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FLUID MECHANICS 7 Usence oF Eluid Flon : 7 bedwoen the treores ane experiments FLUID Flow 7 branch o¢ mechanics Taticpies 4 cet oF welldocumeneet base 1s, reat deal oF Sheoretical treatment + Fluict mechanics *Hlwant properties oF Fluide ' Viscosity ‘Thermo dynamice pnparties *Curface 4encion * Capillary FLUID MecHANtes » Ehud ~ Latin ~ “fluidus" — : Ga substance that degorms continously uncer “the action oF A hear CHESS. CragtaKarton 6 velocity Imation) 7 Mechanics - G science That deals wh the Physical ehergy and a forces and their oFFet on “the object. b ae es pe ep ee peewee” 7Ghalysis of the behavior OF the Fluide based upon atic ® fundamental lame of applied recnqnice that related » 2 tte Conservation of mass-energy ang ‘the Bre Movnentum equation. > PROCESS REACTION % ET] RiwiD Boy G METAL GLASS, FIC Foner ; ee E HON ~RiD bor ‘uo ope? & ) RUBBER Pependiculae 6 @£5 Funipe erase vi WATER, o} Z shearing strecs appeets fhe derormation of ? Hody ° RELEVANT PROPERTIES « Proper tgs : Characturichies Of a wycem, either bo open system » ciaed cuctum ang isiated vyctem- can alo be divided as extensive, and intencive Properties: ¥ OPEN SUSTEM a- CUED cycrem : 7 ONLY Kee the anergy pacc *Mroagh Its boundary: “astm 1 Erm the “— : LENERG: ‘Mough the «ys fae PROPERTIES ey 3 16) 1 1 iL SURROUND POL \_ etunseny PPPRPAPPPEIIIGGG —THVVVEELEEEEGG ara 2 ISOLATED SYSTEM 7 system isplaed 40 its UNMOUNdING ~ Ht dacs not agCeLk or offered lay ie MUrroUnding hence potting pacces thiouah iS boundary. G : DENSITY or mas dtasty (0) > Fatio of Me mass of a fivid Cm) 40 a voIme, cv), disp Caled as Wace por unit yylume of a Timid m aw SPECIFIC WEIGHT / aeig . Wel OAT 7 WOO verween the wegH GT a uid 40 Hs vou. > Weight Per unit volume ef a -fiiid IE called weterT DenciTy 1 = Magi of -aefluid 9a f9 Wwaight = mais x gravity SPECIFIC GRAVITY C8@) 2 dimontiontess quantity and - 2 Voto of the density Of a cubstance 40 thar OF reference density which is 100d Kg hm? Cdersity of wore) for liquid and density of Git for gas ot vtandard temperature precsure Cem) sg=_Pewsrance 2 Yasup Y neperemer/ Tre F liquid > water 9 (000 Kg fre? gas > ait Niscosity Cw) 7 dynamic viscosity 7 yesist the movement of one layer of fluid over another adjavent layer of qne twid. > When two fayerc of O flu, a distance “dy” apart,move ony quer the other at difraran veivcities » say a anc udu a chown below, the viscosity Tugetner w] relative velocity Caycer a chear «tn acting bewoun thy fluid layer - 7 They top layer cases a chaar virecs Cr) on tm adjavent lower Iqyar white fre lower layer cauicy a hear stress on Ane ddiacert wwe jayes: This cnosr tree 6 doportivgal AWE MAHL OF change of velvety wi tupet to y- Tis tho “Near sWUS applied to fic AL Weeentity Of tHe fluid difdy verocity gradiant of tne fwid 7 reict The mation [the maremont Cauted by the Adhecion |adinesive film 7 habang Wwimatayo \O pla, inversey propyrfinal wim cece Aue tho velodty te OWE PRorRMORAL LA SHEARING crREC: rehearing “lay reer ps PREP I TT Y As for The unit of viscosity, it can be ovtained w PUN the gimensions of Me quantifies in the equunen Foi Med. My Rs a A= Yow x time (erga) bwetien: Koss Nes dyn : Varn = Gel we FATA = ag peice, KINEMATIC ViscoerTy Cy) 7 Aids weerna resistance 4 tow under gravitational foronc. 