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ชื่อ-สกุล ธรรมสรณ/ บุญโยธา รหัสนักศึกษา 665090003-6

การสัมมนาครั้งที่ 2
Title New knowledge/Main Question
1. Effects of spot marching the population aged 60 years -Why the endurance exercise
exercise over 90-degree and over will increase from 1 performs in the large muscle
unsupported arm elevation on billion in 2020 to 1.4 billion. By group?
exercise intensity and 2050, the world’s population of -Why should do many degree
cardiopulmonary response in people aged 60 years and older for other simple test?
sedentary older individuals will double increase to 2.1
2. Validity, reliability, and Most commonly found in upper -How deference between inter -
responsiveness of hardness trapezius muscles up to 45-54% rater reliability and intar-rater
meter in person with Myofascial reliability?
trigger points on upper trapezius
3. Cut-off scores of functional -Globally, 20% to 40% -If know the cut-off point and
tests to of the older adult population next?
determine fear of fall in older agedover 60 years
adults Katzman et al., W. B. (2010). 5
with hyperkyphosis 55% of the older adult
aged over 70 years
4. Effects of ankle support - Gait limitation: Important problem -If the innovation is better than
devices on gait and mobility 50 percent of all stroke patients the old device next?
of individuals with stroke:
literatures review
5. The Segmental Trunk Control A significant correlation = trunk -Segmental Trunk Control
in Sitting of Preterm Infants control and motor performance PT Related to Gross Motor
Infants 7 months and FT 6 months 2.
at the Orphanage Setting Performance in Healthy Preterm
PT infants delayed segmental trunk
control compared with FT
and Full-Term
ชื่อ-สกุล ธรรมสรณ/ บุญโยธา รหัสนักศึกษา 665090003-6

การสัมมนาครั้งที่ 3
Title New knowledge/Main Question
1. The Correlation between Each infants will be measure the -How to assessment the
Segmental Trunk Control and trunk control in sitting using the development in the infants
Segmental Assessment of Trunk
Daily Activity in Infants at the -Why which the SATCo and
Control (SATCo) and their daily
Orphanage Setting routine during week day and weekend
DAIS? And how accuracy for
will be observed using the Daily believe the data
Activity of Infant Scale (DAIS).
2. Sensory assessments in some sensory measurement tools -
individuals with stroke have been reported as suitable
measures, including the Nottingham
Sensory Assessment (NSA), a revision
version of the NSA, as the so-called
the Erasmus Nottingham Sensory
Assessment (Em-NSA), Rivermead
assessment of somatosensory
performance (RASP)
3. The Study of Breathing -Explain about device and -Why your interred in atelectasis
Characteristics during Oscillated meaning of muscle thickness participants because in patience
Inspiratory Breathing Exercise and hardness. have many problems
Using BreatheMAX® in Patients -the prevalence after abdominal
with Post-operative surgery about 90 percent
Thoracoabdominal Surgeries

4. Assessments on walking -Gait aid how to apple for -Why your want to know in gait
ability of individuals with stroke patience speed with gait aid or
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