JSS - Guiding Question

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Residência Santo Inácio de Loyola

Alcrin, Lahane Oriental, Nain-Feto, Dili, TIMOR-LESTE
PO Box 209, Dili, TIMOR-LESTE
Tel: +670 77017182 / +67074265587
Email: tljesuitsocialservice@gmail.com


1. Full name (Naran Kompletu):

2. Duration of Work in JSS-TL (Durasaun Servisu iha JSS-TL)

3. Starting (Hahu): Data/ fulan/ tinan

4. Job Position (Posisaun Servisu): Ex, Program manager, jardineiro ect.

5. What is your significant experience in JSS (Ita bot nia esperiensia significativa ou markante
iha JSS):

6. What are your challenges and difficulties in JSS (ita bot nia dezafius no difikuldades iha

7. What is Your dream for JSS? (Ita bot nia mehi ba JSS ne’e atu saida?)

8. Saida maka ha’u sente wainhira serbisu ba ema seluk? (Colaboration in God’s vineyards)
ka obra igreja nian

9. Saida maka halo hau hakrak serbisu iha JSS ho hamutuk ho Jesuita sira( Ex:

Nota Badak:
1. Favor ida hatama fali antes 31 de Outobru, 2022.
2. Objetivo: atu halo profile iha relatório JSS, sei sai hanesan artigo badak ida.
3. Perguntas no 5. Konta ou fahe ita bot nia esperiência ksolok no ida nebé halo ita bot la bele
4. Perguntas no 6. Konta ou fahe ita bot nia desafius no difikuldades nebé ita bot hasoru iha
servisu sira.
5. Perguntas no 7. Ita bot nia mehi ba JSS ou hakarak JSS ne’e sai saida.
6. Bele hatan iha perguntas ne’e nia okos ou kotuk e hatan ho badak no simples.

Obrigado Barak
1. My full name is Octavinana Maria Elisabeth Martins
2. The duration of work in JSS-TL has been 6 months
3. Starting from 2 June 2022
4. Jop Position is : Finance Officer

5. This is my first experience work in JSS,It was amazing experience,because the

environment so friendly,good ethics and morals,taught me many things,for example we
went around the district to distribute goods to other people needed,I’ve never had an
experience like this before.

6. Challenges : Wainhira hau mai servico iha JSS maka hau sempre ba banco bebeik ida ne
hau sente hanesan dezafius ida mai hau,maibe neneik ba bebeik hau sei toman ona.
Difficulties : Hau ba banco foti osan montante boot sempre presija ema ida ba ho hau,e
hau sempre husu ajuda ba maun Jose boot.
No difficuldades nebe hau hsoru tan wainhira end of month tenki hatama ona relatorio
ba sira iha ETR maibe tenki hein JSS nian relatorio ba cada projeto hatama tia mai hau
foin hau halo fli e ne sempre tarde tamba hein relatorio sira hatama tia lai foin hau bele

7. Tuir hau pesoalmente mehi hakrak JSS sai buras no conhecido iha Timor laran tomak no

8. Hau sente contente wainhira servico ba ema seluk, tamba hau bele aprende tan servico
seluk nebe mak hau sidauk hatene no bele conhese tan ema ho karakter oioin.

9. Motivasaun nebe halo hau hakarak servico hamutuk ho Jesuita nian mak Jesuita nia
moris loron2 tuir St.Inacio nia hanorin,no Jesuita la depende ba governo e Jesuita
hanorin hau oinsa atu sai hau nia An rasik hodi servi ema.

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