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1. Which statement about disas- ANS: A

ters is true?
a. They can be natural or hu- A disaster is any natural or human-made
man-made. incident that causes disruption, destruc-
b. They can be relieved without tion, and/or devastation requiring external
assistance. assistance. Although natural incidents like
c. There is always injury and earthquakes of hurricanes trigger many
death when a disaster occurs. disasters, predictable and preventable hu-
d. The timing of a disaster man-made factors can further affect the dis-
does not influence the types of aster. In the disaster response phase, the
injuries that will occur. incident type and time predict subsequent
injuries and illnesses.

2. Acts of bioterrorism or nat- ANS: B

ural disasters, such as earth-
quakes, will often have more The use of weapons of mass destruction or
casualties because: natural disasters, such as earthquakes, will
a. they cause the most wide- often have more casualties because victims
spread destruction. have little time to make evacuation prepara-
b. victims have little time tions. The other answers are false.
to make evacuation prepara-
c. those with chronic condi-
tions cannot escape in time.
d. the early warning systems
are not effective.

3. A nurse responds to a natural ANS: C

disaster. Which of the follow-
ing is the nurse most likely re- A communicable disease epidemic would
sponding to? be considered a natural disaster. Trans-
a. Transportation accident portations accidents, pollution, and fire are
b. Pollution considered human-made disasters.
c. Communicable disease epi-
d. Fire

4. A nurse responds to a hu- ANS: A

man-made disaster. Which of
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the following describes what A structural collapse would be considered a
the nurse is responding to? human-made disaster. Communicable dis-
a. Structural collapse ease epidemics, mud slides, and floods are
b. Communicable disease epi- considered to be natural disasters.
c. Mud slides
d. Floods

5. A nurse is working with an old- ANS: B

er person following a disaster.
Which of the following emo- A common reaction of older persons ex-
tions of the client should be periencing disaster may be fear of loss of
anticipated by the nurse? independence. Young children may respond
a. Anger with regression. The community in general
b. Fear of loss of indepen- may respond will feelings of anger, sorrow,
dence guilt, and perceived blame for the disaster
c. Violence or the outcomes of the disaster. Violence
d. Regression should not be anticipated with any of the
populations discussed in the text.

6. A nurse experiences a stress ANS: D

reaction while working with
the survivors of a disaster. Symptoms that may signal a need for stress
Which of the following best de- management assistance include the follow-
scribes what has happened? ing: being reluctant or refusing to leave the
a. The nurse makes decisions scene until the work is finished; denying
to assist with care coordina- needed rest and recovery time; feelings of
tion of the survivors. overriding stress and fatigue; engaging in
b. The nurse tells the supervi- unnecessary risk-taking activities; difficulty
sor of the disaster the details communicating thoughts, remembering in-
of the care that was provided. structions, making decisions, or concentrat-
c. The nurse cries after return- ing; engaging in unnecessary arguments;
ing home at the end of the day. having a limited attention span; and refusing
d. The nurse refuses to follow to follow orders.

7. A nurse is working in a tempo- ANS: A

rary shelter for victims follow-
ing a natural disaster. Which Causes of stress can be the shock of the

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condition is the nurse most disaster itself, loss of personal possessions,
likely to encounter? fear of the unknown, living in close proximity
a. Stress to total strangers, and boredom. Illnesses
b. Communicable disease requiring first aid and communicable dis-
c. Depression eases are not the primary concern of the
d. Injuries requiring first aid nurse working in the shelter. Immediately
following the disaster, it is unlikely that the
victims will immediately encounter depres-
sion because of the shock of the disaster.

8. A riverfront community builds ANS: A

a retaining wall to divert flood
water away from the town. Mitigation is defined as actions or measures
Which term describes what that can either prevent the occurrence of a
has happened? disaster or reduce the severity of the effects.
a. Mitigation A natural disaster, such as an earthquake
b. A natural disaster or hurricane, causes disruption, destruction,
c. Community resilience and/or devastation requiring external assis-
d. Rapid needs assessment tance. Community resilience is defined as
the sustained ability of a community to with-
stand and recover from adversity. A rapid
needs assessment is based on the tradition-
al model of community assessment where
there is a rapid appraisal of a sector or re-
gion's population, social systems, and geo-
physical features.

