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InrJ Fatigue11 No 3 (1989) pp 169-175

Multiaxial fatigue e n d u r a n c e of
30NCD16 steel
C. F r o u s t e y and S. Lasserre

Various criteria used to choose specimen dimensions under multiaxial fatigue have
been proposed but their validity is not proven because not enough tests have been
carried out in this field. A machine for carrying out fatigue tests under simple, radial
and complex loads has therefore been designed. This prototype enables a specimen
to be subjected to the Ioadings experienced by a propeller shaft: a combination of
asymmetrical bending (plane or rotative bending) and torsion with various values.
The results obtained for an aeronautical steel (30NCD16 steel) enable examination
of the validity of the three accepted criteria for this study and the proposal of two
methods of sizing (the former theoretical, the latter empirical) which better reflect
the experimental results.

Key words: multiaxial fatigue; 30NCD16 steel; endurance; bending; torsion; modelling

Notation T,,-; Alternate shear on the n normal facet

~p Phase between bending and torsion
P Hydrostatic pressure
T.ii Stress tensor Y~ Normal stress on the n normal facet
DY.ii Stress variation tensor S Imposed bending stress
Sii Stress deviation tensor T Imposed torsion stress
~ii Local stress tensor 3"= Bending mean stress
$ij Local stress deviation tensor Sa Bending amplitude
To~ Octahedral shear T~ Torsion amplitude
Local shear w Stress pulsation

Various criteria for sizing of mechanical parts subjected to example by Gough and Pollard to correlate different test re-
multiaxial fatigue at a high number of cycles have previously suits; and the criteria based on a more local approach to
been proposed, but it is difficult to determine their validity the fatigue phenomenon. These models introduce the idea
from existing test results. There are not enough results and of damage to a particular facet or crystallographic plane leading
the examined loadings are mostly proportional loadings. A to local variations.
prototype testing machine has therefore been built to subject The three accepted criteria are those of Sines, Crossland
a specimen to loads found in industrial cases, as well as and Dang Van. They are expressed in terms of the parameters
proportional and non-proportional loads. most important for crack initiation, namely a shear amplitude
Among existing models, three criteria have been accepted and the hydrostatic pressure; hydrostatic tension favours crack
and tested for the general case of a propeller shaft (a combina- initiation, compression does the opposite.
tion of bending and torsion). The obtained results enable
examination of the validity of these criteria and proposal of
two calculation methods which better reflect the experimental
results. Sines and Crossland criteria
All the tests were carried out at ambient temperature The plasticity model used as a basis for these criteria is
on an aeronautical steel, the treated 30NCD16 steel (R~0a./. the Von Mises criterion which suggests that plasticity appears
= 1020 MPa; R m = 1160 MPa). when the octahedral shear (shear relative to the facet leaning
equally on the principal axes) reaches a certain limit. These
A c c e p t e d criteria two critieria are expressed by a linear combination of the
octahedral shear amplitude and the hydrostatic pressure
The existing criteria t can be divided into three main classes: (mean pressure during the cycle for the Sines criterion,
the maximum shear or the maximum shear amplitude theories, maximal pressure for the Crossland criterion).
that generally are an extension to fatigue of the plasticity When there is a complex loading, the principal
initiation laws; the empirical calculus methods, elaborated for directions vary during the load and the calculated shear at

0142-1123/89/030169-07 $3.00 © 1989 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd

Int J Fatigue May 1989 169
any moment does not concern the same facet linked up RE, and of the residual stress tensor, ~*, the elastic condition
to the material. To determine the true octahedral shear at of stabilization developed by Mandel was used. 3
any load, it is necessary to define it in terms of the stress An estimate of the solution Z*ii can be obtained by
variation tensor. the optimization problem solution
If fixed coordinate axes towards the material are chosen
(x, y, Z) the stress variation tensor between two instants, min ( max [ [Sij(t)- Zij(t)] : [Sij(t)- Zij(t)] 11/2 }
t 1 and t2, of the cycle is written Z t

[O~ij(tl,t2)]x,y.z = [~ij(t2)]x,y,~- [~,ij(tl)]x,y,z and R L is the maximization problem solution

