A State-Of-The-Art Computer Vision Adopting Non - E

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International Journal of Intelligent Systems

Volume 2023, Article ID 8674641, 33 pages

Review Article
A State-of-the-Art Computer Vision Adopting Non-Euclidean
Deep-Learning Models

Sakib H. Chowdhury , Md. Robius Sany , Md. Hafz Ahamed , Sajal K. Das ,
Faisal Rahman Badal , Prangon Das , Zinat Tasneem , Md. Mehedi Hasan ,
Md. Robiul Islam , Md. Firoj Ali , Sarafat Hussain Abhi , Md. Manirul Islam ,
and Subrata Kumar Sarker
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Correspondence should be addressed to Subrata Kumar Sarker; subrata@mte.ruet.ac.bd

Received 7 November 2022; Revised 17 April 2023; Accepted 18 April 2023; Published 9 May 2023

Academic Editor: B. B. Gupta

Copyright © 2023 Sakib H. Chowdhury et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
A distance metric known as non-Euclidean distance deviates from the laws of Euclidean geometry, which is the geometry that
governs most physical spaces. It is utilized when Euclidean distance is inappropriate, for as when dealing with curved surfaces or
spaces with complex topologies. Te ability to apply deep learning techniques to non-Euclidean domains including graphs,
manifolds, and point clouds is made possible by non-Euclidean deep learning. Te use of non-Euclidean deep learning is rapidly
expanding to study real-world datasets that are intrinsically non-Euclidean. Over the years, numerous novel techniques have been
introduced, each with its benefts and drawbacks. Tis paper provides a categorized archive of non-Euclidean approaches used in
computer vision up to this point. It starts by outlining the context, pertinent information, and the development of the feld’s history.
Modern state-of-the-art methods have been described briefy and categorized by application felds. It also highlights the model’s
shortcomings in tables and graphs and shows diferent real-world applicability. Overall, this work contributes to a collective in-
formation and performance comparison that will help enhance non-Euclidean deep-learning research and development in the future.

1. Introduction this point, these were directed with structured parameters and
traceable features. While 2D models are tamed, 3D models have
For decades, machine learning has been enriched in many been the main focus in the computer vision department for the
dimensions in terms of rich data inputs, nobler algorithms, and last decade. Modern GPU-based computers’ increasing pro-
output optimization. Te computer vision’s primary goal is to cessing power, the accessibility of the size of training datasets,
analyze, process, and give meaning to digital images. To achieve and efective stochastic optimization techniques have all made it
this feat, machine-learning (ML) algorithms as per diferent possible in recent years to design and successfully train complex
methods are being developed day by day [1]. For text-based network frameworks with numerous degrees of freedom. Tis
models or 1D inputs, K-nearest neighbor (KNN) models are sparked the feld’s growth by enabling deep neural networks to
being used with profciency [2, 3]. Text-based inputs are more signifcantly improve productivity with a large range of ap-
straightforward as only one dimension is enough to assess plications, starting from processing speech and language for
features. Ten, came the 2D or image-based algorithms which machine processing to image processing and computer vision.
are segmented with grids to analyze. Convolutional neural 3D models are more potent in terms of extracting an-
network (CNN) [4], artifcial neural network (ANN) [5], and alytics, simply containing more information. Analyzing 3D
recurrent neural network (RNN) [6] models are established as datasets became a necessity with the requirements of ana-
an almost saturated model for image processing [7–9]. Until lyzing massive information from social media with many
2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

parameters added with each node [10], observations of and computer vision. So the evolution of this deep learning
physical objects found in nature with archaeological values begins.
[11], analyzing the protein structures [12], 3D scanning in Figure 1 describes practices of deep geometrical learning
the medical department [13], and many more. Virtual reality that started a while back starting with recursive neural
is becoming more embedded in the world with each passing networks (RvNN) in 1997 and are used on directed graphs
day, but still, it is in its infancy stage, with its usage only in [17]. A breakthrough in machine learning came in 1998 with
the entertainment department. For practical embedding of the convolution of a neural network, which is further de-
virtual reality, fawless accuracy must be achieved in ana- veloped to assist in the creation of many more models for
lyzing the 3D surroundings [14]. Tat said, 3D models come understanding 3D objects [18]. Te reason for the possibility
with non-Euclidean geometry, which brings a lot of dif- is local spatial feature extraction in multiscale. Te frst
culties while measuring features. modifed version of a graph neural network (GNN) [19] to
As 1D and 2D models are easy to organize and con- calculate graph data started its journey in 2005 and fully
nectivity among nodes is prioritized, the CNN model can came to attention in 2009 with improved performance using
easily recognize and analyze the provided input patterns. the SL algorithm [20]. Following that, the graph convolu-
Tese inputs are called Euclidean inputs that feature Eu- tional neural network (GCNN) [21] model was introduced
clidean geometry that can be defned with 2D shapes and to counter the difculties of analyzing non-Euclidean
fgures following explainable mathematical rules. Te main manifolds. GCNN was followed by lookup-based CNN
diference lies in Euclidean geometry being only on the same (LCNN) [22], which used a learned lexicon feature to encode
planes, whereas non-Euclidean geometry is the geometry in CNN convolution. Te difusion CNN (DCNN) [23] also
3D places with infnite planes. Tus, conventional 2D ge- known as difusion-convolutional neural network was the
ometry that has been used till now is useless in non- following method put forth to develop a difusion-based
Euclidean geometry. Tat said, non-Euclidean geometry model of nodes from network data to categorize them. A
uses complex structures that hold more data. Euclidean common technique for extracting the local feature from the
geometry has only one plane to store data and, therefore, has graph was proposed in the work of GNN, which is com-
less freedom for inputs. Existing models for 2D assessment parable to convolutional networks that work based on
are being upgraded for 3D analysis and unlocking their full images and on the inputs connected by local regions.
potential to analyze data of multiple planes. Tus, new al- ChebNet [24] was frst proposed in 2016. Following that, an
gorithms are being created to recognize the 3D analysis by anisotropic CNN (ACNN) [25] model was introduced that
non-Euclidean deep learning, also known as “geometric added a shape factor to CNN for analyzing using shapes as
deep learning” [15], taking on a challenge to give structure to a unit. PointNet [26] models that already existed were
unstructured mesh grids, manifolds, and point clouds. improved using the recursive structure the following year
Data having a non-Euclidean spatial structure is of in- and established PointNet++ [27]. Afterward, GCN was
terest to many scientifc disciplines. Social networks in the suggested as a more specifc variant. CayleyNet [28] was
feld of computational social sciences, sensor networks in proposed a year later that used Cayley polynomials to
information exchange, functional networks in neuro- existing GCN [29]. Two recently proposed models are an-
imaging, regulatory networks in genetics, and meshed isotropic Chebyshev spectral CNN (ACSCNN) [30] which
surfaces in 3D modeling are just a few examples. aggregates local feature values for efective signal collection
In social networking sites, user characteristics may be in 2020 and UV-Net [31] which combines image data with
replicated using signals on the vertex points of the social GCN for low memory overhead cost and computational cost
graph. Distributed, interconnected sensors make up sensor in 2021. Convolutional networks constituted the foundation
networks, and their measurements are shown on graphs as for the research fndings mentioned above for graph-based
time-varying signals. 3D objects are modeled in computer methods. Similarly, manifold or voxel-based algorithms saw
vision and graphics as Riemannian manifolds [16] with their development over the years side by side using 3D CNN
attributes like color, texture, and motion felds such as as the base model. Working inherently with geometric forms
dynamic meshes. Since these data are non-Euclidean, it is commonplace in the feld of computer graphics [32]. Here,
follows that they lack well-known characteristics like global 3D objects are often treated as Riemannian manifolds and
parametrization, a standard set of coordinates, graph-based discretized using meshes.
structure, and shift invariance. As a result, fundamental Many image-based machine-learning methods have
operations like linear combination and convolution, which been directly applied to 3D geometric data, with varying
are assumed to be clearly defned in the Euclidean context, degrees of success, with the data being represented as range
are considerably less, so in non-Euclidean domains. Tis is pictures [33, 34] or rasterized volumes [35, 36]. Te primary
a signifcant barrier that has prevented the application of problem with these methods is that they incorrectly assume
efective deep-learning techniques, like convolution or re- that geometric data can be represented as Euclidean
current neural networks, to non-Euclidean geometric data structures. To explain Figure 2, when dealing with com-
up to this point. As a result, felds like computer graphics and plicated 3D objects, representations based on Euclidean
computational sociology have not yet experienced the geometry, such as depth pictures or voxels, may distort or
practical and theoretical breakthroughs that deep-learning even destroy the object’s topological structure, resulting in
models have given to voice recognition, natural language, a considerable loss of information. Second, when an item is
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 3

LCNN Combines
Adds a scale Introduces image and GCN
Improved Encodes CNN Cayley in computation
Process and a shape
performance convolutions polynomials and memory-
pixel data factor to
with SL using a learned to GCN efficient manner
efficiently CNN

1997 1998 2005 2009 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021

Arrange Operates Generalization Diffusion- Improved Aggregates local

sequential on Graph of CNN to non- based node PointNet with features attributes
data structure Euclidean classification recursive to collect signals
manifolds structure effectively.
PointNet++ ACSCN
Figure 1: Evolution timeline of the graph convolutional network (GCN).

posed diferently or deformed, its Euclidean representation types. Newer hybrid frameworks, such as a spatial-
will change [37]. spectral-based model, are also included. Each model
Tere have been some reviews on geometric deep was outlined together with its underlying logic and
learning in the past few years. Bronstein et al. gave a so- operational principles.
phisticated overview of this context. Quite a few general (iii) To fully comprehend these models, it has summa-
models with corresponding mathematical derivations with rized their key features, such as their uniqueness
some wide extensive application in 2017 were described in and their limits, into a performance table. Various
detail [15]. Zhang et al. [38] reviewed the diferent types of numerical fndings demonstrating performance
deep-learning methods on graphs only [39, 40]. Later on, metrics on their respective datasets are also
Cao et al. [41] reviewed some models with their mathe- included.
matical derivations on graphs and manifolds.
(iv) To help put the spotlight on the current trend in this
Tis paper shifts the emphasis from a broad overview to
area, it has compiled a table summarizing the most
computer vision exclusively, since the previous publications
recent uses of these graph-based frameworks in
all concentrate on their models in general use cases across
a variety of contexts.
disciplines. Models like UV-Net [31] and MDGCN [42]
presented more recently improved computer vision in an (v) To emphasize the importance, it provides data from
intuitive manner with efective visual representations for recent research showing the current trajectory and
hobbyist computer vision researchers. In contrast to the promising future of the feld.
cited publications, the strengths and weaknesses in terms of (vi) In light of these most recent work patterns and
the performances of these models are discussed and sum- technical challenges, this paper analyzed potential
marized. Unlike previous works published in the modern future scopes.
age of computer vision, this one covers a broad range of
Tis paper reviews the most recent deep-learning
cutting-edge applications. Te sole contributions of this
methods for computer vision on graphs with manifolds
study are statistical fndings, trends, obstacles, and recom-
and the applications that traverse them. It started with the
mendations for further research. Tis article provides a de-
introduction in Section 1 of our article, where it gave
tailed examination of current deep-learning architectures in
a succinct history and evolution of the various models put
computer vision, together with an exhaustive account of
forth over the years. It also discussed the importance and
their methodology and their applications.
infuence of our feld in this section. Te background re-
Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
search in the linked felds of the point cloud, graph, and
(i) Tis paper ofered a quick summary of mostly used manifold is detailed in Section 2, along with relevant the-
and efcient non-Euclidean deep-learning models ories. In Section 3, it has categorized every suggested
suggested during the last two decades. In addition, it methodology for non-Euclidean felds with simple math and
ofered theoretical and operational analyses of the descriptions. Te models were divided into GCNs and
model. It has visualizations, explanations, and manifolds, which were then divided into spectral and spatial
mathematical reasoning. subcategories. Section 4 is devoted to outlining several
(ii) Tis literature categorized the models according to current algorithmic limitations, applications, and pro-
their underpinnings, such as spectral and spatial spective future opportunities for the progress of our
4 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

