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The examples given below clearly state that Article comes with Noun.
Eg. 1. a
He is _______ good boy.

2. She is _______
× excellent. ← No Noun, No Article

3. a
She went for _______ walk/ ride/ drive/ stroll/ talk.
'a + verb' becomes Noun

4. a
This degree is _______ must for this exam.
Here 'a + Modal' → Noun

1. He is a singer.

2. They are a singers. [×]

3. She gave an advice. [×]

4. Once upon a time, there lived a king.

5. He is a very good dancer.

6. Once upon a time, there lived a saint, nearby the place of the king.
Fill in the blanks with A/An
1. An
________ orange 9. A
________ year

2. An
________ eagle An
10. ________ MP

3. An
________ umbrella A
11. ________ DCP

4. A
________ European A
12. ________ ewe

5. A
________ university 13. ________
× honorary lecturers

6. A
________ one-rupee Coin 14. ________
× honesty

7. An
________ honest man 15. ________
× police.

8. An
________ ear
Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective 9

1. Cowards die many a death, the brave dies but once.

2. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

3. The brave ________ rewarded. (be)

4. The higher you rise ________ you fall.

(i) harder (ii) hard (ii) the harder.

5. The more electricity you use, ________ your bill will be. (high)
Answers (Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective) 10

1. The brave (वीर लोग) is P.N. Change dies (S.V) into die (P.V).

2. The tough (मजबूत लोग) is P.N. Change gets (S.V) into get (P.V).

3. The brave (P.N) wile take 'are' (P.V).

4. Ans. → The harder. The higher ↔ the harder (Rule of parallelism) If

actions are directly or inversely proportional, Comparative
Degree will come in both the parts preceded by article 'the'.

5. Ans. → the higher.

Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective 11

6. This is the best dish served here.

7. Revenge is best served cold.

8. He is the first choice of the organizers.

9. He stood first in class.

• Exception of (6 – 9): Article 'the' comes with Superlative Degree of

Adjective and does not come with Superlative Degree of Adverb.
Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective 12

a few days.
10. The doctor advised me to rest for ________
11. The show was cancelled as ________ people turned up.

The few friends, whom I trusted, left me at the time of need.

12. ____________

a little sensitivity.
13. Police must have ___________

the little
14. The doctors lost ________________ hope, that they had, when they saw the

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

15. __________

a little water?
16. Could you give me __________
Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective 13

little clue what was going on.

17. He looked blank as he had _______

little money. I can't buy anything.

18. I have _________

a few more chapters.

19. My teacher advised me to prepare ________

few people were seen on roads.

20. The lockdown was imposed strictly and _______

The few books that I have are useful for competitive exams.
21. ___________

22. Very _______ books are available of Stats.

23. Ashoka, the great / The great Ashoka/ The Great Britain.
Exception of 16 – 20 14

• A few संख्या म � कम ह ै ले�कन ह ै

Countable Noun • Few संख्या म � ना के बराबर

• The few िजतने ह�, सभी।

• A little मात्रा म� कम है ले�कन ह

Uncountable Noun • Little मात्रा म� ना के बराब

• The little िजतने है, सभी।

Explanations: 22. Very takes only few and little.

23. Sometimes we use an Adjective to emphasise the importance a Noun. In
such a case we use 'the' with Proper Noun. The use of article 'the' makes a
noun important.
Article Vis-a-Vis Abstract and Material Noun 15

1. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

2. A beauty from South Africa broke all the stereotypes.

3. Love is eternal.

4. Do you deserve the love of your parents?

5. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

6. This alloy is made of half a gold and half a copper. (×)

This alloy is made of half gold and half copper. ()

Answers Next

Explanation of 1 – 6: Abstract Noun: that can felt but can't be touched.

Eg: Beauty, Honesty, Joy, Sorrow. They do not take Article A/An.

