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International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167

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On the use of the Prismatic Hull method in a critical plane-based

multiaxial fatigue criterion
Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori ⇑
Dept. of Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124 Parma, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present paper, the modified Carpinteri–Spagnoli (C–S) criterion is combined with the Prismatic
Received 4 March 2014 Hull (PH) method proposed by Mamiya, Araújo et al. [15] to evaluate an equivalent shear stress ampli-
Received in revised form 2 May 2014 tude for multiaxial fatigue loading. More precisely, the PH method, originally formulated for synchronous
Accepted 15 May 2014
loading and successively extended to asynchronous loading, is here adopted to compute the shear stress
Available online 23 May 2014
amplitude acting on the critical plane, used in the modified C–S criterion. By comparing some experimen-
tal data available in the literature with the theoretical estimations, the multiaxial fatigue strength eval-
uations derived through the modified C–S criterion are shown to be improved if the shear stress
Critical plane approach
Multiaxial high-cycle fatigue
amplitude is determined by applying the PH method instead of the Minimum Circumscribed Circle
Shear stress amplitude (MCC) method, especially for particular shear stress paths as is here discussed.
Stress-base criterion Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction macroscopic one. More precisely, at the mesoscopic level, the

fatigue limit of such materials is identified by (elastic) shakedown
Many metallic structural components, such as crankshafts, condition, while the plastic shakedown develops in the finite
axles, steel rails, wheels and fan discs in jet engines, are subjected lifetime domain.
to multiaxial high-cycle fatigue during their service life [1]. According to the critical review reported in Ref. [6], the above
Therefore, the fatigue strength of the aforementioned structural stress theories can be classified into four viewpoints: empirical
components is complex to be evaluated through theoretical formulas, application of stress invariants, integral approach, and
models, because it depends on many factors related to stress paths, critical plane approach. As far as the fatigue criteria related to
material properties and possible stress concentrations [2–4]. the use of stress invariants are concerned, most of them are based
Several criteria are available in the literature to assess the above on the combined effects of normal stress and maximum shear
structural components under multiaxial stresses, but a unique stress. The significant difference among them depends on the def-
method generally recognized as completely reliable does not exist. inition of the maximum shear stress [7–16]. Regarding the fatigue
An interesting review of the most relevant criteria is reported in criteria based on the critical plane approach, whose use has
Ref. [5], where they are classified into three categories, that is: increased during recent years, it is important to highlight that they
stress-, strain-, and energy-based criteria. are able not only to reduce a given multiaxial stress state to an
Within the framework of a total life approach, under high-cycle equivalent uniaxial one, but also to describe the plane of the early
fatigue (i.e. in presence of more than about 105 loading cycles, for crack nucleation [17–23].
metallic materials) and constant-amplitude cyclic loading, most of The modified Carpinteri–Spagnoli (C–S) criterion [24–26]
criteria are stress-based and aim at reducing a given multiaxial belongs to the last category mentioned above. It is a simplified
stress state to an equivalent uniaxial stress to be compared with version of the original C–S criterion [27], as the computation of
a single parameter experimentally determined through the the critical plane orientation in the modified criterion is easier than
uniaxial S–N curve [5]. Several fatigue experimental tests have that proposed in the original version. This simplified criterion takes
shown that the polycrystalline metallic materials are characterised into account a fatigue damage parameter given by a nonlinear
by plastic deformations that occur in heterogeneous manner only (quadratic) combination of the equivalent normal stress ampli-
at the mesoscopic scale, while no plasticity is detected at the tude, Na,eq [24–26], and the amplitude, Ca, of the shear stress vector
acting on the critical plane. More precisely, Na,eq takes into account
the linear relationship (proposed by Goodman) between the
⇑ Corresponding author.
normal stress amplitude and the normal stress mean value.
E-mail address: (S. Vantadori).
0142-1123/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
160 A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167