(a) (b)

Figure 2: (a) Image in the Euclidean space and (b) graph data in the non-Euclidean space.

profession. In Section 5, it closes with a summary and B-spline curve

nobility of our paper. P4
Control points
2. Background P2

P1 P5
Geometric deep-learning models use point clouds, shapes, P3
graphs, and manifolds whose mathematical operations are
described. y

2.1. Point Cloud. Commonly used ways to analyze 3D ob- P0
jects are to use a laser scanner to gather a lot of data as a point
cloud. Providing them inputs, analysis becomes much more Figure 3: B-spline curve.
complicated as all the nodes are undirected and independent
[43]. Te points are non-Euclidean and require feature
segmentation for further calculation. Object recognition and bending portion, a V-shaped joint is provided called control
detection take point clouds as inputs in computer vision points, whereas the corresponding points on the curve are
tasks due to their availability. presented as knot vectors [46]. Te control points can be
used as the reference point, and local features can be
In point clouds, a single point from the point cloud P can
be defned as R − (Px , Py , Pz ) ∈ R3 , where R is the reference
Te B-spline curve of degree d in R3 is exemplifed by
point and Px , Py , Pz represent the 3D position of the point P
[44]. As R3 represents the three-dimensional space, navi-
gating between two points is performed by radial rotation H(t) � 􏽘i�0 Si,d (t).Ci , (1)
from a fxed point. Te connecting line is defned by r, θ, in
which r is the distance between two locations and θ rep- where Bt , d are the B-spline basis function defned on the
resents the angle between the axes. knot vectors and functions on knot vectors are denoted as
While the point cloud needs a reference point to be Si,d [47]:
located and used, the mesh feature allows the points to be
referred through another point. Mesh form is built by point- V � 􏼈0, . . . , 0, vd+1 , . . . , vn , 1, . . . , 1􏼉, (2)
by-point addition and reduction of some vertices by
compression. where similar end-to-end points are denoted as d + 1; the
Te data’s complexity necessitates using a B-spline curve control point [48] P(t) is exemplifed by
for this kind of mathematical manipulation, as stated above.
C � 􏽮Ci R2 , i � 0, . . . , n􏽯. (3)
In this part, the B-spline curve will be discussed.
A B-spline curvature fts only on a fxed knot vector.
2.1.1. B-Spline Curve. Approximate 3D segmentation comes Assuming for any point, when cloud Z � 􏼈Zk , k � 0, . . . , N􏼉,
with a problem of denoting features as fxed or defned as on the B-spline curve P(t) is [48]:
continuous curvature surfaces, and there are no reference 1 N 1
min C􏼔 􏽘 d2 Zk , P(t)􏼁 + λ .fs 􏼕. (4)
points [45]. To counter the problem, the B-spline curve is N + 1 k�0 n+1
presented, which is visualized in Figure 3. At the maximum
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 5

Te minimal distance between Zk and P(t) is stated as Te Fourier transform is utilized for eigendecomposition or
d(Zk , P(t)), in which fs is the term for regularization and λ the breakdown of a matrix into its parts for the graph’s
is the error coefcient. Tis regularization is defned as in Laplacian matrix. Te term “convolution” is used to describe
[49]: the process of multiplying the input neurons by a set of
1�� �� 1� � ��2 weights, sometimes called “flters” or “kernels,” in a graph.
fs � α 􏽚 ���P′ (t)���dt +(1 − α) 􏽚 ���P″ (t)��� dt. (5) In this part, discrete Laplacian, Fourier transform, and
0 0 convolutional operations on the graph will be discussed.
For 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, multiplicands of α and (1 − α) are denoted
as f1 and f2 . Assuming P(tk ) to be the projection point on 2.2.1. Discrete Laplacian on Graph Teory. Discrete Lap-
P(t) of Zk , the local Frenet frame on P(t) at C(tk ) is lacian (also known as the Laplacian matrix) is a spectral
􏼈Tk , Nk 􏼉 given that Tk is unit tangential and Nk is a unit graph machine-learning algorithm. Te Laplacian matrix
normal vector of curvature P(tk ). allows the creation of a link between discrete inputs of
Let Wk � Zk – P(tk ). Te quadratic approximation for graphs and manifolds. Te function provides a mathemati-
d2 (Zk , P(t)) is given by [48]: cally tractable solution to graph localization limitations. Te
2 2 eigenvalues at the adjacency matrix are an essential factor in
d2 Zk , P(t)􏼁 ≈ ck .􏼐Wk T Tk 􏼑 + 􏼐Wk T Nk 􏼑 . (6)
localizing two graph vectors as similar graphs provide the
Tus, the local quadratic model [47] is same eigenvalues [52]. Tus, graph Laplacian is a must to
understand the undirected graph.
1 N 2 2 1
F� 􏽘 􏼒c .􏼐Wk T Tk 􏼑 + 􏼐Wk T Nk 􏼑 􏼓 + λf . Te Laplacian matrix is given by L � D – A. Te degree
N + 1 k�0 k n+1 s matrix is denoted as D such that Dii � 􏽐j Aij . Te Laplacian
(7) matrix can be of three forms [53]:
Te approximation of F matches to the Gauss–Newton
combinatorial: L � D − A,
method for ck � 0, and the approximation leads to intrinsic
parametrization for ck � 1. symmetric normalized: Lsym � D− 1/2
LD− 1/2

1/2 1/2
� I − D− AD− ,
2.2. Graph Teory. Graphs have been used for a long time for rando m walk normalized: Lrw � D− 1 L � I − D− 1 A.
analyzing and enhancing grid inputs from pictures. For 2D
pictures, grid inputs are directed graphs with components of Assuming a graph G that is undirected and straight-
link with direction [50]. Being successful in 2D analysis, 3D forward, the adjacency matrix will only contain 1 and 0.
observation comes with a few difculties to handle un- Tus, the value of L is given by [53]:
directed graphs and diferent types of input of mesh grids.
Te undirected graphs are structured by using the discrete ⎧
⎪ deg vi 􏼁; i � j,

Laplacian and Fourier transform using eigenvectors to add ⎪

local features. Lij � ⎪ − 1; i ≠ j, vi is adj acent to vj ,

Graph theories come with these challenges while ⎪

analyzing: 0; else,
(a) Node classifcation 1 ; i � j, deg vi 􏼁 ≠ 0,

(b) Graph categorization ⎪

(c) Clustering of nodes ⎪

⎨ −1
� ⎪ 􏽱�������������� ; i ≠ j, vi is adj acent to vj ,
(d) Prediction of link Lij
⎪ deg vi 􏼁deg 􏼐vj 􏼑

(e) Infuence maximization ⎪

A graph [51] is defned by G (V, E) given that V and E ⎩
0; else,
represent vertices and edges, respectively. We assume vi ∈ V
and aij � (vi , vj ) ∈ E. Here, vi denotes the nodes and eij ⎪
⎧ 1 ; i � j, deg vi 􏼁 ≠ 0,
denotes edges among vi and vj . For N � |V|, the adjacency ⎪

matrix A is given by an N × N matrix stated as edge weights. ⎪

⎨ (− 1)
Here, Aij � aij > 0 ; eij ∈ E and Aij � 0; eij ∉ E. Graphs can Lrw �⎪ ; i ≠ j, vi is adj acent to vj ,
be of two types: directed and undirected, based on the types ⎪ deg vi 􏼁

of edges. Te edges are connected with a direction for di- ⎪

rected graphs, and undirected graphs have connected edges 0; else,
without a direction. Tus, Aij � Aji � 1 for the undirected (9)
and Aij ≠ Aji for the directed graphs.
By analyzing the eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian where deg(vi ) denotes the degree of the node i. Te diferent
matrix, spectral graph theory may provide insight into forms of the Laplacian matrix are given by the type of the
whether a graph is linked and the quality of that connection. degree of the node.
6 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

2.2.2. Graph Fourier Transform. Fourier analysis on the

graph is possible as eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix y
represent similar values on the Fourier basis. Te Fourier
transform and its reverse enable a node to be present in two
diferent scales [54]. Given that for any N no of nonnegative,
mutually orthogonal, and independent eigenvalues, the z
graph’s Laplacian matrix may be expressed as in [55]:
L � U ∧ U− 1 . (10)

Given that λ is the eigenvalue and ∧ is the eigenvalue

matrix such that ∧ij . � λi ; 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ2... ≤ λN− 1 , the signif-
cance of the graph’s vertices is represented via the values of Figure 4: Manifold curve with a local plane.
λ. Also, U � [u0 , u1 . . . , uN− 1 ] ∈ RN×N and is a matrix of
eigenvectors. Since U is orthogonal, it can be written as
UT− 1 � UT . Tus, L will be [54]: taken as 3D, the completion of embedding creates a 3D
T shape to analyze.
L � U∧U . (11)

For using the eigenvectors in the Fourier transform, the 2.3.1. Calculus Operation Manifold. Being manifold as non-
eigenfunction must the transformed via the basis function Euclidean surfaces, calculus cannot be performed directly as
e− iwt . For any graph signal, g ∈ RN such that gi is denoted as declaring variables is not possible. However, various
the value of ith node. methods have been present to create smooth surfaces on
Te Fourier transform can be expressed as ĝ � UT and a manifold that is known as a diferentiable manifold. A
the inverse Fourier transform as g � U ĝ. Here, eigenvectors diferential manifold is just a space on a manifold where
are used as the basis, and the transform projects the input calculus can be performed. Tat said, manifold data can be
graphs on the orthogonal space. segmented into many more spaces, and the calculus function
must be applied to all of them. Tus, the diference between
normal and manifolds is normal calculus works on only one
2.2.3. Convolutional Operations on Graphs. Using the dimension, whereas manifold calculus is structured with
Fourier transform of a graph in the frequency domain, the higher dimensions to adapt to multiple spaces.
undirected graph becomes well-directed and component- We state that f: M ⟶ R, such that f is a smooth
wise multiplication transforms. Convolution requires a flter function of manifolds defned in the scalar feld, where the
to fnd out the compact on convolution layers. Now, for any mapping function is given by M ⟶ TM. F(x) ∈ Tx M,
input b and using a flter g, the result is [55] as follows: such that F(x) is a tangent vector at the point x. Considering
b ∗ g � Uĝ(∧)UT b � ĝ(L)b. (12) Hilbert space felds of L2 (M) as a scalar feld and L2 (TM) as
a vector feld, thus multiplication results [56] are
Although the flters bring complexity with the number of
nodes and do not clarify a lot, we use parametrization of ĝ. (f, g)L2 (M) � 􏽚 f(x)g(x)dx,
Tus, the resultant is [55] as follows: (14)
D− 1 (F, G)L2 (TM) � 􏽚 (F(x), G(x))Tx Mdx.
ĝθ (L) � 􏽘d�0 θd Ld , (13)

where ĝθ is the polynomial parametrization, whereas ĝ has With dx being the area element, diferentiating f results
a degree of D. Te complexity becomes clearer as ĝ is in df: TM ⟶ R. Again, diferentiation on the closest
D-localized with known relation θ0 , . . . , θ{D− 1} . neighbor points is defned as df(x) � (∇f(x), .)Tx M. Now,
applying the operation to the tangent vector,
df(x) � (∇f(x), F(x))Tx M. Now, a small displacement of x
2.3. Manifold Geometry. A manifold can be defned as results in ∇f: L2 (M) ⟶ L2 (TM) which is the gradient
curved, but locally, it can be seen as fat, as in Figure 4. Tus, operator. Tus, divergence [56] becomes
although a manifold is a non-Euclidean shape, it can be div: L2 (TM) ⟶ L2 (M):
treated locally as a Euclidean model.
Considering a manifold of the topological space M with (F, ∇f)L2 (TM) � (− div F, f)L2 (M) . (15)
the dimension number of n, Also, let m1 , m2 ∈ M such that Te relation between the gradient and divergence is as
m1 and m2 are neighboring points. Te inner product of the follows [56]:
tangent space is denoted by (., .): Tm1 M × Tm2 M ∈ R given
that Tm represents the tangential space of the Euclidean part ∆f � − div(∇f). (16)
and R is an abstract manifold capable of comparable
measurements. For describing 3D data objects, computer Laplacian is found symmetric as in [56]:
vision takes two neighboring surfaces as input and embeds (∇f, ∇f)L2 (TM) � (− div(∇f), f)L2 M � (f, ∆f)L2 M . (17)
them in the R3 space. Although the model is not completely
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 7