1. Beauty → सुंदरता (U.N) 5. 'A joy' here is not an abstract

noun. Here 'a joy' refers to an
2. A beauty → एक संुदर� (S.C.N) object/ thing that gives you
3. Love → प्या (U.N)
6. Gold and copper are material Noun
4. The love of → Definite and cannot take Article A/An.

The + Noun + of Structure generally seen. If Noun is

followed by 'of', it is preceded by Article.
Article Vis-a-Vis Common Noun 17

1. A dog is a faithful animal.

2. A cow is a milch animal.

3. The farmer had a dog.

4. A cow is grazing in the field.

5. Man is mortal.

6. A man is standing there.

Answers Next

Explanation of 1 – 2: Here a dog and a cow refer to the whole species of dog
and cow. However singular verb will be used.

Explanation of 3: Here 'a dog' means 'one dog' (एक कु �ा)

Explanation of 4: Here 'a cow' means 'one cow' (एक गाय)

5. Man → इन्सा

6. A man → एक पुरू
Article Vis-a-Vis Common Noun 19

7. Children should go to school.

8. He was arrested and sent to jail.
9. The jail is behind the school.
10. The school is near a hospital.
11. Let the father in you decide whether your father deserves this treatment.
12. A mother was born in her when she saw the baby.
13. When will father return?
14. Take me to the station.
15. Take me to New Delhi railway station.
Answers Next

Explanation of 7 – 8: When school, jail, hospital etc refer to their primary purpose
(प्राथ� उद्दे), no article comes. Here in sentence 7, school means education and in
sentence 8, jail means imprisonment.
Explanation of 9 & 10: When we refer to premises, building or location and not the
primary purpose, we use Article.
Explanation to 11: When we refer to the personality present inside a parson, we use
Article 'the'.
Explanation to 12: When the personality refered to is introduced i.e. seen for the
first time, we use Article 'A/An'.
Explanation to 13: We don't use any article with the names of near relations.
Explanation to 14: We use article 'the' with station, circus, theatre, cinema, bus
stand, bus terminal etc.
Explanation to 15: When a Proper Noun comes with station, circus etc, no article
comes. Eg:- Gemini Circus.
Article Vis-a-Vis Proper Noun Next

Proper Noun 1. Ram was the king of Ayodhya.

The +noun+ of
2. Switzerland is a beautiful place.
3. Shakespeare was a great dramatist.

We do not use any article with the name of any person or a place. (�कसी भी
व्यिक अथवा स्था के नाम के साथ Article का प्रय नह�ं होता है।)

4. He is the Ram of Modern India.

5. Kashmir is the Switzerland of India.
6. Kalidasa is the Shakespeare of India.
7. He is a Hitler.
4, 5, 6, 7
If a person or place is used as an example because of their certain quality, we
use article with that proper Noun. (अगर �कसी गण ु /दोष के कारण कोई व्यिक अथवा स्था
उदाहरण स्वर प्रयु हो, तो Article का प्रय होता।)

8. America is a developed country.

9. The United States is a super power.
8, 9
If we use Union, United, Republic or Kingdom in the name of the place we use
article 'the'. (अगर स्था के नाम म� Union, United, Republic या Kingdom शब् का प्रय
हो, तो Article 'the' का प्रय होगा।)

10. (i) The Ukraine (ii) The Netherlands

(iii) The Hague (iv) The Philippines
(v) The Sudan (vi) The Great Britain

With the names of place given above we use article 'the'. (उपरोक् स्था के नाम
के साथ 'the' का प्रय होता आया है।)

• Now let us see use of Article with Natural things one by one. (अब प्राकृ�
वस्तुओ के साथ Article का प्रय एक-एक कर के दे ख�)-

1. Space
• Space (अंत�र�) — No article
Eg.: Astronauts go to space.

• Space (जगह) — Article — the

Eg.: Park your car in the space given to you.

2. Heavenly objects (भौगो�लक �पंड) — Article — The

Eg.: The Mars, The Sun.


