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Jet milling industrialization of sticky active pharmaceutical ingredient using

quality by design approach

Article in Pharmaceutical Development and Technology · April 2019

DOI: 10.1080/10837450.2019.1608449


9 3,049

4 authors, including:

Nakach Mostafa jean-rene Authelin

École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux Sanofi


Giovanni Gianola


All content following this page was uploaded by Giovanni Gianola on 30 June 2020.

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Jet milling industrialization of sticky active pharmaceutical ingredient using

quality-by-design approach
Mostafa Nakacha, Jean-Ren
e Authelina, Carlo Corsinib and Giovanni Gianolab
Sanofi R&D, Vitry sur Seine, France; bF.P.S. Food and Pharma Systems Srl, Como, Italy


Jet milling is frequently used in pharmaceutical industry to achieve different objectives. It can be used as Received 1 December 2018
enabling technology to overcome poor water solubility linked to hydrophobic active of pharmaceutical Revised 23 February 2019
ingredient (API) by reducing the particle size and therefore increasing the dissolution rate. Alternatively, Accepted 11 April 2019
jet milling can be used either to enhance blending efficiency of API with excipient in case of formulation
at low dosage strength or to achieve the required particle size for inhalation therapy. In this study, devel- Jet milling; specific energy;
opment of commercial manufacturing process of sticky API and its industrialization are described. The scaling-up; QbD; risk
methodology used is based on quality-by-design approach to deliver safe, effective and robust manufac- assessment; design space
turing process. The study showed that the specific energy is a key factor that drives particle size during
jet milling and the scale-up from lab to industrial scale. After understanding the process, a design space
was built where different zones such as operating point, operating space (where the product is compliant
to specification despite variability of process parameters), and the knowledge space were outlined.
Finally, an industrial installation was proposed to deliver product with high productivity yield, compliant
with safety regulation, and cleanable in place.

1. Introduction The quality-by-design (QbD) approach (Snee et al. 2008) was

adopted for this study to deliver safe, effective, and reliable man-
Particle size reduction is an important operation in pharmaceutical
ufacturing process. QbD uses scientific knowledge and appropri-
industry as it fixes the final formulation of drug product and
ate quality risk management to drastically reduce the process
thereby its biopharmaceutical performances. Jet milling technology
is the most commonly used in pharmaceutical industry as it pro- impact on product quality attributes (QAs).
The methodology applied for the process development and
vides the smallest particle with the highest specific surface, it is
mechanically simple (no rotary parts) and requires little or no main- the design of the industrial installation begins by an initial risk
tenance. Jet milling is used to achieve (1) enhanced chemical assessment (IRA) which is performed to identify risks linked to
reactivity of intermediate active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) process development and its scale-up. The IRA guides the study
due to the increase in specific surface area; (2) improved drug bio- design. The basic data required for process design and under-
availability (Khadka et al. 2014) (i.e. increasing exposure) by dramat- standing are then acquired at lab scale, and the process is carried
ically increasing the dissolution rate due to the increase of specific out at pilot scale to determine the design space where the prod-
surface area; (3) avoid segregation between API and excipients dur- uct will be delivered with the appropriate QAs. The process was
ing blending, conveying, and storage (Ticehurst and Marziano designed to meet two key performance indicators (KPIs): high pro-
2015). Segregation occurs whenever the mean particle size of free- cess yield and compliance with environmental hygiene and safety
flowing particles of the minor component is less than one-third of (EHS) regulations. Fine tuning the process was performed using
the mean size of particles of the major component that. mock equipment that represented the intended scale for industri-
Manufacturing the major and minor components at the same par- alization, and a cleaning in place (CIP) procedure was developed.
ticle size eliminates the probability for this type of segregation; and An industrial jet mill and its environment (delumper, feeder, cyc-
(4) achieve optimal particle size distribution for inhalation therapy lone filter, micronized product recovery, and CIP skid) were pro-
(Lau et al. 2017) whose principal benefit is rapid onset of action. posed for industrial implementation.
The extent of deposition of the inhaled particles and the location It is noteworthy that the proposed methodology for the devel-
of the deposition largely depends on particle size (Yang et al. opment of industrial jet milling process that includes the jet mill
2014). Particles <1 mm are likely to reach the peripheral airways itself, its peripheral equipment such as delumper, feeder, cyclone
and alveoli or be exhaled, particles 1–5 mm will deposit in the large filter etc. and their cleaning is scarcely reported in the literature.
and conducting airways, while particles >5 mm will predominately
deposit in the oropharynx (Newman 1985).
2. Theoretical background
This report is intended to raise awareness among engineers
and scientists in the pharmaceutical industry of the fundamental Spiral jet mill reduces particle size by using a high-speed jet of
and applied complexity of commercial manufacturing process compressed air or inert gas. Particles leaving the mill can be sepa-
related to jet milling of sticky API. rated from the gas stream by separation system that can be

CONTACT Mostafa Nakach Sanofi R&D, 1, Impasse des ateliers, 94403, Vitry sur Seine, France
Supplemental data for this article is available online at on the publisher’s website.
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

