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Ecom, Jhun Ian Klein M.

Instructions: Jot down ideas about each type of love given in the worksheet. Afterwards,
individually draft a general definition of love from this worksheet and the earlier conversation
with the class.

Agape: The kind of love that accepts a person for all that they are and all that they are not
simply because they are human. Unconditional love based on a shared humanity. Love that
transcends and persists regardless of circumstances. The highest form of love.

Do you believe in Agape love? Who do you have Agape love for?
I don't currently have a partner, therefore my agape is me. I believe in agape love, but I
can also love someone else after I learn to love myself.

Phileo: Affectionate love. The kind of love that is platonic. This is the love of friendship.

What is your relationship to Phileo love? Who do you have Phileo love for?
The definition of Phileo love is "brotherly and friendship love," and my older brother and cousin
are the people I have Phileo love for. Even if we don't communicate often or spend time together
as brothers, I still adore them.

Storge: This love is all about family and friends. This is the love that naturally occurs between
parents and their children, and between siblings. This love will encourage sacrifice and make
you feel secure.

What is your relationship to Storge love? Who do you have a strong love for?
Even in the face of difficulties or issues, my Storge love is for my parents, brothers, and sisters.
We always stick together and come up with a solution to the issue at hand.

Eros: This is romantic love. This is the “butterflies in your stomach/I want to be with them every
moment” love. This is not necessarily a permanent love, but is an intense love for a season.

What is your relationship to Eros love? Have you ever experienced Eros love?
I have previously experienced Eros's love. I was in a relationship for only eight months with a
girl, whose name I will not reveal here, but I loved her unconditionally despite the fact that we
are LDR. She was the love of my life. However, we broke up due to an LDR issue.

Considering the discussions you participated in today, revise your definition of love.
According to my interpretation, love is ignorant as it never stays the same—that is, many kinds
of love exist. Love for your parents, grandparents, and siblings. Love for your other family
members and friends. Love for your particular someone comes first, followed by love for
yourself. I know this much about the various forms of love. Love might be different depending on
what kind of love you are experiencing in your life, which is why I said that love is unknown.

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