• Article 'the' is used with the following Natural things Exceptions are also
mentioned. (�नम्न�ल�ख प्राकृ� चीज� के साथ Article 'the' आता है। अपवाद भी दे रख�
3. The atmosphere 9. Hemispheres — the Northern
hemisphere, the
4. The environment Southern Hemisphere
5. The ecosystem 10. Tropics — The Tropic of Cancer,
The Tropic of
6. The biosphere, the Capricorn.
troposphere etc
11. The Axis
7. Poles — The South 12. Circles — The Arctic circle, The
poles, the North pole Antarctic Circle
13. Directions — the North, the South
8. The Equator

14. Water bodies

• Glaciers — The Siachen Glacier etc.
• Ocean — The Pacific Ocean etc.
• Sea — The Arabian Sea etc.
• River — The Yamuna etc.
• Waterfall — The Niagara Water Falls etc.
• Canal — The Suez Canal etc.
• Dam — The Sardar Sarovar Dam etc.
• Delta — The Sundarban Delta etc.
• Lakes — No Article — Wular Lake etc.

15. Mountains • Ranges (the) Eg.: The Himalayas

• Peaks (No article) Eg.: Mount Everest

16. Plateau — The Chota Nagpur Plateau etc.

17. Hills (No article) — Malabar Hill etc.
18. Volcanoes (No article) — Mount Vesuvius etc.
19. Forests — The Amazon Rainforest etc.
20. Bay/ Gulf — The Bay of Bengal etc.
21. Islands (No article) — Sri Lanka


22. Group of Islands — take Article 'the'

• The Lakshadweep.
• The Andaman and Nicobar Islands
• The West Indies.
• The Bahamas
• The Maldives
23. Diseases (No Article)
Eg.: Cancer, Diarrhoea.
The Measles, The Mumps, The Rickets, The Flu, The Plague.

24. Seasons — No Article unless followed by word 'season'. (अगर season शब् का
प्रय नह�ं होता है, तो कोई Article नह�ं आता है)
• Summer
• Winter
• The summer season
• Autumn • The winter season
• The rainy season
• Spring

25. Winds — The Westerlies etc.

26. Continents — No Article Note:-
Eg.: Asia, Africa etc. The Indian subcontinent

Now see the use of Article with the following Man made things:-

1. Cups & Trophies — The World Cup, The Ranji Trophy etc.
2. Musical Instruments — The Flute, The Guitar etc.
3. Religious groups — The Hindus, The Muslims etc.
4. Temples — The Meenakshi Temple, The Lotus Temple etc.
5. Clubs — The lion's club, The Bachelors' etc.
6. Dynasties — The Mughal Dynasty, The Marathas Dynasty etc.
7. Artificial Satellites — The Mangalyan etc.
8. Armed Forces — The Navy, The Army etc.

9. Hotels — The Oberois etc.

10. Pillars of constitutions — The Executive, The Judiciary etc.
11. Constitutional posts — The Prime Minister, The President etc.
12. Castes as a whole — The Yadavs, The Jats etc.
13. Ships — The Titanic etc.
14. Political Parties — The Congress Party, The Samajwadi Party etc.
15. Statutes & Acts — The Hindu Marriage Act, The Indian Penal Code
16. Dances — The Bharatnatyam, The Kathakali etc.
17. Unions — The United Nations, The Soviet Union etc.

18. Games (as organization) — The Olympics, the Common Wealth Games etc.
Names of Sports (No Article) — Football, Cricket.
19. Airways — The Jet Airways, The Air India etc.
Railways — The Rajdhani Express.
20. Banks — The Punjab National Bank, The Bank of India etc.
Note:- No article if name of a person comes with the name of the bank.
Eg. Lloyds Bank
21. Inventions — The Television, The Gramophone etc.
Note:- We are watching television. (Here we mean a programme so 'the' will
not come.)
22. Wars & Battles (यद ु / लड़ाई) — The Kalinga war, the World War etc.
23. Pilgrimage (तीथर यात् ) — The Amarnath Yatra etc.