The second invariant -]2 of this tensor is intrinsic: an intrinsic
octahedral shear amplitude can be defined by x/2 Re = m a x [ [ S i j ( t ) - Z i j * l : [ S i j ( t ) - Z i j * ] ]1/2
Toot. = 1/212/3 D J2] ~/2
When the Z* i = - ~ * i tensor and the RE radius are found,
where D J2 is the largest possible value of the second invar- the local stresses in the adapted state can be written
iant, obtained by the double maximisation
s0(t) = Sij(t) + f~*j (deviation tensor)
D J2 = m a x { m a x ,/2 [DXij(tl,t2) ]} or
tl t2
The limit Sines and Crossland criteria will be t~ij(/) = Xij(t ) + ~"~*j
whatever a moment t of the cycle is.
To~t.,max = 1/212/3 D.r2p/2 <<.A +
The fatigue damage will occur in the unfavourably
B Pmoy ~ endurance Sines positioned grains if, at a moment of the stabilized load cycle,
the local stresses are sufficient to allow breakdown of the
Toot. . . . . = 1/212/3 DJ2] 1/2 ~< A + local plastic criterion.
B Pm~x ~ endurance Crossland The fatigue criterion is expressed as a linear combination
of the local shear in these grains and the concomitant hydros-
The limit line equation of the endurance field in each criterion
tatic pressure
plane is determined from two tests under simple load. The
studied loads being bending and torsion combinations, the z(t) + AP(t) ~< B ~ endurance
used values are: Ta, the fatigue limit in alternate and symme-
The shear expression is obtained by using the Tresca criterion
trical torsion; Sd, the fatigue limit in alternate and symmetrical
bending; and Sd,ai,, the limit in asymmetrical bending for z(t) = m a x { Tresca[%(t)] }
a mean value Sin.
The limit line equations are whatever a moment t of a cycle is.
The model is represented in the plane [z(t);P(t)]; every
Toct.,max = x/2/x/3 Td + X/2 [(Sd,dis- couple ['c(t),P(t)] concerns a particular facet and is situated
x/3Td)/Sm - 1] Pmoy (Sines) in the positive half plane t(t). The constants A and B are
determined from two tests under simple loading, and for
the bending-torsion cases considered, the endurance field
Zoct,a. . . . ~--" x/2/x/3 Ta + x/2(1 -
limit line equation is
43rj&) emax (Crossland)
x(t) = T d + 3(1/2 - Td/Sd)P(t )

Bending and torsion machine

Dang Van criterion This machinea is intended to produce on a fixed specimen
the general loading representing the case of a propeller shaft,
This criterion belongs to the third quoted class. The author 2
k a combination of asymmetrical bending (plane or rotative
postulates that the basic mechanism of fatigue cracks is the
bending) and dynamic torsion with or without a mean value.
shear of the most unfavourably positioned crystallographic
These loads can be in phase or not, at the same or different
frequencies. It is possible to impose separately these various
The material is considered as homogeneous and isotro-
loads, so the behaviour of a material can be characterized under
pic at the macroscopic scale and constituted of monocrystals
(or grains) with uncertain position. The unfavourably posit- fatigue in simple or complex loading using the same type of
ioned grain can be represented by an elastoplasic insertion specimen on the same machine; this allows elimination of scatter
immersed in an elastic matrix. of results from tests performed on different machines.
The first load cycles produce plastic sliding at the grain
level which are rapidly stabilized: there is a local adaptation Principle
of the material. To evaluate the local stresses (oii) relative
to the stabilized state, it is suggested that the insertion re- For bending, the principle of this machine is based on the
sponds to a kinematic and isotropic hardening law. The transposition of the principle of rotating fields in the field
isotropic hardening is characterized by the increase of the of mechanics (Fig. 1). The specimen is fixed and the various
elastic field radius relative to unfavourably positioned grains. loads are generated as follows. For plane bending (symmetri-
The kinematic hardening is expressed by the appearance of c a / o r not) two sinusoida/moments of plane bending with
a residual stress field f~ii(t) which evolves to a stationary the same amplitude, same mean value, same frequency and
state f~*ii allowing the local stresses to become symmetrical. in phase are imposed on orthogona/ planes. For rotative
To determine the limit values of the elastic field radius, bending two sinusoida/moments of plane bending with the

170 Int J Fatigue May 1989

// */2F1 sin (wt) ./FI~
// ", / //F, \,
// ", ' / /
[X\Fxlsin(w~ / / // / / F1cos\\{wt)
~R~ !I / / /1~
I"', x
F1 sin ( w t ~
cos ( wt )
\ k\ / / "~x /JFlsi n ~,x,X./ ~/2FO\\// "1

