TVL Innovation Approval Sheet

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Approval Sheet

In partial fulfilment of requirements for the PRODUCT INNOVATION


Barangay Pagasa Rizal Nueva Ecija

Has been prepared and submitted by:

Ma. Lourdes R. Reñopa

Submitted to:

Maria Esperanza R. Madulid

Innovation Adviser

The researchers hope that this study will meet the

requirements of the instructor who teaches the subject.

The researchers would like to acknowledge with sincere

gratitude to numerous persons whose contributions are greatly
appreciated in this study.

Mrs.Irisa P. Maraon, their business plan adviser, who at the

same time the editor of this study, for giving the researchers
words of encouragement, for motivating them to work better, for
her guidance and unwavering support.

To the respondents and owners of the certain delicacies

store, who are willingly assisted the researchers on giving the
information they needed.

Above all, the Almighty God, for giving the researchers the
spiritual strengths, protection, blessings and guiding light all
the way from the start up to the completion of this study.

Republic of the Philippines

Agbannawag National High School

Agbannawag Rizal, Nueva Ecija


In partial fulfilment of the

Requirements for the subject Entrepreneur

Project business plan in

Barangay Pagasa Rizal, Nueva Ecija

Have been prepared and submitted by:

Ma.Lourdes R. Reñopa

Who Grade for the paper is ________________

Mrs.Irisa P. Maraon


Accepted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for

the Entrepreneur.

With love, the researchers dedicate to this study:

To their family, who untiringly give the inspiration,

understandings, cooperation and moral supports throughout the
period they were making this study;

To their friends and loved ones, who continuously shared

their love for them; and

To the ANHS faculty, who will keep this study for teaching
the GAS

To the ANHS students, that will be using this study for

format purposes in future.

Republic of the Philippines

Agbannawag National High School

Agbannawag Rizal, Nueva Ecija

A Project Feasibility study on establishing Mamaria de Agujeros.

In partial fulfilment of the subject requirements in


Irisa P. Maraon


Ma. Lourdes Reñopa

April 2022

1.1 Name of Firm

To provide service and satisfaction to the customers and to serve a memorable product
with affordable price. The business shall be named Mamaria de Agujeros.

The name implied the delicious product that the business

will offer to it’s costumers.

1.2 Location

The business will be located at the Barangay Pagasa Rizal,

Nueva Ecija.

1.3 Brief description of the project

The product is expected to be unfamiliar to its customer not

only to its fillings but also the product itself.

The proposed business is named as “Mamaria de Agujeros” where the

main ingredient is cassava along with coconut meat and coconut milk. It’s look like a ginataang
bilo-bilo made of cassava. This product will surely give to the customer
a great satisfaction and unforgettable and memorable taste and it
would be offered at affordable price. Furthermore, this product
will not only give a high quality taste but also a high quality
of nutrients. A Mamaria de Agujeros that will surely make you remember
“The taste of home” “Lasang Pantahanan”.

The propose location of the project is homebase at Reñopa's Residence

in Pagasa, Purok 1, Rizal Nueva Ecija, the site is accessible to all types of
transportation vehicles.

1.4 Project Summary

1.4.1 Market Feasibility

The target market of the propose business will be the

common/traditional people of Pagasa Rizal, Nueva Ecija.
1.4.2 Technical Feasibility

The owner will act as the manager and cashier. Raw materials
are readily available in the Rizal Market and Cabanatuan City.
Machines and equipment to be used the Double burner Stove , Gas 11 Kgs,
Cauldron, Ladle, Bolo, Plate, Spoon, Coconut grater, Native coconut grater, Grater and Plastic
round container 250 ml. The store will be opened at 7:00 AM and will be
close at 5:00 PM.

There will be two special products to be offered. The B1 and B2

1.4.3 Management Feasibility

The form of ownership of the proposed business will be a

sole proprietorship. It is a type of enterprise owned and run by
one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the
owner and the business entity. The proposed business is
constituted of one worker and one manager which also act as the
cashier and chief. The business does not acquire many workers.

1.4.4 Financial Feasibility

The total project cost of the business will be provided by

the owner, the amount of the said project will be Php.50,100.

