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Examples 2

• A short question following a sentence is called a Question Tag.

(एक वाक् म� आने वाला एक छोटा सा प्र Question Tag कहलाता है ।)

1. Ram is coming, ______?

2. People do not vote wisely, ______?

3. Children love ice cream, ______?

4. People voted judiciously, ______?

5. I do not know him, ______ ?

Answer 3

1. isn't he

2. do they

3. don't they

4. did't they

5. do I
Rules for making Question Tag 4
(Question Tag बनाने के �नयम) Next

1. Tense of the sentence and the question tag must be the same.
(वाक् एवं question tag के Tense एक ह� होने चा�हए।)

2. If the sentence is +ve, the question tag is –ve and vice-versa.

(अगर वाक् positive हो, तो question tag negative होगा और वाक् negative हो, तो
question positive होगा।)

3. Question Tag takes 'helping verb and pronoun?' (except forms of ‘be‘ when
it is used as main verb)
(Question Tag म� helping verb + pronoun? का प्रय होता है �सवाए ‘be’ के अगर इसके
forms main verb के रू म� हो।)

4. In -ve Question Tag, we use only contracted form of helping verb and not.
(-ve Question Tag म� Helping verb एवं not का contracted form का प्रय होता है ।)
Examples 5

1. I am fine, ______?
2. She can do well, ______? 1. Am not Aren't
(Only in Inversion)
2. Cannot = can't
3. People will vote him to power, ______?
3. Will not = won't

4. We shall overcome, ______? 4. Shall not = shan't

Note: - 'Stoic' means 'one who is

5. You haven't seen a stoic, ______ ? indifferent to pleasure or pain'

If M.V = V1 If M.V = V1 + s/es If M.V = V2 If M.V = forms of 'be'.

In Question Tag the Same

We have H.V = do We have H.V = Does We have H.V = Did
form of 'be' comes
6. She has done her homework, ______?
7. I have a car, ______?
8. She has a doubt, ______?
9. She works hard, ______?
10. He begged for mercy, ______?
11. I knew him well, ______?
12. You succeed in your motives, ______?
13. I am a teacher, ______?
14. She was unwell, ______?
15. We are happy, ______?
16. We are planning a trip, ______?
(Answers) 7

1. aren't I 11. didn't I

2. can't she 12. don't you
3. won't they 13. aren't I
4. shan't we 14. wasn't she
5. have you 15. aren't we
6. hasn't she 16. aren't we
7. don't I
8. doesn't she
9. doesn't she
10. didn't he
Examples 8

• If we find rarely, scarcely, barely, hardly, seldom, never, neither, none,

not, no in a sentence, it means that the sentence is negative. Use
positive Question Tag for such sentences. (अगर हम वाक् म� rarely, scarcely,
barely, seldom, hardly, never, neither, none, not, no पाते ह� तो इसका अथर है �क
वाक् negative है , अतः Question Tag positive होगा।)
Examples rarely, scarcely , seldom ® कभी-कभार
barely, hardly ® मिु श्कल से ह
never ® कभी नह�ं
1. I hardly go there, ______?
neither दोन� म� से एक भी नह�ं
2. She has rarely come late, ______? none ® दो से अ�धक म� से एक भी नह�ं
neither fish nor fowl ® belonging to
3. It has scarcely affected us, ______? neither class (दोन� म� से �कसी वगर् के नह�)

4. They had got barely anything to eat, ______?

5. It is neither fish nor fowl, ______?


6. He dislikes me, ______?

7. You misunderstood the concept, ______?
8. They ill-treat us, ______?
9. He denied stealing my watch, ______?
10. He forbids me to go there, ______?
Dislike® - नापसंद करना
Misunderstood - गलत समझ लेना
Ill-treat® - बरु ा बतार्व करन
Deny® - खंडन करना
Forbid® - मना करना

In Sentences 6 – 10, the words are not negative. Don't get confused.
(वाक् 6 – 10 म� , शब् Negative नह�ं है । Confuse ना हो)
(Answers) 10

