Fong 9th IIASA-DPRI 09

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The 9th IIASA-DPRI FORUM on Integrated Disaster Risk Management,

12th October 2009 to 16th October 2009, Kyoto, Japan

P f B dD Design
for Building Fire Safety in
Hong g Kongg
Dr N
Dr. N.K.
K Fong
Area of Strength: Fire Safety Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Kong, China
12th October 2009

# Introduction
# References for fire engineering approach

– PNAP 204 Guide to Fire Engineering Approach (Practice

Note for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural

– SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire

Protection : analysis and design of buildings

– BS 7974:2001 Application of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE)

Principles to the Design of Buildings - Code of Practice
# Examples

IDRiM'09 2
I t d ti
# In Hong Kong, fire safety design in buildings can be based on
– prescriptive approach
– fire engineering approach.
# With prescriptive approach, the designer or architect would follow
the guidelines laid down in codes of practice, practice notes for
authorized persons,
persons circular letters etc.
# For most buildings in Hong Kong, the escape routes design still
based on these codes of practice to obtain the “deem
deem to satisfy

IDRiM'09 3
New project

PBC design FSI design

following MoE, following FSI
MoA, FRC codes code

Design revised Submission Submission Design revised

to BD to FSD

Y FEA ? N Opportunities N Approved ? Approved ? N Opportunities Y

for revision ? for revision ?
Evaluation by
fire consultant

Considered by
FSC, BD Design rejected Design rejected

Opportunities N Approved ? Y
f revision
for ii ?

Design Proceed to Proceed to

rejected construction installation

Process for Approving Fire Safety Designs

(R f Chow,
(Ref: Ch Architectural
A hit t l Science
S i Review,
R i 2005)
IDRiM'09 4
Ë The prescriptive codes, basically on

MoE Codes MoA Codes

FRC Codes FSI Codes

Ë may not be sufficient for providing fire safety in
some buildings with special designs.
IDRiM'09 5
Fire Codes in Hong Kong


MoE Codes MoA Codes

FRC Codes FSI Codes

Local Codes: most of them failed to satisfy the prescriptive codes.
IDRiM'09 6
I t d ti
# In the code of practice for the provision of means of
escape in case of fire, it provides prescribed figures
for the buildingg designer
g to determine
– the occupant density of the building,
– no. of staircases in both sprinklered
p and non-
sprinklered building,
– discharge values, travel distance and staircase
width etc.

IDRiM'09 7
I t d ti
# W e in tthee code oof p
While practice
act ce for
o firee resisting
es st g
construction, it mainly described the provisions for
the protection of building and escape route using
suitable non
combustible materials which possess a
specified fire resistance period for different
construction element and resisting the action of fire.
# It also stipulates the
– integrity, stability and insulation requirement for
the building elements.
# It is presumed that design following these codes of
practice will provide sufficient protection to the
occupants and the building in the case of fire.

IDRiM'09 8
I t d ti
# Under the prescriptive approach,
designer or engineers will design the
escape route based on the requirement
stated in the code of p
practice without
questioning the actual performance of
these escape routes and its interaction
with the occupants and other building

IDRiM'09 9
I t d ti
# For buildings with special features such as the Hong
Kong Ai
Airport, b ildi
buildings with
i h atrium,
i the
h designers
d i /
engineers may not be able to provide fire safety design
following the requirement prescribed in the codes of
# It is very common for the designers / engineers to adopt
the fire engineering approach / performance-based
performance based fire
engineering design for such buildings.
# Under the fire engineering approach / performance
based fire engineering design, there are no standard
figures for the design of escape route, width of staircase
# However, certain principles need to be considered when
fire Engineering
g g approach
pp / pperformance-based fire
engineering design is adopted
IDRiM'09 10
PNAP 204 Guide to Fire Engineering

Determine geometry, construction Establish minimum prescriptive
and use of building performance requirements to
Design complies with Codes?
Id if i non-compliance;
Identifying li
Propose alternative/substitutes
And demonstrate equivalence
Design Agreed ?

