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Open access Original research

Collaborative care model for depression

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
in rural Nepal: a mixed-­methods
implementation research study
Pragya Rimal ‍ ‍,1,2 Nandini Choudhury,3,4 Pawan Agrawal,1 Madhur Basnet,1,5
Bhavendra Bohara,1 David Citrin,4,6 Santosh Kumar Dhungana,7 Bikash Gauchan,1
Priyanka Gupta,1 Tula Krishna Gupta,1 Scott Halliday,4,8 Bharat Kadayat,1
Ramesh Mahar,1 Duncan Maru ‍ ‍,3,4 Viet Nguyen,9,10 Sanjaya Poudel,1
Anant Raut,3,4 Janaki Rawal,1 Sabitri Sapkota,2,3 Dan Schwarz,4,11
Ryan Schwarz,4,11 Srijana Shrestha,4,12 Sikhar Swar,1 Aradhana Thapa,2
Poshan Thapa,13 Rebecca White,1 Bibhav Acharya4,14

To cite: Rimal P, Choudhury N, ABSTRACT

Agrawal P, et al. Collaborative Strengths and limitations of this study
Introduction Despite carrying a disproportionately high
care model for depression burden of depression, patients in low-­income countries
in rural Nepal: a mixed-­ ►► We used the Capability Opportunity Motivation-­
lack access to effective care. The collaborative care model
methods implementation Behaviour implementation research framework
(CoCM) has robust evidence for clinical effectiveness in
research study. BMJ Open to adapt and study the collaborative care model
2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/ improving mental health outcomes. However, evidence
(CoCM) for mental health in a real-­world setting in
bmjopen-2020-048481 from real-­world implementation of CoCM is necessary to
rural Nepal.
inform its expansion in low-­resource settings.
►► Prepublication history and ►► We employed a mixed-­methods design to study the
Methods We conducted a 2-­year mixed-­methods study
additional supplemental material implementation of the adapted intervention, quali-
to assess the implementation and clinical impact of CoCM
for this paper are available tatively assess its impact on primary care provider
using the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme
online. To view these files, behaviours to screen, diagnose and treat mental
please visit the journal online. protocols in a primary care clinic in rural Nepal. We used
illness, and measured clinical outcomes among pa-
(http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ the Capability Opportunity Motivation-­Behaviour (COM-­B)
tients with depression.
bmjopen-​2020-​048481). implementation research framework to adapt and study ►► Because the effectiveness of CoCM was already
the intervention. To assess implementation factors, we well established through at least 79 randomised
PR and NC contributed equally. qualitatively studied the impact on providers’ behaviour controlled trials, this study focused on studying
to screen, diagnose and treat mental illness. To assess implementation factors rather than establishing ef-
PR and NC are joint first authors.
clinical impact, we followed a cohort of 201 patients fectiveness at a single site and did not have a com-
Received 30 December 2020 with moderate to severe depression and determined parison arm.
Accepted 03 August 2021 the proportion of patients who had a substantial clinical
response (defined as ≥50% decrease from baseline
scores of Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) to measure
depression) by the end of the study period. INTRODUCTION
Results Providers experienced improved capability Globally, over 322 million people suffer
(enhanced self-­efficacy and knowledge), greater from depression, and depressive disorders
opportunity (via access to counsellors, psychiatrist, are the largest contributor to years lived
medications and diagnostic tests) and increased with disability.1 Despite the disproportion-
motivation (developing positive attitudes towards people
ately high burden of depression, patients in
with mental illness and seeing patients improve) to provide
income and middle-­ income countries
mental healthcare. We observed substantial clinical
response in 99 (49%; 95% CI: 42% to 56%) of the 201 (LMICs) lack access to adequate mental
cohort patients, with a median seven point (Q1:−9, Q3:−2) healthcare. In LMICs, access is impeded
© Author(s) (or their decrease in PHQ-9 scores (p<0.0001). by both the inequitable concentration of
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use
Conclusion Using the COM-­B framework, we successfully specialised psychiatric care in urban centres
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
commercial re-­use. See rights adapted and implemented CoCM in rural Nepal, and found with greater resources, and limited capacity
and permissions. Published by that it enhanced providers’ positive perceptions of and among non-­ specialists to provide mental
BMJ. engagement in delivering mental healthcare. We observed healthcare.2 Since the need for mental health
For numbered affiliations see clinical improvement of depression comparable to services outweighs the capacity and number
end of article. controlled trials in high-­resource settings. We recommend of existing specialists, shifting psychiatrists
using implementation research to adapt and evaluate to rural areas does not address the popula-
Correspondence to CoCM in other resource-­constrained settings to help
Pragya Rimal; tion burden of mental illness. Interventions
expand access to high-­quality mental healthcare.
​pragya@​possiblehealth.​org must expand the healthcare system’s capacity

Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
to serve more patients in both urban and rural settings. METHODS
The WHO has attempted to address this challenge via Study site
the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP), We conducted this study at the primary care clinic in a
which includes evidence-­ based mental health inter- government-­ owned, district-­
level hospital in Achham,
vention guidelines for primary care providers (PCPs).3 one of Nepal’s poorest regions.11 Because of the weak
Despite the availability of such guidelines, PCPs are often local economy, an estimated 50% of families have at least
ill-­equipped to deliver mental health services, exacer- one member working abroad.12 Since 2008, Nyaya Health
bating a 76%–85% treatment gap for patients with severe Nepal (NHN), a non-­profit healthcare organisation has
mental illness in LMICs.4 managed the hospital through a public–private part-
The collaborative care model (CoCM) for mental nership with the Ministry of Health and Population of
healthcare is a rigorously tested approach that addresses Nepal, with support from a US-­based non-­profit Possible.
both the lack of specialists and high population burden The hospital sees over 100 000 outpatient visits annu-
of illness. Utilising PCPs and specialists in team-­based ally and is staffed by 15–20 PCPs, including physicians
and health assistants (healthcare workers with 3 years of
care through task-­ sharing, CoCM has been shown to
medical training).13 Healthcare staff use NepalEHR, an
improve both mental and physical health outcomes in a
integrated electronic health record (EHR) deployed by
review of 79 randomised controlled trials in high-­resource
NHN and Possible since 2015, to longitudinally document
settings.5–7 Given its demonstrated clinical effectiveness
and track patient care and outcomes.14 A trained cadre
in trials through enhancing non-­specialists’ capacity to
of community healthcare workers augments facility-­based
provide mental healthcare, CoCM can help address the care through home-­based follow-­up in the surrounding
large burden of mental illnesses in resource-­constrained catchment areas.15 Access to mental healthcare is limited
settings. However, there are limited data from imple- in this region, and the nearest psychiatrist is 14 hours
mentation research studies on CoCM outside the USA.8 away by road. This study was conducted in collaboration
Despite a clear need for evidence to inform the scale-­up between NHN and Possible.
of effective interventions, to our knowledge, no prior
study has used an established implementation research CoCM intervention
framework to adapt and study CoCM in LMICs. CoCM is a well-­ established, team-­ based, task-­
In Nepal, there is a pressing need to address the intervention designed to provide mental healthcare at a
mental healthcare access gap in rural, resource-­ population level.6 16 In this model, PCPs and behavioural
constrained areas. Although the Government of Nepal health providers (eg, social workers or counsellors) at a
committed to integrating mental health services into the primary care clinic evaluate patients and develop a shared
primary care system through a national mental health treatment plan. CoCM employs proactive consultation,
policy in 1997, its implementation has faced numerous where a consultant psychiatrist reviews treatment plans
hurdles.9 The country’s fewer than 100 psychiatrists for a panel of patients. The psychiatrist rarely provides
remain concentrated in urban areas, while fewer than 10 direct patient care but supports the primary care team to
of 75 district hospitals offer mental health services that ensure that patients receive high-­quality, evidence-­based
are largely limited to dispensing psychotropic medica- care. Counsellors track patients’ treatment plans in a
tions.9 In our prior study, PCPs in rural Nepal reported registry and regularly discuss challenges and treatment-­
limited training, experience and self-­efficacy in treating resistant cases with the psychiatrist.6
mental illness.2 They expressed a lack of capability (eg,
limited psychiatric training in medical schools), oppor- Adaptations to CoCM for this study
Most of the prior evidence for CoCM came from high-­
tunity (eg, no access to consult specialists or counsel-
income countries. Meanwhile, several challenges need to
lors for treatment planning) or motivation (eg, many
be addressed in order to successfully implement CoCM
believed treating mentally ill patients was not part of
in LMICs.17 We sought to adapt and assess CoCM in a
their job) to provide care.2 If PCPs lack the capability,
‘real-­world’ setting in rural Nepal. Based on our forma-
opportunity or motivation to deliver mental health-
tive study at the research site, we used COM-­B, an imple-
care, the mental health treatment gap will persist. To mentation research framework based on the premise that
address these challenges, we used the Capability Oppor- capability, opportunity and motivation are the key factors
tunity Motivation-­Behaviour (COM-­B) implementation that affect behaviour.10 We designed a set of implementa-
research framework to adapt, implement and study tion adaptations to enhance these COM-­B components
CoCM to equip PCPs to deliver mental healthcare using to encourage the PCPs’ target behaviours to conduct the
mhGAP protocols at a primary care site in rural Nepal.10 clinical tasks needed to deliver high-­quality mental health
Here, we present findings from a mixed-­methods imple- services under CoCM: screening, diagnosis and treat-
mentation research study to assess the implementation ment.10 18 We provide a detailed description of the clinical
of the adapted CoCM, its impact on PCPs’ behaviour workflow in online supplemental file 1 and an illustration
to provide care and clinical outcomes for patients with of the pathway that patients take to access care in online
moderate to severe depression. supplemental file 2.