1. do I
2. has she
3. has it
4. had they
5. is it
6. doesn't he
7. didn't you
8. don't they
9. didn't he
10. doesn't he
Little/ Few Next

Countable Nouns Take

• Few/ Very Few (ना के बराबर) The sentences become negative with the use
of few, we need positive Question Tag

• A few (कम है ले�कन है ) Sentence remains positive with the use of a

few, we need Negative Question Tag
Uncountable Noun Take

• Little/ Very Little (ना के बराबर) The sentence becomes negative with the use
of little, we need Positive Question Tag

• A little (कम है ले�कन है ) The sentence remains positive with the use of
a little, we need Negative Question Tag
Examples 12

1. I have a few friends, ______?

2. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, ______?

3. She has few friends, ______?

4. Police show little sensitivity, ______?

5. Teachers must have a little patience, ______ ?

6. There are very few honest people in this department, ______ ?

(Answers) 13

1. don't I

2. isn't it

3. does she

4. do they

5. mustn't they

6. are there
Use Right Pronoun In Question Tag Next

1. Confidante ® a woman who you can trust
1. My Confidante has come, ______? and with whom you share your secrets.
(राजदार म�हला)
2. The Benefactress was generous, Confidant ® राजदार (पुरू)
______? 2. Benefactress ® is a woman who helps or
gives money to a person. (परोपकार� म�हला)
3. My Fiancee is here, ______?
Benefactor ® परोपकार� (पर
ु ू)
4. The gentry did not like the 3. Fiancee ® मंगेतर (म�हला)
proposal, ______? Fiance ® मंगेतर (पर
ु ू)
4. Gentry means 'high class people' ® (उच्
वगर के लोग)
Gentry P.N है ।
Use Right Pronoun In Question Tag Next


5. Rickets affected many

children, ______?
5. Rickets — a disease of bones (हड्ड एक �बमार�)
6. The teacher is in the class,
6. Teacher is common Noun. The teacher,
______ ?
Student, Lawyer, Client, Customer, Agent
do not denote gender. Use Pronoun 'He' for
7. The student is not in her class,
______? them, unless the sentence is gender
specific. (Teacher, Student, Lawyer, Client,
Customer, Agent से Gender का पता नह�ं चलता।
जब तक Gender का पता नह�ं चलता, हम He का प्रय
करते ह�।
7. 'Her class' reveals the gender of the
(Answers) 16

1. hasn't she

2. wasn't she

3. isn't she

4. did they

5. didn't it

6. isn't he

7. is she

• Sentences of 'Let us' and 'Let's' take 'Shall we?'

(Let us/ Let's वाले वाक्य म� shall we का प्रय होगा।)

1. Let us party, shall we ?

2. Let's go now, shall we ?
But if a hint is given in the bracket, follow that hint.
(ले�कन अगर bracket म� hint �दया हो, तो hint को समझे)
3. Let us pay in cash (we can) can't we ?
If it is not ‘us’ but some other pronoun/noun, the sentence becomes a
request not a suggestion.
(अगर ‘us’ के स्था पर कोई दस
ू रा Pronoun/Noun का प्रय हो तब वाक् सलाह नह�ं �नवेदन बन
जाता है )
4. Let me go, would you? (Here 'let' has come to seek permission)
One Next

1. One must perform one's duty, mustn't one ?

2. One is neither prime nor composite, is it ?
3. One boy has come, hasn't he ?

Note What pronoun will come in question tag depends on what 'one'
actually is. (Question Tag म� Pronoun क्य आएगा ये इस पर �नभर् करता है
�क 'One' कौन-सा Part of Speech है ।)

