists because some people are willing to
exploit others
4. What is social stratification? b. Social stratification will eventually be eliminated when
a. The division of society into categories, ranks, or classes the workers revolt
b. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social c. Children are taught that a person’s social class is the
rewards result of their talent and effort
c. A social structure in which classes are determined by d. The inequality of social classes helps assure that the
ascribed status most qualified people fill the most important positions
d. A social structure in which classes are determined by
achieved status

13. Which of the following best describes the symbolic-

interactionist perspective of social stratification?
5. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards is a. Inequality exists because some people are willing to
known as ________ exploit others
a. Social inequality b. Social stratification will eventually be eliminated when
b. Social mobility the workers revolt
c. Social sharing c. Children are taught that a person’s social class is the
d. Social stratification result of their talent and effort
d. The inequality of social classes helps assure that the
most qualified people fill the most important positions
6. The most distinguishing characteristics of a caste system
(where class is based on birth) is that _____
a. People can only move intergenerationally 14. Which describes a society where people frequently can, by
b. People can move vertically, but not horizontally acquiring skills and working hard, move from one level of
c. Social status is inherited and cannot be changed social stratification to a higher level of social stratification.
d. Social status can be changed by education and hard a. Closed system
work b. Open system
c. Ethnic system
d. Estate system
7. A factory worker’s son earns his way through college and
eventually becomes a physics engineer. This is an example of
_____ 15. The child of an office clerk becomes a physician. This is an
a. Horizontal mobility example of _______
b. Intergenerational mobility a. Geographical mobility
c. Role mobility b. Intergenerational mobility
d. Vertical mobility c. Social mobility
d. Role mobility

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