ai(H) i-th half-side of prismatic hull H four-dimensional quantity used to identify the ortho-
bi i-th component of an orthonormal basis of R5 normal basis of R5
Bi i-th components of an orthonormal basis of dev3 j material parameter
C shear stress vector acting on the critical plane q material parameter
Ca shear stress amplitude kxy ratio between the signal pulsations xxy/xx
fy material yield stress ky ratio between the signal pulsations xy/xx
I error index r stress tensor at material point P
N normal stress vector perpendicular to the critical plane raf,1 fully reversed normal stress fatigue limit
Na,eq equivalent normal stress amplitude rp, max maximum value of the hydrostatic stress
PXYZ fixed frame rn, n = 1, 2, 3 principal stresses, with r1 P r2 P r3
P123 principal stress axes frame ru material ultimate tensile stress
^3^ weighted mean principal stress frame rx(t) longitudinal (axial) normal stress
Sw stress vector at material point P, acting on the critical ry(t) tangential (hoop/circumferential) normal stress
plane sxy(t) shear stress
t time saf,1 fully reversed shear stress fatigue limit
T observation time interval seq equivalent shear stress amplitude
w unit vector normal to the critical plane /, h,w principal Euler angles
x deviatoric stress vector at material point P in R5 ^ ^h; w
/; ^ weighted principal Euler angles
X deviatoric stress tensor at material point P in dev3 xx pulsation of the sinusoidal longitudinal normal stress rx
a phase angle between longitudinal (axial) normal stress xy pulsation of the sinusoidal tangential normal stress ry
rx and tangential (hoop/circumferential) normal stress xxy pulsation of the sinusoidal shear stress sxy
b phase angle between longitudinal (axial) normal stress Subscripts
rx and shear stress sxy a amplitude
c angle between the specimen’s longitudinal axis X and m mean value
the normal w to the critical plane (Fig. 2) max maximum value
d angle between the averaged direction 1 ^ of r1,max and the
normal w to the critical plane (Fig. 2)

Different methods are available in the literature to define Ca gue criteria is herein employed. More precisely, the PH method,
[13–16,28–34]: the so-called Longest Chord method [29], the originally formulated for synchronous loading [13,14] and succes-
Longest Projection method [30], the Minimum Circumscribed sively extended to asynchronous loading [15,16], is now adopted
Ellipsoid method [31,32], the Minimum Circumscribed Circle to compute the shear stress amplitude, Ca, used in the modified
method [33,34] and the Prismatic Hull (PH) method [13–16]. C–S criterion. Note that, when the path of the shear stress is plane,
The modified C–S criterion employs Ca computed by means of the method is also named Maximum Rectangular Hull (MRH)
the Minimum Circumscribed Circle (MCC) method [33,34]. Accord- method [16,35], since the prismatic hull circumscribing the shear
ingly, Ca is the radius of the minimum circle bounding the closed stress path degenerates in a rectangular hull. The PH method and
path described by the shear stress vector C on the critical plane the MRH method are able to distinguish between proportional
during the observation time interval T. Although the MCC method and non-proportional loading, and no complex computation algo-
is able to uniquely define Ca, the following remarks have to be rithms are needed.
made: Some experimental tests available in the literature [36–43],
related to in- and out-of-phase synchronous and asynchronous
(i) Such a method is not able to distinguish between propor- loading, are hereafter analysed in order to evaluate the fatigue
tional and non-proportional loading, while experimental strength estimation capabilities of the PH method implemented
evidences highlight that, for a given value of the radius of in the modified C–S criterion.
the Minimum Circumscribed Circle, non-proportional load-
ing may produce a greater damage than proportional one;
2. Main steps of the modified C–S criterion
(ii) The MCC method requires time-consuming algorithms in
order to compute the centre and the radius of the circle
P The two main steps of the modified C–S criterion [24–26] are:
bounding .

(1) Determination of the critical plane orientation, which is

The problem of the high computational time is relevant when,
linked to the averaged principal stress directions;
for instance, asynchronous sinusoidal loadings are examined,
(2) Evaluation of suitable stress components, related to the ver-
although different strategies exist in order to optimise the proce-
ification plane (critical plane), to be used in the fatigue
dure used to determine the Minimum Circumscribed Circle [34],
strength assessment.
and an analytical procedure can be applied in the case of synchro-
nous loadings [33].
To improve the capabilities of the modified C–S criterion and 2.1. Averaged principal stress axes and orientation of the critical plane
make it a useful tool in fatigue design, the Prismatic Hull (PH)
method proposed by Mamiya, Araujo et al. [13–16] to evaluate The orientation of the critical plane is assumed to be linked to
an equivalent shear stress amplitude, called seq, for multiaxial fati- the directions of the principal stress axes. Such directions are
A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167 161