9. Community preparedness is ANS: D

being used to plan for a dis-
aster. Which of the following Community preparedness involves develop-
tasks is being implemented? ing an evacuation plan to remove individuals
a. Assembling emergency from danger. Assembling emergency sup-
supplies plies is an example of individual prepared-
b. Understanding the work- ness. Understanding the workplace disaster
place disaster plan plan is an example of preparedness in the
c. Taking a disaster training workplace within the community. Taking a
course disaster training course is an example of
d. Developing an evacuation professional preparedness.

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plan to remove individuals
from danger

10. A nurse is participating in the ANS: D

preparedness stage of disas-
ter management. Which of the Disaster kit assembly for the home, work-
following describes what is place, and car, especially by nurses, occurs
happening? during the preparedness phase. Height-
a. Heightened inspection and ened inspection and increased security in
increased security in the com- the community is part of the prevention
munity activities. Purchase of personal protective
b. Incorporation of provision equipment for all citizens and incorporation
of pets into local disaster of provision of pets into local disaster plans
plans are not realistic plans for preparedness.
c. Purchase of personal pro-
tective equipment for all citi-
d. Assembly of disaster kits for
the home, workplace, and car

11. A public health nurse (PHN) ANS: A

is working with a community
during the recovery phase of Flexibility is key to a successful recovery
a disaster. Which of the follow- operation. The role of the PHN in the re-
ing attributes would be most covery phase of a disaster is as varied as
important for the nurse to pos- in the preparedness and response phases,
sess? but the PHN's connection to the community
a. Flexibility puts the PHN in an incredible position of
b. Organization skills knowledge and awareness on the interpro-
c. Personable fessional recovery team. The attributes of
d. Sense of humor being organized, personable, and having a
sense of humor are not as important as
flexibility when dealing with this phase of the

12. A nurse is working in a com- ANS: B

munity that is experiencing
the Honeymoon Phase after During the Honeymoon Phase, survivors re-
a disaster. Which of the fol- joice for their survival and may share their

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lowing is characteristic of this experiences and stories. First responders
phase? work tirelessly to save others during the
a. First responders work tire- Heroic Phase. Medical personnel experi-
lessly to save others. ence exhaustion during the Disillusionment
b. Survivors share their sto- Phase. The community begins to rebuild
ries. during the Reconstruction Phase.
c. Medical personnel experi-
ence exhaustion.
d. Community organizations
rebuild the community.

13. A nurse is assessing persons ANS: C

arriving at an alternate care
center following a disaster. Alternate care centers may be used to shel-
Which of the following actions ter patients with medical needs designated
should the nurse take first? as "non-ambulatory care/hospital overflow"
a. Assess the amount of equip- e.g., care of non-ambulatory patients with
ment and medications needed less intense medical needs. After determi-
for each client nation of the appropriateness of the facility,
b. Determine if the client has the nurse can then provide medical care as
a psychological condition re- needed. It should not be necessary to initial-
quiring special attention ly determine if the client has a psychological
c. Assess whether this type of condition or limit the amount of equipment
facility is appropriate for the or medications.
d. Determine if the client has a
support system to assist with
additional care needs

14. A nurse is triaging victims fol- ANS: A

lowing a disaster. Which of the
following describes the action The triage process in disaster involves sep-
the nurse would take? arating the casualties and allocating treat-
a. Allocation of treatment ment based on the victim's potential for sur-
based on the victim's potential vival. Assignment of tasks to the appropriate
for survival disaster response personnel, determination
b. Assignment of tasks to the of the level of disaster and agency involve-
appropriate disaster response ment, and participation in community pre-

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c. Determination of the level of paredness for the disaster response are not
disaster and agency involve- part of the triage process.
d. Participation in community
preparedness for the disaster

15. A nurse is volunteering on ANS: B

a disaster medical assistant
team as a first responder. As a first responder arriving on the scene,
Which of the following tasks the plans for triaging of disaster victims
would the nurse be prepared should begin immediately. Setting up immu-
to perform? nization clinics would not be a priority follow-
a. Set up immunization clinics ing a disaster. In responding to a disaster,
b. Assist in triaging disaster it may be impossible to provide all of the
victims medical care for disaster victims. It would
c. Provide all the medical care not be appropriate to start with completing a
for disaster victims needs assessment of the community follow-
d. Complete a needs assess- ing a disaster; this should be done before
ment of the community the disaster occurs.