7 Patio of the viscecity te tne dencty of ihe 4wid an eUprecced ge aes ve ~ = Fetetine _ Afase-penatn singe Ve tage = — Eine We Mass mass Uagey Cage Y= _(Lengtn)* + Thine, | HE = \croKe VARIATION OF Viscosity 7 + Tunporature agfocts viscosity A 7 viscosity of liquidy dearyacec w/ thy increase of temp wf Tviscasity Of qaiec incredtec withthe inocase, of +emp- CF + The viscous Forces in a fuid are due 40 cohesive faites ¢ and molecular momentum transfer - ; ¢ “in Viquids >We HUI Forres predominak the moiccujar © momantuin transfor due to dvsely pucwed motccuies and (G™ awl We increace In inp, ‘the onflecive foies decreace, wl” the resutr of decrgasivig, viscosity. MM HMe Case Of gases, the Coherive gas ary ital and molewuldr thomentum Avanster predominak<. with tae Inagast c= in Hmporsture , malecaltarr momentum transfer Increases ard hence Viscosity inengaros: ; i Cx ) © ceparation OF molecules ~7 decrease op velocity : IDEAL FLU\P : ; > imeompresdbie and is having no viseosity » is Known as an ideal Sa twid. * gnly an imayjnary fluid as all the Huide, wie aist, kaye, Come Wsusity- . a. REAL FLUID a. ~ > possesses vViscrsity, 7 ail the Tui ds, in actual prigoticy, ary neal -Huids 3 NEWTONIAN FLUID >a real fluid, in Whe the Chear vise is direchy Proportional to tne rate oF shear Strain Loy veiveity gradient) , is known ds a Newtnian fluid 4. NON- NEWTONIAN. FLUWD 7d veal tid, in wle the wnuar wivess is not Propiytional ty the rate of vhagr tain Cor veigcity gradi yt) 5. DEAL PLASTIC FLUID >A FWid , in Whe wear ctrese is more than the yield VaWe And chdar dtress ary proportional ty the imate of Ghear cain Cor velvaty gradient), Z\DERL FLUID > VELoCT GRADIERT tS) TYPES OF FLUIDS THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES * Fluide consist of liquids or gases But gases are ompressivie fluide and hence thermodynamic properties Play an important rule. With thy change of pressure and temperature , thy gaces undergo large variation in density. “Thy relationship benmeen preccure Cabiolute) » Cp edi ge volume Und kmperoture (abtoiuk) ef a gac is given by fhe equation of take ac Porpentty Fart ing ‘Prictiontess Picton Poiume mange pV = nRuT pv = MRT LY = mr where 3 P= abspwte pressure of the gas Vr volume of gas T- abspwie temporature of the gas W- nunnber vf moles of the gas m- mass of the gas Run universal gas Uonstart , | R= gas cpnstant of he gas ¢ ¢ € eG es FLUID MECHANICS Thermodynamic Propertios Fore - puch of pull acting on an qvject fol F=(3e] ma F = Fore acting on an object M~ macs OF an object 4 accaeration OF “the object $°~ proportionality umctant PRESSupe uted Foree. normal ty the curpaug, Por unit dreg Fans = Faauge + Pat TEMPERATURE ~ Mhearcure oF Woiness or coLdnece OF a body. = System oF Units a Aw. 7 Malish Ye oF g Gl-u Te kK WVUVUPEEEEDECCG Gia ae ¢ heat oF a ‘ubctance fc a meacurt op the d encrgy v| tnpearture in ofmbol The cperip d Variation of He tore w Kg op: q tv - specific heat at constant wlune expresced ac a ¢ ratio oF ittdrnal eney por unit mace , aad-oP FI Cp ~ xpedigic heat at conckant preccunt expressed at she patio € enthalpy per unit mast: COMPREC BILITY ~ Fécleracal OF the vulk modulus oF casticity. kK - ratio OF comprective strc to wolumetric chain: oe ke ~ Nap CYLINDER ‘SURFAGE TEWION @ ~ tensile < wl a {oe 4g om he curpane. op a Niguid in cot Vi . Mh Ane eucface between fu immisciWt quis wcuch that tne cam tact fata mem brine under toncion. ~The magnitude % hic Fe wursact will have Oneay por unit arta. Fore per ynit length oF the he ame vatuy ac “the surpane COO OOCCEPC RETA, SURFACE TENSION CURFACE TENSION on ew peopLeT Lg =pxt gy tek = carga, Hanson oT et 4 4 P= Prescure intensity incide, ‘the devptet: Cimare than tt tutider preceuse intercity) pe 40 d= diameite o¢ dip lor J © @ «©, De a) DROPLET 9 curace O PRECCURE Force. FORCES OM ORorLeT Px Be aoa UVUVTITIaTs SURFECE TENSION OH dawow BUBBLE rx Tee 2x (rx wd) = 8¢ dels SURFACE TENSION ON & Ueuip Jet PRLX d= ox