For compact manifolds, the functions of x work similarly Neighbor Node Neighbor Node
to the spectral analysis for graphs. Also, it can be seen that
Laplacian stands as a vital part of analyzing non-
Euclidean space. A

2.3.2. Discretization of Manifold. Discretization is required
Neighbor Node
for data conversion, such as from point clouds to manifolds.
For discretization, a manifold [57] can be sampled by N
points, where the positions of nodes are stated as B
x1 , x2 , . . . , xN , thus creating a graph accordingly. Te un-
directed graphs can be difcult to pose for the increase in
Target Node R
nodes of a unit area. Again, the surface can be created as the
mesh (V, E, F), where V is the vertex, E is the edge, and F is
the triangular face [57]: V � {1, . . . , N}, ijk, ijh ∈ F, and
􏼈(i, j), (i, k), (j, k)􏼉 ∈ E. Te triangular mesh must have the Neighbor Node
designated manifold boundary, and the edge length should
Figure 5: Input graphs of GCNs.
be lij > 0, satisfying the inequity of a triangle. For
lij � ‖xi − xj ‖2, cotangent weights are given by
wij � 1/2(cot αij + cot βij ) for the manifold’s
Laplacian mesh. 9 2 5 7
0 4 6
8 3 9 2
3. Methods 4 7 2 3
6 5 0 15

Because of our familiarity with the background, we can now 5 6 0 4 7 4 1

analyze many models, each of which uses non-Euclidean Input Image Filter Output Array
geometric data for a specifc reason. Tis geometry, as said
Figure 6: Convolutional layer in traditional convolutional neural
previously, can be characterized by graphs as well as
manifolds. In network structures like social media or in
general, it learns embedding that integrates knowledge about
its surroundings [58]. Graphs are employed in these network
structures. In addition, manifolds are used in the process of However, it incorporates some problems. As images
three-dimensional form, as well as on various complicated could be of diferent types, their complexities also vary. As
contour surfaces and in model analysis. Convolutional the image contains more complex data (i.e., diferent lighting
neural networks (CNNs) are the foundation, on which the conditions, light, shades, and complex contour structures in
vast majority of these models are typically built, as shown in various colors of light), it becomes more difcult to extract
Figure 5. the actual shape from the image. Technically, nodes of the
Te primary applications of this network include image graphs may vary in large numbers. As a result, the con-
processing, classifcation, and segmentation, in addition to volution operation is very likely difcult in this situation,
the processing of various types of autocorrelated data, al- and this includes another problem, like data size, as the
though it contains GANs and GGNs along with GAEs, nodes of the graphs vary. Tis introduces new rising
respectively. problems each time to these algorithms.
Now, this paper will classify this graph-based model into
three diferent parts according to their basis of analysis or
3.1. Methods Based on Graph Convolutional Networks
method of working:
(GCNs). In the actual world, graphs are the most popular
form of data organization, so to deal with it, GCNs ft very (i) Spectral-based GNN
well in a situation like social media connection analysis, (ii) Spatial-based GNN
protein model analysis, and trafc control. Every image and
(iii) Spatial and spectral-based
video can be presented as some grids or grid structure data.
To manipulate it, we need the solution of a graph con- Researchers try to conclude a common form of con-
volutional network. In modern technology, deep learning volutional network that may work in any scenario. Te main
greatly impacts various developments like games, not just theme of this network is shown in Figure 6. It tries to make
social networks. Image analysis is a testament to the ef- an input graph from the image, set the target, learn from its
fectiveness of deep learning, and it is efective in computer neighbor node, and aggregate those to form usable data like
vision as well. Recently, researchers have been trying to in Figure 7.
evolve the architecture based on the graph using some Tis GCN is divided into two kinds. Graph signal
traditional models like the CNN, long short-term memory processing is inspired by spectral graph theory, which is the
(LSTM), attention mechanism (AM), and autoencoder (AE) foundation of graph convolution [59]. Alternately, spatial
for more efcient performance. domain convolution is the second.
8 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

m nei
a fro
T Dat
Data fro W
m neigh
ta A
Neural ne
Network igh
bo R

Figure 7: Architecture of graph networks.

Based on the context, it expressed the graph Fourier a hidden level of the network [61]. With the use of this
Transform and its inverse equation. Te equations distin- model, convolution flters are altered to provide greater
guish between spectral and special domains of a graph. g � optimization capabilities via complex-coefcient spectral
U ĝ represents the spatial domain, while ĝ � UT ^ indicates parameterization. Competitive outcomes on classifcation
the spectral domain. Consequently, if a signal g is used in the and approximation tasks were accomplished without the
spatial domain, ĝ is likewise signifcant in the spectral do- need for dropout or max pooling thanks to a more recent
main. Tese signals are typically referred to as kernels, and method of randomized change of resolution.
the Fourier coefcient of a graph often decays fast. Te signal
is compressible since its Fourier coefcients may be cal- (2) CayleyNets. Te CayleyNet model is a modifed model of
culated from a few graph coefcients. ChebNet [24]. ChebNet uses Chebyshev flters that avoid
expensive computation without using eigenvectors. Te
main drawback of the model is that it cannot produce
3.1.1. Spectral-Based GCNs. Te spectral-based GCN model narrow-band flters. It occurs when there are eigenvalues
that has been constructed cannot be applied directly to clustered around minimal frequencies and the spectral gap is
graphs; nevertheless, because of its efective feature ex- high [62]. CayleyNets add a new type of flter that takes the
traction capacity, it may be highly benefcial to extract simplicity of the Chebyshev flters and can also produce
features [60]. It is possible to defne non-Euclidean con- narrow-band flters to counter disadvantages. Te real value
volution using it, and by analogy, it may be used to describe of a complex function is determined as the Cayley poly-
the relation in terms of the frequency domain. In recent nomial of order r [24]:
times, the graph Laplacian matrix has been used directly
because its convolutional layer architecture is so efective. r
gv,z (λ) � v0 + 2Re􏼚􏽘j�1 vj (zλ − i)j (zλ + i)− j 􏼛, (18)
(1) Spectral CNN. Te “specifying” architectural cluster in
where v � (v0 , v1 , . . . , vr ) is given as a vector for a single real
spectral CNNs includes additional inputs. A vector repre-
coefcient and r is the coefcient of complex. Z > 0 is
senting the network’s most recent output distribution is sent
denoted as the zoom parameter. For a real signal f, the
to the specifed input for each training dataset on each
Cayley flter is given as Gf and defned by [24]:
training step. Te propagation of this input then proceeds in
a conventional feed-forward manner, with the specifcation Gf � gv,z (∆)f
of a cluster and network layer at the conclusion. Tis r (19)
extracluster is likewise subject to a learning rule. Tis � v0 f + 2Re􏼚􏽘j�1 vj (z∆ − iI)j (z∆) + iI)− j f􏼛.
strategy comes in a variety of architectural forms: using
a single-layer structure or a multilayer structure, we link the Parameters of v and z are optimized in training. Te flter
outputs of the specifed cluster with the output layer and works with the basic calculation of matrix operations similar
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 9

to ChebNet. Tus, no eigendecomposition is required for the neighbors, and lθ represents linear projection from the edge
Gf flter to work. Cayley flters are based on the rational to the node feature space [31]. End-point features infuence
function of Laplacian and named ARMA flters. As general a concealed edge feature. Te following recursive model
ARMA flters require matrix inversion, there is no way to underpins this learning process [31]:
ensure stable inversion as the training path is unknown. Te (h− 1) 1) 1)
Cayley flters to ensure inversion are stable. Also, the general g(h) (h) (h)
uv � β 􏽨􏼐1 + f 􏼑guv + lθ′ 􏼐g(h−
u + g(h−
v 􏼑􏽩, (21)
ARMA flter uses a larger number of parameters which are
where β(h) is also an MLP having 2 layers. Final shape
overftting for the objective, whereas the Cayley flter uses
embedding is obtained by projecting (linearly) these char-
a moderate number of parameters.
acteristics into 128 D vectors and summing them [31]:
Te model presents a new class of extremely regular,
localized, complicated rational Cayley flters that can rep- gX � 􏽘h�1 y(h) .g(h) + c(h) . (22)
resent any smooth spectral transfer function. Te funda-
mental characteristic of the model is its ability to maintain Te model utilizes existing image and graph convolu-
localization in the spatial domain while specializing in tional neural networks and can operate on B-rep data. On
narrow frequency bands with a limited number of flter both supervised and self-supervised tasks spanning fve B-
parameters. rep datasets, advantages and adaptability are demonstrated,
outperforming other representations such as point clouds,
(3). UV-Net (Boundary Representations). U and V param- voxels, and meshes. A fresh synthetic B-rep dataset with
eters of curves and surfaces are clearly expressed, while an diferences in geometry and topology was once more in-
adjacency graph explicitly defnes topology in a boundary- troduced as SolidLetters.
representation data model. Tat happens when the user
combines convolutional neural networks with image pro- (4) CurvaNet. Analyzing 2D images with the regular grid is
cessing to create UV-Net [31], a network that both memories much less challenging than 3D images using mesh surfaces
and computes economically. or manifold input. Although traditional GNN models seg-
Numerous topological components, such as faces, edges, ment and use smaller surfaces, considering them fat, the
half-edges, vertices, and their connections, compose the model cannot diferentiate higher surface changes due to
boundary-representation data model. With a few clicks, it a lack of data. CurvaNet modifes the GNN model by in-
extracts the most critical geometric and topological data tegrating diferential geometry [63]. Data accuracy is en-
from the boundary-representation and transforms it into sured by downsampling by mesh pooling and upsampling by
a format suitable for current neural network unpooling operation using an encoder and decoder. Tus,
architectures [31]. minimization of classifcation error is done by considering
Te UV-Net representation ofers some benefts: more input properties. Te architecture is quite similar to
(1) For both primitive and geometric surface types, the U-Net model, which runs through the curvature flter
curve assessment of parameters can be applied (CF) and graph convolution flter (GC) for segmentation.
quickly and easily [31] Skip connection is used to preserve precise boundaries [64].
A directional curvature flter negates fxed curvature
(2) Te representation is sparse and proportional to the limitations such as data loss and underfts or overfts.
number of B-rep contour surfaces Addressing weight parameter direction is easier by seg-
(3) Te grid is mostly independent of precise menting all directions with many tangent vectors. Te
parametrization vectors must have a unique origin to point out null values. To
ensure fxed parameters are provided for pool rotation for
Using graph convolutions, local curves as well as surface
diferent angles. Graph convolution layers are used for
characteristics are conveyed over the whole boundary rep-
sampling a neighborhood using the graph Laplacian matrix.
resentation. Curve and surface convolution is performed by
ChebyNet24 and graph attention network (GAT) 56 are used
taking 2D UV-grids. For message passing, contour CNNs
for the function. Afterward, the properties of curvature are
are hidden features considered input edges and node fea-
conserved by downsampling and upsampling. Let σ be the
tures of the GNN. We calculate the hidden node features
nonlinear activation function and b and d be the shared
gv (h) in the graph layer h ∈ 1 · · · H by combining all the
kernels. Te feature matrix of curvature yields C, where k is
input features of the node gv (h − 1) from a one-hop
the interval number and m is the maximum number [63]:
neighborhood u ∈ A(v) while conditioning them on the
edge features [31] guv (h − 1):
i � σ 􏼐cTi A(k)
i b
+ d(k) 􏼑,
g(h) ⎢
(h) ⎡
⎣􏼐1 + e(h) 􏼑g(h− 1)
+ 􏽘 􏼐lθ 􏼐g(h− 1)
􏼑 ⊙ gu 􏼑⎤⎥⎦.
(h− 1)
ci � max 􏼐c(1) (k) (m)
v � α v uv i , . . . , ci , . . . , ci 􏼑.