According to the modified C–S criterion [24–26], the multiaxial

fatigue limit condition is expressed in the following form:
 2  2
Na;eq Ca
þ ¼1 ð2Þ
raf ;1 saf ;1
where Na,eq is the equivalent normal stress amplitude, and Ca is the
amplitude of the shear stress vector. The amplitude Na,eq can be
computed through the following relationship:
Fig. 1. Cylindrical specimen: XYZ coordinate system with its origin in P. The Na;eq ¼ Na þ raf ;1 ð3Þ
instantaneous principal stress directions 1, 2 and 3 are defined through the ru
principal Euler angles /, h, w.
where Na and Nm are the normal stress amplitude and mean value,
respectively, and ru is the material ultimate tensile strength.
When ru is not available, the yield stress fy might be used instead
generally time-varying under fatigue loading and, therefore, aver- of the ultimate tensile strength, especially in the case of mild
aged principal stress directions are taken into account by deducing metals.
them through appropriate weight functions, as is described in the Since the N direction is fixed with respect to time, the mean
following. value Nm and the amplitude Na of its modulus can readily be com-
The origin of the fixed XYZ coordinate system is at a generic puted. On the other hand, the definition of the amplitude Ca of the
point P of the structural component being examined (Fig. 1). At a C vector modulus is not unique, and different methods are avail-
given time instant t, the location of the principal stress directions able in the literature [13–16,28–34]. In particular, the Prismatic
1, 2 and 3 (being r1 P r2 P r3 ) can be defined through the princi- Hull (PH) method [13–16] allows us to compute the amplitude Ca
pal Euler angles /, h, w. with a simple algorithm.
Mean principal stress directions are determined by averaging In Refs. [24–27], the Minimum Circumscribed Circle (MCC)
the instantaneous values of the principal Euler angles through a method [33,34] is implemented in the modified C–S criterion to
suitable weight function so that the averaged principal stress axes compute Ca. In the present paper, Ca is computed by employing
^ 2;
1; ^ 3
^ coincide with the instantaneous ones at the time instant
the Prismatic Hull (PH) method [13–16].
when r1 achieves its maximum value during the observation time
interval T [24–26]. Such an assumption makes the implementation
3. The Prismatic Hull (PH) method
of the criterion rather simple.
The normal unit vector w of the critical plane is defined through
^ direction, in the averaged principal plane 1^3
^ Now the main steps of the PH method and its implementation
a rotation d of the 1
^ ^ in the modified C–S criterion are discussed.
(from 1 to 3Þ. The off angle d is expressed as follows [24–27]:
"   # 3.1. Main steps of the PH method
3p saf ;1 2
d¼ 1 ð1Þ
8 raf ;1 The PH method [13–16] has been proposed to evaluate an
equivalent shear stress amplitude, called seq, used in the following
where raf,1 and saf,1 are the fatigue limit for fully reversed normal multiaxial fatigue criterion based on the stress invariants:
stress and for fully reversed shear stress, respectively.
seq þ jrp;max 6 q ð4Þ
2.2. Fatigue strength assessment
where rp,max is the maximum value of the hydrostatic stress during
the observation time interval T, and j and q are material parame-
At each time instant t, the stress vector Sw related to the critical
ters. Let us consider a given material point P and its deviatoric stress
plane orientation may be decomposed in two components (Fig. 2),
tensor, X, defined in a space from R3 to R3 , and such a space is
that is, the normal stress component N (perpendicular to the crit-
called dev3 in the following [13–15]. In dev3, the stress path of X
ical plane) and the shear stress component C (lying on the critical
is described by the set of the deviatoric stress states, X(t), so that,
plane). During the observation time interval T, the direction of the
by considering an orthonormal basis Bi (with i = 1, . . . , 5) of dev3,
normal stress vector N(t) is fixed with respect to time, while the
P we have:
shear stress vector C(t) describes a closed path on the critical
plane (as long as Sw is periodic). X
XðtÞ ¼ xi ðtÞBi ð5Þ

Fig. 3. Rectangular hull identified by orientation H: the half lengths, Cu,a(H) and
Fig. 2. Cylindrical specimen: components of the stress vector Sw acting on the Cv,a(H), of the rectangle enclosing the shear stress path on the critical plane are
critical plane. shown.
162 A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167

Table 1
Loading conditions of the experimental tests being examined.

