Abuse and Neglect Lesson Plan - MR

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Barriers to Education Mini-Lesson Plan

VTFT Student Name: Mr. Crouch, Jayden

Date Lesson Will be Taught: 02/06/24

Lesson Topic Abuse & Neglect

Students will learn ABOUT the barrier (causes, preventions, and
treatments. statistics), HOW the barrier impacts students, and WHAT
Learning Target schools/teachers can do to help.

Intro/Hook/Warmup Greeting (1):**WHILE PASSING OUT PAPERS** “Good morning class!

What will you do to get Today will be centered around a possibly difficult topic for some of you
the attention of the class so please, respect eachother, and if you feel as if you need to step into
& introduce them to this the hallway, please feel free to do so.”
lesson? (Time: 1-3 min)
“If you, or someone you know needs help, please reach out to the
hotline that fits the situation: general emergency services, CPS, APS, or
Handout Answer Key
the DV/SA hotline”

The teacher will begin the slides in which the plan and handout follow

Instructions (2): “Now, at the top of your handout, there are two
scenarios. One being an example of a student experiencing abuse,
and the other neglect.”
(3) Is anyone willing to read the first scenario for us?
Now, discuss with your group whether the student is experiencing
either abuse or neglect. How do you know? You will have about 30
seconds to do so.
(4) Is anyone willing to read the second scenario for us?
Again, discuss with your group whether the student is experiencing
either abuse or neglect. How do you know? You will have about 30
seconds to do so.”
Discussion: (5)“Now that you have had a moment to read the
scenarios and discuss with your classmates, who would like to share
their thoughts?”
(6)After discussion, reveal the answer by continuing through slides.
(7)“Now that you have had a moment to read the scenarios and
discuss with your classmates, who would like to share their
(8)After discussion, reveal the answer by continuing through slides.
Body of Lesson The students will complete guided notes about abuse, neglect,
A numbered list of symptoms, and prevention of the topic as the teacher presents the
activities/strategies. slides
Use “Students will…” &
“Teachers will….” Following the Types of Abuse slide, the teacher will guide the students
Include lecture, activity, into discussion about the percentages in which people experiecne
discussion, etc. but not neglect, physical, and sexual abuse.
hook or closure again.
Include links to materials.
Continuing after the discussion, the teacher will complete the
(Time: 4-6 min total. slideshow and the students will demonstrate their understanding by
Lecture portion should completing the exit ticket as seen below in the conclusion.
be 2-3min at most!
Make sure to schedule time
for class to copy notes or
answer questions, if you
include those tasks. ☺)

Closing “All right you guys, now we will transition into the exit ticket, thank you
What will you do to finalize all for your attention today, please turn your focus toward your exit
the lesson/gauge students’ ticket which is to be completed individually.”
(Time: 1-3min)
The students will demonstrate their understanding of abuse and
neglect by completing an exit ticket that will be collected and graded.
Use this paper copy to brainstorm if you wish. You must submit via the template attached to the Canvas assignment.








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