(20) To learn the directional curvature features at each vertex

on a mesh surface, the model ofers a unique convolutional
Here, α(h) is an MLP, or in other words, multilayer flter. Te mesh surface’s curvature features are sent using
perceptron along with two FC (fully connected) layers, e(h) is graph convolutional methods. A U-Net-like hierarchical
a parameter to diferentiate the center nodes from the structure that downsamples and upsamples a mesh surface
10 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

dependent on mesh simplifcation was presented to make properly functioning, repetitive relation eliminates the
use of multiscale curvature features. eigendecomposition of ALBO and learning becomes easier
[24, 68]. If the Chebyshev polynomial is Ln (c) of order n, the
(5). Anisotropic Chebyshev Spectral CNNs (ACSCNNs). flter ĥ(c) can be expressed [30]:
Anisotropic Chebyshev spectral CNN [30] is a new shape
n− 1
correspondence architecture based on manifold convolu-
ĥ(c) � 􏽘 bn Ln (c). (30)
tion. Extended convolution operators combine local signal n�0
characteristics by a series of directed kernels around each
point, capturing additional signal information. Based on An extension of the manifold convolution operator, the
multiple anisotropic Laplace–Beltrami operator (LBO) model suggests the anisotropic convolution operator. Due to
eigendecomposition, spectral fltering is used to train ker- its direction-based consideration, this sort of anisotropic
nels. To decrease computing difculties, trainable Chebyshev convolution enables a more thorough capture of the intrinsic
polynomial expansion coefcients are used to represent local information of signals when compared to earlier works.
spectrum flters [30]. To simplify the computation, Chebyshev polynomials are
Te manifold X [30] is defned by used to express the flters with trainable coefcients. In
certain cases, the achieved outcome was superior to that of
M2 (X) � 􏼚g: X ⟶ R, 􏽚 g(x)2 dx < ∞􏼛, (24) the earlier models.

and dx is the area element. 3.1.2. Spatial-Based GCN. Unlike the spectral base, this
Vallet and Lévy [65] observed that the eigenvalues and convolution can be used directly because the kernel size is
eigenfunctions of the LBO are comparable to the frequency fxed. So it must need to select the neighbor of concern to be
as well as Fourier basis in the Euclidean space. Te LBO can convoluted in a traditional manner. It uses pseudocoordi-
be described [30] as nates by the flter function. Tese pseudocoordinates ac-
∆X g(x) � − divX ∇X g(x)􏼁. (25) cumulated at the time of convolution. Te most difcult
aspect of developing CNNs that function with core nodes
Te inner product ĝ(cp ) � < g, σ p > X is known as the that have a variety of neighboring nodes is establishing local
Fourier transform (coefcient) for manifolds, because the invariance for such CNNs.
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of LBO have periodic Te frst intrinsic version of CNNs was introduced by
properties. Its inverse Fourier transform for the manifold Masci et al. [16]. Ten, evolution began by Boscaini et al. [25]
g ∈ M2 (x) can be expressed [30] as by introducing anisotropic heat kernels. Te more general
framework (MoNet) was then introduced by Monti et al.
g(x) � 􏽘 < g, σ p > X σ p (x)
[69] to develop the deep convolutional architecture on
(26) graphs and manifolds. Ten, the B-spline-based flter was
� 􏽘 ĝ􏼐cp 􏼑σ p (x). introduced by Fey et al. [70], which works quite efciently in
p≥0 the input of arbitrary dimensionality.
To defne the convolution theorem based on manifolds (1) Difusion CNN (DCNN). Te motivation for difusion
[30], CNN is that a form encompassing graph difusion can serve
(g ∗ h)(x) � 􏽘 ĝ􏼐cp 􏼑ĥ􏼐cp 􏼑σ p (x). as a more reliable foundation for forecasting than a graph
(27) alone. A simple method for including contextual in-
ĝ(cp )
formation about things that are calculated in polynomial
Anisotropic LBO [66] can be defned as time and efectively used on the GPU is provided by graph
difusion, which may be repressed. Many methods, such as
∆X g(x) � − divX T(x)∇X g(x)􏼁. (28) probabilistic structural models and kernel methods, in-
As illustrated in the following model, ALBO is redefned corporate depth information in classifcation tasks; DCNNs
[66] as ofer a supplementary strategy that signifcantly improves
predictive performance at node classifcations [23]. When
∆βλ g(x) � − divX 􏼐Cλ Tβ (x)Cλ Q ∆X g(x)􏼑. (29) performing node classifcation tasks, difusion-
convolutional neural networks outperform probabilistic
Here, Cλ is a revolution about a surface with a normal relational models and kernel approaches thanks to the
angle λ on the direction of the tangent, T(x) is a thermal representation that captures the efects of graph difusion.
conductivity tensor, and parameter β controls the aniso- Difusion processes perform a good job of representing
tropic level [30]. nodes, but they are inefective in summarizing complete
Instead of employing anisotropic heat kernels in [25], it graphs.
aims to learn kernels that depend on tasks by learning their
parameterized flters ĥ(c). As stated in [24, 67], a poly- (2) Graph Neural Network (GNN). Te graph neural network
nomial flter may be used to solve these problems. Cheby- is a supervised neural architecture that works well in terms of
shev polynomials are adopted to the flter ĥ(c), and due to its the graph and node-based applications. Two existing
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 11

concepts are combined into a single framework by this shape requires a separate local function, while the functions
model. Te neural network model will be referred to as the are not learnable to use on similar locals. Using parametric
GNN. Both random walk models and recursive neural construction which can be used in similar localities, a dif-
networks are shown to be extensions of the GNN and to ferent framework of a mixture model network is presented
retain their features. Te model expands repetitive neural [69]. Operations are convolution working on spatial-domain
networks because it can handle node-focused tasks with no methods using local parameters of ‘patches’ of manifolds or
processing stage and can analyze a wider range of graphs, graphs [73]. Te patches create a local function that can be
covering cyclic, oriented, and undirected graphs. Te represented as a Gaussian kernel mixture.
method broadens the range of processes that may be de- A general spatial framework is used in mixture model
scribed and adds a learning mechanism to random walk CNNs for graphs and manifolds. For any point on the
theory [19]. manifold x and the vertex y of the neighborhood N such that
Te model ofers a cutting-edge neural network archi- y ∈ N (x), a vector of dimension d and pseudocoordinates
tecture that can handle inputs from cyclic, directed, and are denoted as u(x, y). A weighting function is achieved
undirected graphs or a combination of these. Te difusion using learnable parameters. Using fxed parameters of
of information and relaxation mechanisms are the model’s Gaussian kernels and geodesic coordinates, the mixture
foundations. Analysis of the outcome shows that the strategy model CNN can be reverted to GCNN, ACNN, and GCN
is also appropriate for huge datasets. models. Te mixture model is based on parametric kernels
by using learnable parameters denoted as follows [69]:
(3) GraphSAGE. To accomplish the objective of node cat-
egorization, GraphSAGE models fully utilize the attribute −1
information, structure, and knowledge of nodes in social ⎝− 1􏼐u − w 􏼑T 􏽘 􏼐u − w 􏼑⎞
gj (u) � exp ⎛ ⎠, (31)
j j
2 j
networks, as well as mine the implicit mutual information
among nodes. Te best performance of a graph neural
network may be comparable to that of the graph WL where Σj is the covariance matrix and wj is a mean vector
ISOMORPHISM test when the data structure (update fea- constructed from a Gaussian kernel. Covariances are re-
ture plus aggregate feature) in graph networks is singular. stricted to 2D and 2jD for patch operators.
An enhanced GraphSage [71] method is used to create the To achieve deep learning, the aggregate ensemble CNN
model for learning about GraphSAGE. model integrates two distinct convolutional neural network
Te model ofers a revolutionary method that makes it architectures. Two deep-learning networks—AlexNet66 and
possible to efectively create embeddings for invisible nodes. NIN67—are integrated to calculate the weighted average of
GraphSAGE successfully balances performance and runtime feature vectors. Based on AECNN modeling runs, we see
via sampling node neighborhoods, regularly outperforms that the aggregate model outperforms the single-CNN en-
state-of-the-art baselines, and ofers a theoretical analysis semble model in terms of classifcation accuracy and re-
that sheds light on understanding local graph structures. trieval precision for images.

(4) Large-Scale Graph Convolution Network (LGCN). Te (6) SplineCNN. SplineCNN is a modifed version of CNN for
algorithmic structure cooptimization to speed up large-scale countering the non-Euclidean geometry focused on using B-
GCN inference on FPGA is provided to combat the sig- spline. Te model uses the convolution of spline bases, and
nifcant expense of external storage access when evaluating the convolution layer takes undirected data with a directed
the graph-structured dataset. To comply with on-chip graph as input [70].
storage restriction, frst, data splitting is executed. Ten, A trainable set is used to aggregate the node features in
to decrease computational complexity and improve data the spatial layer. Represented by n(i), the node features are
locality, a two-phase preprocessing approach is created. Te weighted by the continuous kernel function [74]. Te spatial
main computational kernels are mapped on an FPGA during relation of the nodes is stated by pseudocoordinates in U.
hardware design, and data transmission for pipelined exe- Presenting no restrictions on U, no values are lost in a local
cution occurs through on-chip memory [72]. Varied GCN neighborhood as it can contain edge weights, features of
architectures and various analytic orders are supported by nodes, and local data.
the data path. A continuous kernel function is used for the convolution
Te suggested architecture allows for the application of operation that uses B-spline bases. Constant values of
standard convolutional methods while transforming generic trainable sets are used for parametrizing the function. For
graphs into data with grid-like patterns. Transformation is computation efciency, all input outside the preset interval is
carried out using a brand-new k-largest node selection set to zero. Now, considering a B-spline curvature of degree
method that ranks the values of node features. d and a trainable variable tp,l ∈ T for every element p formed
from the Cartesian product [70], P � (Nm m
1,i )i × . . . × (Nd,i )i
(5) Mixture Model CNN (MoNet). For analyzing non- while l is the input feature. For Iin as input, the trainable
Euclidean geometries of GCNN and ACNN for graphs, parameter can be defned as K � Iin .􏽑di�1 ki . Now, defning
GCN and DCNN models are proposed, but they come with the continuous convolution function [70] gl [a1 , b1 ] × . . . ×
some shortcomings. For analyzing, each segment of the [ad , bd ] ⟶ R as
12 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

gl (u) � 􏽘 tp,l .Bp (u), models accomplish localization by grouping the nodes in
(32) their immediate surroundings.
Te most signifcant thing to note is that it may be
where Bp represents the product of basic functions. Relating applied directly to the graph data in contrast to the spectral
to traditional CNN, SplineCNN uses a normalization factor one. While a model based on spectral analysis has difculty
as an extra and a diferently functioned flter. Otherwise, dealing with graph-based input data, a model based on
SplineCNN can also take 2D inputs with a few kernels to spatial analysis can very efectively handle many sources of
analyze the dataset. graph input (such as edge features and edge directions).
On irregularly structured, geometric input data, the Because it functions well only on certain preset graphs,
model learns. Te proposed convolution flter combines the spectral-based approach only has a restricted range of
nearby information in the spatial domain by using a train- applications. To put it another way, it is improbable that the
able continuous kernel function with trainable B-spline model trained for one application would function well for
control values. SplineCNN is the frst architecture that another, because its graphs and Laplacian nature are unique.
enables robust end-to-end deep learning directly from On the other hand, on a spatial basis, it is somewhat
geometric data. reliant on each node of graphs. Because of this, it is used
extensively in three-dimensional form and structural anal-
ysis (e.g., shape correspondence on the FAUST dataset).
3.1.3. Spectral- and Spatial-Based Models. In this method,
Because of this, it is relatively easy to apply this model to
models are benefted from both spectral and spatial char-
a variety of roles and structures. Because of this, the spatial
acteristics. Teir combined features use for better data
model is broader and getting more appreciation day by day.

