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A Research Paper
Presented to the
Senior High School
Ocampo Branch

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirement for the
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Information and Communication Technology - Grade 12

Gamban, Maria Shena C.

Illanza, Andy G.
Layosa, Joshua B.
Nosipeda, Jean Rose L.
Rimando, Jeremy S.
Soque, Jessa C.


First, to our Almighty God for the gift of wisdom and

knowledge and for giving us the courage to accomplish the study.

I would like to acknowledge and give thanks to my subject

teacher Miss Jemimah I. Corporal who made this work possible,

for guidance and advice carried us through all the stages of

writting our research with the completion of this research that

couldnt have been accomplished without the support of my


I would like to thank our classmates Mr. Dominggo Nobleza

for always helping to our group research even though he is not a

part of the task. The researchers would also like to extend

gratitude to our school principal Mrs. Eleonor M. Iraola, PH.D

and for allowing us the opportunity to conduct our research

among the senior high school students. Also to the senior high

school teachers who have given their consent for the full

participation of the students to give response to our study.

Lastly, our caring and loving supportive parents for

patience. It was a great comfort and relief to know that you are

willing to provide management of our household activities while

we are doing our work.


The use technology has a significant impact on every field

of as education and assessment. it increases the efficacy of

schooling. It supports campaign for literary. By promoting

inclusive education and mobile learning, it broadens the scope

of educations.

It makes scholarly community and research easier The

impacts of teaching methods on student academic achievement

have been the subject of numerous research studies, all of

which have shown a significant impact. However, there is a

divergent viewpoint on their findings these study employs meta

analytic review to integrate research on the impact of teaching

strategies. the purpose of this study was to examine preservice

teacher’s perceptions of the support their teacher education

programs provide for developing their technological pedagogical

content knowledge.

ICT has the potential to increase access to educational

resources, raises learning standards, increase instructions

output and help close the digital gap between different

socioeconomic groups. The main component in educational

planning which key factor in educational planning in education.


The use technology has a significant impact on every field

of as education and assessment. it increases the efficacy of

schooling. It supports campaign for literary.

By promoting inclusive education and mobile learning, it

broadens the scope of educations. It makes scholarly community

and research easier. ICT has several potential applications in

the sphere of education. It benefits all parties involved in the

education sector. The same topic is the covered in the recent

publications, together with the many difficulties presented by

ICT. economic, educational and technical barriers are among

difficulties. It is widely believing that information and

communication technologies (ICT)can will empower educators and

students by shifting the focus of teaching and learning from

instructor to the student. student’s learning gains and

motivation will grow as a result of this transition. According to

some studies there are many arguments that is against the effect

of ICT and achievement, one study will always show a big positive

influence, but another study will find no benefits.

The impacts of teaching methods on student academic

achievement have been the subject of numerous research studies,

all of which have shown a significant impact. However, there is a

divergent viewpoint on their findings these study employs meta

analytic review to integrate research on the impact of teaching


Statement of the problem

This study specifically aims to determine the possible

impacts of teaching information communication technology among

the grade 12 students of Genesis College Inc.

1. Is teaching ICT has an impact to students in choosing their


2. What are the impact of teaching method among grade 12 student

of Genesis College Inc.

Objective of the study

The main objective of this study is to determine the impact

of teaching methods among information communication technology

strand student of Genesis College Inc.

Specifically determined to:

1. Determine the impact of teaching methods

2. Helps achieve learning outcomes
3. Identify when to use a certain approach / methods with


Assumption of the study

The study central presumption is to identify and investigate

potential Effect of instructional strategies on grad 12 students

of genesis college INC who are studying information and

communication technology.


Ha: There is significant difference between the teaching methods

in the academic performance of the grade 12 student.

Ho: There is no significant difference between the teaching

methods in the academic performance of the grade 12 students.

Significance of the study

This study was in titled Impact of teaching methods among

information communication technology strand students of Genesis

Colleges INC. This is study it important to the following

To the students. This will give them different ideas about the

impact of teaching methods among information communication

technology students.