One Question Tag

In sentence 1) Pronoun One

In sentence 2) Noun It

In sentence 3) Adjective look for the Noun. Here the Noun is

boy. Use Pronoun 'He'.
(Answers) 19

This, That, These, Those, Such 1. 'This' has come for 'mistake'.
Use Pronoun 'it'.
1. This is my mistake, ______ ?
2. 'That' has come for 'student'.
Use Pronoun 'he'.
2. That was my student, ______ ?
3. 'Those' has come for Plural
Noun, Problems/ Student'.
3. Those were his problems/ students,
Use Pronoun 'they'.
______? 5. 'Such a debutante' means a
female performer performing
4. That boy has passed, ______? for the first time hence use
Pronoun 'she'.
5. Such a debutante will earn name and 6. Niece (भांजी / भतीजी) is feminine
fame, ______? gender of Nephew (भांजा /
6. That is my niece, ______?
(Answers) 20

1. isn't it

2. wasn't he

3. weren't they

4. hasn't he

5. won't she

6. isn't she
Each, Every, Everyone, Someone, 21
Somebody, Nobody, None, No one
• Each, every etc are singular. They take Singular Verb, Singular Noun and
Singular Adjective but in Question Tag they take Plural Verb and Plural
Pronoun. (Each, every इत्या� Singular होते है । ये Singular Verb, Singular
Noun एवं Singular Adjective का प्रय करते ह� परन्त Question Tag म� ये Plural
Verb एवं Plural Pronoun लेते ह�।)

Examples 1. Every boy has come, ______ ?

2. Nobody bothers, ______ ?
3. Everyone wants to succeed, ______ ?
4. Someone is at the gate, ______ ?
5. Somebody has stolen my shoes, ______ ?
(Answers) 22

1. haven't they

2. do they

3. don't they

4. aren't they

5. haven't they
Something, Anything, Nothing Next

• Something, Anything, Nothing and all Uncountable Nouns, take Singular

Verb and Pronoun 'it'. (Something, Anything, Nothing एवं सभी Uncountable
Nouns Singular verb एवं 'it' लेते ह�।)

Examples 1. Something is missing, ______ ?

2. Anything is possible, ______ ?
3. The information has leaked, ______ ?
4. The scenery enchanted everyone, ______?
5. Nothing is impossible, ______?
(Answers) 24

1. isn't it

2. isn't it

3. hasn't it

4. didn't it

5. is it
Sentences of 'There' Next


1. There are a few students in the class, ______ ?

2. There is no water, ______ ?

(Answers) 26

1. aren't there

2. is there
Collective Noun Next

Divided or if per If united or

person is mentioned Team, Army, Jury, Committee etc. unanimous or used
(Plural verb & they in a general
come) sentence.
('S.V & it' come.)

Examples 1. The jury has given its verdict ______?

2. The class is going on, ______ ?
3. The committee are divided in their opinion ______?
4. The team took their position for fielding, ______?
5. The herd of cows is grazing in the field, ______?
(Answers) 28

1. hasn't it

2. isn't it

3. aren't they

4. didn't they

5. isn't it

• Question Tag is made for that part of the sentence, which is the main part.
(वाक् के मुख् भाग का Question Tag बनाया जाता है ।)

Examples 1. I think, you are right, ______?

2. She is one of the students who have passed, ______?
3. I don't think, anyone will volunteer ______?
4. Unless you work hard, you won't succeed, ______?
(Answers) 30

1. aren't you

2. isn't she

3. Will they

4. will you
Sentence of 'Used to' Next

Example 1. I used to go to school by bus, usedn't I or didn't I ?

Past routine action can be expressed by both 'used to' and 'Simple Past Tense'.

So in Question Tag we can use either 'Used' or 'did'.