Determine fire scenario

Establish Max. likely no.

of occupants, their locations and
Behavioural reaction

Identifying certain fire protection


Carry out fire engineering

Analysis rationale

Modify fire safety features Acceptable

Performance Overview of
Fire Engineering Design
Accept Design IDRiM'09 (PNAP
12 204)
SFPE Engineering Guide to
Performance-Based Fire Protection :
analysis and design of buildings

Performance-Based Design
Process (SFPE)

Extracted from SFPE

IDRiM'09 14
Process Flowchart (SFPE)
Defining Project Scope

Identifying Goals

Defining Objectives
Fire Protection
Engineering Design
Performance criteria

Design fire scenarios

Trial designs

Eval. Trial designs

Selected Design Meets

Modify Design or Performance Criteria?

Performance Based
Select Final Design Design Report

Prepare Design Specifications, Drawings,

Specifications Drawings
Documentation And operation and
Maintenance Manual
IDRiM'09 15
BS 7974:2001
Application of
Fi S Safety
f t EEngineering
i i (FSE)
p to the Designg of Buildings
- Code of Practice
g y BS ISO/TR 13387 “Fire Safetyy Engineering”
g g (1999)
( )
Part 1: Application of Fire Performance Concepts to Design

British Standard

IDRiM'09 16
BS 7974
Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings -- Code of practice
Published Documents

PD 7974-0 PD 7974-1 PD 7974-2 PD 7974-3 PD 7974-4 PD 7974-5 PD 7974-6 PD 7974-7

(Sub-system (Sub-system 2) (Sub-system 3) (Sub-system 4) (Sub-system (Sub-system
1) 5) 6)
Guide to design Initiation Spread of Structural Detection of Fire service Evacuation Probabilistic
framework and and smoke and response and fire and intervention risk
fire safety development toxic gases fire spread activation of assessment
engineering of fire within within and beyond the fire
procedures the enclosure beyond the enclosure of protection
of origin enclosure of origin systems

y Design y Design approach
y Acceptance criteria
y Analysis
A i
y Comparison
y Data
with criteria
y References
y Reporting and

Extracted from BS 7974 IDRiM'09 17

2-Step Process

Extracted from BS 7974 IDRiM'09 18

d for
f undertaking
d ki the
# The following steps should be taken when
conducting the QDR:
– St
Step 1:
1 review
i th architectural
the hit t l design
d i off the
– Step
St 2:2 establish
t bli h the
th fire
fi safety
f t objectives
bj ti
– Step 3:identify fire hazards and possible
– Step 4: establish trial fire safety designs
– Step 5: identify acceptance criteria and methods
of analysis
– Step 6: establish fire scenarios for analysis
IDRiM'09 19
Components of Step 1: Review the architectural
design of the building
# a)) building
g characterization
– i.e. the layout and geometry of the building, details of the construction, the
nature and extent of the loads acting on the structure (e.g. dead loads and
imposed loads) and the degree of fire loading present
# b) environmental
i l influences
i fl
– such as wind and snow, which influence fire safety design through their
effect on structural load levels, smoke ventilation systems and the nature
of eexternal
o te a flame
a e eenvelopes
ve opes issuing
ssu g from
o tthee w
dows o
of tthee bu
d g
# c) occupant characterization
– i.e the type of occupancy, the building population and its distribution, the
likelihood of the fire alarm being raised manually, the type of fire
detection and alarm system
# d) management of fire safety
– i.e. the likely extent and nature of management in the building.

IDRiM'09 20
Components of Step 5: Identification of
Acceptance Criteria
# Criteria against which the adequacy of a
design can be judged using data determined
by one or more of the following methods:
– deterministic (including, when appropriate,
safety factors);
– probabilistic (risk-based);
– comparative criteria;
– financial criteria.

IDRiM'09 21
Components of Step 6 : Establish fire scenarios
for analysis
# The characterization of a fire scenario for analysis
y p purposes
p should
include a description of the following, where appropriate:
– type of fire
– internal ventilation conditions
– externall ventilation
il i conditions
di i
– performance of each of the safety measures
– type, size and location of the ignition source
– distribution and type of fuel
– fire load density
– fire suppression
– state of doors
– breakage of windows
– building ventilation system.

IDRiM'09 22
Components of Step 6 : Establish fire scenarios
for analysis
# Design fires

# To evaluate the effects of a developing fire one

or more design fires on which to base the
analysis should usually be defined.
# A design fire can be characterized in terms of:
– heat release rate
– toxic species production rate
– smoke production rate
– fire size ((including
g flame length)
g )
– time to key events, e.g. flashover

IDRiM'09 23
Components of Step 6 : Establish fire scenarios
for analysis
# A more completep description
p of a design
g fire may
y include one or
all of the following phases:
– a) incipient phase:
U characterized by a variety of combustion processes which may be
smouldering flaming or radiant;
– b) growth phase:
U covering the fire propagation period up to flashover (if appropriate) or
full fuel involvement;
– c) fully developed phase:
U characterized by substantially steady burning rates, may occur in
ventilation or fuel bed controlled fires;
– d)) decayy p
U covering the period of declining fire severity;
– e) extinction:
U when there is no more energy being released.