(1) Multiscale Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network

3.1.5. Apart from GCN Architecture. Tis section will pro-
(MDGCN). GCN is capable of performing convolution on
vide an overview of additional graph neural networks. GAN
non-Euclidean data and is ideal for irregular image regions
and GNN are described here.
represented by graph topological data [42], so that these two
stages may work together to produce discriminative em-
(1) Graph Attention Networks (GANs). An attention-based
bedded features and a revised graph, and the graph must be
architecture called graph attention networks is used to
constantly changed while the graph convolution technique is
classify nodes in graph-structured data. Te goal is to use
running. Simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) [75] is
a self-attention method to monitor each node’s neighbors to
utilized when a hyperspectral image is supplied as input. Tis
compute each node’s hidden representations. Te attention
approach creates homogeneous superpixels. Ten, at dif-
structure has several intriguing characteristics, such as ef-
ferent spatial scales, graphs are constructed on the top of
fcient operation, because it may be parallelized over node
these superpixels. Following that, the input graphs are
neighbor sets. By assigning arbitrary values to neighbors, it
further refned by performing convolutions on them, which
may also be used to graph nodes with varying degrees, and
simultaneously acquire and accumulate multiscale spectral-
the method is capable of direct inductive learning issues,
spatial features. In an ideal embedding space, superpixels
including challenges where the algorithm must generalize to
possibly belonging to the same class will be grouped. Finally,
wholly unknown graphs [76].
the well-trained network produces the categorization results
in [42].
(2) Graph Generative Network (GGN). Te difculty of
Hyperspectral image categorization is the name of the
creating a graph structure for expanding graphs having
proposed model. During the convolution process, MDGCN
diferent nodes that are disconnected from the previously
utilizes dynamic graphs that are gradually refned. As a re-
observed graph is overcome by graph generative networks
sult, the graphs can accurately encode the inherent simi-
[77]. Te slow response issues in social platforms and rec-
larities between image regions and aid in the discovery of
ommendation systems it has signifcant signifcance. Te
precise region representations. To completely utilize the
fundamental generating process is assumed to be stationary
multiscale information and gain hidden spatial context with
during growth. Neither node characteristics nor natural
superior results, many graphs with various neighborhood
extension to new, isolated nodes is utilized by graph RNN
scales are built.
[6]. Similar problems plague the majority of alternative
graph representation learning techniques; notably, the
3.1.4. Comparison between Spectral- and Spatial-Based separation from the existing graph makes it difcult to apply
Models. Te model that is based on spectral analysis is far aggregation or pass messages. Understanding how graph
more efective than the spatial one. Although the intricacy of architectures are generated consecutively for situations
the calculations grows more difcult as the size of the graph where node characteristics and topological information are
rises, it uses the eigendecomposition technique inside this both present and for situations in which only node char-
convolution which may modify the results [67]. A summary acteristics are accessible solves this problem.
of their main points is shown in Figure 8. A sequential generative model for developing graphs is
On the other hand, spatially based models are more proposed that combines graph representation learning and
benefcial in terms of huge graph-based applications. Tese graph convolutional networks. Scalability, however, is still
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 13

Effective Effective on
on Larger
Moderate Data

in Dependent
3D forms on each
and graph
Requires structural node
Eigen Spectral
Preset design Spatial
Decomposition Domain
Graphs Domain

Node of group
Graph grouping data
Handling directly

Figure 8: Spectral and spatial model features show distinctive characteristics.

a signifcant problem because it depends on the size of the

Euclidean (flat)
entire graph. Geometry

3.2. Method Based on Manifolds. As discussed earlier,

manifolds are nonconventional geometry having a complex
shape. Figure 9 describes the manifold diferently as its
smallest portion can be explained as conventional geometry
like a rectangle. Te manifold-based model works based on
this rule. Manifolds can be of diferent complex shapes so
does nature have.

3.2.1. Voxel-Based. Bounded by small boxes, 2D space

images cannot fgure the depth of 3D spaces or be further
analyzed as the data become blurry in smaller portions as in
Figure 10. Voxel-based data create an object by segmenting Figure 9: Manifold (torus) shows the analysis of manifold and
them piece by piece with a 3D object, thus creating a richer assumes segments as Euclidean geometry.
dataset capable of in-depth analysis with higher accuracy.
process. Te depth of the model is measured by the number
(1) ShapeNet. ShapeNet advances CNNs to non-Euclidean of “hidden” layers that exist between both the input and
manifolds, demonstrating how to use them to create in- output levels. Te levels are followed as fully connected,
variant shape descriptors. Utilizing a local network of ReLU, convolution of geodesic, angular max pooling, and
geodesic coordinates, ShapeNet produces “patches” that are Fourier transform magnitude.
then put to a range of techniques and linear as well as Te Siamese neural network [79], a well-liked archi-
nonlinear operators [78]. Tese flters’ parameters are op- tecture that has been extensively employed in metric
timization parameters that can be trained to reduce a loss learning tasks, is how ShapeNet is trained. A Siamese net-
function that depends on the task at hand. Because of the work comprises two identical models with the same pa-
framework’s considerable fexibility, diferent descriptors rameterization and is fed by pairs of data that are
can be obtained depending on the requirements by com- purposefully similar or distinct. Te loss is minimized in the
bining several layers with various confgurations. CNNs are model [78]:
expanded to manifolds by using the idea of geodesic con- l(∅) � (1 − c)l +(∅) + cl − (∅), (33)
volution. Te design, known as ShapeNet [78], is made up of
numerous tiers that are applied in succession, meaning that where c ∈ [0, 1] denotes the diferential parameter between
the result of one layer advances as the input for the next the losses [78],
14 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

(a) (b)

Figure 10: (a) Voxel data using 3D segment and (b) image data using the 2D grid. Because of higher dimensions, quality becomes higher
than that of the right one.

1 |T | �� ��2 improve recognition rates. Tis new CNN architecture in-

l+ (∅) � 􏽘i�0+ ���F∅ 􏼐gi 􏼑 − F∅ 􏼐gi+ 􏼑��� , tegrates many perspectives of 3D geometry into a single
description for improved recognition. Tis multiview de-
�� � 2
1 |T |
l− (∅) � 􏽘i�0− max 􏼚0, μ − ��F 􏼐gi 􏼑 − F 􏼐gi 􏼑���􏼛 , piction of 3D forms is useful for many activities. First, we
2 � ∅ ∅ − �
utilize existing 2D picture attributes to create a view de-
(34) scription. Tis is the simplest way to use multiview. Multiple
2D image descriptors per 3-dimensional form, one per view,
where ∅ is the variable of the ShapeNet model. Te set of must be integrated for recognition jobs [33].
layers is given as T± � 􏼈(g2 , g2± )􏼉, and the negative parts are For image descriptors, two types of image descriptors for
pulled at margin μ. each 2D view: a state-of-the-art “hand-crafted” image de-
With the use of non-Euclidean manifolds, the model scriptor based on Fisher vectors [80] with multiscale SIFT
suggests generalizing convolutional neural networks to learn and CNN activation features [81] are used in this model.
hierarchical task-specifc features. Te model is extremely One-versus-rest linear SVM was trained to categorize forms
fexible and general, and it may be made arbitrarily com- using picture information [33]. A measurement of distance
plicated by stacking additional layers. Te model improves on or likeness is essential for retrieval tasks. Taking shape as x
various prior shape descriptor approaches by energizing them. along with rx as image descriptors and shape y with ry image
descriptors, the space around them is calculated as in
equation (42). Te space between two 2D images can be
3.2.2. Multiview-Based. If 2D views for diferent surfaces are expressed as z2 , and the space between their feature vectors
combined, a good idea of the 3D object can be obtained, as is ‖pi − qj ‖2. So it is as follows [33]:
shown in Figure 10. Based on this fact, the multiview model �� �� �� ��
takes diferent 2D features as input, as in Figure 11(a), and 􏼒􏽐j mini ���pi − qj ���2􏼓 􏼒􏽐i minj ���pi − qj ���2􏼓
combines them by view pooling for analyzing 3D objects, as in S(p, q) � + .
Figure 11(b). 􏼐2ry 􏼑 2rx 􏼁
(1) Multiview Convolutional Neural Networks (MVCNNs). A
conventional CNN architecture taught to detect forms’ Te model suggests using these several 2D projections,
generated viewpoints that are not linked to one another which produce excellent discrimination performance.
shows a 3-dimensional shape that can be detected from Compactness, efciency, and improved accuracy can be
a single view with greater accuracy than using 3-dimensional attained by creating descriptors that are aggregations of data
form descriptors of the highest quality [33]. Multiple shapes from many viewpoints. Additionally, these 3D shapes can be
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 15


CNN1 Chair


View CNN2 Bathtub

CNN1 Pooling




Figure 11: (a) Shape analysis with diferent views; (b) the multiview model architecture takes views as 2D input to analyze 3D objects.

recovered using sketches with high precision and take ad- 3D form
vantage of the implicit understanding of 3D shapes included accumulated
Data Combined from multi-
in their 2D views by connecting the information of 3D
with sphere perspective
shapes to 2D representations like sketches. representations representation

Input is
3.2.3. Diference between Volumetric CNN and MVCNN. Better
A 3D form is encoded in the volumetric representation as Multi View from multi-
a 3-dimensional tensor of binary or real values. Oppositely, CNN angle views
the multiview representation organizes a 3-dimensional Volumetric
form as an accumulation of multiple perspective repre- 3-D form CNN Larger
sentations. It seems intuitive that the volumetric represen- is input
tation should be able to input extra information about the encoded data
characteristics of three-dimensional structures rather than Provides
the multiview representation. Te most important highlights < 7.3% accurate
value taken
are shown in Figure 12. value in
as input
However, Qi et al. [36] replicated the tests using a grid comparison
of 30 voxels with 3D ShapeNets with multiview CNNs on Figure 12: MVCNN vs. volumetric CNN model features.
the ModelNet40 dataset. According to the data, the cate-
gorization performance of individual algorithms suggests
that the volumetric CNN with voxel-dependent perfor- ShapeNets (84.7%). In this experiment, data from
mance is 7.3% less accurate than the MVCNN [82]. Tere MVCNNs are combined with sphere representations of the
are at least two probable explanations, including the input grid of 30 equal in height, width, and length. Even with
data performance and the diversity in network architecture lower features (resolution) of input data, the classifcation
[36]. However, when both networks are fed equal levels of performance of the MVCNN is much greater than that of
information, the accuracy of the classifcation of MVCNNs 3D ShapeNets. Tis shows that the design of VCNNs has
is much higher (89.5%) than that of 3-dimensional many opportunities for improvement.
16 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

