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Lesson 2: PORTFOLIO MODELS 1. Security Analysis.

PORTFOLIO - evaluation and analysis of risk return

features of individual securities
group of assets such as stocks and
bonds held by an investor 2. Portfolio Analysis

collection of investment securities - By selecting the different sets of securities

and varying the amount of investments in
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT each security, various portfolios are
process of creation and maintenance of designed. After identifying the range of
investment portfolio possible portfolios, the risk-return
characteristics are measured and
a complex process which tries to make expressed quantitatively.
investment activity more rewarding and
less risky. 3. Portfolio Selection

refers to the art of managing various - The portfolios that yield good returns at a
financial products and assets to help an level of risk are called as efficient
individual earn maximum revenues with portfolios. The set of efficient portfolios is
minimum risks involved in the long run formed and from this set of efficient
portfolios, the optimal portfolio is chosen for
helps an individual to decide where and investment. The optimal portfolio is
how to invest his hard earned money for determined in an objective and disciplined
guaranteed returns in the future. way by using the analytical tools and
conceptual framework provided by
example: If you owned stock in General Markowitz’s portfolio theory.
Motors, Exxon Mobil, and IBM, you would be
holding a three-stock portfolio. Because 4. Portfolio Revision - After selecting the
diversification lowers risk without sacrificing optimal portfolio, investor is required to
much, if any, expected return, most stocks monitor it constantly to ensure that the
are held in portfolios. portfolio remains optimal with passage of
time. Due to dynamic changes in the
FOUR MAJOR TASKS economy and financial markets, the
1. Taking decisions about investment mix attractive securities may cease to provide
and policy profitable returns. These market changes
result in new securities that promises high
2. Matching investments to objectives
returns at low risks. In such conditions,
3. Asset allocation for individuals and investor needs to do portfolio revision by
institution buying new securities and selling the
4. Balancing risk against performance existing securities. As a result of portfolio
revision, the mix and proportion of securities
in the portfolio changes.
1. Security Analysis
5. Portfolio Evaluation - regular analysis
2. Portfolio Analysis and assessment of portfolio performances in
3. Portfolio Selection terms of risk and returns over a period of
time - During this phase, the returns are
4. Portfolio revision
measured quantitatively along with risk
5. Portfolio evaluation born over a period of time by a portfolio. The
performance of the portfolio is compared
with the objective norms. Moreover, this
procedure assists in identifying the monthly return rWMT,t is defined as
weaknesses in the investment processes.


Two things to note about this return

1. Use of the continuously compounded
EXAMPLE: WALMART AND TARGET return on the stock. An alternative would
have been to use the discrete return,
PWMT,t/PWMT,t−1 − 1.

2. the return data incorporate the dividends

into the prices


- return data for the 60 months represent

the distribution of the returns for the coming

The covariance and the correlation

coefficient, which is derived from it)
measures the degree to which the returns on
These data give the closing price at the end the two assets move together.
of each month for each stock and make an
appropriate adjustment for dividends. First
we calculate the monthly return for each
stock. This is the percentage return that where M is the number of points in the
would be earned by an investor who bought distribution (in our case, M= 60).
the stock at the end of a particular month t
− 1 and sold it at the end of the following
month. For Walmart’s stock in month t, the

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