2 Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
We also adapted the human resources to ensure local mental healthcare as part of overall service delivery (eg,
feasibility. In CoCM studies in the USA, a social worker or treating depression to improve adherence to HIV medi-
other specialised behavioural health professional fulfils cations). The hospital’s medical director would engage in
the counsellor/care coordinator role.7 Such behavioural persuasion by reporting mental health screening rates in
health workers are rare or non-­existent in most LMICs. monthly announcements, and publicly stating their own
Therefore, we employed psychosocial counsellors with involvement and satisfaction in providing mental health-
3–6 months of training to conduct psychosocial evalua- care. We also planned to share each PCP’s screening and
tions and provide support using relaxation techniques, treatment rates confidentially with them to provide addi-
psychoeducation and basic psychotherapy.19 Further- tional persuasion to enhance motivation.
more, recruiting an onsite psychiatrist was infeasible and We gathered new data while implementing the study
not scalable because of resource constraints. We hired an and further modified the intervention based on our
off-­site psychiatrist who conducted remote panel reviews preliminary findings. Figure 1 in the Results section illus-
and visited the site quarterly to train the local team and trates the final version of the intervention using COM-­B.
directly evaluate complex cases.
Below, we describe the adaptations planned during
study inception using the COM-­B framework, based on a Study design
literature review and our formative studies.2 13 20 21 We employed a mixed-­methods design to study the imple-
1. To increase PCPs’ capability (ie, having the physical mentation of the adapted intervention, assess its impact on
and psychological capacity to engage in the target PCP behaviours to screen, diagnose and treat mental illness,
behaviours), we organised in-­person training sessions and measure clinical outcomes among patients with depres-
led by the consultant psychiatrist. Based on WHO’s sion.24 We employed key informant interviews (KIIs) to qual-
mhGAP protocols, these sought to develop PCPs’ in- itatively assess CoCM implementation and understand its
terpersonal skills to build rapport with patients, use impact on PCPs’ capability, opportunity and motivation to
screening tools, conduct psychiatric interviews and di- deliver mental healthcare. We shared preliminary results with
agnose and manage mental illness.3 We have separately PCPs to obtain suggestions and make further implementa-
reported the process and outcomes of this training.22 tion modifications to the intervention.
2. We sought to optimise the opportunity (ie, improve To study clinical outcomes, we measured PHQ-9 scores
the physical and social contexts that make the target for a cohort of patients who engaged in CoCM for at least
behaviours possible) for PCPs to provide high-­quality 12 weeks.5 We used the PHQ-9 since it has been cross-­
care. As in most LMICs, clinics have little privacy and culturally adapted and validated in Nepal and other
most clinic visits are only about 5 min long.23 This low-­resource settings as a provider-­administered scale.25
can severely restrict PCPs’ ability to maintain patient We assessed the clinical impact of the intervention by
confidentiality and conduct a full evaluation, includ- measuring the proportion of patients showing clinical
ing using mental health assessment tools (eg, PHQ- response (using the commonly used definition of ≥50%
9). Therefore, we planned to train the counsellors to decrease from baseline PHQ-9 score).
support the PCPs through ensuring separate, private
rooms for counselling, and tracking workloads to en- Study participants
sure that counsellors would spend at least 30–45 min We interviewed the consultant psychiatrist and purpo-
per patient. We sought to enhance the social opportu- sively sampled 1–3 participants from each cadre of care
nity for PCPs to provide care by retaining a consultant providers (PCPs and counsellors) as key informants to
psychiatrist for weekly supervision and for emergency provide in-­ depth feedback on CoCM implementation
consultations during the week. Additional interven- and its impact on provider behaviours. To assess clinical
tions to enhance opportunity included ensuring the outcomes, we extracted deidentified EHR patient data
availability of necessary psychotropic medications in over the 2-­year study period (1 September 2016 to 31
the clinic’s formulary and building a reliable supply August 2018). Inclusion criteria were: (i) ≥15 years age
chain to the clinic’s in-­house pharmacy. (ii) receiving care through CoCM at the study site primary
3. To increase motivation among PCPs (ie, receiving immedi- care clinic and living in the hospital’s immediate catch-
ate and long-­term emotional satisfaction from engaging in ment area, (iii) assessed at least once with PHQ-9 during
the target behaviours), we provided training for situations the study period and (iv) having moderate or severe
that they had previously reported as being challenging. unipolar depression at baseline (ie, PHQ-9 score ≥10).
For example, in a formative study, many PCPs had re- Local stakeholders noted that universal screening was
ported frustration about not knowing how to support pa- infeasible and to facilitate real-­ world implementation,
tients who reported multiple somatic complaints without PCPs used clinical judgement based on the case descrip-
a clear physical cause.2 We hypothesised that providing tions in mhGAP protocols to decide which patients to
training on managing such cases would enhance PCPs’ screen for depression.3 We excluded patients diagnosed
motivation to provide care. Training sessions also incor- with bipolar affective disorder since its treatment is
porated conditions that might be considered high prior- different from that of unipolar depression. We included
ity by PCPs (eg, HIV) to demonstrate the importance of comorbid conditions (such as suicidality, substance use

Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Final version of the CoCM intervention designed to improve PCPs’ target behaviour of screening, diagnosing and
treating mental illness using the COM-­B implementation research framework.10CoCM, collaborative care model; COM-­B,
Capability Opportunity Motivation-­Behaviour; EHR, electronic health record; mhGAP, Mental Health Gap Action Programme;
PCPs, primary care providers; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire.

disorder, pregnancy or psychotic features and any general on patient responses. We computed total PHQ-9 scores by
medical problems), and had no other exclusion criteria. adding the numeric scores associated with the nine ques-
Patients needing hospitalisation for mental health condi- tions. For patient records with missing responses to one or
tions were offered this service at the study site’s inpatient more PHQ questions, we used aggregate, clinician-­entered
facilities. We required at least 12 weeks between patients’ ‘total PHQ-9’ scores instead. We also used EHR data to report
baseline and most recent PHQ-9 scores for inclusion in the on patient demographics, the number of patients assessed
analysis cohort. This provided sufficient time to initiate using the PHQ-9 tool and the proportion of patients with
medications, titrate them to a therapeutic dose and allow moderate to severe unipolar depression who were prescribed
the requisite 4–6 weeks for antidepressant effect. Figure 2 antidepressants.
summarises the enrolment of patients into the cohort.

Data collection Data analysis

PR conducted nine KIIs with the providers in Nepali to gain PR transcribed and translated audio recordings of KIIs
insights on: overall experience with the intervention, chal- from Nepali to English and analysed them using thematic
lenges in implementation, strategies to overcome challenges, analysis guided by the COM-­ B framework, while also
impact on their knowledge and attitudes and any additional coding other emergent themes.26 PR and BA discussed
feedback. Eight of these interviews were conducted privately themes until arriving at a consensus. To analyse clin-
in the clinic and one via a private videoconference. Addition- ical outcomes, we compared each patient’s most recent
ally, during the intervention period, PR conducted seven KIIs PHQ-9 score within the observation period (after at least
with the providers for ongoing feedback to assess and adapt 12 weeks from baseline) to their baseline PHQ-9 score.
the intervention’s implementation. We computed 95% CIs for the proportion of patients
We extracted deidentified patient data collected during demonstrating clinical response (ie, ≥50% reduction
routine care provision from the EHR to assess clinical from baseline). Since data were non-­ normally distrib-
outcomes. When entering patient data, counsellors clicked uted, we used the Wilcoxon signed-­rank test to assess the
on responses to the nine PHQ questions, each corresponding median PHQ-9 score change for patients. We used SAS
to a numeric score and entered a ‘total PHQ-9 score’ based software, V.9.4 for quantitative analyses.27

4 Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Now we can take care of them, we know how to talk to
them and the fear has decreased. (PCP 5)
According to the consultant psychiatrist, coaching the
PCPs was more important than didactic lectures during
on-­site training sessions in enhancing their capability:
We have two types of training—(a) classroom based…
and (b) coaching. Coaching is a unique approach in
our setting… my role is to encourage PCPs to evalu-
ate patients (instead of directly evaluating patients),
observe, guide, and provide feedback. (Psychiatrist)