Y.. S ' '

/ "\ / \,
/ \
a b c
Fig. 1 Principleof the testing machinefor: (a) plane bending; (b) rotational bending;and (c) asymmetricalrotationalbending

same amplitude, same frequency and out of phase (.phase enables interruption of the test at a crack depth between
angle 90 °) are imposed in orthogonal planes. For asymmetri- 0.5 and 1 m m on a specimen of 10 m m diameter.
cal rotative bending two sinusoidal moments of plane bend- When the number of cycles programmed for a test
hag with the same amplitude, same mean value, same has been reached, either the machine is stopped (null instruc-
frequency and out of phase (phase angle 90 °) are imposed tions and stopping of the hydraulic set) or the instructions
in orthogonal planes. The sinusoidal torsion moment, sym- pass on to the programmed values for the next test; four
metrical or not, is imposed on one of the ends of the speci- successive tests can be programmed on a single specimen.
men, while the other end is fixed when rotating.
The specimen (Fig. 2) is a cylindrical solid in the fixed
zone whereas the tested zone is annular shaped. S p e c i f i c a t i o n s of t h e m a c h i n e
The loads necessary to generate the required moments • Frequencies from 5 Hz to 50 Hz
are produced by three hydraulic jacks with hydrostatic bear- • Torsion moment 120 N m
hags (two for bending, one for torsion) controlled by electro- • Bending moment 100 N m in each direction
hydraulic serve-valves. The working part of the machine • Jack displacement 4- 10 m m
is mainly designed from circular parts which are easy to
machine, the links being made of flexible leaves in order
to eliminate play. Test results and criteria validity
The prototype works with closed loop control of the
moments. The specimen is subjected to three moments, each Test results
of them being controlled in amplitude, mean value and phase, The fatigue limits utilized at 106 cycles for 30NCD16 steel
one of the jacks being used as reference. The control is are respectively 660 MPa for symmetrical alternate plane
carried out by a micro-computer combined with a unit of bending and 410 MPa for symmetrical alternate torsion.
external logic. The tests were carried out at 106 cycles with various
combinations of bending and torsion (three mean values
for bending, various ratios between the ampitudes, various
I n t e r r u p t i o n of t h e t e s t phase differences and the same or different frequencies). The
results presented are relative to the plane bending and torsion
During normal operation, the test is stopped either when tests with the same frequency and 300 MPa for the bending
crack initiation is detected on the specimen or the number mean value.
of cycles programmed has been reached. The load is (see Table 1):
To detect crack initiation, the signals from displacement
sensors of jack rods are processed. Displacement amplitudes S = S,. + Sa sin (wt) for bending
remain constant during the test before cracking; at crack T = Ta sin (wt+ 9) for torsion
initiation these amplitudes increase. When an amplitude
reaches the maximum instruction according to the depth
Criteria v a l i d i t y
of the planned crack, the test is interrupted. This system
The results were translated in the planes of the three accepted
criteria (Figs 3, 4 and 5) and a ratio x = z0/x~,iv was calcu-
lated (Fig. 6). This ratio represents the criterion estimate
divided by the test result.
The various x values always approach 1 (ideal value)
.... I except when the phase difference is 90 °. In fact, for the
three criteria, the ratio x changes from about 0.9 when there
L ,o.oo mm A is no phase difference to 1.2 or 1.3 when there is a 90 °
I- ,6.00 am -I phase difference; the difference is all the more important
since the applied load combination is far from a simple load
Fig. 2 Specimen (ratio x/3, test No. 11). The evolution appearance of this

Int J Fatigue May 1989 171

Table 1. Test results at 10 e cycles for 3 0 N C D 1 6 steel under s y m m e t r i c a l a l t e r n a t e plane bending
and s y m m e t r i c a l a l t e r n a t e tension

Test No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

S. 630 0 211 220 590 563 540 480 480 470 473
T. 0 370 365 385 148 141 135 277 277 271 273
S./T. - - 1/43 1/43 4 4 4 ~/3 43 ~/3 ~/3
• - - 0 ~/2 0 n/4 ~/2 0 ~/4 ~/3 ~/2

/ 3

7 i


I 100MPa
100 MPa a I '1

Fig. 3 Test results in the Sines plane



max b I 100 MPa
Fig. 5 Test results in the Dang Van plane: (a) S~ = 300 MPa;
S,/T, = 4 and S,/T, = 1/`/3; and (b) Sm= 300 MPa; S,/T, =
10..-~ the phase difference between the stresses is significant. Mor-
8-.~ eover, the tests carried out at different frequencies s show

I 100 MPa
that the Sines and Crossland criteria do not give, in this
case, an exact estimate of the results.

