Abuse and Neglect Handout - MR

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Abuse and Neglect

Abuse Neglect
What is Abuse: Causes or threatens to cause a What is The _____ to meet a child’s basic physical
abuse? non-accidental or injury. neglect? and emotional needs. These needs include
_____, food, clothing, _______, access to
_____ care, and having feelings ________
and appropriately responded to.
Types of –________ Abuse: the intentional use of Effects: –Children who are abused and neglected
abuse: physical force that can result in physical may suffer _________ physical injuries
injury. Examples include _______, such as ____, bruises, or broken _____.
kicking, shaking, _______, or other acts –Children may also have emotional and
of force against a child. psychological problems, such as _______
–_________ Abuse: _________ that harm or ____.
a child’s self-worth or emotional
well-being. Examples include
name-calling, _______, rejecting,
withholding love, and ___________.
–______ Abuse: __________ or forcing a
child to engage in sexual acts. It includes
behaviors such as ________, penetration,
and ________ a child to other sexual
Strengthen economic –Strengthening household financial security
support to families –Family-friendly work policies

Change social norms –Public engagement and education campaigns

to support parents and –Legislative approaches to reduce corporal punishment
positive parenting

Provide quality care –Preschool enrichment with family engagement

and education early in –Improved quality of child care through licensing and accreditation

Enhance parenting –Early childhood home visitation

skills to promote –Parenting skill and family relationship approaches
healthy child

Intervene to lessen –Enhanced primary care

harm and prevent –Behavioral parent training programs
future risk –Treatment to lessen the harm of abuse and neglect exposure
–Treatment to prevent problem behavior and later involvement in violence
Exit Ticket
I. How many children, out of 7, experience abuse or neglect? Fill in the graph to match your answer.

II. More than ___ million cases of child abuse or neglect were investigated in 2020. Complete the graph to
illustrate your understanding of what investigations were most common.

IV. List three things that you learned today that you didn’t know before.



V. List one question you still have about abuse and neglect.

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