To the teachers. Give the important role in the management of the

classroom on how to educate the information communication

Technology Strand student.

To the school. Helps student achieve their learning goals to the


To the future researchers. This study is limited and focused only

about the serve as related study to the researcher associated and

similar in this study.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is limited and focused only about the impact of

teaching methods among information and communication technology

strand, the respondent of the study are the students of Genesis

College Inc. to collected from senior high school colleges INC.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted at Ocampo branch of genesis

college Inc. the respondents that are living beyond the community

will be interviewed through messenger.

The researchers chose the implementation site because it will

give them knowledge they need to provide particular responses.

The study will be conducted in the first semester of the 2022-

2023 academic year.

Figure 1.
Genesis Colleges
Definition of terms

ICT. “ICT” means Information and Communication Technology and

refers to the combination of manufacturing and services

industries that capture, transmit and display data and

information electronically

Impact. The noun impact can refer to a physical force (like a

collision), an influence (a bad role model or a hero), or a

strong effect (a foot of snow will have an impact on driving

conditions). Impact is used most often as a noun.

Teaching Method. a particular form of procedure for

accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic

or established one.

This chapter is a discussion of the literatures and the

result of other related researchers to which the present study is

related or has some bearing or similarity. This gave the author

enough background in understanding the study.

Related Literature

(British journal of education Technology) the purpose of this

study was to examine preservice teacher’s perceptions of the

support their teacher education programs provide for developing

their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). The

research was conducted with 215 preservice teachers in the last

year of teacher education programs and teaching certificate

programs in three universities in turkey. Data sources were the

synthesis of qualitative evidence (SQD) scale that was validated

in the Turkish context as part of this study and the TPACK-

practical scale.

(Education and information technologies) Many decades after

the introduction of ICT into classrooms there are still

unanswered questions about the impact of technology in the long

and short term on students learning, and how it has affected

simple and complex learning task. There are important for (a)

forming government policies (b) directing teacher education

programmers (c) advancing national curricula (d) designing or

reforming classroom implementation and (e) analyzing costs and

benefits. While a plethora of studies has been conducted on the

effects of ICT has implemented have a major/minor impact on

students’ knowledge and understanding. And “does the impact

affect the surface or deep structure of students thinking band

acting?” to date we have had no large scale longitudinal studies

of ICT’s in education such as we have in the form of studies of

earlier major curriculum development projects.

According to (European school net, 2006) The use of ICT in

education and training has been a key priority in most European

countries during the last decade, but progress has been uneven.

There are considerable differences of e maturity within and

between countries, and between schools within countries, in some

countries schools have embedded ICT into the curriculum and

demonstrate high levels of affective and appropriate ICT use to

support teaching and learning across a wide range of subject

areas, in other countries however schools are in the early phase

of ICT adoption, characterized by important enhancements 0f the

learning process, some development of e-learning process, (ICT

enabled learning), but no profound Improvements in learning and

teaching. Such process as has taken place has been achieved at

considerable cost. All EU countries have invested in ICT in

schools. Just to give two examples’ which will be looked at in

this report, Denmark has invested in their national ICT project

(ITMF for primary and lower secondary educational schools) a sum

of 43m over a 4-year period.

British journal of educational technology pre-service teachers

need acquires information and communication technology (ICT)

competency in order to integrate ICT into their teaching

practices. This research is intended to examine the foreign

sources which is conducted to determine the preservice teacher’s

perception to support their education program. According to the

previous studies about teaching methods, beliefs form a part of

the process of understanding how teachers shape their work which

is significant to the comprehending of their teaching methods and

their decisions in the classroom. Teachers beliefs now a deep

impact on their classroom principles.

Correlated Studies

ICT has the potential to increase access to educational

resources, raises learning standards, increase instructions

output and help close the digital gap between different

socioeconomic groups. Additionally, at raises student engagement,

which raises their success rate. Though online tutorials and

distant learning, this technology helps top improve access to

education people can take advantage of more modern learning

methods like interactive multi-media and virtual reality.