aL Po xa Lxd ra a rT CAPILLARY | Capplarity ~ a pacromenon, oF Tit or fall oF a liquid : 9-0 125m K= $450 § fom” & Calculate the Capiliary Erect in millimetre in a glass tube, of 4mm cdiamejur wien immerted in Ci) water aot ) mercury. The temperature of the Viguid ‘ 20° amet The ealues of the curface Fonsien ve waler and mercury at 20°C in contac wl air are 0.072595 Nim and © 5tNin TesPectively. The angie ye Umtad tor Water i< 200 ana that ter ine i 130% Take dencity of watur wt amc, % tual to qaq ke ims. Giron: Ac 0-04m3 Regd: bh olution : 1) Gpillary eggect gor watyr T= 0-0735%5 Nim @ #=0° y= 993 Kglm? = @ zoe a. ea eee h= Avast rgd he 4 C0-07359¢ Nim) Coos) (4a kglwe?X 4.24 mis?) (0.0064m) he 1.51 x10? m W= 1.51 wm D) Crittany or FeLt For mercury r= O-S1 Non @ B= [ape P= {300 Naim? @ 10, he Ar cosp pga h= 4(0-51 Nim) (coctac’) W= - 24 x10 h= - 2-4 mm Aetivity Rooms +1 wy | K dla Q-oasmm dictint from a fixed plate, mores at Gocm|c and requires « Forze of AN Per unit arta GNIm) to maintain > thie Speed: Determine tm, fluid viccetity werwern ‘we plates. my Give: dye D0asmm = acid Regd: y t= Loum = SKI m = G0 unis = Ve anime Sol: : ™ From can. oF dynamic viscosity i) =o . A Gu Tas) MY change oF wclacity (aus) = AW= U-Uo= GO- 0 = GO anle iy Yen, = M= (anne) M*@-a3.xi9Nelm) ? (Go cmis) (4¢41 poice 4-01 N< (nr) : b- 3 = ce = 4-33 xis poice ne [m= $-33 x05 Asin] a.Caloulat ine dynamic viscocity oF an oil ,wle ic use por »? Wwbrication between a W= goon Pe > UF O-3mi(c ro Colution = Farce aLking along 4he plane = eompmnent oF weight parallel pee -. Fe win 39” = 30051090" f= Ison 7 From eqn. of choaritnegs » ‘ r a v-£ . lon : & * O.qum® ¢ Vs aad.ars Mim? es | A= v: a: = Asu 37 Nin ay amie 0.0016 m ¢ 0-3 mis [tes wa] “ Welt — o MAH We TGAS poise, = ie 3: The dynamic Viscority oF an cil ,uccd for lubrication between A char and cleewe ic poicec. The it op Aiamexur O-4m and rotates at 199 Rem - Calculate, the power lest in the bearing for a cleus Hength °F Aomm. Thy thicknesc oF tne ol palm fs LSMm- smn Given: i Cuca * WE © poise i T Qi n= 4 ppiee en) b Q i MeO N-slm® se ¢ De O-4m Rey'd: fyuy, OME eet = « P ee t= ry on Ine Cr) du=u q Wm = D.0015iq ME Mar Uo BC =9 tagy ar: = D-o0Ie be ME TDN i (eo a(S) = T(o)(ta0) TO seid (3 a) . 0. bo = (sar pnt “015m Me 348 ms VVVERERERDEC CEE Shtar force on the chart, FeV -Area = 15% TDL F= (542 Nim) EM) (0-4) (0-041) Fe l$v.0oN Trane om the chap4 , T= FE) T™ lgp-ocy ( 2d) ae Pipe ( 2) Power lost , (Pp) PL= amu wm = aT C140) (34.01) ~~ wa PL= TG.¥g w or PLE THu.e yw ( kw ar PL= 0-10-49 Ka surpaxe tonsi i air ot 20% is 4 The tension oF wate in contact wl ; 0-025 Whim. The preccurt inside the drplet ef walur ic ty be mutside- prescure. Caleulat, Te _ 0-02 Nom qrvator than the Y Mametr % the dnp, op uniw. Given: a= 0-07225 Nim @ aye P= 0-02 Mlom* ( ou oo wl” Regd: 4 oF the dept oF wale Cowtion: , o> sr d= 4(0.07a6 Nini) a 20 Nn a= Ag > LYS xm (Secs) * a= 1-45 mn \ 4 fer Wrication bohaeon 5- BM Bil OF viscocity & poise 1 weed tor lulrication beheen Wales ses ta rn een tag Cz mp mee ake kha proor User In cil for a clecut tent. pling neal all filmy « Lomm- Given: Me 5 wee (*H A-$1 poise Wi) osname — Peg: Rwer lt Cer) ¢ = 05m Ne aon tem L= too mmm ( wal tevomw) =olm AY= \omm = o.o0lm (Ahickness) ¢€ Cdlutin: e W= TON = Wlo-sw) (200) _ 5.24 mls 0 w du = S.2y-g = 5.aUmlc Ghar ASS on chap t Veu (Hh) = 0-5 Nee IO aan ae “Shear force en cnapy Fo v-toe = G20 Win) (0.5%) om) = Asch : TDrAUe, en chart , TF ECR) = ay 5) + Power tog+ (et) Le annt FTN - + “eae Teanltiva-éa) asy.arw 30 l= alsy.aaw (448 y = 102.9975 Nm -ABBBABAP? FFE

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