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Burgos, Maryden

BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

[exception to this are the aleatory
ART.1458: By the contract of sale one of the
contracts which are contracts wherein
contracting parties obligates himself to
the parties bind themselves that in
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a
exchange of a price, the other shall or
determinate thing, and the other to pay
give something upon the happening of
therefore a price certain in money or its
a very uncertain event; this contract
depends on chance.]
A contract of sale may be absolute or [because in commutative contracts,
conditional. the values to be exchanged are known
to both parties, hence the obligation is
[The very essence of a contract of sale is the certain and predetermined to occur at
transfer of ownership which is the main obligation a certain period of time.]
of the vendor or seller in exchange for an agreed
price at an agreed period of time that is put upon 5. Nominate
the shoulder of the vendee or buyer.]
6. Principal
[CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTRACT OF SALE] [a stand-alone contract.]


[meeting of minds] 1. Consent of meeting of minds
[To transfer the ownership or to deliver
2. Bilateral a determinate thing]
[bilateral obligations may be reciprocal
[To pay the promised amount at an
and non-reciprocal; for the contract of
agreed time.]
sale both are obligated in a reciprocal
2. Object or subject matter
[Reciprocal Obligations are those [the determinate thing]
obligations whose fulfillment of the
[it has to be a determinate thing kasi
obligation of one another is
dapat talaga na pareho ng nasa isip or
conditioned to the fulfilment of the
interests ang dalawang parties for
other; in simple words, dependent sa
them to have a meeting of minds, if
fulfillment ng obligation ng isa’t isa
they differ then, there’s no sale.]
kung kailan magiging obligado ang isa
to fulfill his part, hindi magkakaroon ng
3. Cause or consideration
obligation si Party A hangga’t hindi
[the price in money or its equivalent]
nafufulfill ni Party B ang obligation
niya. Simultaneous siya kumbaga.]
[let’s say, nadeliver na ni vendor ang [these are elements that are inherent in a
product kay vendee, vendee has now contract; kumabaga, they are part of a
the obligation to pay the price contract generally unless there’s a
promised. Pero hangga’t walang contradicting stipulation.]
delivery or transfer of ownership, hindi
[ex: warranty]
obligated si vendee to pay.]
3. Onerous [may only be present depending on the
stipulation of the parties; ito naman ay
4. Commutative talagang wala sa contract at all.]
[means that the value of the thing sold
is equivalent to the price paid, and vice [ex: interest, penalty, time or place of
versa.] payment.]
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

KINDS OF CONTRACT OF SALE: date between the perfection date and the delivery
a. Absolute – no condition [also, as per Art,1461 future goods may also be a
b. Conditional – has condition subject matter in a contract of sale, therefore a
property under adjudication of court is valid.]

ART.1459: The thing must be licit and the ART.1460: A thing is determinate when it is
vendor must have a right to transfer the particularly designated or physically
ownership thereof at the time it is delivered. segregated from all others of the same class.

[when we say licit, it means conforming to the The requisite that a thing be
requirements of the law or not prohibited by the determinate is satisfied if at the time the
law, morals, good customs, public order, and contract is entered into, the thing is capable
public policy.] of being made determinate without the
necessity of a new or further agreement
FOR A CONTRACT OF SALE TO BE VALID, between the parties.
SUBJECT MATTER MUST BE MET: [basically, since it’s a requisite for a contract of
sales to be valid that the subject matter must be
a. Must be a determinate thing determinate, the Par.2 of this article states that if
b. Must be licit the subject matter is still determinable or pwede
c. Must not be impossible pa siyang gawing mas determinate through
d. Must be within the commerce of men. another agreement between the parties then,
hindi siya considered as a determinate thing.]
[intransmissible rights may be a subject matter in
a contract of sale but services cannot.] ART.1461: Things having a potential existence
may be the object of the contract of sale.
[an illicit thing can either be an illicit per se (illicit
in nature) or an illicit per accidens (illicit by The efficacy of the sale of a mere hope
accident because of provisions of law declaring or expectancy is deemed subject to the
them illegal)] condition that the thing will come into
OWNERSHIP: The sale of a vain hope or expectancy
is void.
[generally, since the well-known principle of the
law is that nobody can dispose of something [if the subject matter in a sale is expected to exist
which he does not have, or in simply, a buyer pa, the efficacy of sale depends on the condition
cannot sell or transfer an ownership of a subject that the thing should actually come to existence. If
matter kung hindi naman niya hawak or kung not, then there will be no contract.]
wala sa kaniya ang ownership nito]
[on the other hand naman, if the subject matter is
[the exception occurs kapag the ownership exists solely the hope or expectancy then, regardless
at the time of delivery pa; it would be kung hindi materialize or mag-exists ang
contradicting daw kasi sa provisions ng Art.1459 expected thing in the future, valid ang sale.]
which states “right to transfer the ownership
thereof at the time it is delivered” meaning, [lastly, sales based solely on vain hope or falsified
hindi required na at the perfection of the contract expectancy are void.]
ay may right na ang vendor to transfer the
ownership, it’s still acceptable if he will acquire
the right at the time of the delivery or at a future
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