The said amount will come from the savings of the owner. The
amount includes the fixed interest, and pre-operating expenses
and the working capital requirement for the said project.

1.4.5 Socio-Economic Impact

The proposed business will help the community by the

following ways:

 It will satisfy the demand of the target market.

 It will produce nutritious and affordable products for
the consumers.
 It will contribute to the growth of related
 It will abide the business ethics with other

2.1 Brief Background of the Study

The product is expected to be unfamiliar to its customer not only to its fillings but also the
product itself.

The proposed business is named as “Mamaria de Agujeros” where the main ingredient is
cassava along with coconut meat and coconut milk. It’s look like a ginataang bilo-bilo made of
cassava.This product will surely give to the customer a great satisfaction and unforgettable
and memorable taste and it would be offered at affordable price. Furthermore, this product will
not only give a high quality taste but also a high quality of nutrients. A Mamaria de Agujeros
that will surely make you remember “The taste of home”.

The propose location of the project is homebase at Reñopa's Residence in Pagasa, Purok 1,
Rizal Nueva Ecija, the site is accessible to all types of transportation vehicles.

2.2 Operational Definition of terms

Salt-substance produced by the reaction of an acid with a base.

Cassava-nutty – flavour, starchy root vegetable or tuber.

Container- is any receptacle or enclosure for holding product used in storage, packaging,
and shipping.

Coconut - a fibrous one-seeded drupe, also known as a dry drupe.

Sugar- is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are
used in food.

Coconut meat- the edible white flesh lining the inside of a coconut, also called the
Water - the clear liquid that has no colour, taste, or smell.


3.1 Market Description

The target costumers of the propose business are the

common/traditional people of Pagasa Rizal, Nueva Ecija which has a
population of 1,500.

3.2 Demand

Table 1

Name of firms, number of customers served per day, and the demand
Name of firms Number of customers Demand figures No. of
served per day customers
Miguel 60 80
Others 50 50
Total 110 130

Source: From the interview in table 1 above, Miguel the highest

number of customer per day and this is the major competitor,
which is near to the location of the proposed business.

1. The delicacies store can only accommodate 110 customers

out of the 130 projected demand.
3.3 Supply

Table 2

Name of firms, place of business and number or customers served

per day.

Name of firms Address No. of customers

served per day
Miguel Pagasa, Rizal Nueva 60
Others Pagasa, Rizal Nueva 50

(Various Location)
Total: 110

Source: From the interview we conducted this April 2023 at Pagasa,

Rizal Nueva Ecija.

3.4 Demand supply analysis

Table 3

Name of firms, demand and supply figures

Name of firms Demand figures Supply figures Unserved
projected present number customers
demanded of customer
Miguel 80 110 30
Others 50 60 10
Total: 130 170 40

Source: From the interview we conducted this April 2023 at Pagasa,

Rizal Nueva Ecija.
3.5 Market Share

Table 4

Percent of market share of the different delicacies, projected

share of Mamaria de Agujeros.

Name of firms Projected supply Percentage
figure number of
Miguel 110 47.82%
Others 60 26.06%
Agujeros 60 26.06%
Total 230 100%

Source: From the interview we conducted this April 2023 at Pagasa,

Rizal Nueva Ecija.
Figure1. Demand – Supply Chart

The above chart shows the demand – supply gap of the different

Figure2. Projected Supply figures

The pie chart above indicates the market share of two

different delicacies where Mamaria de Agujeros is included.
Table 5

Selling Price Determination

Cost Percentage Method

Cost per unit Mark up Selling price
Php.18.00 10% Php.20.00

3.6 Marketing Strategies

In marketing strategies I will have a social media page to

upload the product.

3.6.1 Pricing

Table 6

Competitors price and pricing of Sweet Mamaria de Agujeros

Name of the Product A Product B
(Made with (Made with sweet
cassava) potato)
Miguel N/A N/A

Others N/A N/A

Mamaria 20.00 20.00

3.6.2 Promotion and Advertising

The following will be used by Mamaria de Agujeros for its

promotional and advertising activities;

1. Signage in front of the store

2. Social media platform

3. First 10 customers will avail the 10% discount in any product

In addition to the above, the proposed business shall adopt the


1. It will use an attractive packaging and Logo.

2. It will use the right amount of ingredients, and right

proportioning standard weight products.
Chapter IV

Technical study

4.1 Description of the product

Table 7

Proposed product of Mamaria de Agujeros

Item code, product description, ingredients, and weight (gram).

