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© Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22) The Coaching Engagement E - 1
Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn:

Terms used during the Coaching Engagement

The flow of a Coaching Engagement

2 - E The Coaching Engagement © Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22)
Terms Used in the Coaching Engagement

Coaching Engagement

The Coaching Engagement is the course of coaching a client over time, beginning

with the Discovery Session until you end your work with the client. A Coaching

Engagement may last for weeks, months or even years.LPI defines the coaching

engagement as the process of bringing a client onboard, working with them for a

determined number of sessions, and then bringing the engagement to a close. The

close of an engagement could be a renewal of their current engagement, taking a

break from coaching with you, stopping coaching with you, or determining they need

other support from a different type of professional.

Coaching Session

Each individual meeting with the client is a Coaching Session.


A Goal is a big-picture result that the client is targeting for a particular issue over

the course of the coaching engagement.

Examples: I will complete the first draft of my book by June 30.

I will lose 10 pounds by March 1.

During the Coaching Engagement, especially a longer one, the client will achieve

some goals and establish new ones.


An Outcome is what the client would like to accomplish by the end of the Coaching


Wrong: I will lose 10 pounds. (This is a Goal.)

Wrong: I will exercise 3 times this week. (This is an Action Step.)

© Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22) The Coaching Engagement E - 3
Right: I will come up with 3 different types of exercise that I can explore this week.

Right: I will raise my confidence around asking my boss for a raise from a 3 to a 7.

Action Steps

Action Steps are activities that the client agrees to accomplish before the next

Coaching Session.

Examples: This week, I will research 2 yoga and 2 Pilates studios and get

information on their programs.

Before our next session, I will work on my website for 4 hours.

4 - E The Coaching Engagement © Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22)
Flow of a Coaching Engagement

Complimentary Session
Interview to determine whether you will work together

Following the Complimentary Session

Email Welcome Packet, including welcome letter, coaching agreement

and any forms you’d like them to fill out

First Paid Session

Conduct a Discovery Session

At the close, determine if client is ready to set SMART goals

and if client would benefit from the Self-Discovery Process

Second Session
Select 3 – 5 areas from the Discovery Session and define SMART Goals for each


Start coaching around the SMART GOALS or a brand new issue

Third Session and Forward

Check in on progress from previous session’s actions

Coach client on:

SMART goals

Remaining Issues from the Discovery Session

A brand new issue

© Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22) The Coaching Engagement E - 5
Final Session (of engagement)
Check in on progress from previous session’s actions

Review all SMART goals and celebrate completion or progress

Determine next steps for the client

If client renews, proceed to the next step.

First Session after Renewal

Determine if the client wishes to continue with current SMART goals

or steps in the Self-Discovery Process


Do a new Discovery Session and set new SMART Goals

Second Session and Forward after Renewal

Check in on progress from previous session’s actions

Coach client on:

Ongoing SMART goals

A Remaining Issue from the Discovery Session

A brand new issue

Final Session (of Renewal Engagement)

Check in on progress from previous session’s actions

Review all SMART goals and celebrate completion or progress

Determine next steps for the client

If the client renews again, repeat from First Session after Renewal.

6 - E The Coaching Engagement © Fern Gorin and The Life Purpose Institute 1994-2022 (ver 06.22)

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