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Grade 7 Semester 2 Final Exam 100

Full name Class

Grade 7 Semester 2 Final Exam
April, 2023
40 minutes

Marks ___ / 30 ___ %


You may NOT use

● A dictionary
● Previously-written notes


● Use a blue/black pen to write your personal information.

● Use a pencil to shade the answers in the answer sheet.
● Do not speak to other students. Put your hand up and ask the teacher if you have a question.


● Read questions carefully before answering

● Watch the time while you work.
● Try to answer every question if you can.
● Check your answers if you have time at the end.


Grade 7 Semester 2 Final Exam 100

Each question below has ONE correct answer.

Use your PENCIL to SHADE a letter (A, B, C or D) for each question in your answer sheet.
Only answers in the answer sheet will be marked.

Question 1: _______ they hold the festival in Ha Noi every year?

A. Does B. Do C. Will D. Are

Question 2: We _______ vegetables to a nursery school last winter.

A. donate B. was donate C. donates D. donated

Question 3: Her new house is not _______ her old one.

A. as big as B. big than C. as big than D. bigger as

Question 4: You can see the music room _______ the second floor of the building over there.

A. at B. in C. on D. about

Question 5: _______ that documentary film is boring, I still love the main character in it.

A. However B. Although C. Because D. But

Question 6: Jane’s voice is good. _______ is good, too.

A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me

Question 7: Tom _______ eat so many lollipops. It's bad for his teeth.

A. should B. must C. shouldn’t D. can’t

Question 8: The lemonade isn't very sweet. I'll add some more _______.

A. salt B. pepper C. sugar D. lemon

Question 9: It’s crucial for _______ to walk only on the pavement or footpath.

A. passengers B. pedestrians C. models D. road users

Question 10: The famous singer’s newest album is not as _______ her old one.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. expensive as D. most expensive

Question 11: Unfortunately, Amy _______ a day off very often.

A. get B.doesn’t get C. isn’t getting D. won’t get

Question 12: I didn't _______ you last night.

A. see B. sees C. saw D. seen

Grade 7 Semester 2 Final Exam 100

Question 13: There's someone at the door. I _______ it for you.

A. open B. opened C. am opening D. will open

Question 14: Mai loves cooking a lot because she often _______ food for her family.

A. prepare B. preparing C. to prepare D. prepares

Question 15: We gave them _______ ID number, and they gave us _______.

A. ours/ theirs B. our/ theirs C. our/ their D. ours/ their

Question 16: You can’t have any fruit! It’s all _______.

A. I B. my C. me D. mine

Question 17: _______ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work.

A. However B. Although C. Because D. But

Question 18: I know Louis is _______ friend. He’s also a friend of _______.

A. your/ my B. your/ I C. your/ mine D. your/ me

Question 19: Tomorrow you _______ lots of interesting people.

A. meet B. met C. is meeting D. will meet

Question 20: The boys _______ their homework at the moment. They _______ TV instead.

A. aren’t doing – watches B. doesn’t do – is watching

C. aren’t doing – are watching D. doesn’t do - watches

Question 21: She ran so fast; _______, she missed the bus.

A. however B. although C. because D. but

Question 22: Do you work _______ Mondays?

A. at B. in C. on D. about

Question 23: My ski instructor believes it _______ in the mountains tomorrow evening.

A. snow B. snowed C. snowing D. will snow

Question 24: In England, it often snows _______ December..

A. at B. in C. on D. about

Grade 7 Semester 2 Final Exam 100

Question 25: The music _______ louder and louder now. Many people _______ their hands over

their ears.

A. is getting – put B. is getting – are putting

C. gets – are putting D. gets – put

Question 26: When you visit my school, you can see many modern facilities _______ the


A. at B. in C. on D. about

Question 27: She went to bed early _______ she didn’t finish her work.

A. however B. although C. because D. but

Question 28: I don’t think my grandma cooked this dish. The taste is so _______ from her usual


A. different B. same C. as D. far

Question 29: Be quiet please! They _______ their books.

A. read B. reads C. are reading D. will read

Question 30: I _______ you to the station next week.

A. drive B. drove C. is driving D. will drive


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