cyclone, cartridge filters, or filter sleeve. A jet mill consists of cir- Pi k þ 1 k1
cular milling chamber that can be flat or elliptic shaped. ¼ (2)
Po 2
Compressed gas is forced into the mill through nozzles tangent
to the cylinder wall, creating a vortex. The gas leaves the mill where, Pi, Po, and k are the absolute inlet pressure, the absolute
through a tube along the axis of the cylinder (MacDonald et al. outlet pressure, and the ratio of specific heats of the gas, respect-
2016) (see Figure 1). ively. For a diatomic gas, k is equal to 7/5 and therefore the crit-
Jet milling can be described by the energetic theory of milling ical ratio (Pcrit) is equal to 1.89.
that was developed and reported in previous articles and origin- At the throat of the nozzle, the gas velocity reaches the vel-
ally proposed by Zao and Schur (Midoux et al. 1999). In this ocity of sound. This regime is reached already for a milling pres-
approach, we correlate the specific energy of milling to the newly sure of 0.89 bar over atmospheric pressure, therefore in practice,
created surface area. jet milling almost always works in sonic regime.
Let us first describe the way the specific energy is calculated. Complete calculations (Midoux et al. 1999) show that the gas
In a fluid jet mill, the energy input is due to the gas flow through mass flow (kg/s) in the ideal nozzle is given by (for P above Pcrit):
the nozzle (see Figure 2), the mechanical power is the flow of kin- rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Mw 2 ðkþ1
etic energy: 
m g ¼ Pi  A  ð (3)
RT kþ1
EC ¼  mg  U2g (1) where Pi, A, Mw, T, and R are the absolute pressure of the milling
gas (Pa), section of the nozzle at the throat (m2), molecular
where Ec, mg, and Ug are the kinetic power (J/s), the gas flow (kg/
weight (kg), absolute temperature (K), and ideal gas constant
s), and Ug its velocity at the exit of the nozzle (m/s), respectively.
The theory of the flow through ideal nozzles is well known (8.31 J/K), respectively.
since 1888 (Barre de Saint Venan (Chanson 2004)) for ideal noz- After some manipulations, the ‘ideal’ mechanical power EC (W)
zles assuming isentropic gas expansion. For a truncated nozzle, as can be calculated as follows:
soon the inlet to outlet pressure ratio is above a critical value of:  3   3k1
P i  Mw k  R  Ti 2 2 2ðk1Þ
Ec ¼ 0:5  A    (4)
R  Ti Mw kþ1
We may observe that for a fixed nozzle section (A) working in
sonic conditions, both the gas flow and the power depend only
on the mill inlet pressure Pi and temperature Ti.
In a real nozzle, the gas flow and power at a given pressure
can be deduced from the ideal gas flow by a pressure orifice
coefficient Cor (Kayser and Shambaugh 1991).
mg ¼ Cor  mg and Ec ¼ Cor  EC (5)
Cor is determined experimentally by comparing at each pres-
sure the experimental gas flow from nozzles to the theoretical
flow from ideal nozzles having the same section. In our experi-
ments, we found that this coefficient varies from 0.25 (for badly
manufactured nozzles) to 0.95–0.97 for well manufactured nozzles.
We routinely use this coefficient as part of jet mill performance
requirements. Its determination is part of the operational
The specific energy (Esp, J/kg) is the ratio of the power (J/s) of
Figure 1. Spiral jet mill description. the solid flow (Qsolid, kg/s). Interestingly, for a given mill configur-
ation, this ratio is proportional to the ratio of absolute pressure
and mass flow.
Esp ¼ / (6)
Qsolid Qsolid
From the above equation one can understood that for a given
jet mill, the critical process parameters are the grinding pressure
and the solid flow rate. In previous articles, we have shown the
existence of two distinct regimes (Nakach et al. 2004): (i) at low
energy input, a ‘fragmentation regime’, where the specific surface
area created increases approximately linearly with the specific
energy input. In this regime particles break in large fragments
and (ii) at high energy input, an ‘attrition regime’; where the
increase in surface area is low and small particles are chipped
from the surface. We often observed that surface amorphization
was associated with this regime (non-published data).
Furthermore, the surface area of the particles milled in ‘attrition
regime’, tends to decrease upon storage, as the solid surfaces
Figure 2. Grinding nozzle characteristics. rearranges to lower its energy. Such unstable material is

undesirable for development; thus the attrition regime should be 3. Materials and methods
3.1. Materials
It is interesting to mention that we observed a similar behavior
for mechanical milling, where the specific energy is proportional 3.1.1. Active pharmaceutical ingredient
to the square value of mill tip speed (Nakach et al. 2004). The API (obtained from Sanofi) has a molecular mass of 464 g/
The scale-up approach of jet milling process is to keep the mol, and exhibits two crystalline forms with melting point of
grinding specific energy constant. It is, as described in Equation 155  C and 157  C. The API crystals are needle shaped (see Figure
(6), to keep the ratio of absolute pressure to mass flow rate con- 3(A)), exhibit bad flowability (see Figure 3(B)), and ratholing dur-
stant or ratio gas flow rate to solid flow rate constant. For homo- ing flowing (see Figure 3(C)). The API apparent density and Carr
thetic jet mills having same number of grinding nozzles, the gas index are in the range of 0.3–0.35 g/ml and 34–36%, respectively.
flow and solid flow rate are proportional to the square In addition, the API contains aggregates with diameters higher
diameter of nozzles and therefore to square jet mill diameter (see than 2 cm.
Equation (7). The API is classified as type 2 according the Biopharmaceutical
Classification System, its solubility in water at pH ¼ 2–12 is blow
P Qgas 1.2 mg/ml and its permeability (Caco2 cells) is about
/ ¼ constant and Qgas / Qsolid / D2Jet (7)
Qsolid Qsolid mill
9.6  106 cms1.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis of the API DSC
Based on this theoretical approach, our experimental strategy under nitrogen with heating rate of 5  C/min indicated that the
will be to first establish the correlation between the surface area decomposition temperature onset is 230  C and the enthalpy of
creation and the specific energy on a down scaled model, in par- decomposition is 330 J/g.
ticular to establish the limit of the fragmentation regime, and the Dust explosion characteristics showed that the minimum igni-
physical stability of the resulting material. The second step will be tion energy (MIE) of the API was in the range of 10–100 mJ indi-
to verify the scale-up rules, by conducting trials at larger scales. cating high sensitivity of the API to ignition (Eckhoff 2002). The
To apply this methodology, we need to fully characterize the ori- rate of pressure rise (Kst) was found to be 283 barm/s. The API
fice coefficient of various jet mills by measuring the mass flow is therefore classified as class 2 according to dust explosion classi-
from the nozzles as a function of the grinding pressure, and com- fication (Bartknecht 2012), which means that the API can induce a
paring it to the ideal flow for nozzles of same throat diameter. severe explosion. The electrical resistivity of API powder is about

Figure 3. API crystal shape (A), API stickiness (B), ratholing effect during flow of API (C), and API drug release (D).