16. A public health worker had ANS: A

displayed a competency in
disaster medicine and public Communicating effectively with others in a
health. Which of the following disaster or public health emergency is one
describes what the worker has of the competencies demonstrated in disas-
done? ter medicine and public health. Involvement
a. Communicate effectively in the chain of command, using a set of
with others preplanned activities for every disaster, and
b. Get involved in the chain of implementing a community assessment are
command not part of these competencies.
c. Use a set of preplanned ac-
tivities for every disaster
d. Implement a community as-

17. What is the purpose of the ANS: C

National Incident Management
System (NIMS)? The National Response Framework is a uni-

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a. Create a new branch of gov- fied, all-discipline, all-hazards approach to
ernment that deals with bioter- domestic incident management. It is built
rorism upon scalable, flexible, and adaptable co-
b. Establish a way for the Red ordinating structures to align key roles and
Cross to carry out its mission responsibilities linking all levels of govern-
c. Develop a nationwide ment and organizations. The Homeland Se-
all-hazards approach to do- curity Act of 2002 created a new branch
mestic incident management of government that deals with bioterrorism,
d. Extend presidential power the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
to act quickly upon acts of The NIMS did not impact the Red Cross
bioterrorism or extend presidential power to act upon

18. A nurse is developing and co- ANS: D

ordinating an emergency re-
sponse plan for a communi- The EMA is responsible for developing and
ty. With which of the following coordinating emergency response plans in
organizations would the nurse a defined area. The ARC works with com-
collaborate? munities in the preparedness, response,
a. American Red Cross (ARC) and recovery phases of a disaster. The CDC
b. National Disaster Medical studies the effect that disasters have on
System (NDMS) population health and continuously devel-
c. Centers for Disease Control ops new prevention strategies. The NDMS
and Prevention (CDC) provides nurses the opportunity to work on
d. Emergency Management specialized disaster response teams.
Agency (EMA)

19. A nurse is responding to a dis- ANS: D

aster. Which of the following is
the priority of the disaster re- Reestablishing sanitary barriers and focus-
sponse? ing on water, food, waste disposal, vec-
a. Clean up the environment tor control, shelter, and safety are the first
b. Handle the stress reaction goals. After this has been established, the
of the victims nurse can address the cleanup of the envi-
c. Bring in as many aid work- ronment, the stress reactions of the victims,
ers and nurses as possible and the need to bring in additional workers.
d. Reestablish sanitary barri-
ers and focus on basic needs

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20. A bioterrorism attack has oc- ANS: B
curred in the United States.
Which of the following pro- The SNS has the capacity to provide large
grams would be used to pro- quantities of medicine and medical supplies
vide large quantities of med- to protect the American public in a public
ications to the American pub- health emergency. The Cities Readiness Ini-
lic? tiative aids cities in increasing their capacity
a. Cities Readiness Initiative to deliver medicines and medical supplies
b. Strategic National Stockpile during a public health emergency. The PHIN
(SNS) helps ensure information access and shar-
c. Public Health Information ing. Project BioShield is a program to de-
Network (PHIN) velop and produce new drugs and vaccines
d. Project BioShield against potential bioweapons.

21. A nurse is examining the fu- ANS: B

ture of disaster management.
Which of the following should The terrorist event of September 11, 2001,
the nurse anticipate? and the anthrax cases have increased the
a. Vague and unorganized fu- awareness for the need to plan for disasters.
ture due to constant emer- Technology and surveillance will continue to
gence of new disasters advance. Disaster management continues
b. Increasing sophistication in to change and become more organized as
technology and surveillance learning occurs after each incident, produc-
c. Lack of involvement by na- ing progressive best practices. National and
tional and state officials state officials are very involved in disaster
d. Decreasing need for public management. PHNs are particularly critical
health workers to provide care members of the multidisciplinary disaster
health team given their population-based
nursing focus and specialty knowledge in
epidemiology and community assessment

22. Which populations are at ANS: A, B, C

greatest risk for disruption af-
ter a disaster? (Select all that Single-parent families, children, and sub-
apply.) stance abusers are all at greater risk for
a. Single-parent families disruption after disaster than a middle-class
b. Children family or young adults.
c. Substance abusers

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d. Middle-class families
e. Young adults

23. Which organizations offer vol- ANS: A, B

unteer opportunities in disas-
ter work for nurses? (Select all ARC and Citizens Corps offer volunteer op-
that apply.) portunities. The American Nurses Associ-
a. ARC ation and National Public Health Training
b. Citizens Corps Centers offer education and training oppor-
c. American Nurses Associa- tunities. Sigma Theta Tau International is an
tion honor society for nurses.
d. National Public Health Train-
ing Centers
e. Sigma Theta Tau Internation-


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