IDRiM'09 24
Q tit ti Analysis
Quantitative A l i
# To simplify the evaluation of the fire safety
design, the fire safety engineering process
should be further broken down into six sub-
systems (SS).
# The sub-systems can be used individually to
address specific issues or together to address all
of the main aspects of fire safety.

IDRiM'09 25
Q tit ti Analysis
Quantitative A l i
# The sub-systems are as follows:
– Sub-system 1:
U initiation and development of fire within enclosure of origin (PD
– Sub-system 2:
U spread of smoke and toxic gases within and beyond enclosure of
origin (PD 7974-2)
– Sub-system 3:
U structural response and fire spread beyond enclosure of origin
(PD 7974-3)
7974 3)
– Sub-system 4:
U detection and activation of fire protection systems (PD 7974-4)
– Sub-system 5:
U fire service intervention (PD 7974-5)
– Sub-system 6:
U evacuation (PD 7974-6)

IDRiM'09 26
SS1: Initiation and development of fire within the
enclosure of origin (see PD 7974-1)
# SS1
– provides guidance on evaluating fire growth
and/or size within the enclosure taking into
account the four main stages of fire
U pre-flashover (including early growth and
U flashover;
U fully developed fire (where all the fuel is
U decay.
IDRiM'09 27
SS1: Initiation and development of fire within the
enclosure of origin (see PD 7974-1)
# Given the information in PD 7974-0,
7974 0 it is then
possible to calculate a number of parameters,
which include:
– heat release rate;
– mass production
d i rate off smoke;k
– mass production rate of fire effluents (e.g. CO);
– flame size and temperature;
– temperature within enclosure;
– time to flashover;
– area of fire involvement.
IDRiM'09 28
SS1: Design fires
# Following identification of the design fire scenarios, it is necessary
to describe the assumed characteristics of the fire on which the
scenario quantification will be based.
– These assumed fire characteristics are referred to as “the design fire”.

# The design fire

– needs to be appropriate to the objectives of the fire safety engineering task.
– For example, if the objective is to evaluate the smoke control system, a
design fire should be selected that challenges the system.

IDRiM'09 29
SS1 Design
SS1: D i fifires
# Design fire
– unlikely to occur in practice.
# Actual fires
– likely to be less severe and will not necessary
follow the specified design curve, such as a
particular heat release curve.
# The design fire quantification process
– should
h ld result l in
i a design
d i profile
fil that
h i

IDRiM'09 30
P fl h
Pre-flashover design
d i fires
# t2 fires
# Smouldering fires
# Burning
g objects
# Prescribed fires

IDRiM'09 31
SS1: Input
QDR Sub-system 3 Sub-system 4 Sub-system 5

Environmental Time of fire Time to Time of fire

influences spread from activation of Service
enclosure smoke control intervention

Design fire Time to

Time to Fire fighting
t t l activation of capability
Building failure smoke and
characteristics fire

Time to
activation of

S b
t 1

IDRiM'09 32
SS1: output

Sub-system 1

Heat release Time to Rate of smoke Rate of CO Flame size Flame

rate flashover production production radiation

Sub-system 2 Sub-system 3 Sub-system 2 Sub-system 2 Sub-system 2 Sub-system 2

Sub-system 3 Sub-system 5 Sub-system 4 Sub-system 5 Sub-system 3 Sub-system 4

Sub-system 6 Sub-system 4 Sub-system 5

y 6 Sub-system
y 6

IDRiM'09 33
SS2: Spread of smoke and toxic gases within and
beyond the enclosure of origin (see PD 7974-2)
# SS2 provides guidance by which the following may
be evaluated:
– the spread of smoke and toxic gases within and
beyond the enclosure of fire origin;
– the characteristics of the smoke and the toxic
gases at the location of interest.