Table 1. Physical properties of the three cleaning agents used in this study.
RBS Lavorea Tega super
Concentration of use (g/l) 10–20 2–3
pH 11.8 11 Neutral
Surface tension mN/m at 10  C 28 at concentration of 15 g/l 60 at concentration of 1.5 g/l 29 at concentration of 2 g/l
Critical micellar concentration (g/l) 10 No micelles formation 0.08

3.105 Xm indicating the proneness of the API to electrostatic of 315, 500, 630, and 800 mm, respectively. The milling tests were
charges accumulation (Malliaris and Turner 1971). Only 1% of performed at maximum oscillation speed (2m/s) and (2) and an
accumulated electrostatic charges are dissipated in 1 h. industrial scale mill (1MG 314, Frewitt (Fribourg Switzerland))
The API is formulated as tablet with low dosage strength for equipped with sieve surface of 0.5 m2 and screen mesh size of
oral administration. During early stage development, it was shown 800 mm. The milling tests were performed at maximum oscillation
that the API particle size reduction (jet milling) enhanced its con- speed (2 m/s).
tent uniformity during blending and its dissolution profile (refer
to Figure 3(D)). 3.3.2. Un-jet milled powder feeding
The un-jet milled powder feeding was evaluated using two
3.1.2. Cleaning agents feeders: (1) a gravimetric weight feeder ML-D5-KT35 supplied by
Three cleaning agents (RBS, lavorea, and Tega super) were eval- K-tron France equipped with extension hopper having 50-l vol-
uated: RBS was supplied by Chemical Products R. Borghgraef ume, three weigh bridges (3  K-SFT), vertical agitation to ensure
Belgium, and Lavorea and Tega super were supplied by SODEVI proper flowing during feeding, trough, horizontal agitation, and
HE France. Their physical properties are summarized in Table 1. twin screws; and (2) and a volumetric feeder K2-MV-T35 (K-tron,
France) having the same configuration as the gravimetric feeder
with the exception of weigh bridges.
3.2. IRA tool
Two twin screws were tested: namely auger and concave
Albus (1964) summarized different parameters that could impact screws. Both screws are frequently used for feeding poor flowing
the physical quality of powders during jet milling. Overview of material.
these parameters is provided in Ishikawa’s diagram (Adam et al.
2011) (see Figure 4). 3.3.3. Powder jet milling
Lab, pilot, and industrial scale jet mills were supplied by FPS Food
3.2.1. Identification of cause–effect relationships Pharma systems (see Figure 6). Theirs characteristics are given in
Level of risk of each parameter on critical quality attributes (CQAs: Table 5.
particle size and crystal structure) and on performance indicators
(KPIs; jet milling yield and compliance to EHS regulation) were 3.3.4. Jet milled powder recovery
carried out. The impact (Table 2) and probability of occurrence The recovery of jet milled material for the 1.5 inches was carried
(Table 3) were considered to deliver a quantitative level of risk using an antistatic polyester filter sleeve to separate the process
(Table 4) for each parameter as follows: gas from the micronized product.
 Impact The recovery of jet milled material for 5 and 8 inches was car-
 Probability of occurrence ried using two systems: (1) cartridges: polyurethane cartridge fil-
ters were adopted for the separation cyclone in its simplest
Combination of impact and probability of occurrence provided configuration. Cartridge de-clogging was obtained with a counter-
overall rating as described in Table 4. The risk caption is described pulse of compressed air or nitrogen; and (2) filter sleeve: antistatic
as follows: polyester filter sleeve was adopted on the separation cyclone for
 For high risks (colored in red: score from 30 to 90), a mitiga- product-gas separation, with higher efficiency (recovery rate) and
tion action plan to lower the potential risks as much as pos- less disturbance of the micronization during filter declogging.
sible was designed and executed as first priority. The choice of the solids/gas separation system impacts the
 For medium risks (orange: score from 10 to 18), a mitigation classification of particles exiting the micronization chamber. The
action plan to lower the potential risks as much as possible gentler filter de-clogging assured by the octopus filter type grants
was designed and executed as second priority. a better control of the pressure fluctuations on the jet mill
 For low risks (green: score from 2 to 6), no mitigation action chamber.
plan was defined. Both 5- and 8-inch mills are fitted with a pressure compensa-
tion line, which connects the powder discharge zone from the
feeder to the separation cyclone top part. The pressure compen-
3.3. Equipment
sation line separates the system from the installation room, which
3.3.1. Un-jet milled powder calibration has the following benefits: (1) avoid entrance of air from the
Two types of delumper were evaluated namely conical sieving installation room. Especially when nitrogen is used as process gas,
mill (see Figure 5(A)) and oscillating sieving mill (see Figure 5(B)). introduction of ambient air may impact oxygen and humidity
A lab scale conical sieving mill (Quadro comill 193, content inside the jet mill chamber; (2) reducing noise of the sys-
MEDELPHARM France) with sieve surface of 0.0014 m2 was tested. tem; and (3) reducing dust generation in the room, especially
Four sieves with screen mesh sizes of 600, 1000, 1400, and when blow back occurred.
2400 mm, were tested at 3550 rpm.
The oscillating sieving mill was tested using two scales: (1) a 3.3.5. Jet mills aerodynamic qualification
lab scale mill (Erweka 5055, Frewitt (Fribourg Switzerland)) with Spiral jet mill was used to achieve the target particle size
sieve surface of 0.067 m2, and four sieves with screen mesh size (2.6–4.4 mm). The experimental gas flow rate may be equal or

Figure 4. Ishikawa’s diagram highlighting different parameters that could impact physical quality of jet milled powder.