Most participants observed that the team-­based approach
across clinicians increased opportunities to provide care
while improving their competency. One stated:
Before, we did not have counselors. There used to
be a single trained focal person who dealt with all
patients with mental illness. We also did not have
many patients at the (clinic). We did not know how
to provide high-­quality care either, now all that has
improved. (PCP 5)
When asked about their working relationship with the
psychiatrist, most PCPs found the psychiatrist accessible,
and the panel reviews helpful in instilling confidence
about the quality of care. According to one PCP:
The relationship is remote but good. We address
challenges and confusion in panel reviews. In case
of emergencies, we contact him via counselors on his
phone. He is readily available to support. (PCP 1)
Figure 2 Patient enrolment in study cohort.
According to the psychiatrist:

RESULTS Geographically, we are far but we try to turn on the

Intervention implementation and impact on provider videos whenever possible and that keeps us connect-
behaviour ed. (Psychiatrist)
We implemented CoCM at a large primary care clinic in Others preferred working in closer proximity with the
a district-­level hospital between February 2016 and May psychiatrist and noted challenges in remote consultation,
2018. Typically, 15 PCPs simultaneously see patients in the while acknowledging the resource constraints. The coun-
clinic but due to high turnover in the region, at least 93 sellors reported trying to maximise face-­ to-­face inter-
PCPs received the mental health training during the study action with the psychiatrist during on-­site visits. One of
period. The counsellors and psychiatrist did not turnover them shared:
during the study period. Panel reviews, where the offsite
psychiatrist reviewed cases with the primary care team, I wish we were working together (in person). There
were usually conducted weekly. Below, we summarise the are challenges with remote consultation, sometimes,
providers’ (five PCPs, one psychiatrist and three counsel- (phone and internet) connection is bad, the patient
lors) perspectives on the intervention’s impact on their flow at the (clinic) is high, and we have to reschedule
capability, opportunity and motivation to provide quality the panel reviews. (Counselor 2)
mental healthcare, supported with exemplary quotes. The consultant psychiatrist emphasised the team-­based
approach where research, clinical staff and counsellors
Capability contributed to shaping the programme and supporting
All PCPs reported improved clinical knowledge, self-­ its success:
efficacy and increased ability to identify and treat mental
The support from other teams has been substantial in
illness. One noted:
streamlining mental healthcare. From planning my
We had limited knowledge (about mental illness) on-­site visits, developing the training, presenting cas-
and were scared that those patients would harm us. es in panel reviews, increasing participation during

Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 5

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
panel reviews, constant monitoring, and feedback… struggled to accurately document and convey medical
(Psychiatrist) information such as recommended laboratory tests
(eg, check Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level) or
Motivation medication changes (eg, increase fluoxetine to 20 mg
All PCPs attributed a positive change in their attitude and provide 5-­day short course of clonazepam during
about providing care for patients with mental illness. A titration). Thereafter, we changed our recruitment
counsellor mentioned feeling motivated when patients strategy to employ counsellors with some medical
responded to treatment: background (eg, completion of a 3-­year medical pro-
gramme, similar to a physician’s assistant programme
Patients used to share how their conditions would not in the USA) in addition to psychosocial training, to en-
improve despite taking the many medicines bought hance collaboration with PCPs.
from (private, usually unlicensed medical person- 2. Designating a local mental health programme super-
nel). Affirmations from patients who never imagined visor: We noted that the research coordinator was be-
getting better with counseling motivate me. What we coming the primary go-­to person for all issues related
are doing for patients with mental illness is optimal. to mental healthcare delivery, threatening sustainabili-
(Counsellor 2) ty after the study period. The clinical team nominated
a senior onsite clinician to be the primary programme
Final intervention supervisor. This role entailed directly supervising the
We now describe the additional adaptations we made to counsellors, coordinating the psychiatrist’s visits, high-
the original intervention using COM-­B, based on qualita- lighting the programme’s success via internal team
tive data collected throughout its implementation. communication platforms, planning the training cur-
riculum and troubleshooting any challenges.
Capability 3. Process for emergency consultations with the psy-
1. Quarterly onsite visits: Onsite training sessions in- chiatrist: PCPs’ access to the psychiatrist for urgent
creased providers’ capability to identify and treat questions that could not wait until the weekly panel
mental illness. In trying to determine an appropriate review was an important consideration for enhancing
frequency for the consultant psychiatrist’s visits, we their opportunity. We introduced a process for such
found that quarterly, week-­long visits were most feasi- emergency consultations. PCPs and counsellors first
ble and effective. Per PCPs’ feedback, anything more discussed the case with the onsite mental health super-
frequent would be infeasible and less frequent would visor. If this team was unable to manage the case, the
impede continuity. Based on this, the psychiatrist con- counsellors would contact the psychiatrist via a desig-
ducted onsite quarterly trainings eight times (100% of nated telephone. This provided PCPs the opportunity
expected) during the study period. they requested without overwhelming the offsite psy-
2. Providing psychiatrist recommendations along with a chiatrist with numerous calls from unknown phone
rationale: After the counsellors conducted a panel re- numbers throughout the week.
view, they entered the psychiatrist’s recommendations
in the EHR. During CoCM implementation, PCPs sug- Motivation
gested that if the psychiatrist included the rationale 1. Orienting staff members to team-­ based care: Prior
behind each suggestion, they would be more likely to to the intervention, counsellors were not part of the
accept and incorporate it. For example, instead of sim- primary care system while PCPs independently pro-
ply saying, ‘increase fluoxetine to 40 mg daily’, a ratio- vided care without any coordination. During the early
nale such as ‘patient has been on 20 mg for 2 months implementation phase, PCPs were concerned about
and her PHQ-9 scores have not improved so we should collaborating with counsellors, who they perceived as
try a higher dose’ was preferable. Based on this feed- subordinates since counsellors do not prescribe med-
back, we edited the EHR template and the counsellors ications. Similarly, counsellors felt their contributions
began including the psychiatrist’s rationale alongside were unrecognised because they were not prescribers.
the recommendations. In subsequent KIIs, PCPs con- They also reported discomfort when sharing sugges-
firmed that this helped them identify specific content tions or disagreeing with the PCPs. Despite training
areas they needed to work on (eg, appropriate antide- clinicians about the team-­based approach in CoCM,
pressant titration schedule) and enhanced their mo- communication challenges and role-­confusion arose,
tivation to follow the psychiatrist’s recommendations. especially among new PCPs. These were exacerbated
by the high clinician turnover and use of the EHR as
Opportunity the primary communication and care coordination
1. Employing counsellors with prior medical training: tool. Initially, these factors negatively affected PCPs’
The counsellors we initially recruited had 3–6 months opportunity and motivation to provide care. To help
of psychosocial training, and two out of three had also establish counsellors as an integral part of the inter-
received medical training. We found that in weekly vention and facilitate face-­ to-­
face communication
panel reviews, the counsellor without medical training with PCPs, we initiated a dedicated mental health

6 Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
onboarding programme. This positioned existing
Table 2 Comparing characteristics of cohort patients to
counsellors to orient all new PCPs to CoCM, its work- other patients with moderate/severe unipolar depression
flow and everyone’s roles. During subsequent KIIs, excluded from analysis
counsellors reported feeling established as key mem- Excluded from Included in
bers of the clinical team, and noted decreased hierar- Characteristic analysis (n=417) cohort (n=201) P value
chy and role confusion.
Age, mean±SD 34.4±12 36.6±11 0.02
2. Introducing mental health integrated case conference:
Baseline PHQ-9 14.5±2 14.7±3 0.44
Initially, various providers (PCPs, counsellors and oth- score, mean±SD
ers) often did not discuss cases and blamed the other Sex, n (%)
group for errors. To address this, we implemented a
Female 330 (79%) 172 (86%)
monthly conference where a representative from each 0.05
Male 87 (21%) 29 (14%)
team selected challenging cases that would benefit
from group discussion. Presenters received guidance Caste, n (%)
to employ systems-­thinking to discuss patient history,   
Brahmin/Chhetri 236 (57%) 96 (48%)
(‘high’ caste)
treatment summary and barriers to care. This served 0.04
  Non-­Brahmin/ 181 (43%) 105 (52%)
as a platform for interdisciplinary communication to
generate ideas for improved care delivery. Facilitating
a better understanding of other cadres increased pro- PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire.
viders’ motivation to provide collaborative care.