Item code Product Ingredients Weight (Raw)
Sticky rice, chocolate
syrup, coconut
B1 Agujeros cream, condensed 5,006gram
milk, sugar, cheese,
and water.

Banana leaf, Banana

and Sugar.
B2 Banana Suman 2 kilograms

The above table is the list of the complete products to be

offered by Mamaria de Agujeros
4.2 Process

The preparation and cooking of the product will be done as

early as 6:30:00 AM. This will ensure the freshness of products.

Exhibit1. Process in making Mamaria de Agujeros


1. Crack a young coconut and coconut

2. Peel the cassava

3. Scrape the coconut meat

4. Grate the 2 coconut

5. Grate the cassava

6. Squeeze the grated coconut and separate its milk

7. Squeeze the grated cassava using a cotton cloth and step aside the squeezed cassava

8. Put a ¼ kilogram of wash sugar in the squeezed cassava .9. Put a 1 teaspoon of salt
and Mix it well

10. Mold the cassava into a circle with 1 tablespoon size

11. Boil for 20 minutes the coconut milk and put a 2 liter of water

12. After 20 minutes of boiling put the cassava holens, coconut meat and ¾ wash sugar
( Avoid stiring so much to not crush the cassava)

13. Put the lid on and let it cool/ boil for 30 minutes.

14. After 30 minutes open the lid and look if the cassava holens are floating

15. If the cassava holens are floating it means it is already cooked.


Coconut caramel or "Latìk" in Pilipino

1. Grate the 1 coconut

2. Squeezed the grated coconut and take its juices

3. Put in the pan the coconut milk (kakang gata)

4. And cooked it until it becomes color brown

5. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn

4.3 Machines and Equipment

Table 8

Machines and Equipment

Machinery Description Quantity Cost Total

₱1,600.00 ₱1600.00
A portable or fixed 1
apparatus that burns
fuel or uses
electricity to
provide heat

Propane, colorless 1 ₱980.00 ₱980.00

gas found in natural
gas and petroleum;
used as a fuel.

A large metal pot 1 ₱659.00 ₱659.00

with a lid and
handle, used for
cooking over an
open fire

A large long- 1 ₱35.00 ₱35.00

handled spoon
with a cup-shaped
bowl, used for
serving soup, stew,
or sauce.
A large single-edged 1 ₱300.00 ₱300.00
knife used in the

A smooth flat thin 1 ₱20.00 ₱20.00

piece of material.

An implement 12 ₱5.00 ₱60.00

consisting of a
small, shallow oval
or round bowl on a
long handle, used
for eating, stirring,
and serving food.
Designed to ease 1 ₱10.00 ₱10.00
the task of
extracting coconut

A native traditional 1 ₱20.00 ₱20.00

implement used for
scraping the tough
coconut flesh off
its shell
A device 1 ₱20.00 ₱20.00
having a surface
covered with holes
edged by slightly
raised cutting
edges, used for
grating cheese and
other foods

A greeting note 1 ₱25.00 ₱50.00

Used for plastic 20 ₱9.00 ₱180.00

food storage
containers with
tight-fitting lids.

A measurement in 1 ₱40.00 ₱40.00

cooking, equivalent
to 1/2 fluid ounce,
three teaspoons, or
15 ml.