Synthesis of the state of the art

The main component in educational planning which key factor in

educational planning in education. Despite the importance of good

teaching the outcomes are far from ideal. The present qualitative

study aimed to investigate effective higher education in Genesis

College Inc.

According to the results of some studies the best teaching

approach is mixed method (student-centered together with teacher

centered) plus educational planning and previous readiness. But

whenever the teachers can teach using their method confront some

barriers and requirements; same of these requirements are in

professor’s behavior and some of these are prerequisites in

professors outlook. (Anderson, 2012)

Gap bridge of the study

The back-to-basic traditional education method, also known as

connectional education, is still widely used in schools the old

fashioned way of teaching was all about recitation, for example

students would sit in silence, which one students after another

would take it in turn to recite the lesson, until each one had
been called upon. The teachers would listen to each students

recitation. And they were expended to study and memorize the

assignments at the end of the module a written test or oral

examination would be conducted; the process was called assignment

study recitation test.

Education reforms means scanning the taught from a

completely different angle progressive educational practices

focus on the individual need rather than assuming all students

one at the some back of understanding the modern way of teaching

is none activity based using questioning, explaining,

demonstration and collaboration techniques one methods spaced

learning, this is students encouraged w=quickly switch though

Theoretical Framework

Behaviorism Theory
IMPACT OF TEACHING (John B, Watson early 20th



INFORMATION AND Cognitive learning Theory

(M. Wertheimer, w.kohler,k.
koffka, and lewin 1900)


Connectivist learning Theory

Figure 2

Theoretical Framework
Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism is more concerned with behavior than with

thinking, feeling, or knowing. It focuses on the objective and

observable components of behavior. The behaviorist theories all

share some version of stimulus-response mechanism for learning.

Behaviorism was founded by John B. Watson in the early part of

the 2oth century, this was the earliest formulation of a coherent

learning theory. Watson’s work was based on the experiments of

Ivan Pavlov, and classical conditioning. A variety of

perspectives emerged over the next few decades, including the

work of Thorndike, Tolman, Guthrie, Hull, Skinner and studies.

Nowadays, behaviorism is associated with the name of B.F

skinner, who made his reputation by testing watson’s theories in

the laboratory. Skinner believed that people respond to their

environment, but they also operate on the environment to produce

certain consequences. Thus they participate in a feedback loop as

an important part of a larger system. Skinner developed the

theory of operant conditioning the idea that we behave the way we

do because kind of behavior has certain consequences in the past.

Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory are concerned with process which

occur inside the brain obvious system as a person learns. They

share the idea that people actively process information and

learning takes place through the effort of the learner, internal

mental processes include inputting, organizing, storing,

retrieving, and finding relationships between information. New

information is linked to old ones, schema and scripts. All the

various cognitive approaches emphasize how information is

processed. There were some very early efforts to organize

cognitive theories in the late 1900’s but these were usurped by

the behaviorist work being done at that time. It was not until

the years after world war II that cognitive theories began to

find their strength.

The gestalt learning theories were the first to challenge the

behaviorist point of view. They criticized behaviorism for its

reductionist tendencies, and felt it was too dependent on

external behaviors to explain learning. By the mid twentieth

century, gestalt learning theories and the work of m. weithemer,

w.kohler, k. koffka and lewin provided competition to behaviorism

as the only accepted theory of learning at these time.

Gestalt learning theories emphasized perception, insight, and

meaning as the key elements of learning. The individual was seen

as a perceptual organism, who organized, interpreted, and gave

meaning to the events that infringed upon his consciousness.

Making sense of events and phenomena was diving concept. The

learner make seen of things by thinking about them. For

gestalts’, the individuality of the learner and his internal

mental processes is the same.

Connectivist learning Theory

Connectivism was introduced as a learning theory based on the

premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the

head of an individual connectivism proposer a perspective similar

to the activity theory of L.S Vygotsky as it regards knowledge to

exist within systems which are accessed through people

participating in activities. It also bears some similarity with

the social learning theory of A.Bandura that proposes that people

for the digital age, “special importance that is given to the

effect digital technology has on how people live, how they

communicate and how they learn.