Fig. 4 Test results in the Crossland plane Proposed methods •

M e t h o d for (T..~; I;~)
ratio x according to the phase for test Nos 8, 9, 10 and
11 is represented in Fig. 7 It was interesting to take into account an expression with
None o f the model is therefore really reliable when the alternate shear and the normal stress because, as the

172 Int J Fatigue May 1989

The previous results are translated in this new plane (Fig.
8) and the ratio x = ~0/%a~avhas been calculated. This model
is in agreement with the experimental tests when there is
null or a slight phase difference between the applied loads:
this leads to a better result approximation (maximum 12%)
e~' ~ q . i iT° when the phase difference is 90 ° (Fig. 7). This expression
is better than the previous criteria but it does not express
the slight influence of a torsion mean value (a shear mean
value can produce a non-null static normal stress in the
critical facet which will be added to the normal stress directly
stemmed at the load); therefore this model will lead to design
of larger than necessary parts when there is a load with
non-null shear mean value.

Pressure Method using Haigh graph

The test results show that for a given S=/T=ratio, the accepted
amplitudes S= and 7", are practically equal, whatever the phase
Fig. 6 Graph showing variation of the x ratio: x = *o/*.u~ = criterion difference.
estimate/test result The ratio between the resistance limit under alternate
bending and alternate torsion is around x/3, a generally ac-
cepted value. The test results were translated in a plane
• Sines
t t-I Crossland (S, x/3 73. This representation shows that the ends of the
Dang Van load in phase are situated on a circle centred on the bending
• ( Ta,~; E~) mean stress and the radius is equal to the limit of resistance
g 1.1-
• ~\, ~E

1.0 ~'~ ~ 1.0

-- o - -= =it
0.8 -~-
I I I I I I I i
v/q v/2 3v /q ~r I I


Fig. 7 Test nos 8, 9, 10 and 11 (S= = 300 MPa; So~T, = ~/3). 5 6

Evolution, for the different models, of the x ratio according to the

hydrosatic pressure, the normal stress is very important for

the crack opening and closing phenomenon.
It is suggested that, if the critical plane is defined by a
its normal n, fatigue crack initiation will occur on this plane
if at least at a moment t of the load cycle, the following
relation is confirmed:
Ta,~(t) + a g n ( t ) />
where T=,~(t) is the alternate shear stress on the plane where
normal is represented by n, Z~(t) is the concomitant normal
stress on this same plane, and (z and ~ are material constants.
These defined stresses are relative to a particular plane, fixed
in relation to the material; the proposed expression is intrin-
The constants ~t and ~ are determined from two tests / ~, A' ',', , ', 1'~ .~. .'1, ,0
under simple loading (symmetrical torsion and alternate
bending) using for every stress the double maximization:
m a x { m a x [T,,~(t) + aXi(t)] }
n t
This procedure leads to the following equation for the field I 100 MPa
endurance limit line in the plane [T=,g; Y'-n] b
Ta,~ ==SdT, l/ {2[Td(Sd -- Td)] 1/2 } Fig. 8 Test results in the plane [T..~; T,~.]: (a) S, = 300 MPa; S./T.
- ( 2 T d - Sd)/{2tTd(Sd- Td)]'/2 }X-a" = 4 and S./T. --- 1 ~/3; and (b) Sm= 300 MPa; S./T. = ~/3

Int J F a t i g u e M a y 1 9 8 9 173
s ~


I t ! I00 MPa

Fig. 9 Result representationin the plane (S; ~/3 7): (a) In phase
loads; (b) S, = 300 MPa; S,/T, = ~/3; and (c) S= = 300 MPa;
S,/T, = 4 and S,/T, = 1/.,/3

with the equation (S = Sa - J3 S=), where S d is the limit

of resistance in alternate bending, the relation will be
(Sa 2 + a z Ta2) = (S d -- [~Sm) 2