IDRiM'09 34
SS2: analysis of
smoke and
toxic gases

Extracted from BS 7974

IDRiM'09 35
SS3: Structural response and fire spread beyond
the enclosure of origin (see PD 7974-3)
# SS3 provides guidance so that the following can be
– the fire severity
U in terms of temperature and heat flux within the enclosure;
– the ability of the elements forming the enclosure,
y or in ppart, to withstand exposure
p to the
prevailing fire severity.

IDRiM'09 36
SS3 St
SS3: Structural
uctu a response
espo se
and fire spread beyond
the enclosure of origin
(see PD 7974-3)

d from
f BS 7974
IDRiM'09 37
SS3: Structural response and fire spread beyond
the enclosure of origin (see PD 7974-3)


Extracted from BS 7974 IDRiM'09 38

SS3: Structural response
and fire spread beyond
the enclosure of origin
(see PD 7974-3)

Extracted from BS 7974

IDRiM'09 39
SS4: Detection of fire and activation of fire
protection systems (see PD 7974-4)
# SS4 gives guidance on the calculation of the
following with respect to time:
– detection of the fire
– activation of the alarm and fire protection
systems e.g.
systems, e g sprinklers,
sprinklers smoke venting systems,
roller shutters, etc.
– fire service notification.

IDRiM'09 40
SS4: Detection of fire and activation of fire
protection systems (see PD 7974-4)
# D
i i off objectives
bj i
# Required time to response
# Location and extent of detection
# T
Type off detection
d t ti
# Siting and spacing
# Calculated time to response

IDRiM'09 41
SS4: Detection of fire and activation of
fire protection systems (see PD 7974-4)
# Fire Control and Warning Systems
– Determine the type and extent of local and remote fire warning systems
andd the
h likely
lik l response times
i off persons within
i hi the
h premises
i and
d fire
fighting personnel.
– Fire suppression systems
– Fire barrier systems
– Smoke control systems
# Review
– A thorough
th h review
i off eachh off the
th systems
t should
h ld now be b undertaken
d t k to: t
– — ensure that the systems meet with the requirements of the fire safety
engineering design;
– — ensure that the systems
y function together
g as designed
g and that there are
no adverse aspects created by the mutual interaction of any of the systems.

IDRiM'09 42
SS5: Fire service intervention (see PD 7974

# SS5 provides guidance on the evaluation of the rate

of build up of fire extinguishing resources of the
fire service, including the activities of in-house or
private fire brigades and in particular:
– the time interval between the call to the fire
service and the arrival of the fire service pre-
determined attendance
– the time interval between the arrival of the fire
service and the initiation of attack on the fire by
the fire service
– the time intervals related to the build up p of anyy
necessary additional fire service resources
– the extent of firefighting resources and
ti i hi capability
bilit available
il bl att various
times IDRiM'09 43
SS6: Evacuation
i (see
( PD 7974-6))
# SS6 provides guidance on how to assess the
response of people to fire, including their
evacuation time from any space inside a building.
– Criteria for acceptance are contained in this sub-system.
# NOTE 1 The various parts of PD 7974 (PD 7974-1
7974 1
to -6 respectively) for these sub-systems give
selected data and engineering relationships
(i l di information
(including i f ti on their
th i applicability)
li bilit ) that
th t
may be used for design.
# This code
Thi d off practice
ti recognizes
i th use off
alternative information

IDRiM'09 44
Time line approach

IDRiM'09 45
Th time
The ti line
li approachh
– ASET (available safe egress time) is the length
of time available before untenable conditions are
reached and might be defined in terms of:
U a) the smoke layer height descending to within 2.02 0 m of
floor level; and
U b) the visibility distance falling below 10 m; or
U c) the smoke layer temperature exceeding 200 C .
– The untenable conditions vary among different
– ASET can be estimated from using models

IDRiM'09 46

Available safe egress time (ASET)

The time line comparison between fire development and

evacuation/damage to property
IDRiM'09 47
i dS Safe
f EEscape Ti

RSET = Δt det + Δt alarm + (Δt pre + Δt trav )

# Δtdet is the time from ignition to detection which is determined
from empirical model such Alpert’s correlation, alarm is the time
from detection to a general alarm
# Δt pre is the pre-movement time for the building occupants and
# the Δt trav is the travel time of the building occupants which is
d t
i d from
f th evacuation
the ti software
ft such

IDRiM'09 48
# Based on above formula, it is apparent that a great delay in initiating
evacuation (i.e. large value of Δt pre ) would lead to a considerable
vulnerability of the occupants.
# Behavioral response of the occupants is one of the important factors
affectingg the evacuation time in the case of fire and would be dictated
by their physical and psychological states at the time of fire awareness,
e.g. whether they were asleep, just awake and not dressed, or dressed
and awake, the severityy of threat p posed byy fire, the buildingg design
and the fire protection devices installed.
# The reaction of occupants after the perception of fire would be
affected by their perception of the seriousness of the fire.
# Before egress, many people tend to take preservative action, e.g.
collecting important/valuable items.

