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Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial gauge 10mm GMECNO: ON7023 DATE: 18/4/2023 Pt.No — : 2086 Page! TOFAT SiN al oot | PREP BY (Ali): | REV. BY [ENG}: Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 ay RFQ: 0580323 DATE:11 MAY 2023 1. INTRODUCTION The reading from dial gauge wes compared to the dial calibration tester and deviation was recorded for the measurement points as mentioned below. The measurement points were determined from the total number of outer ring revolution to be completed. Outer Ring fost | crest + Inward and Outward Direction of Dial Gauge Figure Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, For less than 5 total revolutions, reading at every 1/10 revolution is taken continuously. For 5 total revolutions, reading at every 3/6 revolution was taken continuously. For 10 total revolutions, reading at every 3/9 revolution was taken continuously. For 15 total revolutions, reading at every 3/12 revolution was taken continuously. For 20 total revolutions, reading at every 3/15 revolution was taken continuously. For 25 total revolutions, reading at every 3/18 revolution wes taken continuously. For 30 total revolutions, reading at every 3/21 revolution was taken continuously. 20z sd Z1 pavep Z "ROY Z-NAY WHOS [070 0/0 0/0 - 7 Zs oo 0/0 0/0 | 0/0 : = = = oo [070 0/0 | o/0 = - = of0 £ oo 0/0 0/0 0/0. os 70 org o/0 0/0 ue o/0 0/0 T oo 0/0 [070 70 = e = 070 o/0 0/0 0/0 _ 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 = = : : ofo 0/0 of 0/0 : = i = = ofo 0/0 z 070 oe of0 0/0 os 0/0 I 70 0/0 0/0, ues oo ‘| - of0 0/0 0/0 [0/0 jee o/0 0/0 0/0 o/0 _ f 0/0 0/0 0/0 of0 : o/0 0/0 0/0 ofo = : 0/0 oo 0/0 t ‘%O0T ‘%06 %08 ‘%0L %09 %60S ‘Or ‘%0E 07 ‘%0T uoRn|oAay Tap) woneinaG [[ezoz Aw Tr-aiva 00 :A38 EeEORSOOHN [4 peal ee £202 Thidv $0: feD a2ea ‘(DN3) Age | (HY) Ad dade TOO lov: ON/S T40z Sov ‘900! 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(OnSTRETAGH | “iv 40 34 Oars 40s "30¥d aor eeton et0z//8T -aLwa #20/Na ‘ON 59ND wor a8ned jeig : uondussag IGeCES TUSUSINSEATA PUE WOReIGTED Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial gauge 1mm [ caace no: DN7023 DATE: 18/4/2023 Pt.No = 2046F PAGE: 6 OF 11 “PREP BY (AH): REV. BY (ENG) S/No AQ} 001, Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 jer 7 ASB & | Fa: 0580323 REV: 00 DATE:11 MAY 2023, 2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Hence the mathematical relationship can be modelled as: S=SM,+SM. + SE where: ‘Sis the size of dial gauge (the reading of unit under test) ‘SM; is the measured size of dial gauge for inward direction Mg is the measured size of dial gauge for outward direction SE is the error of dial gauge under test 3. UNCERTAINTY EQUATION 5) = [A #0? GG) + w? (WEA) +1? (DCT) + u? (SP) +1? (DCTD) +? welS) { tu? (h) + u2 (0) 4. SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY a) Type A uncertainty ~ Data from Measurement, u (A) b)_ Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge used, u (BG) ©). Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge Accessories used, u (BGA) 4). Type B uncertainty — Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCT) €) Type B uncertainty ~ Surface Plate, u (SP) f) Type B uncertainty ~ Drift of Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCTD) 8) Type B uncertainty — Readability of Dial gauge, u (7) hh) Type B uncertainty — Hysteresis, u (h) i) Type B uncertainty — Temperature, u (t) 5. ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTY SOURCE a, Type Auncertainty ~ Data from Measurement, u (A) Standard uncertainty: SD, uA) == where (aty oFsamples) = 34 Form AVN-2 Re 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Cay (CMC) Cal Description : Dial gauge 10mm ‘EMCC NO: ON/023, = DATE: 18/4/2023 | PL.No — :2046F PAGE: 7 OF 11 f PREP BY (AH): | REV. BY[ENG) s/o: Agtoo1 i | Date cal +05 APRIL 2023 | we J-AK-| ASB 5 RFQ: 0580323 [REV 00) DATE:11 MAY 2023 Since standard deviation is zero, the uncertainty equals to zero, b. Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge used, u (BG) Expanded uncertainty of Block Gauge is +0.0301 yim as per certificate no, NMIM-1028-M-19, ‘Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty of Block Gauge 1 (BG) = u@o) Normal Distrbution 0301 1 (BG) (um) = 0.0151 pm 2 Degree of freedom = == Type B uncertainty ~ Block Gauge Accessories used, u (BGA) Expanded uncertainty of Block Gauge Accessories is +0.6 jim as per certificate no. PMM/2022-0582. Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty of Block Gauge Accessories ‘Normal Distribution u (BGA) = 0.6 u (BGA) (um) = 0.3 um Degree of freedom = <= d. Type B uncertainty — Dial Calibration Tester, w (DCT) Expanded uncertainty of Dial Calibration Tester SST/SA/R/2022E/154. £2.0 ym as per certificate no. Standard uncertainty: Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023 Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial gauge 10mm GHCE NO: ONTOS DATE: 18/4/2023, Pt.No : 2086 F PAGE: 8 0F 11 S/No ‘Aqio01 PREP BY (AH): ae Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 oe - ‘A | era: 0580323 [nev 00 | aTE:t1 way 2073 | Exp.uncertainty of Dial Calibration Tester ee ‘Normal Distribution 20 u (DCT) = = (um) = 1.0 pm Degree of freedom e. Type B uncertainty ~ Surface Plate, u (SP) Expanded uncertainty of Surface Plate is +1.9 jim as per certificate no. MSRP21090245, Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty for surface plate Normal Distribution 195 jm Degree of freedom =e f. Type B uncertainty ~ Drift of Dial Calibration Tester, u (DCTD) Drift calculated is 0.4718 pm, Standard uncertainty: Exp.uncertainty for drift u OCTD) = Rectangular Distribution 0.4718 (DCD) == (umm) = 0.2724 um Degree of freedom = co &. Type B uncertainty ~ Readability of Dial gauge, w (r) Form AVN-2 Rov. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023 Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation ‘GMC NO: DN/023 “DATE: 18/4/2023 _ PL.No :2046F Serre Description : Dial gauge 10mm ‘oc. me REP BY (Al): | REV. BENG}: Date Cal 05 APRIL 2023 | (ae Y AS -_ a\ +] RFQ: 0580323 REVO | DATE:11 MAY 2023 | Readability of dial gauge as per manufacturer's specification is 1 jim (0.001 mm) Standard uncertainty Exp.uncertainty for readability Rectangular Distribution us u(r) um) = 1.155 pm yom t Degree of freedom = °° h. Type 8 uncertainty ~ Hysteresis, w (h) (49 = Max Minward deviation — outward deviation) a ————————eoe Rectangular Distribution Referring to raw data table, there is no difference between the inward and outward deviation. Hence, the uncertainty for hysteresis is taken to be zero. i. Type Buncertainty - Temperature, u (¢) The temperature in the standard lab is controlled to be 20°C. Uncertainty of temperature as indicated by thermo hygrometer is #0.5°C. Coefficient of steel is taken to be 11.5 pm/°C as per certificate no. NMIM-4654-M-19-S. Standard uncertainty: xox dT Rectangular Distribution u(t) (10000 ~ 0.2) x 11.5 x 107% x 0.5 v3 u@= (um) = 0.0332 pm Degree of freedom = 0 Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial gauge 10mm PL.No = 2046F S/No AQ) 001 Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 6. COMBINED UNCERTAINTY (UC] ‘CMCC NO: BN/O23 DATE: 18/4/2023 PAGE: 100F 11 PREP BY (AH): | REY. BY (ENG): i ier M- ASB. ta ie | RFQ: 0580323 REV: 00 DATE:13 MAY 2023 G ju? (A) + u? (BG) + wu? (BGA) + u? (DCT) + u? (SP) + u? (DCTD) + w? (r) HS) he (h) + 12 (0) u(S) = V0? + 0.0151? + 0.3? + 1.0? + 0.95% + 0.272424 1155? + 02 + 0.03322 ue(S) = 1.844 um 7. EBFECTIVE DEGREE OF FREEDOM gine ul) 1 FAY, CBG), we BGAY ( +4 a ¥O ies 1844 ony = ios 7 (0+ SSE OS LOE, OBS" , OBTRAT TASS Very = 2 8, EXPANDED UNCERTAINTY U(S) =k x c(S) (k= 2.0 with 95% confidence level) UGS) = 2.0 x 1.844 pm UG) 3.7 um “All calculations were done by using Microsoft Excel Form AVN-2 Rev. 2 dated 12 Apr 2023, 3327 +04 Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Calculation Description : Dial gauge 10mm MCCNO: ‘DATE: 18/4/2023 PAGE: 110F11 PREP BY (AH): | REV. BYENG) Pt.No — : 2046 F S/No—-: AQhOO1 Date Cal: 05 APRIL 2023 | [ Rea: 0580323 | [Rev:_09 | DATE:13 May 2023 REFERENCES 1) Block Gauge Certificate No: NMIM-1028-M-19 Uncertainty, U : +/(0)? + (0.3). @)? : 40.0301 pm 2), Block Gauge Accessories Certificate No: PMIM/2022-0582 Uncertainty, U :40.6 jum 3) Dial Calibration Tester Cor ‘ate No : SST/SA/R/2022E/154 Uncertainty, U :42.0 ym 4). Crystal Pink Surface Plate Certificate No : MSRP21090245, Uncertainty, U :41.9 wm Form AVN-2 Rt 2 dated 12 Apr 2023 wie Ginx 7 = Gn Rurewesun popueda z 2303904 9BC10N09 | + 1429 "aropeens jo 20x80q ann20453 unl post (S)?n ‘Aquyeriaoun puepuers auiqwioa ~ uni zeg0°0 t umizeso | ex | | seinfuemoy | szsoco | (2) n’simeiodwa, —(y So 7: : o en a aeinBueyey 0 Ta) nsis323shH Cc] . 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