Material No Path type a (°) b (°) kxy ; ky (–) rx,a (MPa) rx,m (MPa) ry,a (MPa) ry,m (MPa) sxy,a (MPa) sxy,m (MPa) c (°)
Hard steel [36] 1 (a.1) 0 0 1 131.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 167.1 0.0 75
2 0 0 1 245.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 122.7 0.0 64
3 0 0 1 299.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.8 0.0 53
Mild steel [36] 4 (a.1) 0 0 1 99.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 120.9 0.0 78
5 0 0 1 180.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.2 0.0 67
6 0 0 1 213.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.8 0.0 56
Cast iron [36] 7 (a.1) 0 0 1 56.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.0 0.0 40
8 0 0 1 83.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.6 0.0 29
9 0 0 1 95.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.7 0.0 18
30NCD16 [37] 10 (a.1) 0 0 1 485.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 280.0 0.0 66
St35 [38] 11 (a.2) 0 0 1 160.0 176.0 160.0 176.0 0.0 0.0 61
42CrMo4V [38] 12 (a.2) 0 0 1 402.0 442.0 201.0 221.0 0.0 0.0 39
Hard steel [36] 13 (b.1) 0 30 1 140.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 169.9 0.0 75
14 0 30 1 249.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 124.9 0.0 63
15 0 60 1 145.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 176.3 0.0 77
16 0 60 1 252.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 126.2 0.0 59
17 0 90 1 150.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 181.7 0.0 80
18 0 90 1 258.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 129.0 0.0 41
19 0 90 1 304.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.9 0.0 41
Mild steel [36] 20 (b.1) 0 60 1 103.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 125.4 0.0 80
21 0 60 1 191.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 95.7 0.0 62
22 0 90 1 108.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 131.8 0.0 84
23 0 90 1 201.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.6 0.0 45
24 0 90 1 230.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.3 0.0 45
Cast iron [36] 25 (b.1) 0 60 1 67.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 81.6 0.0 42
26 0 60 1 93.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.9 0.0 25
27 0 90 1 73.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 88.4 0.0 46
28 0 90 1 101.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.1 0.0 7
St35 [38] 29 (b.1) 90 0 1 140.0 154.0 140.0 154.0 0.0 0.0 46
30 180 0 1 120.0 132.0 120.0 132.0 0.0 0.0 46
42CrMo4V [38] 31 (b.1) 90 0 1 402.0 442.0 201.0 221.0 0.0 0.0 39
30NCD16 [37] 32 (b.1) 0 0 1 211.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 365.0 0.0 69
33 0 0 1 480.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 277.0 0.0 59
34 0 0 1 590.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 148.0 0.0 51
35 0 45 1 480.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 277.0 0.0 57
36 0 45 1 565.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 141.0 0.0 48
37 0 60 1 470.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 270.0 0.0 54
38 0 90 1 473.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 273.0 0.0 41
39 0 90 1 480.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 277.0 0.0 41
40 0 90 1 540.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 135.0 0.0 41
25CrMo4 [39] 41 (b.2) 0 60 1 155.0 340.0 0.0 170.0 155.0 0.0 44
42 0 60 1 220.0 340.0 0.0 170.0 110.0 0.0 42
43 0 90 1 159.0 340.0 0.0 170.0 159.0 0.0 41
44 0 90 1 233.0 340.0 0.0 170.0 117.0 0.0 41
25CrMo4 [40] 45 (b.2) 0 90 1 208.0 255.0 156.0 210.0 104.0 0.0 39
46 60 90 1 225.0 255.0 169.0 210.0 113.0 0.0 37
47 90 45 1 222.0 255.0 167.0 210.0 111.0 0.0 42
48 90 90 1 205.0 255.0 154.0 210.0 103.0 0.0 37
49 90 135 1 215.0 255.0 161.0 210.0 108.0 0.0 40
50 180 90 1 224.0 255.0 168.0 210.0 112.0 0.0 37
34Cr4 [41] 51 (c) 0 0 2 200.0 244.0 200.0 244.0 0.0 0.0 44
25CrMo4 [42] 52 (c) 0 0 1/4 210.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 105.0 0.0 48
53 0 90 2 220.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 110.0 0.0 60
54 0 0 2 242.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 121.0 0.0 58
55 0 0 8 196.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.0 0.0 60
En24T [43] 56 (c) 180 0 3 260.0 0.0 260.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55
St35 [38] 57 (c) 0 0 2 130.0 143.0 130.0 143.0 0.0 0.0 90
58 90 0 2 140.0 154.0 140.0 154.0 0.0 0.0 46