One aspect of connectivism is the use of a network with

nodes and connections as a central metaphor for learning in this

metaphor, a node is anything that can be connected to another

node within a network such as an organization, information, data,

feelings, images. Connectivism sees learning as the process of

creating connections and developing a network. Not all

connections are of equal strength in this metaphor, in fact, many

connections may be quite weak. The idea of organizations being

cognitive systems where knowledge is distributed across a network

of nodes can be traced back to the work on the perception. This

metaphor is directly borrowed from connectionism “a paradigm in

cognitive sciences that sees mental or behavioral phenomena as

the emergent processes of interconnected networks of simple


Process Output

1. Is teaching ICT IMPACT OF

has an impact to TEACHING METHODS
-Review of Related students in AMONG GRADE 12
Literature choosing their STUDENTS OF
-Theoretical -yes INCORPORATION
Framework 2. Determining the UNDER THE
impact of teaching INFORMATION AND
-Research Instrument method among grade 12 COMMUNICATIONS
-Statistical student of Genesis TECHNOLOGY
Treatment -successful teaching
strategy encourages
student to challenges
their beliefs.
-pushes them to learn
by placing them in

Figure 3
Conceptual Framework CHAPTER 3


A survey is a set of questions used in Human research with

the goal of gathering specific information form particular

population for the surveillance, the researchers performed

certain questions. The respondents in the conducted research were

the grade 12 students of Genesis College Inc. under the

Information and Communications Technology program. Those who were

beyond the locality were allotted of answering the genesis

digitally, and also collected data through personal interview.

Research Design

Studies with the foal of evaluating interventions but without

the use of randomization are known for quasi-experiments. Similar

to randomized chart trials, the goal of quasi-experiments is to

show that an intervention causes can effect.

Quasi- Experimental Design

Reaching Methods

Directing Discussing Delegating

X – treatment
O – Post-test

Figure 4.
Research Design

Research Purpose
The purpose of this research is to determine the possible

effect of interventions learning and teaching are interrelated

learning about the most recent field of educations helps

effective teachers develop their ability continuously. But what

precisely are teaching and learning, and how can you encourage a

synchronistic and fluid link between teaching and learning a

healthy relationship between student learning and teaching is

stressed in the following handbook, which also provides teaching


Sampling Technique

The systematic sampling procedure assigns each element in a

population the same probability of being selected. This assures

that the sample mean will be an unbiased estimate of the

population mean when the number of elements in the population (N)

is equal to K times the number of elements in the sample (N).

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the Grade 12 students of

Genesis Colleges Inc. under the Information and Communications

Technology strand.


FEMALE 20 17-30

MALE 16 17-21


Table 1. shows the respondents of the study

Research Instrument

We used survey as our research instrument for our study, a

target population, referred to as the sample, is surveyed by

telephone, in person interviews, online survey questionnaires in

survey research that can be done automatically. In the survey

administration stage of their research, masters and doctoral

candidates receive assistance from the experts at statistics

solutions. The survey tolls you employ to collect data your

thesis in dissertation are quite important.

Research Procedure

From a population, the researchers selected a group a

participant that will serve as a respondents and give them some

standard questionnaires, may be in a form a written document that

the subject of the survey fills out, an online survey, a

telephone interview, on a face to face interview, data from both

large and small groups can be gathered through surveys that

sometimes referred as the universe of the study.

Research Procedure October November December January

(2022) (2022) (2022) (2023)

1.Planning research


2.Formulation of ideas

3. Settings information

from previous student

4. Formulation of

research title

5. Brainstorming
6. Polishing the

formulated idea.

7. Making of all chapter

Data Gathering

A sample respondent is chosen by the researchers from the

whole population, and they are given a standard questionnaire to

complete. The survey is inTable 2. of fill out, internet form and

a form
online interview. Survey Procedure
is defined as the act of examining a

process on questioning requested sample of individuals to obtain

data about a service, product or process.

