International Business Environment

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PESUUT TE EEC CCC CECE CCE CSI IIH HEEESE: Chapter - | Gnveduction t Intemational Business ne Trew neitional business OSE te Commercial a ae Ss thet inwwe transactions C trode, ne 5 ae \ gists ) ete. Cherween, Company , Sovernment + individuy WaMPPerert Gontriae with the he tp OF Cxport |; Empors y iS krown OS Eptennateral Business s * Hotwre OF Frtonatbre! Bosiness @ Globalization Cantematonal bociness Shaped ‘by Inter connected Of EcoMOMies .# driven by advances In Communicrtion, -trai Age S trehnereay, This inercoMectedness reduces dae aa paris \nvesiment , Ayo bxsiness +e operate Ot 9 Jlebo\ geale), @ Cross Border Trade= CHriernation bosine ss Wes in the exchange ef Qoods & sexvices berueen halions., THiS inyoryes | 4 export activities , Whore Company engage in tradt Acroas bine ceaving ath diverse Cuore, legay SYSTEM, Currency} ® Foreian Sivect Frvestment (Companies errand their Operation Jeyond demesne bordexs trough FDS y they lovest in reign martes +8 eciablish Subsidtares Joint Vertes « THs APProae Fagaake Mmenket ACESS, Seroregi & Tie C08, Auge rp ‘ in GePP eet Courrri eS) ; AZ ® Mvrrinariones @rforations ate in mo covrenes, 4 do treie Dlebet Vpie ANSTbvaon & MoaKeH CS are © Slower suppy chain€ Compone! worn Ai companies marage Complex & Aiginbytsrs Acvoss the 3 @ cohwread Diversity C Companies Vargvages, traditions + Onso Pradoot X Mmancge Yerrational @ eae 4 pliticay Fraynewvr es gustan make Changes Ts ine ing Tegel comp orth di-Fron ng inrevetu sy Rroposty \AWs Financvat Fo % SeoPe ef Swemationas @ssiness - oodS-& Sart te © Tyroenationar Trade~ Gnuswes enchainge af 98° ! beween Countries Jbn~< by trade agreement) ® Fvwboa Fwestmemt ~ Coompany enPand thre FOL, ergers ACQ_visition br Partnesship) . . ® Girowar Etnanday management (handing Corrency PloctdaH one, Covestmend Strategies 2 managing Pinancial KisK Of au rey @ ® Globus masketing€ deveioeing mars echiey StraxeqgicS +o diverce Colwres, Tangvage 4 Consumer buhouiso rs In wuMict) @ sorry Chan Maragement Cconrdirating production, fagistics + Asiribovon Across Internakonal borders efi cientry £ Cort ® efeecaively) Cress- Coveprad manag ement C ae Aig wrt Athen t compo nces & Cormmonication styjes, business practices) Ps ® Frverranionas \eIet + poyitteal environmen’ C Compy with & intormatoncy 1AWs, trade poiicl Sf Peitt car cotgu rations) & 6 @wvai Homan Resource management C Managing terent oe = ford eS — dealing With diverse labour laws +4 fasten ng 910 3 lg cook piace) | we Dsadvantages oF Tnivonationas Business - Cerange in Sovt Pericles) & Pe @ povitica risks © Coors ngtabl ity C economic Condition, corrency Pructy atone) @ co lboral OWFTLNES C durporent Ci lacgvese 4 burf nace @ walsticay Compn ( r : ’ digtribution ® leaas + ie ® Sits s BOcioN Reeource Allocation ( 2 (ecattens), & Coerentt “Trends 1) © pa; “SK Teter is i ence CRISk tolerence by PUTO, lege), enviomentat # ecenemie volot ity in tang et Markets) ® Produce or Service Type C nature OF Predve& © sorwee in di market €wequirement affect setection mode), PRaene @® Corea & socia factors Cdisperent Covmiries have a E CUltvres £ social factexrs | also aprect) © Competitive Environment Cangiyeing Computes » > Ea > - ImiGrnetionat, Cconsmic; Political 4 SS and their Impact on business. Exarnpie PMY HAC Corporation, A Dlobat ted chreteay Arm , airng le eefard Hs operations into Sakhtast As tas Envivenment ~ als Intermationas environment offess LTThE region Had q diverse each With HS Seon regulatory