Hence, the stress path of X can also be described, in a more simply that corresponds, if referred to an orthonormal basis bi (with
way, by employing the set of the deviatoric stress components: i = 1, . . . , 5) of R5 , to a hyper-curve.
By considering, for example, the following orthonormal basis of
xðtÞ  fx1 ðtÞ; x2 ðtÞ; x3 ðtÞ; x4 ðtÞ; x5 ðtÞgT ð6Þ dev3 [13–15]:
A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167 163

0 pffiffiffi 1 0 1
2= 6 0 0 0 0 0 Note that the above hulls might have a dimension smaller than
B pffiffiffi C B pffiffiffi C
B1 ¼ B 0 1= 6 0 C B ¼ B 0 1= 2 0 C five, depending on the stress state. For example, when the stress
@ A 2 @ A
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi state is characterised only by the stress components rx, ry or rx, sxy,
0 0 1= 6 0 0 1= 2
the hulls degenerate into rectangles [16,35], while the hulls degen-
0 pffiffiffi 1 0 pffiffiffi 1
0 1= 2 0 0 0 1= 2 erate into parallelepipeds when the stress components different
B pffiffiffi C B C from zero are rx, ry, sxy.
B3 ¼ B
@ 1= 2 0 0C A B4 ¼ B
@ 0 0 0 C A ð7Þ
pffiffiffi For the particular case of synchronous cyclic loading, it has been
0 0 0 1= 2 0 0 demonstrated [13,14] that seq in Eq. (10) is a constant with respect
0 1
0 0 0 to H. Therefore, any orthonormal basis of R5 leads to the same
B pffiffiffi C value of seq.
B5 ¼ B
@0 0 1= 2 C A
0 1= 2 0
3.2. Application of the PH method to the critical plane shear stress
the deviatoric stress components, xi(t), in R5 are expressed as
3 1   Now the PH method is adopted to compute the amplitude of the
x1 ðtÞ ¼ X x ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi 2rx ðtÞ  ry ðtÞ  rz ðtÞ shear stress vector C, by applying Eq. (10) not to the components of
2 6
the five-dimensional vector x, but to the components of the two-
1 1  
x2 ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ½X y ðtÞ  X z ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ry ðtÞ  rz ðtÞ dimensional vector C, with the path of the shear stress C belonging
2 2 to the critical plane. In such a case, the enclosing prismatic hull
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
x3 ðtÞ ¼ 2X xy ðtÞ ¼ 2sxy ðtÞ degenerates into a rectangle, and the four-dimensional quantity
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi H degenerates in the scalar quantity H.
x4 ðtÞ ¼ 2X xz ðtÞ ¼ 2sxz ðtÞ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi Let us take into account a unit vector u coincident with the
x5 ðtÞ ¼ 2X yz ðtÞ ¼ 2syz ðtÞ ð8Þ intersection between the critical plane and the plane defined by
the normal unit vector w and the Z-axis, and a unit vector v normal
where Xx, Xy, Xz, Xxy, Xyz, Xxz are the components of the deviatoric to u so that uvw represents a right-hand orthogonal system
stress tensor, X, and rx, ry, rz, sxy, syz, sxz are the components of (Fig. 2). The vector C is decomposed in two components along
the stress tensor, r. Note that, at each time instant t, the Euclidean the directions of u and v, respectively (Fig. 3).
norm of the tensor X is equal to that of the vector x [15]. Consider: (i) the rectangular hulls which both enclose the path
The PH method evaluates the equivalent shear stress amplitude, of the vector C and are tangent to such a path, and (ii) the R2 basis
seq, by taking into account all the prismatic hulls (function of the defined by the unit vectors u and v, which are identified by an ori-
considered orthonormal basis) which both enclose the path of the entation angle H with respect to an arbitrary time-independent
vector x and are tangent to such a path. For a given hull, the half val- direction (see the horizontal dashed line in Fig. 3). Then, the rect-
ues of its sides, ai (with i = 1, . . . , 5), can be determined as follows: angular hull half-sides can be computed according to Eq. (11):
ai ¼ max xi ðtÞ  min xi ðtÞ ð9Þ 1
2 06t<T 06t<T C u;a ðHÞ ¼ max C u ðt; HÞ  min C u ðt; HÞ ð12aÞ
2 06t<T 06t<T
All the orthonormal bases of R are examined, in order to determine
the specific prismatic hull, enclosing and tangent to the path of x,  
which maximises the following relationship: C v ;a ðHÞ ¼ max C v ðt; HÞ  min C v ðt; HÞ ð12bÞ
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 06t<T 06t<T
seq ¼ max i¼1 i
½a ðHÞ2 ð10Þ Finally, according to Eq. (10), the amplitude Ca of the shear
stress vector is given by:
where H is a four-dimensional quantity used to identify the ortho- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
normal basis bi and:
C a ¼ max ½C u;a ðHÞ2 þ ½C m;a ðHÞ2 ð13Þ
ai ðHÞ ¼ max xi ðt; HÞ  min xi ðt; HÞ ð11Þ
2 06t<T 06t<T
where all R2 bases are taken into account by varying 0 6 H < p=2.