Data Analysis

From the observations, the questionnaires gained high

percentage of agreement that teaching strategies has a large

impact it also implies to maturity, age, motivation, previous

learning, intelligence, mental health, physical need, diet and

nutrition, attention, and interest, goal setting and level of

aspiration are the factors.

Source of data

The primary and secondary sources were drawn in obtaining the

essential data needed in this research. The thirty-Six (36) grade

12 students of Genesis Colleges Inc. S.Y 2022 – 2023. Books,

Article, unpublished research and internet were the secondary

sources of data.


This chapter present the findings and analysis and

interpretation of data gathered.


There are a total of 36 respondents who answered the

following question regarding the possible effects of teaching

methods on the grade 12 students of genesis colleges

incorporation under the information and communication technology

strand. Each of them has an age range of 17 to 30 in female

category and 17 to 21 in male category.


FEMALE 20 17-30

MALE 16 17-21

Total 36

Profile of the correspondent



20 16

Total: 36

TABLE 2. The respondent, percentage, they are randomly selected

by the researcher in grade 12 Genesis College INC.


17 13 36%

18 13 36%

19 7 19%

20 Above 3 9%

TOTAL 36 100%

Frequency and Percentage distribution of the Respondents in

term of age

Figure 4.
Age percentage
Statistical treatment
The pie graph shows the percentage of
The data to be gathered in this study be subjected of the
responses by the respondents age range
following statistical treatment.

For specific question #1:

The frequency of each response will be determining the

number of respondents who will check in the particular item.

The demographic profile of the respondents will be determined

by using the formula of percentage.

P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Total number of the respondents

Presentation of data

The graph presents the following distributions of the

respondents that participated in answering the questions given

by the researchers.

QUESTIONNAIRES Always Sometime Never

Bar graph of the (3)

following s (1)

responses depending on the age (2)

1.Do you enjoy the activities that given by your

teacher. 16 12 8

2.Did this strand is related for what profession do

you prefer from the future? 9 18 9

3.As an ICT student did you encounter problem and

struggle in your strand 16 11 9

4.Do you prefer to use technology for education

purposes? 15 13 9

5.Is it ICT in education do really improves

engagement and knowledge retention? 19 9 8

6.Do you think that this land of teaching Method has

a good impact on everyone to have a good 20 11 5


7.Do you think that impact of teaching method will

help you in your daily life? 17 10 9

8.Do you think that the overuse of technology may

have a more crucial impact on following children and 23 9 4


9. Can you say that teaching method have Impact to

your life or Education 22 9 5

10. Are you satisfied with the lesson that teach in 16 13 7

your school?
1)Yes, base on the survey we conducted, 16 respondent answered

always, they enjoy the activities that given by our teacher

2.) Base on the survey some says always and out of 36 respondent

18 of them say sometimes

3.) As an ICT student we are encountered problem and struggle in

our strand, base on survey 16 respondent answered always, 11

answered no and 9 answered sometimes.

4.) Yes, they prefer to use technology for education purpose.

5.) Yes, Information Communication Technology has really improves

engagement and knowledge retention

6.) According to our survey, the respondents answered that a good

impact on everyone to have a good communication

7.) I think yes , according to our survey 17 respondent answered

always, that impact of teaching method will help you in our daily

life .

8.) Yes, overuse of technology may have a more crucial impact on

following children and teenager

9.) Yes, out of 36 respondent 22 answer always that teaching

method have impact to our life or education.

10.) Yes, 16 respondent are are satisfied with the lesson that

teaches in our school.



In summation, a Teaching method is made up of the ideas and

techniques that teaches employ to facilitate student learning.

Both the subject matter to be taught and learners personality

influence these tactics in different ways. The student, the

subject content, and the intended learning style must be taken

into consideration for a teaching method to be effective and


The impact of effective teaching techniques on students’

academic performance and learning outcomes, as well as the

researchers own experiences, are the main topics of this debate.

By providing the daily specified planned content that is

component of the curriculum for a given grade, a teacher performs

crucial role within a few hours in the classroom. It is up to the

instructor to organize it and implement efficient delivery

methods for its educational content. Teachers must be passionate

about both learning and teaching in addition to being able to

identify the wants and interest of their students. Teachers must

be tech savvy in order to keep up with the ever changing and

evolving needs of a global society.