Table 2. Impact of parameters on CQA. and (2) gas flow rate for each nozzle was measured at different
Low 2 It is expected that this parameter and its variability may pressures using a mass flowmeter KOBOLD KES and 780 serial in
not impact quality attributes the gas exit of the jet mill (Figure 7). Since the nozzles are remov-
Moderate 6 It is expected that this parameter and its variability may able and a specific test apparatus for each nozzle was not avail-
impact quality attributes not beyond acceptable range
able, only the overall gas flow rate was measured and mean
High 18 It is expected that this parameter and its variability may
impact quality attributes beyond acceptable range value of pressure orifice coefficient was determined by connecting
the flow meter to the jet mill exit and measuring the overall
equipment flow. The overall gas flow rate and mean value of
pressure orifice coefficient are defined as follows:
Table 3. Probability of occurrence.
Low 1 In-house data are available with the same product (from
Qgas ¼ n  Qgas
th (8)
research or first experiments or previous process version) Qgas exp
Moderate 3 Literature data or in-house data with similar product are Cor ¼ (9)
Qgas th
available (prior knowledge)
High 5 No literature data nor product-related (or similar product) where Qgas_th, Qgas_exp, n, and Cor are the theoretical overall gas
data are available
flow rate through the jet mill, the experimental overall gas flow
rate, number of nozzles, and the pressure orifice coefficient,
Table 4. Overall rating.
Impact 3.3.6. Cleaning in place
Probability of occurrence 2 6 18 For the selection of optimal cleaning agent, surface tension and
1 2 6 18 contact angle of cleaning agent were measured.
3 6 18 54 The surface tension (c) of cleaning agent was measured using
5 10 30 90 € K12V tensiometer (KRUSS
€ GmbH, Germany). The Wilhelmy
plate method (S. C. Biswas et al. 2001) was applied under quasi-
equilibrium conditions. The force required to detach the plate
below the theoretical one depending on the nozzles’ surface from the interface was accurately determined. The measurements
roughness, consequently, the gas energy needed for particle size were carried out at room temperature and repeated three times.
reduction can vary considerably. It is noteworthy, that the ratio The contact angle (Chander et al. 2007) was measured using a
between the ideal gas flow rate and the theoretical one corre- drop shape analysis system DSA 1000 IPS (supplied by KRUSS €
sponds to the pressure orifice coefficient Cor. Thus, it is important GmbH, Germany). About 20 ml of aqueous solution of cleaning
to know the diameter and pressure orifice coefficient of jet mill’s agent was placed on the surface of pure API tablet produced at
nozzles. The hydrodynamics characterization of the nozzles was 17 kN using Instron machine referenced 5567. The deposited drop
conducted as follows: (1) nozzles’ diameters were measured using contact angle depends on powder properties, liquid, and sur-
calibrated steel bars with diameter in the range of 1.25–1.7 mm rounding phase. In the case of complete wetting, the contact

Figure 5. Conical and oscillating sieving mills.

Figure 6. Different jet mills used for manufacturing process development.

Table 5. Jet mill characteristics.

Jet mill scale Lab scale 1.5 inches Pilot scale 5 inches Pilot scale 8 inches ProMill-12 12 inches
Jet mill diameter (mm) 35 124 203 304
Jet mill configuration Elliptic Elliptic Elliptic Elliptic
Number of grinding nozzles 4 6 8 12
Diameter of grinding nozzles (mm) 0.40 1.25 1.50 3.0
Type of grinding nozzles Convergent Convergent Convergent Convergent
Grinding nozzles angle ( ) 52.5 53.0 53.0 52.2
Orifice coefficient of grinding nozzles 0.873 0.562 0.628 0.905
Injection nozzle diameter 0.75 1.75 2.50 3.00
Injection nozzle type Convergent Convergent Convergent Convergent
Classifier gap (mm) 1.0 3.8 5.2 8.0

angle is 0 . Between 0 and 90 , the solid is wettable and above using Fraunhofer’s diffraction theory. This method can measure
90 it is not wettable. In the case of ultrahydrophobic materials the particle sizes down to 1 mm. For small particles, forward light
with the so-called lotus effect, the contact angle approaches the scattering is measured with the application of Mie Theory of light
theoretical limit of 180 . scattering.
By combining the results obtained with light diffraction and
forward light scattering, particle size distributions can be meas-
3.4. Powder characterization ured in the range 0.02–0 mm (Swithenbank et al. 1976).
3.4.1. Particle size analysis
Particles’ sizes were measured using laser diffraction (Malvern 3.4.2. Apparent density, tap density, and Carr index measurement
Mastersizer 2000V). The equipment measures the angle of light
The apparent and tapped densities were measured using
diffracted by the particles, which depends on the particle radius, ENGELSMANN STAV 2003 tester supplied by J. Engelsmann AG

represents the chute angle necessary to prevent material build up

on the solids impact areas (Marjanovic and Jones 1996).
In our study different material surfaces were used to determine
HI and CI: namely, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyoxymethy-
lene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene UHMW (PE 1000),
mirror polished stainless steel 316L, mechanically polished stain-
less steel 316L, and electro-polished stainless steel 316L.