Table 2
Static, fatigue properties and extreme values of the error index, DI, obtained by applying both the MCC and the PH method to calculate Ca for each examined material. The DI
values obtained by applying the Crossland [44], Papadopoulos et al. [45] and Gonçalves et al. [14] criteria are also reported.

Authors Ref. Material ru/fy raf,1 saf,1 saf ;1 DI (MCC) DI (PH) DI DI DI (Gonçalves
raf ;1
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (Crossland) (Papadopoulos) et al.) (%)
(%) (%)
Nishihara and [36] Hard steel 681 313.9 196.2 0.63 10/1 10/1 18/2 3/7 3/4
Kawamoto Mild steel 374 235.4 137.3 0.58 5/1 5/1 15/1 4/13 4/12
Cast iron 181 96.1 91.2 0.95 3/14 3/14 3/27 3/37 3/15
Froustey and [37] 30NCD16 1880 660.0 410.0 0.62 18/3 18/3 27/4 8/4 4/8
Bhongbhibhat [38] St35 340 230.0 130.0 0.57 36/15 36/15 35/10 35/10 34/11
42CrMo4V 1003 485.00 315.0 0.65 1 1 7/2 7/8 1/14
Zenner et al. [39] 25CrMo4 780 361.0 228.0 0.63 27/19 20/11 23/13 9/4 4/0
Troost et al. [40] 25CrMo4 660 340.0 228.0 0.67 24/9 16/1 19/8 0/21 4/24
Heidenreich et al. [41] 34Cr4 550 343.0 204.0 0.59 27 27 9 2 10
Kaniut [42] 25CrMo4 – 340.0 228.0 0.67 46/23 46/23 27/21 14/0 26/13
McDiarmid [43] En24T – 405.0 270.0 0.67 28 15 13 18 4
164 A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167

1.0 rx ¼ rx;a sinðxx tÞ þ rx;m ð14aÞ

St35 - Bhongbhibhat (1986)

Specimens No. 11,29
0.6 ry ¼ ry;a sinðxy t  aÞ þ ry;m ð14bÞ

0.2 29 sxy ¼ sxy;a sinðxxy t  bÞ þ sxy;m ð14cÞ

where rx is the longitudinal (axial) normal stress, ry is the tangen-
tial (hoop/circumferential) normal stress, and sxy is the shear stress.
By varying the mean value, the pulsations and the phases of the
above signals, the shear stress vector C describes closed paths of
(a) different shapes on the critical plane and, according to the above
-1.0 definition of the critical plane, three cases can occur:
0 50 100 150 200
200 P
25CrMo4 - Zenner et al. (1985) (a) The shear stress path is represented by a line segment;

Specimens No.41 - 44 (b) The shear stress path is represented by an ellipse;

