Daily Lesson LOG: I. Objectives

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MONICA HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level/Strand/Block GRADE 12- HUMSS 3-4, ABM 1-2
Teacher Gilda G. Bacolod Learning Area Practical Research 2
LOG Teaching Dates and Time January 3-5, 2024 Quarter 2nd Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES SESSION 1 (2 hours) SESSION 2 (2 hours)

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate the understanding of:
1. quantitative research design
2. description of sample
3. instrument development
4. data collection and analysis procedures such as survey, interview, and observation
5. guidelines in writing research methodology
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to describe adequately quantitative research designs, sample, instrument used, data collection, and analysis procedures.

C. Learning Competencies The learners- The learners-

1.chooses appropriate quantitative research design CS_RS12-IIa-c-1 1.Contructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability
2.describe sampling procedure and sample CS_RS12-IIa-c-2 CS_RS12-IIa-c-3

D. Learning Objectives a. differentiate the three research designs according to a.Define variables;
purpose and procedure; b.Identify the uses of variables in quantitative research;
b. distinguish the research design used in a quantitative c.Differentiate the kinds of variables in quantitative research
c. assess the quality of a specific research design used in a
quantitative research study;
d. choose appropriate quantitative research design for their
research study;
e. identify the different sampling techniques;
f. choose an appropriate sampling technique for a research
study; and
g. determine the sample size based on your target population.
II. CONTENT Quantitative Research Design Nature of Inquiry and Research
Sampling Procedure for Quantitative Research
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Textbook, DLL, Supplemental Reading materials Textbook, DLL, Supplemental Reading materials, Online quiz
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LR
B. Other Learning Resources Book/ Curriculum Guide/ Chalk /Tv Monitor/ PowerPoint Presentation Book/ Curriculum Guide/ Chalk /Tv Monitor/ PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous lesson/ presenting new lesson Short updates to the SHS/short orientation Short updates to the SHS/short orientation

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Think pair and share” group the learners into two and let them share Let the learners recall the previous lesson by Recitation: What is
their ideas about the characteristic of the good researchers based on Qualitative research ,the characteristic of qualitative research
their prior knowledge during their grade 11. and strength and weaknesses of qualitative research.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson Picture analysis:

1. Discuss the meaning of inquiry -Based Learning and its benefits. Showing the kinds of variables in quantitative research
2. Compare and contrast the guiding principles of foundations of 1.What are the kinds of variables and their uses in quantitative research?
Inquiry-Based Learning ( 20 mins)
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new 1. Students will be clustered in to four groups. The group will assign a . Concept mapping about kinds of variables in quantitative
skills #1 leader and reporter. research and examples .The teacher will discuss
2. The students will explain their understanding in nature of inquiry in
 What are the variables
3.What is quantitative research  What are the different uses of the variables
3. Group reporters share their responses ( 25 mins)

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills 1. students will be clustered in to 2 pairs. The students will identify the Story time
#2 different types of quantitative research The teacher will begin by sharing that highlight the idea of independent
variables and dependent variables .
Using the flashcard with different variables written on them , let the
students sort the cards i9nto two groups. Independent variables and
dependent variables .
F. Developing Mastery Video analysis Making tables and graphs
1. What are the types of quantitative research ? Provide the students with data sets and ask each students to develop their
2. Define the types of quantitative research own table to display the different variables along to their corresponding
measurement .
Similarly provide students with data sets and ask them to develop their
own graphs to display the relationship between the variables .
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and Why it is important to have a research in our daily life ? Explain the importance of variables in research in daily life
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the Close the session by summarizing the concept on Nature of inquiry in Research Variables is the foundation of quantitative research
lesson Research that can affect or change the results of a study. These are
What is quantitative research
measures of the concepts or constructs that we want to study in
Differentiate the types of quantitative research
Identify the types of quantitative research quantitative research.
How important the research in our daily life. Recitation
1.What are the different variables and their uses in a quantitative
2. Give the importance of variables in quantitative research
across fields

I. Evaluating learning Understanding the concept. a.Define variables;

1.What is quantitative research b.Identify the uses of variables in quantitative research;
2.Differentiate the types of quantitative research
c.Differentiate the kinds of variables in quantitative research
3. Identify the types of research based on given statement
3.Explain the importance of research in daily life
J. Additional activities for application or remediation Study and prepare to the next lesson, In activity note book, Explain why it is important to have a
Make an graphics organizer on how the research affect our daily life variables in research.
especially in our daily needs.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ -
discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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Master Teacher II Principal II
Date : _________________________ Date : _________________________ Date : _________________________

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