Skrócony Tekst Angielski

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Let's start with a surprising statistic: 87% of people experience an imbalance between work

and personal life.

Let's explore why achieving a balance between work and personal life has crucial benefits
for both mental health and productivity.

- Through proper time and priority management, individuals maintaining balance reduce
stress levels in their lives.
- Taking regular breaks from work and dedicating time to personal life allows for mental
rejuvenation, translating to improved emotional well-being.
- A balanced approach to life helps in better handling challenges and even turning them into
opportunities for personal development.

Regular rest and conscious task management contribute to increased energy and overall
physical endurance.

Example: One can imagine our body as a battery that needs time to recharge. Adequate rest
is a way to ensure that this battery is always ready to operate.

A balanced approach to life acts as a safeguard for both mental and physical health, creating
favorable conditions for achieving full mental and physical fitness. It is worth emphasizing
that these benefits are noticeable in both the short and long term, making balance not only
beneficial but also a lasting solution.

According to research, employees who maintain a balance between work and personal life
less frequently experience burnout. Rest not only prevents burnout but also promotes
increased productivity. "When employees are well-rested, they can solve problems more
effectively and make decisions more creatively."

"Sometimes, to achieve more, you have to take a step back and take care of your
regenerative abilities." It's essential to understand that maintaining a balance between work
and personal life is not only beneficial for the individual but also for the organization's overall
efficiency. Employees who prioritize balance are more engaged, productive, and bring long-
term benefits to both themselves and their workplaces.

Maintaining balance also allows for a sustainable connection between professional

responsibilities and time spent with family.

"Better time management means we can be present both at work and for our loved ones."
Taking the time to be with family allows for building lasting and satisfying relationships.
Effective time management and maintaining balance contribute to healthy family and social
relationships, positively impacting happiness, satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Now, let's present stories of people who have succeeded in maintaining a balance between
work and private life:

1. **Elon Musk:**
- An example of an entrepreneur and founder of companies like Tesla and SpaceX.
Despite intense business involvement, Musk emphasizes the importance of time
management and occasional rest, helping him maintain a life balance.

2. **Bill Gates:**
- Co-founder of Microsoft. Gates achieved tremendous success but also stresses the
importance of leisure time and relaxation as a crucial element for efficiency and life balance.

These examples illustrate that achieving a balance between work and personal life is
possible even in intense careers. It's worth drawing inspiration from experiences of
individuals who have balanced professional success with satisfaction and happiness in
private life.

The presentation will be structured around the ABC model, providing an effective platform for
managing time and energy. This model will help understand key aspects of maintaining a
balance between work and personal life, enabling effective time and energy management.

Let's move on to the basic structure, starting with key messages:

**Time Planning – How to Create an Effective Schedule:**

1. **Set Priorities:**
- Identify the most important goals and tasks in both work and personal life.
- Assign priorities to focus on the most critical tasks.

2. **Establish Realistic Time Goals:**

- Be realistic about the time needed for each task.
- Avoid overloading the schedule to prevent pressure and excessive stress.

3. **Implement Pomodoro Techniques:**

- Divide your time into intervals (e.g., 25 minutes of work + 5 minutes break).
- This technique helps maintain high efficiency through short, focused work periods.

4. **Introduce Time Blocking:**

- Assign specific time blocks to different types of tasks.
- Secure time for priority tasks to avoid postponing them.

5. **Manage Breaks:**
- Plan short breaks during extended work periods.
- Proper rest improves concentration and performance.

6. **Avoid Procrastination:**
- Set specific deadlines for tasks and stick to them.
- Following the plan helps avoid procrastination.

7. **Adjust the Schedule:**

- Regularly review and adjust the schedule based on changing priorities and conditions.
- Flexibility in planning allows better adaptation to reality.
8. **Maintain Balance:**
- Ensure a balance between work and personal life in the schedule.
- Separate time blocks for work, family, relaxation, and hobbies help maintain balance.

9. **Allocate Time for Rest:**

- Plan time for rest and rejuvenation.
- An overly intensive schedule can lead to fatigue, negatively affecting balance.

10. **Monitor Progress:**

- Regularly assess whether you're achieving your goals and maintaining balance.
- Proper progress monitoring allows for adjustments when necessary.

Creating an effective schedule requires a conscious approach, but it allows for efficient time
management while maintaining a balance between work and personal life.

Therefore, supporting a balance between work and personal life is an investment in one's
own health, satisfaction, and a fuller life. Today, I encourage you to take specific steps to
improve balance.

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