deficiency from goods of the same kind and

quality, unless a contrary intent appears.

ART.1462: The goods which form the subject

of a contract of sale may be either existing [FUNGIBLE]
goods owned or possessed by the seller or - Goods of which any unit is, from its nature
goods to be manufactured, raised, or acquired or by mercantile usage, treated as the
by the seller after the perfection of the equivalent of any other unit.
contract of sale, in this Title called “future - Generic talaga siya na perishable by
goods.” nature; in order for it to be considered as a
determinate thing kailangan ay specified
There may be a contract of sale of ang measurement niya.
goods, whose acquisition by the seller - Ex: grain, oil, wine, gasoline
depends upon a contingency which may or
may not happen. [if the quantity of the mass is more than the
quantity sold then, co-owners sila.]
[these are executory contracts]
[if the amount of the fungible thing was lower than
ART.1463: The sole owner of a thing may sell the amount promise then, the seller is bound to
an undivided interest therein. make “good the deficiency” or punan ‘yung kulang
and the buyer, becomes the soler owner.]
- The owner kasi can either sell the entire ART.1465: Things subject to a resolutory
thing or only a portion of it, pero kapag condition may be the object of the contract of
sinabing sale of an undivided interest ibig sale.
sabihin, for example, a sale of a portion of
a land, pero the land will not be divided [once the resolutory condition happened, the
physically for both parties, therefore ownership cannot be transfer to the buyer
magiging co-owners na sila. anymore; pero, hangga’t the condition ay hindi pa
- This happens without identifying or nangyayari then, may ownership pa rin si buyer
specifically designating the portion sold. sa object matter.]

[BY CO-OWNER] [also, if habang hindi pa nangyayari ang

- Co-owner can sell only up to his/her resolutory condition tapos buyer sold the object
portion even without the consent of other matter to a third person, ang magiging parties
co-owners. involved na sa contract with the original seller ay
si third party.]
ART.1464: In the case of fungible goods, there
may be a sale of an undivided share of a ART.1466: In construing a contract containing
specific mass, though the seller purports to provisions characteristic of both the contract
sell and the buyer to buy a definite number, of sale and of the contract of agency to sell,
weight, or measure of the goods in the mass, the essential clauses of the whole instrument
and though the number, weight or measure of shall be considered.
the goods in the mass is undetermined. By
such a sale the buyer becomes owner in [basically, in a contract of agency to sell may
common of such a share of the mass as the agent na nagbebenta on behalf of the original
number, weight, or measure bought bears to owner while in a contract of sale, direct
the number, weight, or measure of the mass. If transaction nangyayari.]
the mass contains less than the number,
weight, or measure bought, the buyer
becomes the owner of the whole mass and
the seller is bound to make good the
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

- If the value of the thing is greater than the

amount of money or its equivalent then,
it’s a contract of sale.