(c) The shear stress path is represented by a closed curve

100 44
with a generic shape.
0 In case (a), we can have the following sub-cases:

-100 41 (a.1) For synchronous proportional loading (in-phase input sig-

nals with zero mean values), the line segment passes
(b) through the origin of the Puvw frame;
-200 (a.2) For synchronous affine loading (in-phase input signals with
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
non-zero mean values), the line segment does not pass
300 through the origin of the Puvw frame.
En24T - McDiarmid (1985)

Specimen No.56
In case (b), produced by synchronous non-proportional loading

100 (out-of-phase signals), we can have the following sub-cases:

0 (b.1) One semi-axis is much greater than the other one;

(b.2) The two semi-axes have the same order of magnitude.

Finally, case (c) is produced by asynchronous loading.

-300 4. Comparison with experimental data
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Now some experimental data available in the literature, related
to smooth cylindrical metallic specimens (round bars and thin-
Fig. 4. Shear stress paths for the experimental tests in Refs. [38,39,43]: (a) walled tubes) subjected to synchronous and asynchronous, sinu-
specimens No. 11 and 29; (b) No. 41–44; and (c) No. 56. soidal, in- and out-of-phase loading, are examined. The multiaxial
stress states corresponding to fatigue limit conditions are reported
in Table 1 (where kxy ¼ xxy =xx or ky ¼ xy =xx ). For each experi-
3.3. Some types of shear stress paths on the critical plane mental test, the critical plane orientation, i.e. the angle c (Fig. 2)
formed by the normal unit vector w with respect to the specimen’s
The plane stress condition of biaxial normal and shear stresses longitudinal axis X, is also reported.
at the generic point P of a cylindrical body (Fig. 1) subjected to an A total number of 58 specimens are analysed. The static and
asynchronous out-of-phase sinusoidal loading can be expressed as fatigue properties of the materials being examined are shown in
follows: Table 2. More precisely, in order to evaluate the capabilities of

MCC method
PH method
Path type:
C a [MPa]

300 (a1) (a2) ( b 1) (b2) (c )




















Fig. 5. The MCC method [33,34] and the PH method [13–16]: Ca values, by highlighting (for each specimen) the stress path type of the corresponding shear stress vector C.
A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167 165

0.5  specimens No. 11 and 12 [38], characterised by shear stress

MCC method P
(a) paths represented by line segments of type (a.2);
RELATIVE FREQUENCY  specimens No. 13–28 [36], No. 29–31 [38], and No. 32–40 [37],
0.4 P
characterised by shear stress path represented by ellipses of
type (b.1);
0.3  specimens No. 41–44 [39] and No. 45–50 [40], characterised by
shear stress paths represented by ellipses of type (b.2);
 specimens No. 51 [41], No. 52–55 [42], No. 56 [43] and No. 57
0.2 P
and 58 [38], characterised by shear stress paths represented
by generic closed curves of type (c).
Some of the stress paths being analysed are shown in Fig. 4, by
0 plotting the components Cu and Cv of the shear vector C, evaluated
with respect to the two orthogonal unit vectors, u and v, on the
critical plane.
(b) PH method
In Fig. 5, the values of the amplitude Ca are plotted for each of

0.4 the 58 specimens examined. Such values are determined by apply-

ing either the MCC method [33,34] or the PH method [13–16] to
the modified C–S criterion. Note that the PH method introduces a
quite significant increase (up to 30%) in the value of the amplitude
Ca with respect to the value obtained from the MCC method, espe-
0.2 cially for those tests with the following load features: the sides of
the rectangle bounding the shear stress path, according to Eq. (13),
are of the same order of magnitude (see No. 41–50, and No. 56).
Such an increase makes the results less non-conservative, as can
be remarked by examining the error index I values plotted in Fig. 6,
0 where I (positive values of I correspond to conservative estima-
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
tions) is computed as follows:
ERROR INDEX, I [%] rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
r 2
Fig. 6. Error index for the specimens No. 41–50, and No. 56 according to the N2a;eq þ C 2a  s af ;1  raf ;1
af ;1
modified C–S criterion, by applying: (a) the MCC method [33,34] and (b) the PH I¼ 100% ð15Þ
method [13–16]. raf ;1
More precisely, Fig. 6 shows the relative frequency of the error
index according to the modified C–S criterion by applying both
the PH method implementation in the modified C–S criterion, the the MCC method and the PH method for specimens No. 41–50,
aforementioned experimental tests are sorted in Table 1 on the and No. 56.
basis of the shear stress path types listed in the previous Section, Further, the minimum and the maximum values (extreme val-
that is: ues) of the error index I for each examined material are reported
in Table 2.
 specimens No. 1–9 [36], and No. 10 [37], characterised by shear The values of the error index, made by implementing both the
stress paths represented by line segments of type (a.1); MCC method and the PH method in the modified C–S criterion,

