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Hosting of G-20 summit by India :- an indicator of emergence of a superpower or just another
international conference ??

The hosting of G20 leaders Summit, was a remarkable event, and its theme “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam-
one Earth, one Family ,one Future” appropriately reflects India’s world view of taking everyone together
rather than relation of dominance over others.

The beginning of the summit was made even more auspicious by the successful soft landing of
chnadrayan mission-3 at the South Pole of moon, making India, the first country to send a rover to lunar
South Pole.

The summit was an opportunity for India to show the world ,its fastest growing economy among the large
ones(which recently surpassed UK to become 5th largest economy and would be third largest by 2030)

Being the most populated country in the world means the largest consumer base in the world without
which no major MNC can be successful.

A super power refers to someone not just doing well at home but also exercising a predominant influence
internationally. African Union’s permanent inclusion to G20 by India shows the quality of India of being a
responsible leader as it is making the world more inclusive by giving voice to those who were left behind
the rest of the world. This also aligns with “Antydoya” philosophy of Gandhiji which is about the rise of the
underprivileged one.
India being the largest democracy in the world ,and headed by a woman president along with recent
reservation for women in Lok Sabha shows the vision of gender equality which is crucial for any
superpower to address in the world

Today, climate change has become the most critical threat to everyone. So nobody can claim to be a
superpower without commitment to the cause of climate change and this was well reflected when India
initiated the creation of Global Biofuel Alliance at the summit.

For a world to look upto a superpower’s culture , it should first itself take pride in it .India’s showcasing of its
cultural heritage through G20 for example, the venue was called Bharat Mandapam with the Konark
Chakra of Odisha’s Sun Temple in the backdrop.

However, there are certain voices that it was overhyped or its success was overrated.

The presidency of G20 is rotational that means it rotates every year among all its members. So anyway all
the members have to conduct the summit at some point of time and it doesn’t happen because of a
country’s success.

The Russian leader did not attend the summit which made any meaningful resolution of Russia and
Ukraine war impossible affecting India’s image as a world leader showing we still don’t exercise
significant influence over world geopolitics.
Absence of a strong neighbouring country ,China, shows our poor relations with our neighbours which
can be an obstacle in our worldwide acceptance of a leader.

Even the successful term of G-20 presidency didn’t assure India of a permanent seat at United Nations
Security Council, without which it can’t take any strategic decision.

Our G-20 presidency also highlighted rising income inequalities in India especially after pandemic
(“K-shape” growth)which makes us vulnerable to international criticism .

The New Delhi Declaration of G-20 summit is not enough , but for its success ,the implementation by
the individual countries is the key, if thats not done, the entire summit may be a futile exercise.

Nonetheless , the G-20 presidency gave India the platform to show to the world that in 75 years of its
independence , it has moved on from being a country affected by colonial mindset to the one which
dreams of leading the world .

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