ART.1467: A contract for the delivery at a

certain price of an article which the vendor in ART.1469: In order that the price may be
the ordinary course of his business considered certain, it shall be sufficient that it
manufactures or procures for the general be so with reference to another thing certain,
market, whether the same is on hand at the or that the determination thereof be left to the
time or not, is a contract of sale, but if the judgement of a specified person or persons.
goods are to be manufactured specially for
the customer and upon his special order, and Should such person or persons be
not for the general market, it is a contract for unable or unwilling to fix it, the contract shall
a piece of work. be inefficacious, unless the parties
subsequently agree upon the price.
[basically, if the object of the contract is to be
manufactured palang and it’s for the general If the third person or persons acted in
market which means na ‘yung bibilhin mo ay bad faith or by mistake, the courts may fix the
product nila na by batch nila gawin then, contract price.
of sale ang fall niya.]
[pero, if the object matter is to be manufactured [REQUISITES FOR A PRICE TO BE VALID:]
specially for the buyer then, contract for a piece of 1. Should be certain
work ang bagsak niya.] 2. If not certain, should be certain with
reference to another thing certain
ART.1468: If the consideration of the contract 3. Determination of the price is left to the
consists partly in money, and partly in judgement of a specified person or
another thing, the transaction shall be persons.
characterized by the manifest intention of the
parties. If such intention does not clearly [PRICED FIXED BY A THIRD PERSON:]
appear, it shall be considered a barter if the
value of the thing given as a part of the a. If the third person acted in bad faith or
consideration exceeds the amount of the mistake that the price fixed was of
money or its equivalent; otherwise, it is a sale. something different from the real subject
matter then, the court enters the frame
[in a contract of sale kasi, generally should and fixes the price instead.
always be in money while in a contract of barter b. If the third person refused to fixed the
or exchange may palitan lang of goods ang price then, the general rule is that the
nangyayari.] contract shall become ineffective unless
the parties subsequently agreed upon the
[the exception occurs when the consideration in price.
exchange of the object matter was partly in c. If the third person cannot fix the price
money and partly in another thing; the type of because of the fault of one of the parties
contract depends on the manifested or expressly then, the party not in fault may obtain
stated intention of the parties.] compensation instead unless he chooses
fulfillment instead then, the court fixes the
[however, if there’s no stated intention then, the price.
type of contract depends on the value of the thing
and the amount of money or consideration:] ART.1470: Gross inadequacy of price does not
- if the value of the thing exceeds the affect a contract of sale, except as it may
amount of money or its equivalent then it’s indicate a defect in the consent, or that the
a barter. parties really intended a donation or some
other act or contract.
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

returned to the vendee or lessee shall be valid

[generally, a very low price does not affect the insofar as the same may not be
validity of a contract of sale unless there has unconscionable under the circumstances.
been some other intention such as donation
disguised as sale, fraudulent act, vitiating [if there is a cancellation or rescission, generally
consent, etc. then, the contract is defective.] the rule is mutual restitution or balikan ng mga
ART.1483: Subject to the provisions of the binigay ang parties involved; however, this article
Statute of Frauds and of any other applicable provides that in a contract of sale, it’s now valid
statute, a contract of sale may be made in long as there has been a stipulation that the
writing, or by word of mouth, or may be amounts partially paid before the cancellation
inferred from the conduct of the parties. occurs do not need to be returned.]

[generally, the contract does not need to be in ART.1487: The expenses for the execution and
writing unless the contract falls under the statute registration of the sale shall be borne by the
of fraud.] vendor, unless there is a stipulation to the
ART.1484: In a contract of sale of personal
property, the price of which is payable in [all expenses for the execution up to the
installments, the vendor may exercise any of registration of the sale shall be shouldered by the
the following remedies: seller.]

1. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, [all subsequent expenses to be incurred once the
should the vendee fail to pay. ownership has been transferred shall be
2. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s shouldered by the buyer.]
failure to pay cover 2 or more
installments; ------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the
thing sold, if one has been constituted, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6552: Realty Installment
should the vendee’s failure to pay Buyer Protection Act (MACEDA LAW)
cover 2 or more installments. In this
case, he shall have no further action Imposed to protect real property owners from
against the purchaser to recover any inequitable conditions imposed on sale
unpaid balance of the price. Any transactions involving real estate purchase
agreement to the contrary shall be financed through installment basis.
[these are the remedies of a vendor in sale of
personal property payable in installments.] 1. Grace period to pay installment in case of
ART.1485: The preceding article shall be a. If the buyer managed to pay 2
applied to contracts purporting to be leases of years worth of installment before
personal property with option to buy, when defaulting:
the lessor has deprived the lessee of the i. 1 month grace period for every 1
possession or enjoyment of the thing. year of installments paid;

