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Jalan Pandu No. 9 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar – Bali 80235

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UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER, Semester Genap 2022/2023

Program Studi : AK4/TE4/UPW4 Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Profesional II
Jenjang : Diploma Tiga Dosen : Komang Satya Permadi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Semester : Empat Hari/Jam : Rabu, 24 April 2024
Sifat: :- Batas Kumpul : Rabu, 24 April 2024

1. Berdoalah menurut Agama dan Kepercayaan masing-masing sebelum memulai mengerjakan soal
2. Bacalah soal baik-baik sebelum mengerjakan
3. Kerjakan jawaban dalam file yang berekstensi doc/docx/pdf.
4. Sisipkan Nama – Nim – Kelas di halaman jawaban
5. Rename file tersebut menjadi kelas – nama – nim [Contoh: UPW3-Reno Wardiman-200000001.doc]
6. Periksa kembali pekerjaannya sebelum mengumpulkan kepada Dosen
7. Unggah file jawaban WAJIB melalui
8. Diluar jam pengumpulan yang ada diatas akan dikenakan penurunan nilai sebesar 10 poin dan disetiap
kelipatan 3 jam. Jika batas pengumpulan 22.00 dan dikumpul pada 22.10, maka nilai yang awalnya
didapat adalah 90 poin akan menjadi 80 poin.


1. Make a dialogue based on the following flow chart:

Visitor Receptionist
Introduce Yourself
Say you have appointment with Bilal Indrajaya
Welcome Visitor
Explain that Bilal Indrajaya will be along
Offer a drink / refreshment
Decline – ask if you can use a phone
Say Yes / Offer to use the office phone
Thank him/her for lending the office phone
(a few minutes later, after talking to someone)
Thank to Receptionist
Reply and offer any other help
Ask about the toilet location
Describing the toilet location nearby
Thank to Receptionist

2. In your opinion, what makes a good presentation? Please elaborate your reason for each point!
3. Economic crisis is getting bigger every year, some countries around the world has already collapsed
because of unstable economy condition. Indonesia in the other hand, still survive with this condition.
The Indonesian leader, Mr. Joko Widodo has built a thousand kilometers of national road and
hudreds of dams. Hence, indirectly it will make the economy condition of Indonesian better.
a) In your opinion, based on your current majoring what is your main concern to improve
Indonesian Economy better? Please give your opinion.
b) If you are being Indonesian Government and you must do some meeting with the stakeholder,
what are the topics that you will rise? Please make a Meeting Agenda about it.
c) Lastly, please make a meeting invitation letter to a stakeholder, signed by you as Indonesian

= Selamat Mengerjakan =

© Politeknik Nasional Denpasar 2023

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