Clinical outcomes Table 2 compares the baseline characteristics of patients

Over the 2-­year study period, 862 unique patients (≥15 included in the analysis cohort with those excluded using
years) from the hospital’s immediate catchment area appropriate bivariate tests. The mean baseline PHQ-9
were assessed for depression at the primary care clinic score was not significantly different between the two
using the PHQ-9, and accounted for 2309 total clinic groups (p=0.44). Patients included in analysis, however,
visits. These 862 patients had 2.7 mean (±SD: 2.9) clinic were more likely to be about 2 years older, female, and of
visits with documented PHQ-9 scores. Among patients non-­Brahmin/Chhetri (marginalised) castes compared
with a follow-­up PHQ-9 score (n=403, 47%), the median with those not included. Of all patient encounters with
duration between the baseline and most recent PHQ-9 PHQ-9 scores (n=2309), 20 (<1%) were missing responses
scores was 168 days (Q1: 60, Q3: 392). to some of the nine PHQ questions. For these encounters,
At baseline, most patients had severe depression we used the ‘total PHQ-9 score’ entered by clinicians.
(n=313, 37%) or moderate depression (n=305, 36%), Of the 201 patients in the analysis cohort, 99 (49%,
excluding those with bipolar affective disorder (n=8). 95% CI: 42% to 56%) demonstrated substantial clinical
Among patients with moderate to severe unipolar depres- response, that is, their most recent PHQ-9 score was at
sion at baseline (n=618), 526 (85%) were prescribed least 50% lower than their baseline score. A subset of these
an antidepressant during the study. Table 1 summarises patients (n=25, 12% of the cohort) showed remission in
the demographic characteristics of the 618 patients. We depression, that is, their PHQ-9 score dropped to below
excluded from the analysis cohort 303 (49%) patients 5 at their most recent follow-­up (95% CI: 8% to 17%).
with moderate to severe unipolar depression who had The median change in PHQ-9 score in this cohort was −7
no follow-­up PHQ-9 score and 114 (18%) patients with points (Q1: −9, Q3: −2) which was both statistically signifi-
a follow-­ up PHQ-9 administered before the requisite cant (p<0.0001) at α=0.05 and clinically meaningful.
12-­week lead time.
Despite the wide dissemination of mhGAP protocols in
Table 1 Characteristics of patients with moderate to severe numerous countries, the gap between knowledge and
unipolar depression at baseline practice is substantial in global mental health.3 8 CoCM
Characteristic Patients (n=618) holds substantial promise in addressing this gap, as
demonstrated by evidence from at least 79 randomised
Age, mean±SD 35.1±12
controlled trials.5 Our findings highlight that, when
Sex, n (%) adapted and implemented using a structured imple-
Female 502 (81%) mentation research framework, CoCM changed care
Male 116 (19%) providers’ perception and delivery of mental health-
Caste, n (%) care at the intervention site in rural Nepal. We observed
substantial clinical response (49%, 95% CI: 42% to 56%)
  Brahmin/Chhetri (‘high’ 332 (54%)
caste) in our patient cohort, which is comparable to that found
in meta-­analyses of 12–24 month CoCM trials from high-­
  Non-­Brahmin/Chhetri 286 (46%)
income countries.5

Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 7

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
As described by the COM-­ B framework, increasing patients had similar baseline scores to those with no or
the PCPs’ capability via training, providing opportuni- less than 12 weeks of follow-­up despite other differences.
ties (eg, establishing access to a consultant psychiatrist) Furthermore, the observed loss to follow-­up aligned with
and enhancing motivation (eg, witnessing improved the 50% rate of attrition we had anticipated from empir-
patient outcomes) helped achieve the target behaviour ical data and high migration rates at the outset. Never-
of screening, diagnosing and treating mental illness. As theless, this finding demonstrates the importance of close
mental health services became available in our primary follow-­up with patients to ensure treatment engagement
care system, a programmatically meaningful number of for depression. We are currently conducting a study to
patients (862 over 2 years) were assessed using PHQ-9 in a address this challenge in rural Nepal through engaging
setting where patients previously had limited or no access community health workers.31 While a future study with
to quality mental healthcare. This likely included patients an appropriate comparison group could better assess
who previously sought tertiary care or did not seek care the impact of the intervention on clinical outcomes,
because of barriers like distance and stigma. PCPs at the a programmatically meaningful proportion (49%) of
facility screened patients with suspected mental illness, if cohort patients demonstrated clinical response. Since we
their presentation was similar to the cases described in did not collect extensive data on potential confounders,
mhGAP training. These factors may explain the large factors besides the intervention, such as socioeconomic
proportion (73%) of patients with high or moderate status and other treatments may have also affected patient
symptoms of depression in our study. Our prior study outcomes. As is common in mental health studies, regres-
at the same site indicated that almost all patients with sion to the mean, whereby patients may experience
depression and anxiety disorders were previously spontaneous improvement in their symptoms without
receiving only vitamins, painkillers or no treatment.2 In any intervention, may have contributed to the observed
contrast, during this study, patients who were prescribed results. However, regression to the mean is more likely to
pharmacotherapy (85% of all cases with moderate/severe be observed in those with milder depressive symptoms.32
depression) received evidence-­based treatment such as This was at least partially mitigated since we had excluded
antidepressants and counselling. patients who were most likely to regress to the mean
Initial qualitative data from KIIs revealed challenges in through our inclusion criteria for baseline PHQ >9.
team-­based work, especially since integrating counsellors
and PCPs in providing mental healthcare is uncommon.
These initial challenges, including role confusion, are CONCLUSION
common barriers in implementing CoCM.28 Introducing Despite the limitations, our findings suggest that an
interventions such as mental health onboarding and an adapted CoCM enhanced providers’ perception and
interdisciplinary conference helped overcome these chal- delivery of mental healthcare in our setting, and we
lenges. PCPs gradually valued the counsellors’ role and observed improved clinical outcomes in patients with
saw them as experts in their field. This suggests the value moderate or severe depression. We recommend adapting
of training all care providers in mental health instead and evaluating CoCM using principles of implementation
of colocating a single, designated mental healthcare research in similar rural and resource-­constrained settings
provider in resource-­limited settings.29 to help expand access to high-­quality mental healthcare.
Our study has several limitations. Because of resource
limitations, we could only focus on a single site. Since Author affiliations
Nyaya Health Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
CoCM is a facility-­wide intervention, our study did not 2
Possible, Kathmandu, Nepal
have a control arm to avoid contamination. Although this 3
Arnhold Institute for Global Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
limits inferential results, our primary research question York, New York, USA
for CoCM focused on its implementation and overall clin- Possible, New York, New York, USA
ical impact, since CoCM already has substantial evidence Department of Psychiatry, BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan,
Kathmandu, Nepal
for clinical effectiveness from controlled studies.5 30 A 6
Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
single site study allowed us to generate evidence within 7
Internal Medicine, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Michigan, USA
the available resources, in a real-­ world, government 8
Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
facility operated under a public–private partnership. A Health Services, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Los Angeles,
future pragmatic trial can test the final version of the California, USA
University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
CoCM intervention in multiple primary care clinics. California, USA
Future work should also elucidate payment mechanisms 11
Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of
for CoCM feasible within the particular local and national Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
policy and fiscal context. Department of Psychology, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, USA
Another limitation was that 49% of patients with a base- University of New South Wales School of Public Health and Community Medicine,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
line PHQ-9 score had no follow-­up score. While retention 14
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California San Francisco, San
in real-­world studies of depression is always a challenge, Francisco, California, USA
this might be partially explained by the high rate of out-­
migration from the catchment area. However, cohort Twitter Pragya Rimal @rimal_pragya and Duncan Maru @duncanmaru

8 Rimal P, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048481. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048481 on 16 August 2021. Downloaded from on August 16, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Acknowledgements We thank Margaret Handley and Adithya Cattamanchi for responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
their support in helping apply the COM-­B framework to mental health services, includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
as part of the UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) funded by NIH of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
(UL1 TR001872). We also thank Lisa Sullivan from Boston University School of terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
Public Health for her advice on statistical methods, and Jerome Galea and Courtney and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
Yuen from Harvard Medical School for their mentorship in scientific writing. We
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
wish to express our appreciation to the Nepal Ministry of Health and Population Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
for their continued efforts to improve the public-­sector healthcare system in permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
rural Nepal. Finally, we are deeply indebted to the community and hospital staff, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
whose commitment to serving patients and dedication to improving the quality of properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
healthcare in rural Nepal continues to inspire us. is non-­commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/.
Contributors PR and NC contributed equally to this paper as joint first authors.
PR, MB, DC, DM and BA led the conception and design of the study. PR, PA, MB, ORCID iDs
BB, SKD, BG, PG, TKG, BK, JR, SSw and BA helped develop and implement the Pragya Rimal http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​4442-​4609
intervention. PR, PA, MB, SKD, BG, SH, BK, SSw and BA managed the project. Duncan Maru http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​5923-​6910
PR, NC, RM, SP and AR extracted and managed study data, with PR leading the
qualitative data analysis and NC conducting statistical analyses with input from BA,
DM, SH and DC. PR and NC led the initial draft of the manuscript with input from all
authors. VN, SSa, DS, RS, SSh, AT, PT and RW contributed technical expertise to the
manuscript. All authors further drafted, reviewed and approved the final manuscript. REFERENCES
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