behawicors berh opportu Mersket ¢ Aare Ecohemic Environracivt = nic landscape of Southeast Asly Varies ww idew ATIES, Ae Inghance, Some Countnes have rapidy. rousing ‘ Nie overs MAY FACE ECONOMY S Yojag in F raShe , echions, Arpperences in. QDP, | retin The © \ekicay environment— = poriaicas Stabiity Sdoverment policies Significant vy inPioeRce bocinees OPeTAtions. Sootheast AsIA!s Portticat environment can be diverse, ranalng peo stabre democracie. fo Countries facing Potiti \ uy \aq Arey have to Undonstard - ayode povicies, toxatlon %® — CvldUras environ ment — diverse | col Vivre %* Smpact_on Business NW To Sueceed Joy marker ob ta pred HR Factors affecting internationar business Environment — ® Biiticol envirnment-CIevemment Stab! ity, tracte Policies, yeguiations £ Political welations between countries Impact octionas bysiness operations) ® Ecoromic Conelitions- C economic grewth rates, infration, Conrency exchange rates F iWRragtroctlre deve \opment owPect ® legqay 4 peavlttory rameroorc-C legal Systems, trade Begviarions, ieleetvar Property Protection & Compiiance Tequvitement are arso APPE ct J @ Certyre) diversity-C Coltuway neams, languages, Consumer bemaviour and business etiquetes is Cructal for Su Ceecesyy Animeratonal beciness environment) e& QUE nagage § ® Teahnotesica} Advacements— CTechnetegica| Inmeyationg O= Aavancerene WHPAct hed business OPerecte Qobaity , aPfecting Gx Commun Getton logistics, Productions mariet access) © palace Trade Og reement= C shercomeediy froacgy, . atization 3 Partictpation in trade Qgicenents inFy iMbemnedionar bos} ‘ re na) WESS Strate gicg , Maricet WoEas & Commpepjion) em @ Harveray £ Environ mental factors— C Environmental Fegu lation, Pegource avallabitity, climate Changes & Sustetnaby | , Oe Practices Impact Industries [ice agri col re nee Ay MAanUPac tori ng) fb @ Sociay & Demographic Trends-€ Charging demagraphics, gocTas trends , lifestyle Preferences & GnSomer demand \nfivence Product Preferences £ market St. veg) indg %_Etnical Sssvec iy Srernationay Bosines ¢— ® Corrvptton & EReSyY CAraring with Corvopt practices 2 brivery 4© Secure” comracts, Permits of FaUcvCabie dorcadmen’ in certaty Courtrieg) @ Labove practices- C ensuring Fin wages, SAAC Working SN Condt tons, € Pespecting homar Aights in counted aith x differing labor Standards) ® Environmental smpact ~ C Batancting, Economic qeay x ees 4 damage, + . minimizing envirenmentey F adherin , shinier cake TEAVIAHong Slebariy _) Seiten Aerog Suept Chain Ethics— ( ensoring ethical Practices thy oogh ® Boppy chain anoiding explottarion ow poor “treaninee oe the | Suppyjers 1 oor KO7S 1 Or Local Communtttes) Cu levray Semsitv Hy ~ ( Respecting diverse tte i. Veases & Cus eohen Operating In various coontiesy , fp fp fP ® Fair Competition- Caveiding anti —Cempettaive betawloon PEIN OF Mons pHSHe PRACH ces + Hho hinder Baie - ding Aransparene y @ “Transparency & Governance=C vpte\ RRR israel , adver ng, tp Corporate qovern: Chandorvds + Combating Ftravd oF Como ption), @® Homan Rights— Caddressing human rights Concerns Chi\d labor, discrimination, On Unsafe Rrevarent “5 Some regions) , % Examine Re Qrauing Concern for ecology in Internotonay s business environ ment + A ® Reqoiatory pressure - (Snereasinaty environmental reguiitiong Toone pusinease! te adopt leco-Friently Practices te compy With laws reacted te Emissions, Grote Mmanagemerd: A aesuurce Usage) . : ®D Congumer Pemand -CRsiNg Congsomer demand / Prefemnce for Products £& environmentally responsibie Companies driwe businecses t¢ Adopt green