IDRiM'09 49
# In estimating Δt pre , the cognitive functioning ability of the occupants
is veryy important.
p Some p people
p would treat the audible fire alarm
sound as a warning and wait for further information, e.g. notified by
neighbor, clarified with management personnel via phone calls before
starting to evacuate.
# Therefore, using this fire engineering approach for escape route
design, it is important to understand the behavior of the occupants in
the case of fire emergency such that Δt pre can be determined and
included in egress time calculations.
# However, the value of Δt pre varied with considerable uncertainty and
it is
i important
i t t to
t obtain
bt i accuratet information
i f ti off occupants.
# The determination of Δt pre always leads to vigorous arguments
g g
between the designers/engineers and the authority.

IDRiM'09 50
# Physical conditions, occupant distribution,
d age etc.
t are very important
i t t input
i t
parameters for the estimation of Δttrav .
# However, in the existing fire engineering
approach design, no universal guideline was
developed in the determination of these input
# This again leads to arguments between the
designers/engineers and the approving authority.
IDRiM'09 51
Application Examples


4.6 m

16.21 m

IDRiM'09 53
E it to
Exit t Staircase
St i =1.5
Staircase Assume 3 people
Assumed blocked i each
in h compartment
t t
by the smoke Characteristics defined by Simulex:
Case 1: All elderly
Case 2: All male with walking speed=0.5m/s
speed=0 5m/s


IDRiM'09 54
Evacuation profile



passing th
of people p all male
exitt 40
100 sec 135 sec
No. o

-10 0 50 100 150
Time (sec)

Th evacuation
The i profile
fil off two different
diff occupant characteristics
h i i

IDRiM'09 55
é Only 1 typical floor with one 1.5 meter wide exit is considered in
the simulation.
simulation Total number of occupants inside the floor is 78.
é The simulation setup is shown in figure. During the simulation, the
p time of the occupants
p is based on random distribution
with mean value equal to 1 min/s.
é Two occupant types are considered.
é elderly type
é all male with 0.5 m/s.
é For elderly type, the total evacuation time is ~100 sec.
é For all male with 0.5 m/s,, the total evacuation time is 135 sec.
é This shows that by simply change the occupant type, the simulated
evacuation time is increased by 35 %.
é A cumulative frequency curve is shown to illustrated the time
required for the occupants to pass through the exit in floor 1.

IDRiM'09 56
U t bl conditions
Untenable diti
# Thee uuntenable
te ab e co
d t o s might
g t be dete
ed by tthee
smoke layer clear height, thermal radiation from fire and
enclosure temperature.
# The
h time
i f
from i i i to the
ignition h occurrence off untenable
conditions will be estimated and taken to be the
available safe egress time (ASET) for the building
# For example, from PD7974-6:2004 of BS7974, the
proposed tenability limits for smoke is Dm-1=0.08
0 08
(visibility 10m).
# 2 5kWm-2 for
Other proposed tenability limits are 2.5kWm
exposure to radiant heat, 115oC for up to 5 minutes
exposure to convected heat etc.

IDRiM'09 57
E ti ti off the
Estimation th Fire
Fi Scenario
S i
# For this example
# FDS is used to simulate the fire and smoke spread
within this floor
# A typical floor layout is used for the simulation of
the fire scenarios as shown in the figure.
# 200 x 40 x 6 (i.e. 48000) grid cells are used to
perform the calculation.
# A fire size of 2 MW is used in one of the
compartments for simulations.
# All the compartment walls are assumed 4 m high
and assumed all doors are opened.
IDRiM'09 58
Si l ti layout
Simulation l t
Monitoring point
p visibility,
CO concentration)

Fire source Staircase used for exit

(2 MW)