3.2.4. Point-Based. Te advantage of the point-based ap- that intelligently aggregate multiscale data following local
proach is that it may take point cloud data as input without point densities, producing improved results to address the
frst transforming it to voxel, mesh, or another type of 3D problem of nonuniform point sampling.
representation. A point cloud is a combination of geo-
metrically important points that form a structure. In place of (2) Taylor GMM Convolutional Network (TGNet). Te Taylor
a large number of benefts, there are certain difculties, such GMM convolutional network constructs a graph pyramid
as sparsity and the unpredictability of the geometric data. through clustering point clouds. In each layer of the pyra-
Because it may be used efectively in various contexts, re- mid, local regions are abstracted progressively. For learning
searchers are becoming more interested in this model. As local features, TGConv is applied and the targeted data are
a direct consequence of this, there is persistent progression again interpolated at a fnessed scale at each layer. On
[83, 84]. a similar scale, the features are interconnected [85]. TGNet
uses limited computation, and information losses occur. To
(1) PointNet++. PointNet++ [27] is a hierarchical structure counter the issue, MLP can be applied to input for con-
of the neural network that performs recursion of PointNet serving information along the process. Finally, sampled
[26] on layered partitioning of the input. It is a direct features and the fnessed scale are combined for per-point
successor of PointNet. Although PointNet was the very frst segmentation.
DNN capable of manipulating 3D point clouds natively, Te TGNet model is driven by TGConv [86]. Let a graph
several networks have since been developed. It learns the G � (V, E, D) formed of a point cloud
spatial coding of every location in the input cloud and then, C � 􏼈c1 , c2 , . . . , cn 􏼉⊆R3 , where V � {1, 2, . . . , n} is the col-
by aggregating all the features, it determines the global lection of vertices and E⊆V × V is the collection of edges
characteristics of a point cloud. However, PointNet++ [86]. Every directed edge (x, y) ∈ E has 3D pseudo-
removes its shortcoming by solving how a local division of coordinates defned as d(x, y) given that D is the set of the
a point cloud can be carried out and how local characteristics coordinates. We consider all point y ∈ H(x), where S is the
of a point cloud can be extracted. In other words, it learns neighbor set vertex x, d(x, y) which indicates a 3D vector of
about local characteristics with increasing contextual scales coordinates of y. Let a � 􏼈a1 , a2 , . . . , aN 􏼉 be the set of input
[27]. Using an analysis of metric space lengths, Qi et al. [27] features of the vertex. For F as a feature dimension, the
claimed that it is capable of learning features very robustly, features ai ∈ RF are associated with a related graph i⊆V.
even in nonuniformly sampled point sets. Te way it extracts Local coordinates are generated from input characteristics
features can be briefed into three sections: using Taylor kernel functions [86] with Gaussian weighting.
Te learnable weighted functions are denoted by D. Te
(a) Sampling Layer. Te sampling method is known as
convolution function is performed by the aggregation of the
FPS, or farthest point sampling, which begins its
feature sets and is given by [86]:
work by picking a random series of points out from
point cloud functioning as its input. S
(f ∗ g)(x) � Agg􏼒gθ 􏼒􏽘s�1 Ds (x)ay 􏼓􏼓, y ∈ H(x). (36)
(b) Grouping Layer. Te objective of the grouping layer
is to construct local areas before extracting charac-
teristics. More specifcally, this research uses the Te model suggested altering the linear combination of
neighborhood ball approach rather than the KNN convolutional feature maps in the conventional convolu-
algorithm since it is feasible to ensure a set area scale. tional operation of CNNs to collect detailed high-frequency
Multiple subpoint clouds are created by employing and low-frequency information. It is shown that TaylorNets
surrounding points surrounding centroid points have a nonlinear combination of the convolutional feature
(within a defned radius) [27]. maps based on Talyor expansion 87. Te steerable module
created by TaylorNets is generic, making it simple to include
(c) PointNet Layer. As described earlier, it uses the in various deep architectures and to be taught using the same
PointNet algorithm to originate preliminary as- backpropagation algorithm pipeline. Tis results in a higher
sumption and then run it through some iterations to representational capacity.
get closer to the extraction of features.
In terms of 3D shape, there may be an ununiform density (3) MongeNet. In the ShapeNet model, triangular meshes are
of sampling points like the perspective efect, and radial used for sampling 3D surfaces, but sampling gets irregular as
density variations cause great trouble learning features. Qi the surface angle changes and clamping or undersampling
et al. [27] proposed an abstraction layer that may aggregate occurs. Te problem can be defned as a transport problem
information from multiple aspects according to local point of discrete measures and simplex. MongeNet is a neural
densities. By this algorithm, the author comes up with an network working as a uniform mesh sampler to counter the
accuracy of 90.7% in ModelNet40 [83]. mentioned problem [87]. Computation is performed on
Te model is suggested for handling sampled point sets GPUs and batchwise across triangles. Tis model’s direct
in the metric space. PointNet++ efciently learns hierar- competitor is the current cutting-edge sampler PyTorch3D.
chical features concerning the distance metric by performing Test fndings suggest that, for a moderate increase in
recursive operations on nested partitioning of the input computational cost, the model provides greater performance
point set. Two unique sets were suggested abstraction layers than the previous model.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 17

MongeNet is proposed to replace the already established well spectral-shaped descriptors. Tus, spectral descriptors
sampling technique using a triangle mesh. Te model may be utilized as heat kernel signature (HKS), wave kernel
minimizes 2-Wasserstein distance which implies favorable signature (WKS), and optimal spectral descriptors (OSDs)
transport distance for segmented Euclidean metrics [87]. [16]:
MongeNet approximation relies on solving convex which
relies on Laguerre tessellation for computing the optimal (D(x)f)(ρ, θ) � 􏽚 vρ,θ 􏼒x, x′ 􏼓f􏼒x′ 􏼓dx′ . (39)
distance. X
Generally, solving the resulting point cloud should
consume a lot of time with a high cost, but the model Mapping is performed by (D(x)f)(ρ, θ), and the value
proposes learning optimal positional points using a feed- of the function f is in the range of x ϵ X to the neighbor
forward neural network with satisfactory approximation and polar coordinates (ρ, θ), in which vρ (x, x′ ) is the radial
fast calculation. Stating that the network is denoted as fθ , interpolation weights having a geodesic distance from x
revolving around ρ, vθ (x, x′ ) represents the angular weights
where θ is the learnable parameter. Te input is the triangle t
with limited output points such that o ∈ [a, b] and random derived from a collection of geodesics radiating from x in
noise n ∈ R that follows the normal distribution, and the direction θ, dx′ indicates the surface component of the
output provided is a random order of fθ (t, o, n) ∈ R3×o . For Riemannian measure, and vρ,θ localizes a weighting function
training set D with components [t, S], the sampled points around vρ,θ [16]. (D(x)f)(ρ, θ) in GCNN converts the
values for the function f around the node x into the regional
[87] are
polar coordinates ρ, θ, hence forming the geodesic convo-
N b lution [16]:
argmin θ 􏽘 􏽘 L fθ ti , o, ni 􏼁, Si 􏼁. (37)
i�a o�a (f ∗ h)(x) � max∆θϵ{0,)2π 􏽚 h(ρ, θ + ∆θ)(D(x)f)(ρ, θ)dρ dθ,
Stating Wε2 as optimal transport and ni ∼ N(0, 1), the (40)
loss function L is given as follows [88]:
where h(ρ, θ + ∆θ) acts as a flter. GCNN is composed of
L(t, o, n, S) � Wε2 fθ (c, o, n), S􏼁
numerous consecutively applied layers. Te layer is difer-
− αWε2 􏼒fθ (c, o, n), fθ 􏼒c, o, n′ 􏼓􏼓. entiated as follows:
(1) Typically, the linear layer comes after the input layer
Te model overcomes drawbacks of the common mesh and before the output layer to modify the input and
sampling approach used by most 3D deep-learning models, output sizes by a linear function.
such as its proneness to erroneous sampling and clamping, (2) Te usual Euclidean convolutional layer is replaced
which leads to noisy distance estimates. For a small addi- with the geodesic convolution (GC) layer.
tional investment in computer deep learning, MongeNet
outperforms already used methods, such as widely used (3) Te angular max pooling layer combines the GC
random uniform sampling. layer to estimate the optimum flter rotation [16].
(4) Te FTM layer is an extra constant layer that per-
forms the patch operation to every input dimension,
3.2.5. Spatial-Based. Spatial convolution is the imple- proceeded by rotational coordinates as well as actual
mentation of graph-based convolution processes directly. value Fourier transform.
Being the size of the standard convolution kernel predefned, (5) Te covariance (COV) layer is utilized in recovery
a predetermined-length neighborhood must be selected for applications that need the aggregation of point-wise
convolution if standard convolution is performed on descriptors into something like a descriptor of global
a graph. However, graph nodes often contain a variable shape [89].
number of neighbors despite data with a normal grid form.
Te graph convolution technique mimics the image con- Te model was developed for uses like shape corre-
volution process and is constructed from spatial node re- spondence or retrieval to learn hierarchical task-specifc
lationships. Similar to the central pixel in normal CNN 3 × 3 features on non-Euclidean manifolds. Our model is ex-
flters, the presentation of a center node depends on the tremely fexible and general, and by stacking additional
aggregate output of its neighboring nodes. layers, it may be made arbitrarily complicated. By altering
the local geodesic charting process, GCNN could be used for
(1) Geodesic Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNN). Te diferent form of representations, such as point clouds.
GCNN [16] model is an extension of non-Euclidean man-
ifolds of the convolutional neural network (CNN) paradigm. (2) Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Networks (ACNNs).
Tis local geodesic framework of polar coordinates is used to Tese networks are generalization of standard CNNs to non-
extract “patches,” which pass through a series of flters in- Euclidean entities in which traditional convolutions are
cluding linear and nonlinear processes. To reduce a task- substituted by projections over a set of centered approach
specifc cost function, the values of the flters with linear anisotropic difusion kernels [25]. As spatial scaling func-
combination weights are optimized variables. Utilizing the tions, anisotropic heat kernels retrieve the inherent regional
diagonal results of heat-like operators yields a variety of very representation of a function defned on the manifold. Tis
18 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