4. Experimental section
In this section, we describe the outcome of IRA from which the
experimental plan was designed based on industrial user’s
requirements: that is, production of a jet milled API having mean
diameter (d50) 6 lm at the flow rate of 100 kg/h. The industrial
installation was designed with CIP system to achieve two KPs
namely milling yield higher than 99% and safe manufacturing
process designed for containment allowing dust emission below
100 mg/m3. The results of experimental trials are presented and
Figure 7. Principle of experimental design used for pressure orifice coefficient. discussed. Then, a manufacturing process space in which produc-
tion parameters can vary without altering the quality of the final
Germany. The tester was equipped with glass test tube of 250 ml. product was designed and discussed. Finally, the layout of the
A specified mass of powder was poured into a test tube and then proposed industrial installation was proposed and discussed.
tapped against a hard surface for a specified number of times
(500 in our study). Tapping causes the particles to rearrange and 4.1. Initial risks assessment
give denser packing. From bulk and tap densities, one can calcu-
late the Carr index as follows (McGlinchey 2008): 4.1.1. IRA matrix
The IRA was applied to raw material attributes, operating parame-
ðApparent density  Tapd densityÞ100
Carr index ¼ (10) ters, and geometrical configuration of equipment based on prior
Tap density know-how that includes data from product or product-like or lit-
When the Carr index is in the range of 5–15%, the material erature. The matrix of the IRA is presented in supplementary
exhibits a free-flowing behavior and can be assimilated to gran- material. The scoring of each potential risk is presented in Figure
ules with excellent flow. When the Carr index is in the range of 9(A,B,C). It outlines the potential critical parameters that could
12–16%, the material exhibits a good flowing. When the Carr potentially impact QAs and KPIs. One can observe from Figure
index is in the range of 18–21%, the material exhibits a fair pow- 9(A) that the attributes of starting material such as particle size,
dered granule flow. When the Carr index is in the range of apparent density, flowability, crystal structure, surface charge, and
23–28%, the material exhibits an easily fluidisable powders having stickiness can significantly impact the QAs and/or KPIs. Also, the
poor flow. When the Carr index is in the range of 33–38%, the operating parameters such as grinding gas type, grinding gas
material exhibits cohesive powders having very poor flow. When pressure, injection gas pressure, and solid feed rate can impact
the Carr index is in the range of 28–35%, the material exhibits significantly the QAs and/or KPIs (see Figure 9(B)). With regard to
cohesive powders having poor flow, and when the Carr index is geometrical configuration of equipment, parameters such as jet
higher than 40% the powder is cohesive with an extreme mill size, grinding nozzle type, grinding nozzle number, grinding
poor flow. nozzle diameter, jet mill material, and micronized product recov-
ery can impact significantly the QAs and/or KPIs (see Figure 8(C)).
3.4.3. Amorphization content
The amorphization content was evaluated using conventional DSC 4.1.2. Study plan design
(DSC 2920 TA Instruments, France). The typical sample size of Based on the IRA, the mitigation study plan to overcome poten-
10 mg was placed into 40 ml aluminum pans and sealed with a tial issues was defined and implemented as follows: (1) a safety,
punched aluminum lid. Thermal curves were recorded with heat- hazards, and risk evaluation was conducted because the API is
ing. A heating cycles with scanning rates of 5  C/min were classified as class 2 according to dust explosion classification
recorded from room temperature up to 250  C. Typical DCS profile product; (2) the un-milled material needs to be de-agglomerated
is described in Figure 8. prior to jet milling, to ensure high specific solid rate and limit the
The amorphization content was calculated as follows: degradation of the physical quality of product in terms of flow-
ability. For that purpose, two mills were evaluated (oscillating
Crystallization enthalpy
Amorphization content ¼  100 (11) sieve mill versus conical-sieve-mill); (3) gravimetric and volumetric
Melting enthalpy
feeders were evaluated to ensure proper feeding and constant
feed rate; (4) jet mill that can lower adhesiveness of API was
3.4.4. Hopper indiciser selected. The goal is to overcome the stickiness of un-jet milled
Hopper indiciser supplied by Johanson Innovations San Luis and potential increase in inter-particle friction that can affect the
Obispo, California, USA was used to measure the surface friction flowability of material; (5) characterization of aerodynamic behav-
of the powder at two predetermined compaction pressures in a ior of nozzles at the energy level to be used; (6) parametric study
conical hopper. Two indexes were determined: Hopper Index (HI) to design the space where the API will be obtained with targeted
which represents the hopper angle required to initiate movement particle size without polymorphic change was carried out; (7) filter
along the walls of the hopper, and Chute Index (CI) which sleeve and cartridges filters for micronized product recovery were

Figure 8. DSC profile.

Figure 9. Impact of material attributes (A), operating parameters (B), and geometrical equipment on quality attributes (C).

evaluated; (8) a scale-up rule was defined and selection of the

mill scale was carried out according batch size to be processed;
and (9) design of sealed industrial installation that will make the
manufacturing process allow high containment and high efficient
recovery process was defined.

4.2. Experimental trials

Based on the API characteristics, a safety, hazards, and risk evalu-
ation was conducted to prevent release of dangerous substances,
and prevent sources of ignition.