Total ₱3,819.00
4.4 Raw Materials and Supplies

4.4.1 Raw Materials

Table 10

Raw materials (5 days stock)

Description Qty. Unit Unit cost Total cost
Cassava 2 Kilogram 40.00 200.00
Young coconut 2 Pieces 30.00 150.00
Wash sugar 1 86.00 430.00
Coconut 3 Pieces 20.00 100.00
Water 2 Liter 25.00 125.00
Salt 1 Teaspoon 10.00 50.00

Total: Php.211.00 Php.1,055.00

Source: Rizal, Nueva Ecija Public Market

4.5.2 Supplies

Table 11
Description Qty. Unit Unit cost Total cost
Sticky paper 5 Pcs 10.00 50.00

Total:php.10.00 php.50.00

Source: Rizal, Nueva Ecija Public Market

4.6 Utilities (electricity, water)

Electricity Php.200.00 Php.2,400.00
Communication Php.200.00 Php.2,400.00
Total Php.4,800.00
4.7 Labor Requirements

Proposed position/salary

The owner will act as the manager, cashier and worker. As this is a sole proprietorship.
4.8 Business Location (vicinity map)

4.9 Building and Facilities (front store)

4.11 Waste Disposal

The waste materials will be disposed daily. The business

will follow the rules and regulation of the barangay and
Municipality of Rizal towards the maintenance cleanliness of the
barangay and municipality. The proposed business will strictly
abide the rules set by the government including waste
segregation, it will be the business policy to enforce such
Chapter V

Management Study

5.1 Form of Business Organization

The proposed business will be sole proprietorship this was

chosen by the owner because of its simplicity and to manage her
own time for doing a business.

5.2 Capitalization

The initial capital requirement is Php.50,100.00 will be

provide by the owner to be taken from his/her savings.

5.3 Organizational Structure

Sole proprietorship

Figure 3

Organizational Structure

5.4 Manpower Requirements

The proposed business will only Sole proprietorship to

provide assistance in the production business. And also
knowledgeable on how to run a business. The owner/manager/cashier
will formulate rules and regulations specially on maintaining the
cleanliness of the place of business.

5.5 Compensation

Table 15

Compensation of the Employees

Position Number of Monthly Annual
Owner/Manager/Cashier 1 Php.4,380 Php.52,560
Total 1 Php.4,380 Php.52,560

The owner will also act as the cashier and manger who
shall receive a monthly salary of 4,380.00 per month.

5.6 Legal Requirements

Table 16

Permits and Licenses

Description Amount
Sanitary permit 50.00
Barangay Permit 300.00
Total: 350.00

Chapter VI

Financial Study

6.1 Total Project Cost

Fixed Investments 40,000.00

Machines and Equipments 3,819.00

Sub-total: 43,819.00

Pre-Operating Expenses

Advertising Expenses 200.00

Purchase of raw materials 5,109.00

Supplies 210.00

Permits and Licenses 350.00

Utilities 400.00

Sub-total: 6,269.00

Add 10% Contingency 627.00

Total Project Cost: Php. 50,100.00

Php. (50,088.00)

6.2 Source of Fund

The capital requirements needed in the proposed business
will be taken from the savings of the owner.

6.3 Assumption underlying Projections

1. Sales will increase by 5% per annum.

2. Purchase will increase by 5% per annum.

3. Purchase materials, direct labor will increase by 10% per annum.

4. Manufacturing overhead operating expenses will increase by 10% per annum.

5. Permits and licenses will increase by 10% per annum.

6. Repair and maintenance is estimated at 5% of the total fix capital.

7. There is no repair and maintenance expense on year 1.

8. Depreciation is computed using the straight – line method.

9. Salvage value is estimated at 10% of the acquisition cost.

10. Miscellaneous expenses are estimated at 13,000.00 per year. ( Gasoline 100 per 2 days)

Name: Ma.Lourdes R. Reñopa

Address: Pagasa Rizal, Nueva Ecija

Date of Birth: July 22, 2005

Age: 17

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Freddie Reñopa

Mother’s Name: Luningning Reñopa


Pre-Elem: Highlands First Step Learning School and Incorporated (Pagasa)

Elementary: Pagasa Elementary School

Secondary: Agbannawag National High School

Philosophy: Peoples Dream have no end

Ambition: To Become a Successful Business Woman

Mission Statement

Provide good service and satisfaction to customers. To serve them a product

with a memorable taste . To inspire others to grow their own business with
perseverance and effort.

Vision Statement

To inform everyone the taste of Philippine cuisine. Also to introduce the taste
of provincial food. Have a lot of franchise store or stall in

Batch 2022-2023

April 26,2023

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