(भूतकाल के Routine Action को व्यक करने के �लए 'Used to' एवं 'Simple Past Tense' का

प्रय होता है । अतः Question Tag म� 'Used' व 'did' म� से �कसी का भी प्रय हम कर सकते ह�।)

• In Imperative sentence, the question tag depends on the mood of the

sentence. (Imperative वाक्य म� वाक् के Mood पर Question Tag �नभर् करता है ।)
1. Shut your mouth, won't you ?/can’t you? Mood Annoyance (�चढ़)

2. Please help me, would you ? Mood Request (�नवेदन)

3. Have some coffee, would you ? Mood Offer (पेशकश)

4. Never ever go there, will you ? Mood Prohibition (�नषेध)

Mood Seeking permission

5. Let him go, would you ? (अनम
ु �त मागँने के �लए)
6. Let us go, shall we ? Mood Suggestion (सझ
ु ाव)
Would is used in polite requests (see Modals)
(Would का प्रय �वनम �नवेदन के �लए होता है )
Previous Year Questions 33

1. She pretends as if she has (1)/ never in her
1. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
life, (2)/told a lie. Isn’t it ? (3)/No error.(4)
‘doesn’t she’. because the
(SSC Statistical Investigators Grade-IV Exam. 13.08.2006)
sentence and Question Tag
2. The earth moves (1)/ round the Sun. (2)/ must be in the same tense.
Isn’t it ? (3)/. No error. (4) 2. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
‘doesn’t it’.
(SSC Section Officer (Audit), Exam. 10.12.2006)
3. (3) Replace ‘isn’t he’ with ‘is
3. He is not the fastest bowler (1)/ in the he’. If a sentence is
Indian team, (2)/ isn’t he ? (3)/ No error positive, the Question Tag
(4). (SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & must be negative.
Central Excise) Exam. 25.11.2007) 4. (4) No error.
4. Everybody in the office (1)/ has left early, Every one is singular but in
(2)/ haven’t they ? (3)/ No error. (4) question tag it takes plural
pronoun and plural verb.
(SSC Data Entry Operator, Exam. 02.08.2009)
Previous Year Questions 34

5. You will come (1)/ to my sister’s wedding
5. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with won’t
tomorrow, (2)/ isn’t it? (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC CISF Constable (GD), Exam. 05.06.2011) ‘Question Tag’ must agree
with the Tense of a
6. I don’t suppose (1)/ anyone will volunteer,
(2)/ will they ? (3)/ No error (4) 6. (4) No error. The sentence has
the main part ‘anyone will
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II, Exam. 16.09.2012) volunteer’ and not ‘I don’t
7. He is (1)/ your brother (2)/ isn’t it ? (3)/ No 7. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with ‘isn’t
error (4) he’.
(SSC Delhi Police Sub-Inspector, Because here the subject is
(SI) Exam. 19.08.2012)
Previous Year Questions 35

8. You haven’t responded (1)/ to my
8. (3) Replace ‘didn’t you’ with
invitation (2)/ didn’t you ? (3)/No Error (4)
‘have you’ because the
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff, Exam. 17.03.2013, IInd Sitting) sentence and Question Tag
must be in the same tense.
10. We should make green vegetables (1)/ an The sentence is -ve, hence
essential part of our daily diet,(2)/ the question tag will be +ve.
shouldn't we ? (3)/ No error (4) 10. (4) No error
(SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Tech.) Staff 11. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with ‘has
Exam. 23.02.2014, IInd Sitting)
11. She has not completed (1)/ her course, (2)/ The sentence and the
Isn’t it ? (3)/ No error (4). Question Tag must be in the
(SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
same tense.
Exam. 02.11.2014, IInd Sitting)
Previous Year Questions 36

12. The collector (1)/ visits the office regularly
12. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
(2)/ Isn’t it ? (3)/ No error (4).
‘doesn’t he/she’?
(SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC,
13. (3) Since the sentence is in
Exam. 02.11.2014, IInd Sitting)
present perfect tense,
13. You have prepared well (1) / for the Question Tag should also be
examination (2) / isn't it ? (3) / No error (4) in Present Perfect Tense.
Replace 'isn't it ?' with
SSC CGL-2016, (30th August, Morning)
'haven't you?'.
14. You could find our house easily, didn't 14. (1) Replace 'didn't you' with
you? 'couldn't you'.
(1) didn't you (2) easily
(3) our house (4) You could find
Stenographer- 2018
7 Feb., 2019 Evening
Previous Year Questions 37