IDRiM'09 59
Smoke spread at 30 second

IDRiM'09 60
Smoke spread at 80 second

IDRiM'09 61
Smoke spread at 160 second

IDRiM'09 62
Temperature distribution near the fire source at 160 second

IDRiM'09 63

Temperature distribution along the escape route at 160 second

IDRiM'09 64
Temperature profile at different time


Temperature profile at
2.5 50 sec
Height of the mon

2 Temperature profile at
point (m)

100 sec
Temperature profile at
1 150 sec
0.5 Temperature profile at
200 sec
0 100 200 300
Temperature (deg C)

Temperature profile near the fire room at different time

IDRiM'09 65
t Profile
P fil
Temperature distribution at x=5 m Temperature distribution at x = 10 m

3.00 3.00
100 sec
2.50 2.50 100 sec
200 sec
200 sec
eight (m)

eight (m)
2.00 300 sec 2.00
300 sec
1.50 400 sec 1.50
400 sec
500 sec

1 00
1.00 1 00
500 sec
0.50 600 sec 0.50 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Temperature (deg C) Temperature (deg C)

Temperature distribution at x=15 m Temperature distribution at x = 20 m

3.00 3.00
2.50 100 sec 2.50 100 sec
Height (m)

Height (m)
2.00 200 sec 2.00 200 sec
1.50 300 sec 1.50 300 sec
1.00 400 sec 1.00 400 sec
0.50 500 sec 0.50 500 sec
600 sec 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 Series7 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 Series7

Temperature (deg C) Temperature (deg C)

IDRiM'09 66
CO concentration
t ti profile
Carbon Monoxide profile at x= 5m Carbon Monoxide profile at x = 10m

3.00 3.00
eight (m) 2.50 100 sec 2.50 100 sec

eight (m)
2.00 200 sec 2.00 200 sec
1.50 300 sec 1.50 300 sec
400 sec 400 sec

1 00
1.00 1 00
0.50 500 sec 0.50 500 sec
600 sec 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 Series7 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 Series7

CO concentration (ppm) CO concentration (ppm)

Carbon Monoxide profile at x = 15m Carbon Monoxide profile at x = 20 m

3.00 3.00
2.50 100 sec 2.50 100 sec
Height (m)

Height (m)
2.00 200 sec 2.00 200 sec
1.50 300 sec 1.50 300 sec
1.00 400 sec 1.00 400 sec
0.50 500 sec 0.50 500 sec
600 sec 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 Series7 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 Series7

CO concentration (ppm) CO concentration (ppm)

IDRiM'09 67
l Radiation
R di ti
Thermal radiation at x=5 m Thermal radiation at x = 10m

3.00 3.00
eight (m) 2.50 100 sec 2.50 100 sec

eight (m)
2.00 200 sec 2.00 200 sec
1.50 300 sec 1.50 300 sec
400 sec 400 sec

1 00
1.00 1 00
0.50 500 sec 0.50 500 sec
600 sec 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Series7 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 Series7

radiant intensity (kW/m^2) radiant intensity (kW/m^2)

Thermal radiation at x = 15 m Thermal radiation at x = 20 m

3.00 3.00
2.50 100 sec 2.50 100 sec
Height (m)

Height (m)
2.00 200 sec 2.00 200 sec
1.50 300 sec 1.50 300 sec
1.00 400 sec 1.00 400 sec
0.50 500 sec 0.50 500 sec
600 sec 600 sec
0.00 0.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Series7 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Series7

radiant intensity (kW/m^2) radiant intensity (kW/m^2)

IDRiM'09 68
Other examples

192 x 180 x 6 grid cells

(fire size = 2MW)

IDRiM'09 70
movie staircase

192 x 180 x 8 grid cells

Fire size = 2MW


IDRiM'09 71
Assessment and
d verification
ifi i off model
d l

– Verification
– Review of the theoretical basis of the model
– Comparison with other programmes
– Empirical verification
– Code checking
– Numerical accuracy
– Sensitivity analysis
U E.g. Identify dominant variables in the model
U Define acceptable range of values for each input variable
U Demonstrate sensitivity of output variables to variations in input data

IDRiM'09 72
C l i

# Fire engineering approach / performance-based

fire engineering design can help uss to improve
impro e the
fire safety design of the buildings.
# Care must taken to specify the input parameters,
buildingg characteristics, occupants
p characteristics,
fire size, boundary conditions, models etc.
# For a good fire safety design,
design factors such as
human behaviour, future modification, fire safety
management etc,
etc should also be considered.
IDRiM'09 73
Thank you !


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