ACNN architecture is a CNN. Tis patch operator design is “Convolutional Neural Network”)) which is shown in Ta-
far easier than those of GCNN, irrespective of the manifold’s ble 2. It describes the most advanced uses of computer vision
subsurface diameter, which is not limited to triangular applications of these models, including object detection,
meshes. Te basis of this method is the generation of re- medical imaging, face detection, action, and activity de-
gional geodesic polar coordinates utilizing a technique that tection, human pose detection, network detection, and
may have been used for fundamental shape context pedestrian trajectory. Tese applications are stated along
descriptors [90]. with their specifc employments.
ACNN translates heat kernels as a regional weighted
function and builds the patch operator as follows [25]:
3.2.6. Comparative Analysis of Described Models. Table 1
􏽒X hαθ1 (x, y)f(y)dy provides a comparative analysis of described models in
Dα (x)f􏼁(θ, t) � ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞, (41)
􏽒X hαθ1 (x, y)dy terms of numerical values, novelty, and their limitations,
which is sorted according to the proposed year. Initially,
and for some anisotropy level, α > 1. hαθ1 (x, y) is the an- ShapeNet [78] was proposed in 2015 in the feld of non-
isotropic heat kernel that indicates the quantity of heat Euclidean geometry which was successful in terms of gen-
transmitted at the period t from the point x to the point eralizing CNN to learn specifc features. However, it is only
y [25]. limited to mesh features. With continuous improvements, in
Convolution [25] can be described as the same year, MVCNN [33] was proposed which is compact
and efcient with improved accuracy. However, the 3D
(f ∗ b)(x) � 􏽚 b(θ, t) Dα (x)f􏼁(θ, t)dt dθ. (42) descriptor is untested. Later on, in 2017, TGNet [85]
changed the linear convolution of CNN in the feature map,
Te major curvature direction is primarily used as the but its TGConv has a very narrow dynamic range. In 2017,
reference θ � 0 in ACNN’s creation. Te most potential MoNet [69] was proposed to ensemble the CNN model, but
future work path is the use of ACNN to graph learning. this method does not follow segmentation and weighted
GCNN and ACNN approaches work in spatial domains; categorical cross-entropy outcomes.
avoiding the limitations of standard spectral approaches In the next year, SplineCNN [70] was proposed which
with varied domains, these techniques have proven to be uses trainable continuous kernel functions and B-spline
more successful than traditional hand-crafted methods in values to extract local features. However, its global behav-
locating deformable shapes. ior becomes worse along the large geodesic error. In 2019,
Convolutional neural networks are generalized to non- CayleyNet [28] was proposed, which specializes in small
Euclidean domains in the proposed model, which enables frequency bands with few flter parameters while main-
deep learning on geometric data. Te work, which is cur- taining spatial localization. However, its bidirectional line
rently the most generic intrinsic CNN model, continues the cost is more, and the routing method is more sophisticated.
very recent trend of applying machine-learning techniques In this continuation, CurvaNet [63] proposed in 2020 for
to computer graphics and geometry processing applications. a U-Net-like hierarchical structure is shown to exploit
Te provided models are fairly efcient and benefcial for multiscale curvature characteristics but does not have
a variety of reasons; therefore, their results and analyses are structural regularization such as segment class topology. In
quite valuable for surveying their efcacy on various data- this succession, MDGCN [42] initiated in 2020 utilizes
sets. Te accuracy and error of the previously stated models dynamic graphs that are gradually refned and can accurately
are summarized in Table 1 together with their related encode the inherent similarities between image regions.
datasets. LSTM is used which requires high computational cost. Te
A second perspective was studied, based on the Scopus introduced GC unit has lower-order approximations of
string TITLE-ABS-KEY (geometric AND deep AND spectral graph convolution.
learning, OR graph, OR manifold) AND (LIMIT-TO Again in 2020, ACSCNN [30] ofers anisotropic con-
(PUBSTAGE, “fnal”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2022) volution enabling a more thorough capture of the intrinsic
OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2021) OR LIMIT-TO (PUB- local information of signals. However, the model needs
YEAR, 2020) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2019) OR LIM- shape segmentation and classifcation. In 2021, MongeNet
IT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2018) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2017) [87] was proposed. Te gap between the target point cloud
OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2016) OR LIMIT-TO (PUB- and the sample point cloud from the mesh shrunk more
YEAR, 2015)) AND (LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA, “COMP”)) quickly. So, at a given optimization time, the input point
AND (LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Deep Learning”) cloud was represented more accurately. However, it is
OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Geometry”) OR a costly and time-consuming computation. Tis year, UV-
LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Deep Neural Networks”) Net [31] utilizes existing image and graph convolutional
OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Convolution”) OR neural networks and can operate on B-rep data. However,
LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Convolutional Neural the model did not use the B-rep curve and surface types, edge
Networks”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, “Com- convexity, half-edge ordering, etc. Moreover, UV-grid fea-
puter Vision”) OR LIMIT-TO (EXACTKEYWORD, tures do not rotate.
Table 1: Performance summary of the described models with their corresponding datasets as well as their limitations and complexity.
Architectures Year Category Datasets Result (accuracy) Novelty Limitations
FAUST [91] 4.04 (EER %) Suggests generalizing CNN to
Experiments were limited to
ShapeNet [78] 2015 Voxel-based SCAPE [92] 3.34 (EER %) learn hierarchical task-specifc
meshes only
TOSCA [93] 5.61 (EER %) features
Compactness, efciency, and Building compact and
ModelNet40 [94] 90.1% improved accuracy are attained discriminative 3D descriptors is
MVCNN [33] 2015 Multiview-based by creating descriptors that are untested
aggregations of data from
SketchClean [95] 87.2% Time-consuming, large datasets
many viewpoints
ScanNet [96] 62.2%
International Journal of Intelligent Systems

88.5 (OA) Changing CNNs’ linear Multiobject linked area labeling

S3DIS [97]
TGNet [85] 2017 Point cloud-based 57.8(mIoU) convolutional feature map failure, mostly due to the
96.97 (OA) combination TGConv’s narrow dynamic range
Paris-Lille-3D [98]
68.17 (mIoU)
MNIST [99] 95.05%
CORA [100] 81.69 ± 0.48% Tis method underestimates
Spatial graph Graph PubMed Te ensemble CNN model segmentation, and weighted
MoNet [69] 2017 78.81 ± 0.44%
convolution [101] combines two CNNs categorical cross-entropy
0 cm error (at 90% points) improves outcomes
FAUST [91]
4 cm error (at 99% points)
Grid 99.22 % Using a trainable continuous Global behavior worsens with
MNIST [99]
SplineCNN Spatial graph Superpixels 95.22 % kernel function and B-spline larger geodesic error bounds.
[70] convolution control values combines local Geodesic misclassifcations are
CORA [100] 89.48 ± 0.31%
spatial information infrequent
MNIST [99] 99.18 % Specializes in small frequency
Bidirectional lines cost more, and
CayleyNets Spectral graph CORA [100] (standard) 81.0 ± 0.5% bands with few flter
2019 the routing method is more
[28] convolution parameters while maintaining
CORA [100] (extended) 88.09 ± 0.6% sophisticated
spatial localization
SCAPE [92] 0.875
FAUST [91] 0.952
MIT 0.911 U-Net-like hierarchical
CurvaNet Spectral graph Adobe fuse 0.943 structure is shown to exploit No structural regularization such
[63] convolution All datasets 0.934 multiscale curvature as segment class topology
Human 0.876 characteristics
PSB Teddy 0.904
Fish 0.931
Table 1: Continued.

Architectures Year Category Datasets Result (accuracy) Novelty Limitations

OA93.47 ± 0.38 %
Indian Pines
AA96.24 ± 0.21 %
92.55 ± 0.43 % Utilizes dynamic graphs that LSTM is used which requires high
OA95.68 ± 0.22 % are gradually refned and can computational cost. Te
Te University
MDGCN [42] 2020 Spectral-spatial-based AA93.15 ± 0.28 % accurately encode the inherent introduced GC unit has
of Pavia [103]
94.25 ± 0.29 % similarities between image lower-order approximations of
OA99.79 ± 0.01 % regions spectral graph convolution
Kennedy Space
AA99.61 ± 0.02 %
Center [104]
99.77 ± 0.01 %
98.06% (geodesic distance � 0) Provided anisotropic
99.26% (geodesic distance � 0.01) convolution enables a more
ACSCNN Spectral graph Te model needs shape
2020 FAUST [91] 99.56% (geodesic distance � 0) thorough capture of the
[30] convolution segmentation and classifcation
1 intrinsic local information of
99.87% (geodesic distance � 0.01)
MongeNet Te gap between the target point cloud and the sample point cloud from the mesh shrunk more quickly. Costly and time-consuming
2021 Point cloud-based
[87] So, at a given optimization time, the input point cloud was represented more accurately computations
Machining feature [105] 99.94 ± 0.00%
Solid model
FabWave [106] 94.51 ± 0.10%
classifcation Utilizes existing image and Te model did not use the B-rep
SolidLetters 97.24 ± 0.10%
Spectral graph graph convolutional neural curve and surface types, edge
UV-Net [31] 2021 99.95 ± 0.02 %
convolution MFCAD [107] networks and can operate on convexity, half-edge ordering, etc.
(Per-face) Solid face
B-rep data UV-grid features do not rotate
88.87 ± 0.70 % segmentation
ABC [108]
EER � equal error rate; mIoU � mean intersection over union; OA � overall accuracy; AA � average accuracy; Kappa � Kappa coefcient; geodesic distance � shortest path between the vertices. FAUST [91] includes
300 high-resolution scans of 10 human participants in 30 positions and is used for 3D mesh reconstruction, shape analysis, virtual try-on, animation, and gaming. SCAPE [92]: the dataset contains 71 registered
meshes of a particular person in diferent poses and is used for 3D mesh reconstruction, shape analysis, virtual try-on, animation, and gaming. TOSCA [93]: TOSCA (the object shape capture archive) is a repository
of 3D scanned models of real-world objects and used for shape analysis, 3D object reconstruction, and deformation analysis. ScanNet [96]: it contains high-resolution 3D scans of over 1,500 indoor spaces and is
used for scene understanding, 3D reconstruction, robotics, and virtual reality. S3DIS [97]: the dataset includes 6 large-scale indoor areas and is used for scene segmentation, object detection and recognition, and
robotics. Paris-Lille-3D [97] is a large-scale dataset of dense point clouds representing urban environments in France. Te dataset contains over 2 billion points, with a point density of approximately 20 points per
square meter, and is used for urban planning, autonomous driving, object detection and recognition, and environmental monitoring. MINST [99] includes a total of 70,000 grayscale images of handwritten digits
from zero to nine, each of which is 28 × 28 pixels in size, and is used for digit recognition and data augmentation. CORA: the dataset includes a total of 2,708 research papers in the feld of computer science, each of
which is represented by a bag-of-words vector of its abstract, and is used for citation network analysis, link prediction, text classifcation, and graph convolutional networks. PubMed [101]: the dataset includes
information on over 32 million articles and is used for literature review, text mining, natural language processing, and biomedical informatics. PSB: the dataset consists of a set of protein structures and associated
information that is used to evaluate and compare methods for predicting protein structure and function. Machining feature [105]: a synthetic labeled, balanced dataset representing machining features such as
chamfers and circular end pockets applied to a cube. FabWave [106]: a small labeled, imbalanced collection of 5,373 3D shapes split into 52 mechanical part classes, such as brackets, gears, and o-rings. MFCAD
[107]: a synthetic segmentation dataset of 15,488 3D shapes, similar to the machining feature dataset, but with multiple machining features. SolidLetters consists of 96 k 3D shapes generated by randomly extruding
and flleting the 26 alphabets (a–z) to form class categories across 2002 style categories from fonts. ABC [108]: a real-world collection of millions of 3D shapes. Te dataset is unlabeled and imbalanced and has many
duplicates. ModelNet40 [94]: the dataset contains 12,311 CAD models of 40 diferent object categories and is used for object recognition, 3D recognition, and shape analysis. SketchClean [95] contains 160
categories, on which humans can achieve 93% recognition accuracy, and is used for sketch recognition, sketch synthesis, and human-computer interaction. Indian Pines [102]: it consists of 145 × 145 pixels with
a spatial resolution of 20 m × 20 m, has 220 spectral channels covering the range from 0.4 to 2.5 μm, and is used for remote sensing, environmental monitoring, and agricultural analysis. University of Pavia [103]:
the dataset captured Pavia University in Italy with the ROSIS sensor in 2001. It consists of 610 × 340 pixels with a spatial resolution of 1.3 m × 1.3 m, has 103 spectral channels in the wavelength range from 0.43 to
0.86 μm after removing noisy bands, and is used for urban analysis and remote sensing. Kennedy Space Center [104]: the Kennedy Space Center dataset was taken by the AVIRIS sensor in Florida with a spectral
coverage ranging from 0.4 to 2.5 μm. Tis dataset contains 224 bands and 614 × 512 pixels with a spatial resolution of 18 m and is used for remote sensing and space exploration.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Table 2: Various applications of computer visions based on geometric deep learning.
Applications References Employment
[109] Salient object detection
[110] Agile formation control of drone focking
[111] Online semantic mapping system
[112] Nonlinear estimation in robotics and vision
[113] Degree of disease in citrus fruits
[114] Network model suitable for indoor mobile robots
[115] 3D object detection using point clouds
[116] Detecting visual relations and scene parsing
[117] Detecting 3D objects from noisy point clouds
Object detection
[118] Robust label propagation for saliency detection
[119] Weakly supervised object detection
[120] Detection of distinct objects like seed selection
[121] Segmentation of rivers for autonomous surface vehicles
International Journal of Intelligent Systems

[122] 3D scene perception

[123] City object detection from airborne LiDAR data
[124] Nonmaximal suppression product detection on the shelf
[125] LiDAR-based three-dimensional mapping in urban environments
[126] 3D multiobject tracking in point clouds
[127] Topic scene graphs for image captioning
[128] Text-based visual question answering
[129] Single-image 3D reconstruction
2D image processing
[130] Laser-based surface damage detection and quantifcation
[131] Smooth manifold triangulation
[132] Deep virtual stereo odometry
[133] Enhanced discriminative broad learning system
[134] Spectral-spatial clustering of hyperspectral image
[135] Geometric knowledge embedding
Hyperspectral imaginary
[136] Hyperspectral and multispectral image fusion
[137] Hyperspectral unmixing
[138] Remote sensing image scene graph generation
[139] Brain graph synthesis
[140] Personalized brain-computer interfaces
[141] Estimating connectional brain templates
[142] Postmenstrual age prediction based on the neonatal white matter cortical surface
[143] Detecting brain state changes
[144] Predicting isomorphic brain graph
Medical imaging [145] Detecting and forecasting spatiotemporal anomalies
[146] Large lung motion in COPD patients
[147] Data-driven personalized cervical cancer risk prediction
[148] Potential drug-virus interactions against SARS-CoV-2
[149] Epileptic seizure prediction using scalp EEG signals
[150] Human connectome project multimodal cortical parcellation
[151] Intelligent health state diagnosis
Table 2: Continued.