4.2.1. Safety, hazards, and risk evaluation

The API is an insulating compound, that slowly dissipates its
charges, and airborne dust is sensitive to ignition (MIE Figure 10. Specific calibration rate as function of screen size.
10–100 mJ). Any induced explosion will be violent as the API is
classified ST2 and its Pmax is close to 10 bars (absolute pressure).
Consequently, the hazards linked with the API airborne dust are of 0.5 m2 and screen mesh size of 800 mm. The processed batch
considered as important. size was about 70 kg. The non-delumped API contained lumps
To protect the milling equipment from any electrical and non- having particle size up to 3–4 cm diameter. The mill rotor was
electrical explosion, the elimination or control of risks from explo- oscillated at speed of 2 m/s. A specific calibration rate of 3500 kg/
sive atmospheres in the workplace was ensured by achieving the hm2 was reached. The mean particle size, the apparent density,
following in order to be compliant with European directives for and the Carr index of delumped API were found to be 21 mm,
controlling explosive atmospheres (ATEX) (Tommasini et al. 2013): 0.27 g/ml, and 41%, respectively. The industrial trial confirms the
(1) the zoning plan where the milling equipment is placed was results obtained at lab scale in terms of productivity and physical
defined according the hazardous zones requirements. Indeed, a quality of delumped API.
room classified as zone 20 (permanent explosive dust is present)
was selected; (2) the equipment category, T-class and explosion 4.2.3. Assessment of jet mill feeding
group were defined according the ATEX Equipment Directive. In Midoux et al. (1999) demonstrated that jet milling is driven by the
the present case, the instrumentation probes were selected; (3) specific energy (ratio of gas kinetic energy to slid feed rate)
the equipment was grounded and their equi-potentiality was veri- applied during particle size reduction. Any variation of the feed
fied; (4) during milling and jet milling, the operators were suited rate during the operation may have disproportionate impact on
with appropriate clothing that does not create the risk of an elec- the physical quality (particle size, apparent density, flowability,
trostatic discharge igniting the explosive atmosphere; (5) the and crystal structure) of the jet-milled material. Thus, the selection
micronization under nitrogen was selected and the operators of an appropriate feeding technology is important. A comparative
were protected from any anoxia. In fact, the micronization room study was performed using a gravimetric and volumetric feeder.
was equipped with oxygen meter and the operators were The results of the study showed that the gravimetric feeder led to
equipped with hoods having breathable air; and (6) before run- accurate feed rate which was not the case for the volumetric
ning any milling or micronization, the overall explosion safety feeder. In fact, the deviation from the set feed rate was less than
measures were checked. 1.4% whatever the used screw (augers or concaves) when the
gravimetric feeder is used (see Figure 11(A)) while, the deviation
4.2.2. Delumping of un-jet milled API
from the set feed rate was higher than 105% in the case of volu- Lab scale trials: The un-jet milled material contained large
metric feed rate (see Figure 11(B)). Based on the results of this
lumps (up to 3 cm diameter) that could block or prevent the
study the gravimetric feeder was selected to enable an efficient
proper feeding of the jet mill. To overcome this issue a compara-
jet milling process.
tive calibration study was performed using oscillating sieving mill
Erweka 5055 and conical sieving mill Quadro comil 193. The
results of the study showed that the oscillating sieving mill leads 4.2.4. Selection of jet mill material
to higher specific calibration rate compared to conical sieving mill Adhesion between powders and surfaces plays an important role
(see Figure 10). Indeed, a specific calibration rate of 3800 kg/hm2 in the handling and processing of pharmaceutical materials.
was observed when using the oscillating sieving mill with screen Different mechanisms that cause adhesion can be Van der Waal’s
size of 800 mm while, only 2000 kg/hm2 was obtained when using forces, electrostatic forces, liquid bridges, or contact melting
conical sieving mill with larger screen size (2000 mm). (Booth and Newton 1987). Furthermore, it is already known that
Furthermore, it should be noted that when using conical sieving small particle size and needlelike morphology can lead to bad
mill, smaller screen size than 1 mm could not be used due to flowability and adhesion to surface (Leane et al. 2015) of jet mill
screen clogging. piping and filters which may result in bad jet milling yield and a
For both delumpers, the apparent density and flow of the cali- possible failure of the final QAs.
brated material were negatively impacted. Indeed, the apparent Adhesion between powders, either of the same or different
density was decreased from 0.36 g/ml to approximatively materials and between powders and surfaces, plays an important
0.30–0.28 g/ml and the Carr index was increased from 31 to role in the handling and processing of pharmaceutical materials.
approximatively 38–40. To manage this processing risk, the flow functions of the Industrial trial: The industrial trial was conducted using delumped API and jet milled one were carried out as function of
the oscillating sieving mill 1MG 314, equipped with sieve surface jet mill material using a hopper indiciser cell.

Figure 11. Feeding performances of gravimetric (A) and volumetric (B) feeders.

was performed (100 kg/h as solid feed rate jet milled at 200 kJ/kg)
using 12-inches jet mill also made from PTFE. The results covering
a large range of specific energy (0–800 kJ/kg) led to the following
observations: (1) the jet milling (created specific surface area as
function specific energy: Figure 14(A)) profile exhibits two
domains: a first domain is observed at low specific milling energy
where the created specific surface area increases dramatically
with specific energy. A second domain is observed at high specific
energy where the created specific surface area increases only
slightly with specific energy. Midoux et al. interpreted these
domains as driven by particle fragmentation for low specific
energy and by particle attrition for high specific energy; (2) the
Figure 12. Illustration of Hopper (A) and Chute (B) indexes. specific energy approach seems to be a good scale-up marker.
Indeed, when the created specific surface area is graphed as func-
An HI representing the hopper angle required to initiate move- tion of specific energy, the milling profiles of different mills (1.5,
ment (Figure 12(A)) along the walls of the hopper is then calcu- 5, 8, and 12 inches) led to approximatively one master curve
(Figure 14(A)). It is noteworthy that the scale-up factor between
lated. A CI was also determined with this equipment. This index
1.5 inches and 12 inches is about 143 (100 kg/h for 12 inches and
recommends the chute angle necessary to prevent material build
0.7 kg/h for 1.5 inches); (3) jet milling the API at specific energy
up on the solids impact areas (Figure 12(B)).
equal or lower to 200 kJ/kg does not induce any amorphization or
The results gathered in Table 6 show that the lower HI and the
polymorphic transition. However, when applied specific energy is
lower CI were obtained when using PTFE for both quality of API
equal or higher than 267 kJ/kg, amorphization of the API is
(delumped and jet-milled). These results are in agreement with
observed (Figure 14(B)); (4) jet-milled samples obtained at 200,
data from literature indicating that PTFE is a well-known anti-adhe-
267, and 800 kJ/kg were stored at ambient temperature and dif-
sive material (Lehmann et al. 2002) when in contact with powder. ferent relative humidity. Monitoring the particle size over time of
these samples showed that the amorphous product exhibits a sig-
4.2.5. Jet milling aerodynamic qualification nificant crystal growth. As illustrated in Figure 14(C), it can be
The flow rate as function of pressure was measured for each jet seen that this phenomenon is even more pronounced for prod-
mill and graphed as function of the theoretical flow rate from ideal ucts containing high amorphous content and stored at high
nozzles having the same section. All curves led to straight lines humidity. However, the API that does not contain amorphous
(Figure 13) whose slopes allowed determination of orifice coeffi- component remains stable during storage; and (5) when the
cients, which were found to be 0.9, 0.6, 0.6, and 0.9 for 1.5, 5, 8, diameter of 90% of particles (d90) was graphed as function of
and 12 inches jet mill, respectively. The variability of orifice coeffi- mean diameter (d50), the obtained profile led to a unique master
cient outlined the challenge of perfectly machining such small noz- curve (Figure 14(D)) outlining that the particle size distribution is
zles (0.4–3 mm diameter) and its dependence on the geometry not affected by the used scale. The d90 versus d50 profile can be
constraints due to the jet mill manufacture. In the rest of the study, considered as the milling pathway.
the orifice coefficient was used to calculate the real specific energy
applied during jet milling according to Equation (4). 4.2.7. Jet milled product recovery
The jet-milled product recovery was evaluated using 8-inches jet
4.2.6. Jet milling parametric study mill equipped either with filter sleeve or with cartridges filters.
A parametric study was carried out using three jet mills (1.5, 5, The trials were performed at milling specific energy of 200 kJ/kg
and 8 inches) made from PTFE. Furthermore, an industrial trial (solid feed rate of 20 kg/h and grinding pressure of 9 bar). The

