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Home-work Lesson 6 (26.


1. a) Positive:

1. Honest and open people are much easier to trust.

2. I am extremely gentle with my kitten.

3. According to scientists, an optimistic person lives longer than a pessimistic person.

4. Having cheerful people in your environment makes life even more interesting.

5. In childhood, my mother always told me to be a polite girl.


1. Dishonest statements against another person can lead to problems.

2. Lazy people achieve little because of their laziness.

3. It is difficult for an aggressive person to control his emotions.

4. A rude request is unlikely to lead to the desired goal.

5. An indifferent look, reflects the desire to communicate with a person.

b) 1.calm – спокійний 2.sympathetic – співчутливий 3.get annoyed - дратуватися

4.achievements - досягнення 5.tell a lie – говорити неправду

6..for no particular reason – без особливої причини

1 .Her calm look made him fall in love.- Її спокійний погляд змушував його
закохатися. 2. Maria was sympathetic to the elderly.- Марія була співчутливою до
людей похилого віку . 3. The father was annoyed when his son got bad grades.- Батько
дратувався коли син приносив погані оцінки . 4. Vlad was happy with his achievements
in sports. - Влад тішився своїми досягненнями у спорті . 5. When people tell lies, it
reduces my trust in them.- Коли люди говорять неправду , це зменшує мою довіру до
них. 6. Roma never made him worry for no particular reason.- Рома ніколи не змушував
хвилюватися без особливої причини.

1. The advantages of working as an electrician are the demand for this profession and the
opportunity to use professional skills to your advantage. The disadvantages of this
profession include the risk of injury, possibly even death, or the low reputation of the

2. The advantages of the profession of a musician lie in the freedom and diversity of this
profession. Disadvantages include high competition and unstable income.

3. My friends and I go for a walk every day. We communicate a lot and take care of each
other. I also like when we play various interesting games to have a little fun. My friends
are versatile people. For example, Nastya studies foreign languages. Masha loves animals
and spends a lot of time with them. Ira plays the piano and is fond of music. I am fond of
reading books. My favorite genre is detective. Despite such a difference in interests, we
like to spend time together, it brings us pleasure.

4. English is an international language. It is known and spoken in most countries of the

world. It is used by all large companies in the world, thus supporting a closer connection
between companies. Large international treaties and agreements are signed with it. The
world's most popular musical and cinematographic works are written in English. In many
schools and universities of the world, English is studied and spoken. With knowledge of
English, you can find new acquaintances and get a job. An international language should
be simple and understandable to everyone, and that is what English is. Perhaps we are very
lucky that it was such a simple language that united the world.

5. I believe that English is needed in all professions, but it depends on where this
profession will be used.

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