[leases of personal property with option to buy are ii. Pay the balance without any
contract of sale of personal property in additional interests within the
installments as well.] grace period (@i) given;

ART.1486: In the cases referred to in two iii. If the contract is cancelled, the
preceding articles, a stipulation that the buyer shall have the right to
installments or rents paid shall not be claim the refund of the cash
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

surrender value of the payments

on the property equivalent to
50% of the total payments made,
and after 5 years of installments,
he shall also receive additional
5% yearly but not to exceed 90%
of the total payments made.

[cancellation will formally take

place 30 days after the receipt of
the buyer of the cancellation
notice or demand for rescission.]

b. If less than 2 years of the

installment had been paid at the
time of the default:
i. not less than 60 days from the
date the installment becomes
ii. If the buyer still fails to pay the
installment due even after the
grace period provided, the seller
may cancel the sale 30 days
after the receipt of the buyer of
the notice of cancellation or
demand for rescission by notarial

2. The buyer has the following rights within

the given grace period before the
cancellation of the contract:
a. To sell his rights to another by
notarial act;
b. To assign his rights to another by
notarial act;
c. To reinstate the contract by
updating the account.

3. To pay in advance the installment of fully

pay the remaining balance.

4. To ask for the annotation of the full

payment of the purchase price in the
certificate of title covering the property.


ART.1488: The expropriation of property for

public use is governed by special laws.

[the power to execute eminent domain.]

Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

2. Agents
3. Executors and Administrators
4. Public Officers and Employees
5. Judicial Officers and Employees and
6. Aliens who are disqualified to purchase
private agricultural lands
a. Unpaid seller, having a right of lien
CHAPTER II: or having stopped the goods in
CAPACITY TO BUY AND SELL transit, who is prohibited from
buying the goods either directly or
ART.1489: All persons who are authorized in indirectly in the resale of the same
this Code to obligate themselves, may enter at a public or private sale which he
into a contract of sale, saving the may make.
modifications contained in the following
articles. b. The officer conducting an
execution sale of property to
Where necessaries are sold and enforce a court judgment rendered
delivered to a minor or other person without against the owner thereof cannot
the capacity to act, he must pay a reasonable become a purchaser or be
price therefor. Necessaries are those referred interested in directly or indirectly in
to in Article 290. any purchase at such sale.


[for 1 to 3, contract is voidable for only private
A. Absolute Capacity – these are persons interests are affected]
who are incapacitated to bind themselves
in any contract. [for 4 to 6, contract is void for public interests are
B. Relative Capacity – these apply to
persons naman who cannot buy a certain ART.1492: The prohibitions in the two
property. preceding articles are applicable to sales in
legal redemption, comprises, and
[sale of real property by minors who have renunciations.
reached their majority is now valid.]
ART.1490: The husband and the wife cannot [right of a debtor whose property has been
sell property to each other except: foreclosed and sold to reclaim that property if they
were able to pay the debt.]
1. When a separation of property was
agreed upon in the marriage COMPRISES:
settlements; or, [reaching a settlement]
2. When there has been a judicial
separation of property under Article RENUNCIATION:
191. [condonation or creditor gratuitously abandoning
his rights against the debtor.]
[this article just provided people who cannot
purchase properties due to their incapacity in
relation to property.]

1. Guardians
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

2. As valid in all of the existing goods or

in so much thereof as have not
deteriorated, and as binding the buyer
to pay the agreed price for the goods in
which the ownership will pass, if the
sale was divisible.

[this article gives remedies or options the buyer

when the thing agreed to be delivered has been
damaged fully or partially.]
CHAPTER III: 1. Withdrawal from the obligation.
EFFECTS OF THE CONTRACT WHEN THE 2. Pay only the remaining price equivalent of
THING SOLD HAS BEEN LOST the remaining undamaged part.

ART.1493: If at the time the contract of sale is

perfected, the thing which is the object of the
contract has been entirely lost, the contract
shall be without any effect.