Table 6. Hopper and Chute indexes obtained for delumped and jet milled API.
Delumped API Jet milled API
Hopper index Chute index Hopper index Chute index
Stainless steel 316L mirror polished 0 90 0 90
Stainless steel 316L electro-polished 0 90 0 90
Steel 316L mechanical polishing 0 90 0 90
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 4 90 0 90
Polyoxymethylene (POM-C) 0 90 3 81
Polyethylene UHMW (PE 1000) 1 90 0 90
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 9 84 44 72

Cleaning of API can be ensured using organic solvent, alkaline,

acid, or aqueous surfactant solution. For the present case study,
our choice was oriented towards the use of aqueous surfactant
solutions for the following reasons: (1) avoiding design of installa-
tion compliant with use of organic solvent and (2) solvent recov-
ery due to environmental requirement and potential cross-
contamination due to reuse of recovered solvent.
Three cleaning agents were screened for cleaning evaluation:
Tega, super RBS, and Lavorea. Each surfactant was used at the
concentration recommended by the supplier (refer to Table 1).
The screening was based on acquisition of basic data that are in
relationship with wetting characteristics: surface tension, contact
angle, and sinking time method which is by far the simplest (but
qualitative) method for assessment of wettability of a powder by
a surfactant solution. The selected surfactant was used for clean-
ing trial followed by analytical verification. Surfactant screening. Surface tension. The surface tension at the recom-
Figure 13. Experimental gas flow rate as function theoretical one. mended concentration was measured at 20  C. The obtained
results are 28, 29, and 50 mN/m for Tega super, RBS, and Lavorea,
recovery efficiency was found to be much higher when using the respectively. From these results, one can observe that Lavorea sur-
filter sleeve. Indeed, the jet milling yield obtained with the filter factant has the higher surface tension, and may not be efficient
sleeve was about 98%, and when the cartridges filter was used, for removal of any API residue.
the yield was found to be about 62%. The low yield obtained Contact angle. The contact angle at the recommended
when the cartridge filter was used is due to a high API build concentration was measured at 20  C. The obtained results are 40,
observed within the product transport line and cyclone filter walls 46, and 70 for Tega super, RBS, and Lavorea, respectively. From
(refer to Figure 15). It is noteworthy that this result was predicted these results, one can observe that Tega super has the lowest
by adhesion evaluation of the API, which showed that the adhe- contact angle, and may potentially be efficient in removal of any
sion is very high when API is in contact with stainless steel API residue. In contrast, Lavorea surfactant has a higher contact
material. angle, and may not be efficient for removal of any API residue.
An industrial trial performed using 12-inch jet mill made from
PTFE, product transport line lined with PTFE and cyclone filter Sinking time. About 100 mg of API was incorporated in
equipped with filter sleeve led to jet milling yield of 99%. an aqueous solution containing 2% of surfactant. The time for
which a powder floats on the surface of a liquid before sinking
4.2.8. Equipment cleaning into the liquid is measured for different surfactant solutions. From
The industrial installation was intended to be used for jet milling experimental trials, it was found that the API powder sank instant-
of different APIs. Based on concepts of good manufacturing prac- aneously into the liquid when Tega super surfactant was used.
tices, such as multiple usage is satisfactory provided that the The sinking time for RBS surfactant was found to be about 3 min.
equipment is properly designed to be cleanable and the degree However, in the case of Lavorea surfactant the API particles
of the cleaning is validated. The cleaning of industrial installation remained floating at the surface of the aqueous solution (see
was considered as critical for the following reasons: (1) potential Figure 16).
residue of same API adhering to the installation wall can be car- Based on the results described above, the Tega super surfac-
ried over successive batches. Such carryover can adversely alter tant was selected for further investigation (cleaning trial).
the purity profile of the API; and (2) jet milling of different APIs,
should be conducted in a manner that prevents cross contamin- Cleaning trial. The cleaning trial was performed on 8-
ation between different APIs. inchs jet mill after jet milling of 20 kg of API. The trial was con-
For that purpose, it was decided to clean the installation ducted using an external cleaning skid composed of 50-l vessel
between batches of the considered API. When switching from jet that was filled with 18 l of aqueous solution containing 2% of
milling one API to another API, the installation was cleaned Tega super, centrifugal pump, and feeding and recycling pipe.
according to a validated cleaning process where the residues are The skid was connected to different spray balls distributed as fol-
systematically verified. lows: one on the lid of feeder, one on product transport line, one