This work examined the limits of established criteria in the
case of combined bending and torsion of metals.
T o c o m p a r e the reliability of each model, the mean
values, x, and the standard deviation, s, of the coefficient
~0/%q,iv were calculated for the tests centred around 300 MPa
for the mean value, see Table 2, and for all the bending
and torsion tests carried out on this material, see Table 3.
It was noticed that of the models the proposed expression
(T~; X~) and the Dang Van criterion are the most reliable
because for all the results, the mean value of the ratio x
Table 2. M e a n values of x and t h e s t a n d a r d de-
v i a t i o n of t h e c o e f f i c i e n t , Zo/Z,qo=v for tests
for bending with a mean value (Fig. %); it can be inferred
a r o u n d 300 M P a
from the Haigh graph when bending is imposed on the
material. Also, for a given ratio S=/T=, the out of phase
representations of the load are contained in a rectangle whose Sines Crossland Dang Van T,.~; Z;~ S0= + 3 T,=
diagonal is the in phase load (Fig. 9a and 9b). This is because
the phase difference has no influence on the accepted stresses. 1.02 1.08 1.01 1.00 0.97
Because similar results were obtained for a null bending s 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.07 0.05
mean value, including loads with different frequencies, a
method is proposed to determine the accepted stresses in
the ease of bending and torsion combination. Requirements Table 3. M e a n values of x and t h e s t a n d a r d
of this method are: determination of a limit circle radius d e v i a t i o n o f t h e c o e f f i c i e n t , %/t,q,,, for all tests
R from the Haigh graph of the material for the given bending conducted
mean stress; and the accepted shear and ~ n d i n g amplitude
stresses have to satisfy the relation (S{ + 3T{ = R2). Sines Crossland Dang Van T,.~; Z;~ Sa= + 3 T~=
If the ratio between the limit of endurance in bending
and torsion is equal to a instead of x/3, the relation will 1.12 1.10 1.04 1.04 0.98
be (S=2 + a2 T2 = R2). s 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.04
If finally the Haigh graph can be likened to a line

174 Int J Fatigue May 1989

= ~0/~,~, is the nearest to 1 and the standard deviation References
is low. However caution must be exercised over use of these 1. Garud, Y.S. 'Multiaxial fatigue. A survey of the state of the
criteria when the subjected loads are out of phase (90°) and art" J Testing Evaluation9 (1981) pp 165-178
when the loading combination is quite different from simple; 2. Dang Van, Cailletaud, Flavenot, Le Douaron and
the errors in these models may be as high as 36%. Ueurade 'Criti~e d'amor~age en fatigue 8 grands hombres
The second proposed method (S=2+3T. 2) using the de cycles sous solicitations multiaxialea' Journ&ls
Haigh graph is in agreement with all the results for bending Intemationalss de Printemps: Amorpage des fissures soud
sol#citations complexes, Paris, 1984, Soci&t6 Francaise de
and torsion loads. It is more reliable than the models studied;
Metallurgie pp 301-337
the mean value for the ratio x is about 1 and the standard
deviation is very low. 3. PepadopouIos, Y. 'Sur la fatigue poly-cyclique des rntteux'
Th~)sede Doctorat l} paraitre (Ecole Polytechnique, December
The observation of this coherence for the test results 1987)
in a new representation without for the moment any theoreti-
cal justification, suggesting a means for reliable and easy 4. Lamrre, S, Lizarazu, F. and Seguret, J. "Machine
d'essais de fatigue des materiaux sous sollicitations combin~ms
component sizing for use in a research department. et 6prouvette fixe" Brevet d'invention 77-37146 (ENSAM
Bordeaux, 1977)
5. Froustey, C. 'Fatigue multiaxiale en endurance de I'acier
30 NCD 16' Th~)se de Doctorat de I'ENSAM (September
This study was carried out in collaboration with the Aerospa-
tiale Society (Helicopter Department and Central Laboratory) The authors are with the Laboratoire 'Arts et M~tiers'
within the context of D.R.E.T. contracts (Research Studies d'Etude de la Fatigue, Ecole Nationale Sup~rieure d'Arts
and Techniques Department of the Ministry of Defence). et M~tiers, 33405 Talence cedex, France.

Int J Fatigue M a y 1989 175

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