1. According to survey we conducted on grade 12 information

communication Technology out of 36 respondents (9) students

agreed to the result of teaching method of having an impact to

student in choosing their courses.

2. In the current study it was shown that a successful teaching

strategy encourages student to challenges their beliefs and

pushes them to learn by placing them in circumstances when they

begin to see themselves as the source of knowledge and the

drivers of changes but there are some restrictions and criteria

for training using this method.


1). There is evidence to suggest that participating student

teachers benefit academically and professional. That will help

them choose the right decision to find their courses.

2). Therefore, we draw the conclusion that the teaching methods

significantly affect the grade 12 student of GENESIS COLLEGES

INC. who are enrolled in the academic trade for information and

communication technology.

1. For the future research to make I more specific even it comes

to different aspects of life as human person the physical

spiritual and emotional aspects of life?

2. This research we’ve been conducted is to show the impact of

teaching methods, this research might be used for your own

research purposes and it might improve your knowledge about

teaching methods.


Review of Related Literature

British Educational Research Association (BERA) journals hub on
the Wiley Online Library. For BERA’s own website, please



Teacher Training Materials for ICT in Education


Theoretical framework


The Benefits of Technology in Education





Name: Ma. Shena C. Gamban

Nickname: Shen
Age: 19
Birthday: January 8, 2004
Birthplace: Sagrada Iriga City
Place: Sagrada Iriga City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Gilbert N. Gamban
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother’s Name: Flor C. Gamban
Occupation: Housewife

Background of Education
Elementary School: Sagrada Elementary School
Junior High School: Sagrada National High School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.


Name: Andy G. Illanza

Nickname: noy
Age: 18
Birthday: October 31, 2004
Birthplace: Del Rosario, Ocampo Camarines sur
Place: San Antonio, Ocampo Camarines sur
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Antonio B. Illanza
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother’s Name: Janice G. Illanza
Occupation: Barangay Tanod

Background of Education
Elementary School: San Antonio Elementary School
Junior High School: V. Bagasina Sr. Memorial High School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.


Name: Joshua B. Layosa

Nickname: Wawa
Age: 18
Birthday: December 24, 2005
Birthplace: May Ogob Ocampo Camarines sur
Place: May Ogob Ocampo Camarines sur
Religion: Christian Civil
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Netfale C. Layosa
Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Evelyn A. Layosa
Occupation: Housewife

Background of Education
Elementary School: Cristo Rey Integrated School
Junior High School: Cristo Rey Integrated School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.


Name: Jean Rose L. Nosipeda

Nickname: Intang
Age: 17
Birthday: February 12, 2005
Birthplace: Dr. Ramos Hospital Quezon city
Place: Zone 3 Ayugan Ocampo Camarines sur
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Joseph P. Nosipeda
Occupation: Driver
Mother’s Name: Rowena L. Nosipeda
Occupation: Housewife

Background of Education
Elementary School: Himaao Elementary School
Junior High School: V. Bagasina Sr. Memorial High School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.


Name: Jeremy Rimando

Nickname: Jemjem
Age: 19
Birthday: November 25, 2003
Birthplace: Bicol Medical Center Hospital
Place: Poblacion east Ocampo Camarines sur
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Joery Rimando
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother’s Name: Marilyn Rimando
Occupation: Housewife

Background of Education
Elementary School: Ocampo Central Elementary School
Junior High School: Ocampo National High School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.


Name: Jessa C. Soque

Nickname: Jhess
Age: 19
Birthday: October 1, 2003
Birthplace: Pinit Ocampo Camarines sur
Place: Hanawan Ocampo Camarines sur
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Father’s Name: Jessie G. Soque
Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Rosanna L. Soque
Occupation: Housewife

Background of Education
Elementary School: Hanawan Elementary School
Junior High School: Hanawan National High School
Senior High School: Genesis Colleges Inc.

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