15. Ravi has been demanding a lot more
15. (1) Replace ‘doesn’t he’ with
marks, doesn't he ?
‘hasn’t he’.
(1) hasn't he ? (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
The sentence and the
(2) isn't he ? Exam. 09.09.2001)
Question Tag must be in
(3) isn't it ?
same tense.
(4) No improvement

16. Let us go to see her new house, shall we? 16. (4) No Improvement
(1) do we ? If the sentence starts with
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) ‘let us’.
(2) don’t we ? Exam. 14.12.2003)
(3) do they ? ‘Shall we’ is used as a
(4) No improvement Question Tag.
Previous Year Questions 38

17. He must know them in their most plausible
17. (2) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
form, isn’t it ?
‘mustn’t he’.
(1) isn’t he ? (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(2) mustn’t he ? Exam. 14.12.2003)
18. (3) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with ‘can’t
(3) can’t he ?
they’. Pronoun ‘they’ will
(4) No improvement
replace noun ‘reasons’.
18. His reasons can be good. is it not ?
(1) Can they ?
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(2) Isn’t he ? Exam. 14.12.2003)
(3) Can’t they ?
(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 39

19. You called on me when I was not at home,
19. (2) Replace ‘don’t you’ with
don’t you ?
‘didn’t you’.
(1) did you ? (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
The sentence and the
(2) didn’t you ? Exam. 05.06.2005)
Question Tag must be in the
(3) didn’t I ?
same tense. Here the given
(4) No improvement
sentence is in Past Tense so
20. You won’t tell them what has happened, the Question Tag should
wouldn’t you ? also be in Past Tense.
(SSC Statistical Investigators 20. (3) Replace ‘wouldn’t you’ with
(1) won’t you Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005)
(2) isn’t it ‘will you’.
(3) will you If the sentence is negative,
(4) No improvement the Question Tag must be
Positive and Vice-versa.
Previous Year Questions 40

21. The students often play truant, didn’t
21. (3) Replace ‘didn’t they’ with
they ?
‘don’t they’.
(1) can they ? (SSC Section Officer
The sentence and the
(2) is indeed ? (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 25.09.2005) Question Tag must be in the
(3) don’t they ?
same tense.
(4) No improvement

22. He comes here often, don’t he? 22. (3) Replace ‘don’t he’ with
(1) is he. ‘doesn’t he’.
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Singular pronoun takes
(2) does he. Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006)
(3) doesn’t he. singular verb ‘does’.
(4) No improvement.
Previous Year Questions 41

23. She teaches us grammar, isn’t it ?
(1) isn’t she ? 23. (2) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
(2) doesn’t she ? (SSC Section Officer (Audit) ‘doesn’t she’.
(3) doesn’t it ? Exam. 10.12.2006) • Question Tag of a sentence
(4) No improvement must agree with the
pronoun of the sentence.
24. You called on me when I was not at
home, don’t you ? 24. (2) Replace ‘don’t you’ with
(1) did you ? ‘didn’t you’.
(SSC Statistical Investigators
(2) didn’t you ? Grade-IV Exam. 24.06.2007) The sentence and Question
(3) didn’t I ? Tag must be in same tense.
(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 42

25. They have bought a new car, isn’t it ?
25. (1) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
(1) haven’t they
‘haven’t they’.
(2) don’t they (SSC Section Officer (Commercial
Audit) Exam. 30.09.2007 26. (2) Replace ‘is indeed’ with
(3) have they
(4) No improvement isn’t it’.
The Question Tag must
agree with its sentence both
26. It is necessary to consider separately in terms of helping verb and
these problems, is indeed ? Pronoun.
(1) is that it
(2) isn’t it (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(3) are they Exam. 06.01.2008)