Applications References Employment

[152] Skin lesion segmentation from dermoscopic images
[153] Learning to cluster faces
[154] Facial expression recognition method for identifying and recording emotion
[155] Occluded face detection
[156] Face anonymization with pose preservation
[157] Consumer afect recognition using thermal facial ROIs
[158] Criminal person recognition
Face recognition [159] Facial action unit detection
[160] Masked face detection
[161] Drunkenness face detection
[162] Face detection and recognition
[163] Driver drowsiness detection
[164] Large-scale face clustering
[165] Detection of facial action units
[166] Facial expression recognition
[167] Multiactor activity detection
[168] One-shot video graph generation
[169] Online graph depictions for tracking multiple 3D objects
[170] Event stream classifcation
[171] LiDAR-based 3D video object detection
[172] Salient superpixel visual tracking
[173] Video event recognition and elaboration from the bottom up
Action and activity recognition [174] Multiobject tracking with embedded particle fow
[175] Video scene graph generation
[176] Video action detection
[177] Multiobject tracking in autodriving
[178, 179] Skeleton-based action recognition
[180] Video distinct object recognition by extraction of robust seeds
[181] Video saliency detection
[182] Close-to-real-time tracking in congested scenes
[183] Human-object interaction detection
[184] Railway driver behavior recognition system
[185] Framework for object identifcation based on human local attributes
[186] Human object interaction detection
Human pose detection [187] Online top-down human pose tracking
[188] Multiperson pose grouping
[189] Behavior of the human body
[190] Pose recognition algorithm for sports players
[191] Interactive reasoning for human-object interaction detection
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Table 2: Continued.
Applications References Employment
International Journal of Intelligent Systems

[192] Detection of botnets in IoT networks

[193] Optical fow trafc management using augmented detection
[194] Trajectory-user linking via graph neural network
[195] Message passing network for dense captioning
[196] Change detection in noisy dynamic networks
Network detection
[197] Analyzing heterogeneous data from social networks
[198] Phishing detection on Ethereum
[199] Fake news detection
[200] Anomaly detection in dynamic networks
[201] Adversary situation awareness
[202] Pedestrian detection
[203] Obstruction to pedestrian detection
Pedestrian trajectory
[204] Pedestrian trajectory prediction in public buildings
[205] Pedestrian movements near an amenity in walkways of public buildings
24 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

591 31

300 890
174 Conference Paper
200 1126
14 42
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Figure 13: Graph shows documents published by year (till 2022), and charts show published documents by type.

4. Future Prospects and Challenges Various usages and challenges are illustrated in Fig-
ure 14. As challenges tend to be resolved, our future will
Tese models are meant to deal with data that cannot be progress toward these advanced applications. Key points of
conveniently represented in the Euclidean space and have challenges are visualized and explained as follows:
shown exceptional performance in tasks like shape identi-
fcation, chemical design, and social network analysis. Tese (1) Computational Difculties. Despite the success of
non-Euclidean deep-learning models have several promising GNN in several disciplines, the high cost of com-
applications, including computer vision, robotics, natural puting remains a challenge for academics and ap-
language processing, and drug discovery. As a result, the plications. A DNN includes a high set of variables,
future scope of non-Euclidean deep-learning models is very which makes testing and training stages computa-
promising, and the research area is expanding in this feld at tionally costly. It requires higher hardware computer
an impressive rate. In addition to computer vision, it has resources like GPUs. GNN exhibits the same char-
already been used in applications such as AI pathfnding, 3D acteristics. In addition, computation is difcult due
mapping, medical diagnostics, molecular analysis, VR-based to the complex relationship among graph nodes as
applications, and even big data classifcation. well as the nongrid structure. In contrast, the great
Te extracted data by the string are plotted as “Docu- majority of existing deep-learning systems deal with
ment Published by Year” and “Documents by Type” in the normalized datasets in the Euclidean space, such as
following graphs and pie chart in Figure 13. a 1D or 2D grid, which may make use of the strong
Te bar graph gives information about documents processing capacity of contemporary GPUs. In most
published by year (till 2022). According to the graph, it can instances, however, geometric data may not have
be seen that the number of publications started to increase a grid-like structure, necessitating other approaches
from 2015 to 2021. In 2015, there were 14 documents for efcient and sophisticated computing. Terefore,
published. Ten, 42 were published in 2016 (an increased accelerating graph neural network performance is
121%), 91 were published in 2017 (an increased 116%), 174 a pressing demand.
were published in 2018 (an increased 91%), 349 were (2) Complex Architecture. Concerning the issue of Eu-
published in 2019 (an increased 100%), and 498 were clidean data, the CNN architecture has achieved
published in 2020 (an increased 42%). It was highest in 2021 remarkable progress in the area of deep learning. Te
when the document published the most, 591 published (an model gets more sophisticated as the number of
increased 18%). 311 documents were published till the frst network levels grows. Empirically, neural networks
half of 2022. with more variables have the potential to perform
From the pie chart, it is clear that conference paper is well. However, stacked multilayered GNNS will
published at the highest rate at 1126, and 890 articles were exacerbate the smoothness issue. Te nodes in
published in the document. However, the review rate is too a graph are connected to their surroundings, as well
poorer than the article and conference paper. Tere are as the graph function in a network is a stream of data
a total of 31 reviews. In 100% of the pie chart, the total type of dispersion and consolidation. Te more layers that
documents published is as follows: conference paper 55% are stacked, the more data from nodes will be in-
(1126) + article 43% (890) + review 1.5% (31) � 100% (2047). tegrated, resulting in an identical picture for all
By evaluating the statistical future, it may be concluded nodes. Consequently, each vertex will fall to the same
that demand for geometrically based deep learning will value. For instance, the majority of complex GCN
increase. However, it leads us to newer challenges and architectures include little or more than three or four
difculties day after day. Some difculties are solved, and layers. Te study [206] sought to use a more so-
more of these are just ahead of us. phisticated network architecture; however, its
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 25

Challenges complicated data, such as graphs and manifolds, is made

easier using this geometric deep learning. Here, this paper
explores the feld of deep learning for manifolds and graphs
at length. An in-depth look at the history, context, state-of-
the-art and efcient mathematical deep-learning models,
performance analysis, and pros and cons of deep networks
used in computer vision on graphs and manifolds is pre-
sented in this paper. In addition, it is expensive and requires
signifcant resources to deploy. Moreover, dynamic graphs
and shapes demand a sophisticated real-time system, al-
though it needs a great deal of more development for ev-
eryday usage. At this rate, however, it is reasonable to
anticipate a more widely available advanced model for
a variety of challenging classifcation tasks.

Future Abbreviations
Px , Py , Pz : Single points of point cloud P
Figure 14: Challenges and scopes of non-Euclidean deep learning. ĝ: Fourier transform
∆X g(x): Laplace–Beltrami operator
R: Reference point
efcacy is insufcient. Nonetheless, in 2019, g: Inverse Fourier transform
DeepGCNs [207] were able to construct a 56-layer M2 (X): Manifold
network by leveraging the concepts of residual r: Distance between two locations
connections as well as dilated convolutions. Building f: Smooth function of manifolds
a neural network based on a deep graph is an in- Ln (c): Chebyshev polynomial
teresting yet difcult challenge. θ: Te angle between the axes
(3) Unpredictable Graph. Most known techniques are df(x): Closest neighbor points
used to edit static graphs, and many datasets are also ĥ(c): Filter
static, though many graphs change over time. In H(t): B-spline curve
social media platforms, the reduction of existing gv,z (λ): Cayley polynomial
users and the addition of new users may occur at any α: Anisotropy level
time, as well as the relationship among members can Si,d : Knot vectors
vary considerably. Te question of how to adequately Gf : Cayley flter for f signal
describe the development of dynamic graphs is n(i): Node features
unresolved, which has some impact on the appli- P(t): Control points
cability of graph neural networks. Tere are several gv (h): Hidden node features
eforts to resolve this issue such as [208–210]. Bp : Product of basic functions
(4) Scalability. It is a challenging challenge to apply fs : Regularization
graph neural networks on huge graphs. On the one α(h) : Multilayer perceptron
side, each node seems to have its neighborhood l(∅): Minimized loss
topology, which includes the hidden layer of sur- λ: Error coefcient
rounding nodes, making it challenging to train using e(h) : Diferentiate center nodes and neighbors
the batch technique [39]. In contrast, while dealing T± : Set of layers
with millions of nodes and edges, the Laplacian V: Vertices
matrix of the network was challenging to compute U: Eigenvector matrix
for researchers. Tere are additional approaches to ‖pi − qj ‖: Space between feature vectors
increase the performance of the model by quick E: Edges
sampling [211, 212] and subgraph training [213, 214] lθ : Linear projection
although the results are not particularly impressive. rx , ry : Image descriptors
G (V, E): Graph function
5. Conclusion β(h) : MLP (2 layers)
S: Neighbor set vertex
Even while deep learning has traditionally relied on Eu- L: Laplacian matrix
clidean geometry, the modern era’s complex structural ge- σ: Nonlinear activation function
ometry demands the use of non-Euclidean geometry. Te (ρ, θ): Neighbor polar coordinates
current world is aiming to include this non-Euclidean ge- D: Degree matrix
ometry in these deep-learning methods to satisfy the need C: Feature matrix of curvature
for 3D complex structure analysis. Learning from vρ (x, x′ ): Interpolation weight
26 International Journal of Intelligent Systems

adversarial object,” in Proceedings of the 2022 2nd In-

A: Adjacency matrix ternational Conference on Digital Futures and Trans-
k: Interval number formative Technologies, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, May 2022.
(D(x)f): Mapping function [12] S. Srhar, A. Arshad, and A. Raza, “Protien-DNA binding
∧: Eigenvalue matrix sites Prediction,” in Proceedings of the 4th International
m: Maximum number Conference on Innovative Computing ICIC, Lahore, Pakistan,
hαθ1 (x, y): Anisotropic heat kernel. November 2021.
[13] M. A. Seif, R. Umeda, and H. Higa, “An attempt to control
Data Availability a 3D object in medical training system using leap motion,” in
Proceedings of the ICIIBMS 2017 2nd International Confer-
Te data that support the fndings of this study are available ence on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences,
on request from the corresponding author. Okinawa, Japan, November 2017.
[14] M. J. Blanchard, M. Reisch, and V. M. Yepes, “Swing: 2D and
3D animation in virtual reality,” in Proceedings of the 2021
Conflicts of Interest IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Lisbon, Portugal, March
Te authors declare that they have no conficts of interest.
[15] M. M. Bronstein, J. Bruna, Y. Lecun, A. Szlam, and
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