Practices te Maintain man_et vevevance & Competitveness) ; ® Soppy Chain Sustainabitity~C bus’ neag Pay more atten o tohore they get Stuf . They cant hein SOPP ers CCO “Fre iy Find material 1H & Soshai Mable eAvinmert: fH mete. ee Is not Weeren ing, environment. act the time of maki ng Products) ® Trvestor & Staketoldes KPectationg-€ Syveatons, Sharehoiders & siakehs\ders wake Prescore on Companies to 1) Prove Metr crvivonnentar Practices) ® cost savines + efficiency — ¢ Adopaing eCo-Hriend Ly measures +0 Save Cost Areva pesovrce epHmyzotjon enerdy eppiciency, crste redoction & innavahlen , contrinoting’ to on g~ LET profi kar’ ty), és " @® Brand \mage & Repotation- C Businesses that Prioritize ecottgy Sain Positive brand image, enhanced Aepotation ¢ customer loyalty leading te Stronger marker Positiong), mee BHKEKOEKKEEE ESAS AAI ddI AIAIAIIIIIIS? ’ * Dittoxence Bepween EDT Sepr rox FPL H EPI Stands fer Foreign Airecd| Ynvestiment, BD Long— perm Tyvestment S THvecreg in Prysi~s accet Dairy te \norease enterprice Capacity on Freductivity or Change manogemernt — Gntxo) B leads te techrolegy Aransher, Access 40 MavKete 4 maragerert| \npots ® FOE Freus into Primory market @® Eniy & exit ts roevedivery Aver coyt @® Eligipie For Ppwepire of Conpany ® pees not tet te Speco agi ye @ Bivect Impact on emp joyment Of labour € wages @® FPL stands for Foreign Portsoiio \nvestments ® Short teem Irwestment © Tweeied IH Nranciay @ aim +0 snovease capita) aya abi ity GEPs resort Only Caprta} MPs, @ FET Frees into Second ory MOTkKet » @ entry 4 ext is Crelativery Peary, ® Fligite For capitay gain, ® Tend t© be Pecviative, ® No direct Tmpact gn employment OF \nboon 4 wager Chapter- 3 Srternationar Finanetas EU eral % Foreign investment meomi ‘ 5 a = Foreign imvestmend refers te te investments matt ae individu, companies. or goverment’ From one Country into: Assets or activites Iecqted im another Country, ~ L+ involves purchasing Or Creating ASEAS | Such As Chocks Lends, real esicle @ r @SiabIShing businesses Or Sibsidian'es in Foreian countries. ~ +40reign investment are take Various forms soch ag: @ foreign Wme'clivect invectment CFDE)= ~Tnvesting in A CoMmPany in Another Country n faking Control or Sometimes nob, cind OF ten Sehr eas Parts of the besiness oy brances ® Portfouo Favect ment — = This incivdet wying Stocks , bonds Or Cther -Pingnoiot OSsets Ina Poveign Ountry withodt AAking oloNeETchi> 4 @ntro! in ane Company, — Frveign Invectment he 1p 3a 91021 economic deve opment, Fostering inieenationa| trade, technology transfer, jep Creation 2 Economic Growth, T+ anoulsinvestors 40 Aivoasity —~. > 9 Sma = —) their portPoies * Access need markets whi ie Rose Country == —?. == =e =p —) —# == i BP = =a —9 Providing capita\, expestise 4 emprioyeme nt oprortunities x Factors AFPecting foreign “Invest ee ® Positicas Stabiiity - C Counties atth Stabe Dovermments , Predictable Policies + (OW Polineay vig tend to Attract move Foxelah invesyment) % » @ Economic condition~ C40r growth, iMFiation ates’ Currency Stabi ity $ inPoagirvcisre development lmnpact investments) BD pequicteny Environment -( Clear + Favouyabie *uItory FrrarnesookS, transPavent (qos , Protection of Enea Wants ease of dding beSiness Sncovrage AOrvelsy ‘nVeCtment) g Sze *% Potentat~ ( largoy mashets ewith growing @® marker ? bases ie Seeking SAPANSON: 4 O Labor Force & Skis ~ C Ava} , ore Force Py. opfer Oltractive Tovesiment OpPortonttes For ppl) ability OF oduct wiy 1 ma fevers + & hadnt Z a SE nFerasan @ so ey

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