1 IPlanning & Control of Operations

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Chapter – 1

Planning And Control Of


Ghanashyam Hinge
Planning & Control Of Operations

➢ Definition & Role

➢ Need Of Planning & Control

➢ Functions of PPC

i. Routing

ii. Scheduling

iii. Shop Loading & Dispatch

iv. Follow Up

➢ Relations With Other Department

PPC Role
Production planning and control (PPC) is an important task. It has to see that
production process is properly decided in advance and it is carried out as per the
plan. Production is related to the conversion of raw materials into finished goods. This
conversion process involves a number of steps such as deciding what to produce,
how to produce, when to produce, etc.
Goldon B. Carson - "Production planning and control involves generally the
organization and planning of the manufacturing process. Specifically, it consists of the
planning of the routing, scheduling, dispatching and inspection, co-ordination and the
control of materials, methods, machines, tooling and operating times. The ultimate
objective is the organization of the supply and movement of materials and labor,
machine utilization and related activities, in order to bring about the desired
manufacturing results in terms of quantity, time and place."

Need Of Planning & Control Of Operations
Deals with Planning the production process Implementation of the plan
Participation in Pre-production Activity Activated during ongoing production
the process
Function Planning, Coordination, Scheduling Monitoring, Control and Follow-up
Scheduling Creation of schedules Ensures working as per schedule
Focuses on The availability of resources Performance and corrective actions

Production planning and control is needed to achieve:

1. Effective utilization of firms’ resources.
2. To achieve the production objectives with respect to quality, quantity, cost and
timeliness of delivery.
3. To obtain the uninterrupted production flow in order to meet customers varied
demand with respect to quality and committed delivery schedule.
4. To help the company to supply good quality products to the customer on the
continuous basis at competitive rates. 4

Routing can be defined as the process of deciding the path (route) of work and the
sequence of operations.

Routing fixes in advance:

The quantity and quality of the product.
1. The men, machines, materials, etc. to be used.
2. The type, number and sequence of manufacturing operations, and
3. The place of production.

The main objective of routing is to determine (fix) the best and cheapest sequence of
operations and to ensure that this sequence is followed in the factory.


Scheduling is the second step in production planning and control. It comes after

Scheduling means to:

1. Fix the amount of work to do.
2. Arrange the different manufacturing operations in order of priority.
3. Fix the starting and completing, date and time, for each operation.

Scheduling is also done for materials, parts, machines, etc. it is like a time-table of
production. So, scheduling is an important step in production planning and control. It
is essential in a factory, where many products are produced at the same time.

Shop Loading And Dispatch

Dispatching is the third step in production planning and control. It is the action, doing
or implementation stage. It comes after routing and scheduling.

Shop Loading means starting the process of production. It provides the necessary
authority to start the work. It is based on route-sheets and schedule sheets.

Shop Loading & Dispatch includes the following:

1. Issue of materials, tools, fixtures, etc., which are necessary for actual production.
2. Issue of orders, instructions, drawings, etc. for starting the work.
3. Maintaining proper records of the starting and completing each job on time.
4. Moving the work from one process to another as per the schedule.
5. Starting the control procedure.
6. Recording the idle time of machines.

Follow Up

Follow-up or Expediting is the last step in production planning and control. It is a

controlling device. It is concerned with evaluation of the results.

Follow-up finds out and removes the defects, delays, limitations, bottlenecks,
loopholes, etc. in the production process. It measures the actual performance and
compares it to the expected performance. It maintains proper records of work, delays
and bottlenecks. Such records are used in future to control production.

Follow-up is necessary when production decreases even when there is proper routing
and scheduling. Production may be disturbed due to break-downs of machinery,
failure of power, shortage of materials, strikes, absenteeism, etc.
Follow-up removes these difficulties and allows a smooth production.

Relations With Other Department

1. Sales & Marketing

2. Design

3. Purchase

4. Store

5. Production

Planning & Control Of Operations

➢ Process Layout

➢ Process Flow Chart

➢ Dispatch - Documentation

Process Layout
A. Process Layout
A process layout is a type of facility layout. Organizations often use process layouts to
design floor plans and arrange equipment for maximized efficiency. Plants with a
process layout may arrange work stations, machinery, tools and other equipment in
groups according to the functions they perform.
Characteristics Of Process Layout
➢ General-purpose equipment is used
➢ Changeover is rapid
➢ Material flow is intermittent
➢ Material handling equipment is flexible
➢ Operators are highly skilled
➢ Technical supervision is required
➢ Planning, scheduling and controlling functions are challenging
➢ Production time is relatively long
➢ In-process inventory is relatively high 11
Process Layout

Process Flow Chart

Process Flow Chart

Dispatch - Documentation
Goods received note is a
document that acknowledges
the delivery of goods to a
customer by a supplier. A GRN
consists of a record of goods
that the buyer has received.
This record helps the customer
compare the goods delivered
against the goods ordered.

Dispatch - Documentation

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