MCC method (a)

PH method I>0

Proportional loadings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MCC method (b)

30 PH method I>0


Non-proportional loadings



































Fig. 7. Error index values calculated by applying both the MCC method and the PH method to calculate Ca: (a) proportional loading; (b) non-proportional loading.
166 A. Carpinteri et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 68 (2014) 159–167

are plotted in Fig. 7(a) and (b) for proportional and non-propor- but the PH method is computationally more efficient than the MRC
tional loading, respectively. Positive values of the error index indi- one.
cate conservative results. Note that this result (same accuracy) is due to the fact that we
The averaged absolute value of the error index related to the have considered the averaged absolute value of the error index
MCC method implementation is equal to about 3% for proportional computed taking into account all the tests. As a matter of fact, as
loading and to 15% for non-proportional one. By implementing highlighted in Fig. 5, the PH method increases the value of Ca only
the PH method, the averaged absolute value of the error index is for the tests characterised by shear stress paths not too flatten, that
equal to about 3% for proportional loading and to 13% for non- is, when the corresponding sides of the bounding rectangle, chosen
proportional one. according to Eq. (13), are of the same order of magnitude. If only
From such a comparison made by taking into account all the the tests that have such a loading feature were considered (No.
data examined, the PH method and the MRC method have the 41–50 and No. 56), the averaged absolute value of I would be equal
same accuracy for both proportional and non-proportional loading, to 21% by implementing the MCC method, and equal to 13% by
implementing the PH method, that is, the multiaxial fatigue
strength evaluations derived through the modified C–S criterion
0.5 are improved if the shear stress amplitude is determined by apply-
τaf,-1 / σaf,-1 ≤ 0.6 (a) ing the PH method instead of the MCC method.
The relative frequency of the error index by applying the PH
0.4 method is plotted in Fig. 8, where the experimental data are col-

lected on the basis of the ratio between fully reversed shear stress
fatigue limit, saf,1, and the fully reversed normal stress fatigue
0.3 limit, raf,1. The following remarks can be made:

 For mild metals (saf,1/raf,1 < 0.6, see Fig. 8(a)), the absolute
0.2 error index value falls in the range of ±10% for 57% of the exam-
ined experimental tests;
 For hard metals (0.6 < saf,1/raf,1 < 0.9, see Fig. 8(b)), the corre-
0.1 sponding absolute error index value falls in the range of ±10%
for 59% of the examined experimental tests;
 For extremely hard metals (saf ;1 =raf ;1 P 0:9, see Fig. 8(c)), I
falls in the range of ±10% for 86% of the examined experimental
0.5 tests.
0.6 ≤ τaf,-1 / σaf,-1 ≤ 0.9 (b)
Finally, in order to compare the obtained evaluations with those

determined through other multiaxial criteria available in the liter-

ature, the Crossland [44], Papadopoulos et al. [45] and Gonçalves
et al. [14] criteria are applied to each experimental test in Table 1,
and the results are reported in Table 2.

0.2 5. Conclusions

In the present paper, the shear stress amplitude Ca acting on the

0.1 critical plane is computed by implementing both the MCC method
and the PH method in the modified C–S criterion. For the experi-
mental data here examined, the use of Ca implemented through
0.0 the PH method provides quite satisfactory multiaxial fatigue
0.5 strength estimations for experimental tests characterised by shear
τaf,-1 / σaf,-1 ≥ 0.9 (c) stress paths not too flatten. For example, the relative decrease of
the absolute error value by applying the PH method is equal to
0.4 88% for specimen No. 47.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the

Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
under the project PRIN 2009 No. 2009Z55NWC_003.

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