24. Empire (साम्रा) — The British Empire, The Mughal Empire

25. Historical events — The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (जनसंहार),
(ऐ�तहा�सक घटना) The Chauri Chaura incident etc.
26. Tribals (जनजा�त) — The Santhalis, The Boro etc.
27. Movements & Revolutions — The Quit India Movement, The French
(क्रां) Revolution etc.
28. Civilizations (सभ्यत) — The Indus valley civilization.
29. Religious books (धा�मर् ग्र) — The Ramayana, The Quran etc.
Note:- No article if the name of a person comes with Religious books. (अगर
धा�मर् ग्र के साथ व्यिक का नाम हो, तो Article का प्रय ना कर�।)
Eg. Valmiki's Ramayana

30. Monuments (ऐ�तहा�सक इमारत) — The Taj Mahal, The Red Fort etc
Note:- No article is used if the monument is on the name of a person. (अगर
इमारत �कसी व्यिक के नाम पर हो, तो Article का प्रय नह�ं होता है)
Eg. Humayun’s Tomb

31. Newspapers — The Times of India etc.

32. Nationality (नाग�रकता) — The English, The French etc.
• The English speak English

Nationality Language
(Article –the) (No article)
33. Parts of Parliament — The Lok Sabha, The Legislative Assembly. (The
word Parliament does not take any Article)

34. Body parts — If a particular part is talked about we use Article 'A'/ 'An'/
'The' otherwise we don't use any Article. (अगर �कसी �निश्च
भाग का उल्ले हो, तो Article 'A'/ 'An'/ The' का प्रय होगा वनार कोई
Article नह�ं आता)
(i) Eyes give us the sensation of sight. (No article)
(ii) He opened the left eye and moved a finger of his left hand.
35. Unit of measurement Article 'the'.
(i) Cloth is sold by the yard. (ii) Eggs are sold by the dozen.
36. With certain words (Normally/ सामान्यत) —
• The whole ... Eg.: The whole world is suffering from Pandemic.
• Both the ... Eg.: Both the brothers are missing.
• All the ... Eg.: All the students are present.
• The same ... Eg.: He is the same boy who cheated us.
No Article comes with the following Nouns. 35
(�नम्न�ल�ख Nouns के साथ Article का प्रय नह�ं होता)

1. Subjects — Physics, Chemistry etc.

2. Roads — Mall Road
Exception:- The Grand Trunk road
3. Streets — Park Street
4. Festivals — Diwali
5. University — Oxford University
6. National Parks — Kaziranga National Park
7. Language — English
8. Acronyms — • If letters • If Pronounced
are pronounced as a word

Article 'the' comes No article comes


9. 'What kind of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What kind of bird the dodo is!
'What sort of takes' no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What sort of problem it is!
'What type of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What type of person he is!
'What variety of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What variety of rose it is!
Miscellaneous 37

1. Go to bed now.

2. Go to the bed and pick up the baby.

3. This ship was at anchor.

(i) anchor (ii) the anchor (iii) an anchor

4. He went to sea.

5. He went to the sea.

Answers (Miscellaneous) Next

1. If 'bed' means 'Primary Purpose' (सोना), no article comes.

2. If we add article before 'bed', it means furniture.

3. Ans (i)
4. 'Go to sea' means 'to become a sailor'.
5. Here 'go to the sea' means 'to go to sea for some other purpose'.

Position of Article in sentences Next

1. He is a very tall boy. a/an + Adv + Adj + S.N

2. He is such a tall boy. Such + a/an + adj + S.N

3. What an idiotic demand it was! What + a/an + Adj + S.N

4. How great a leader he is! How + adj + a/an + S.N

5. So nice a performance it was! So + Adj + a/an + S.N

6. Many a boy has come. Many a/an + S.N. + S.V

7. Many boys have come. Many + P.N + P.V


8. A great many leaders are here. A great/good many + P.N + P.V

A great many/ a good many → an extremely large number.