(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 43

27. He was weary of failure, Didn’t he ?
27. (2) Replace ‘didn’t he’ with
(1) isn’t he
‘wasn’t he’.
(2) wasn’t he (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 30.10.2008) 28. (2) Replace ‘can we’ with ‘can’t
(3) doesn’t he
(4) No improvement we’.
If the sentence is positive
the Question Tag must be
28. We can buy anything in this shop, can negative.
we ?
(1) isn’t it
(2) can’t we (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
(3) don’ t we Exam. 30.10.2008)

(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 44

29. Children like to eat sweets, isn't it?
29. (3) Replace ‘do they’ with
(1) do they
‘don’t they’.
(2) is it (SSC Data Entry Operator
& LDC Exam. 27.11.2010)
(3) don't they ?
(4) No improvement 30. (4) No Improvement

30. Sachin Tendulkar has completed

hundred centuries, hasn’t he ?
(1) has he ?
(2) isn’t it ? (SSC (10+2) Level Data
(3) didn’t he ? Entry Operator & LDC
Exam. 21.10.2012 (IInd
(4) No improvement Sitting)
Previous Year Questions 45

31. Let’s buy a new sari with the annual
bonus, can we ? 31. (1) Replace ‘can we’ with ‘shall
(1) shall we we’.
(SSC Delhi Police Sub-Inspector If the sentence starts with
(2) could we (SI) Exam. 19.08.2012) ‘Let us’.
(3) isn’t it
‘Shall we’ is used in the
(4) No improvement Question Tag.

32. The Indian team should fare well, 32. (2) Here ‘team’ is used as
shouldn't they ? collective noun, hence for
(1) oughtn't they pronoun ‘it’ should be used.
(2) shouldn't it Thus replace ‘shouldn’t
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff they’ with ‘shouldn’t it’.
(3) should it (Patna) Exam.
(4) No improvement 16.02.2014)
Previous Year Questions 46

33. You are a mechanic, aren’t you?
(1) wasn’t 33. (4) No improvement
(2) isn’t (SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam.
(2013) 20.07.2014, IInd Sitting)
(3) are
34. (2) Replace ‘can’t one’ with
(4) No improvement ‘can one’. Here the
sentence is negative so its
34. One cannot be indifferent to one’s Question Tag should be
health, can’t one positive.
(1) can’t be ?
(2) can one ? (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO &
LDC Exam. 09.11.2014)
(3) isn’t it ?
(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 47

35. She does not tell lies, doesn’t she?
(1) isn’t she ? 35. (2) Replace ‘doesn’t she’ with
‘does she’
(2) does she ? (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
Exam. 16.11.2014) If the sentence is negative
(3) didn’t she ?
the Question Tag must be
(4) No improvement positive.

36. You ought to do your homework, 36. (4) No improvement

oughtn’t you ?
(1) shouldn’t.
(2) mustn’t (SSC GL Tier-II Exam.
(3) ought
(4) No improvement
Previous Year Questions 48

37. Mr. Mukherjee knows ten languages,
isn’t it ? 37. (4) Replace ‘isn’t it’ with
(1) No improvement ‘doesn’t he’.
(2) doesn’t Mr. Mukherjee Exam, 09.08.2015
(Ist Sitting) TF 38. (1) Replace ‘haven’t we’ with
(3) hasn’t he No. 1443088) ‘didn’t we’.
(4) doesn’t he

38. We met yesterday, haven’t we ?

(1) didn’t we ?
(2) No Improvement (SSC CGL Tier-I Exam,
(3) hadn’t we ? (Ist Sitting) TF No.
(4) isn’t it ? 3196279)
Previous Year Questions 49

39. I needn’t get up early tomorrow,
shouldn’t I? 39. (3) Replace ‘shouldn’t I’ with
(1) don’t I ‘need I’.
(SSC CGL Tier-I Re-Exam,
30.08.2015) Here ‘need’, a partial modal,
(2) do I
has come in place of
(3) need I
helping verb.
(4) No improvement

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