Figure 14. Created specific surface area as function of specific energy (A), amorphous content as function specific energy (B), evolving of d50 during storage (C), and
d90 versus d50 (D).

on the balance line, three on the top of the cyclone filter, and but also gives information about the effect of the operating
three on the bottom of the cyclone filter. The surfactant solution conditions.
was recirculated through the skid at the flow rate of 1600 l/h Graphical construction: In our study the design space was con-
(recycling frequency: 89 h-1) for 1 h (89 cycles) at ambient structed based on the following considerations: (1) from bio-
temperature. pharmaceutical properties the d50 has to be lower than 6 mm (6/
After cleaning, the installation was dried using air from the d50 > 1 mm1); (2) the minimum specific energy to get particle size
feeder, grinding nozzles, and injection nozzle at the flow rate of within specification is 95 kJ/kg; (3) the maximum specific energy to
100 m3/h for 1 h. get particle size within specification without amorphization is
The visual inspection showed that all installation pieces were 250 kJ/kg; (4) the critical operating process parameters for constant
perfectly clean except the filter sleeve where some API traces geometrical configuration of jet mill and for constant temperature
were observed. The following recommendations can be provided are grinding pressure and solid flow rate; (5) the sonic regime is
based on this trial’s results: Tega super is a better surfactant for obtained when the absolute pressure is higher than 2 bar (Midoux
CIP. In fact, the surfactant ensures effective cleaning; it is classified et al. 1999); (6) the maximum absolute pressure to be used is
as food grade and its residue can be easily quantified using 13 bar (maximum operating pressure for the jet mill); (7) the min-
atomic adsorption spectrophotometry. imum solid flow rate to get particle size reduction for 12-inch jet
In the final cleaning procedure, the sleeve filter should be mill is 4.46 kg/h. The data were extrapolated from observed experi-
removed from the top part for separate washing. mental data using 5-inch jet mill. The solid flow rate was consid-
ered to be proportional to square of jet mill diameter as described
4.2.9. Graphical construction of process design space in Equation (7); (8) the maximum flow rate to get proper function-
A different approach based on the use of the design space con- ing of 12-inch jet mill is 350/h. At higher solid flow rate the jet mill-
cept can be used to design manufacturing jet mill process for a ing is unstable resulting in a discontinuous output of the product
given API. According to ‘ICH Q8 Pharmaceutical Development and large fluctuations in particle size. The data were extrapolated
Guideline’ 29 (Guideline 2009) a design space is the multidimen- from observed experimental data using 5-inch jet mill; (9) the
sional combination of input variables and process parameters that industrial requirements for commercial process are fixed in terms of
have been demonstrated to provide assurance of quality. The solid flow rate at 120 ± 10 kg/h, grinding pressure at 6 ± 0.5 bar, and
design space can be useful as it provides not only the best recipe, jet mill to be used is 12-inch jet mill equipped with 12 nozzles

Figure 15. Stickiness of API on cyclone walls and product transport line.

Figure 17(B) outlines the graphical construction of the process

design space which includes different zones: (1) knowledge space
where the manufacturing process is investigated and well-under-
stood. (2) Proven acceptance range which is the space where any
variation of critical process parameters (i.e. grinding pressure, solid
flow rate) will not led to product out of the specification; (3) nor-
mal operating range that taking in account the accuracy of instru-
mentation controlling the critical process parameters; and (4)
operating point based on set points of critical process parameters.

4.2.10. Industrial design

A preliminary sketch of the proposed industrial installation is illus-
trated in Figure 18. It is rated for zone 20 according to ATEX
requirements. The installation is composed of:
 Oscillating mill (using 630 mm grid size) equipped with PTFE-
lined hopper discharge to limit API adherence. The lid of the mill
and hopper discharge were equipped with rotating spray balls
 Lifting column for drum handling
Figure 16. API wettability using sinking time.  Gravimetric feeder equipped with 250 l hopper (vertical and
horizontal agitation). The lid of the feeder hopper was fitted
with 3 mm diameter should be used; (10) nozzle orifice coefficient with a rotating spray ball
of the jet mill is 0.9; specific energy for nominal process conditions  12-inch jet mill in a vertical position to avoid any elbow con-
(120 kg/h, 6 bar) is about 159 kJ/kg; and (11) the specific energy is nection between the jet mill and product transportation line
proportional to the ratio of absolute grinding pressure to solid flow  The jet mill was connected to PTFE-lined pipe for product trans-
rate according to Equation (6). portation. The product transport line was fitted with retractable
  nozzles: this assures flush surface during micronization opera-
P tions, and assures effective cleaning during washing operations
ESP ¼ k  (12)
Q  Cyclone filter equipped with filter sleeve. The filter sleeve
needs to be removed from the top part for separate washing.
where, ESP, k, P, and Q are the specific energy, constant, absolute The separation cyclone was fitted with three rotating spray
grinding pressure, and solid flow rate, respectively. Knowing the balls at 120 from each other, fitted on the cylindrical body
orifice coefficient, the ESP is calculated and graphed as function (top part), and three fixed sprinklers on the lower cone at 120
of P/Q ratio (see Figure 17(A)). from each other. Spray balls and sprinklers were positioned to

Figure 17. Grinding specific energy as function of ratio pressure to solid feed rate (A) and graphical construction of design space for jet milling process (B).

Figure 18. Sketch proposed industrial installation.


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