9. Too stupid an act it was! Too + adj + a/an + S.N

10. Why on earth would I do so?

In 'Why on earth', 'the' does not come before earth though all the
heavenly objects take Article 'the'. This is a phrase that is used to ask
question with anger, disgust or annoyance.
यहाँ 'On earth' म� 'Earth' के पहले 'the' का प्रय नह�ं हुआ हालाँ�क भौगो�लक �पंड के साथ
'the' आता है 'On earth' एक phrase है िजसका प्रय हम ग़स ु ्स या �चड़�चड़ापन म� प्रयु
करते ह�।
Determiners 41

Article A, An, The – See Article.

Demonstrative Adjective This, that, these, those

Possessive Adjective My, his, her, your, our, their, its

Quantifiers few, little, a few, a little, some, any, enough, no

Distributive adjective each, every

Determiners 42

1. This pen is mine. (this/these)


2. Those boys are not playing. (that those)


3. That house is mine. (that/those)


4. This idea is not good. (this/these)

5. These books are mine. (this/these)
जो नजद�क This That जो दरू हो
6. your own work.
Do _______ हो उसे Point These Those उसको Point
out करता है outकरता है।
7. my rights.
I know _______ Plural

8. our work now.

We should do _______ 6-7:
Use appropriate possessive Adjective
9. his/her face.
Look at __________
their limits.
10. They crossed _______
Determiners 43

much milk do we need?(many/much)

11. How _______
many friends.(many/much)
12. I have _______ Countable Uncountable
Nouns Noun
much tension. (many/much)
13. He has _______ take take

many issues. (many/much) Many Much

14. I have _______ few little
some help.(some/any)
15. She needs _______ Desirable Nouns take ‘lots of’/a
lot of’ in place of much
any help. (some/any)
16. I do not need _______
15-20 In –ve and
any help? (some/any)
17. Do you need _______ In +ve Interrogative
sentences sentences
some information. (some/any)
18. I have _______
‘Some’ ‘Any’
any information. (some/any)
19. I do not have _______ is used is used

any information? (some/any)

20. Do you have _______
Determiners 44

some coffee? (some/any)

21. May I have _______
some water? (some/any)
22. Do you have _______ If answer is expected in 'yes‘, use
'some' in place of ‘any’.

some rest.
23. I need _______
Very few a few

a few days. मात् म� ना कुछ (संख्य म�

24. The doctor advised me to rest for ______
के बराबर कम ले�कन है)

25. He is at the 4th stage of Cancer. There is

Comes with both
little hope of his survival.
Countable Uncountable
Determiners 45

few people came so the show was cancelled.
26. Very _______ Little, Very
a little

मात् म� ना थोड़ा है
the little milk that I had kept for tea.
27. He drank ___________
के बराबर (कम है ले�कन है)

the few books that she had on Grammar.

28. She lost _________ The little/The few

When some information is

given about the noun; the
some/a little help.
29. I need _______________ comes with 'little & few'

30. The little help that they provide was not _________.
__________ enough
Determiners 46

31. Every boy is present.(every/any)

32. No boy is absent.(any/no any/no)
any post.(any/every)
33. You can apply for _______
34. Enough is _________.
_________ enough

its neck.
35. My dog has a chain around _______
her black gown. (her/their)
36. She looks pretty in _______
enough problems.(enough/few/little)
37. We had _________
38. One has one’s rights.
one's duty.
39. One must perform _______ With With
Plural Countable Uncountable
some/ a little rice too.
40. Have ________________ Noun
A lot of/ lots of Much & Many Next

P.C.N. U.N. U.N. P.C.N.

कोई काफ� काफ� कोई

Examples:- 1. I know a lot/much.

2. Lots of / A lot of / Many people have come.

3. It needs a lot of/ much/ lots of improvement.

4. I bought many/ lots of/ a lot of books.

5. No one is much interested.

6. He has a lot of money.

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