But if the thing should have been lost

in part only, the vendee may choose between
withdrawing from the contract and demanding
the remaining part, paying its price in
proportion to the total sum agreed upon.



[timeframe: before or at the time the contract was


1. Entire thing is lost

[contract is inexistent and void]

2. Partially lost
[the buyer can either withdraw from the
contract or ask for fulfillment of the
remaining part through payment of its
equivalent portion.]

[a thing is already considered lost when it only


ART.1494: Where the parties purport a sale of

specific goods, and the goods without the
knowledge of the seller have perished in part
or have wholly or in a material part so
deteriorated in quality as to be substantially
changed in character, the buyer may at his
option treat the sale:

1. As avoided; or,
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

(2) The buyer must be put under

(3) There must be the intention to
deliver for purposes of

[a seller cannot deliver constructively if

he cannot deliver actually even if he
wants to.]

CHAPTER IV: c. By delivery in any other manner

2. Intention to deliver essential
SECTION I: General Provisions 3. Delivery to proper person

ART.1495: The vendor is bound to transfer the SECTION II: Delivery of the Thing Sold
ownership of and deliver, as well as warrant
the thing which is the object of the sale. ART.1497: The thing sold shall be understood
as delivered, when it is placed in the control
PRINCIPAL OBLIGATIONS OF A VENDOR: and possession of the vendee.

1. Transfer the ownership of the determinate TRADITION

thing sold; [the acquiring ownership by transfer of title from
2. To deliver the thing; the sale of a property by someone who has the
3. To warrant against eviction and hidden right to alienate it.]
4. To take care of the thing, while pending [there has to be an intention to deliver and
delivery, with the proper diligence of a intention to transfer ownership or else there is no
good father of a family; and, tradition.]
5. To pay for the expenses for the execution
and registration of the deed of sale. [this article provides that only after the delivery of
the thing sold that the ownership transfers to the
ART.1496: The ownership of the thing sold is vendee, and that marks the consummation or end
acquired by the vendee from the moment it is of the contract.]
delivered to him in any of the ways specified
in articles 1497 to 1501, or in any other HOW DO WE KNOW IF THE THING HAS
manner signifying an agreement that the ALREADY BEEN DELIVERED?
possession is transferred from the vendor to
the vendee. 1. There is actual or physical delivery when
the thing sold is placed in the control and
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP EFFECTED BY possession of the buyer.
2. Delivery does not always have to be
1. Ways of effecting delivery manual, the parties may stipulate certain
a. By actual or real delivery conditions to be met first before the
b. Constructive or legal delivery delivery shall be done.

Requisites: 3. There is a delivery is there’s a proof which

(1) The seller must have control is through a written acknowledgement
over the thing; otherwise how such as delivery receipts.
can he put another in control?
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

WAYS OF EFFECTING CONSTRUCTIVE ART.1499: The delivery of the movable

DELIVERY: property may likewise be made by the mere
consent or agreement of the contracting
1. Equivalent to actual delivery parties, if the thing sold cannot be transferred
to the possession of the vendee at the time of
ART.1498: When the sale is made through a the sale, or if the latter already had it in his
public instrument, the execution thereof shall possession for any other reason.
be equivalent to the delivery of the thing
which is the object of the contract, if from the By Traditio Longa Manu
deed the contrary does not appear or cannot
clearly be inferred. [this tradition talks about the transfer of ownership
by mere consent or agreement of contracting
parties ONLY IF the thing agreed upon cannot be
transferred to the possession of the vendee at the
time of the sale.]
With regard to movable property, its
delivery may also be made by the delivery of
the keys of the place or depository where it is [may deed of sale na kapag tinuro palang ang
stored or kept. movable property.]

By Execution of a Public Instrument By Traditio Brevi Manu

[in law PUBLIC INSTRUMENTS are those formal [in this tradition naman, there’s no transfer of
legal documents that have been prepared and ownership to be done na since the property is
executed in accordance with specific legal already in the possession of the vendee under a
requirements and are intended to have legal different legal relationship or transaction such as
effect or have to be binding. These documents lease option.]
are acknowledged by notary public or officials that
are authorized to administer such documents.] By Traditio Constitutum Possessorium

[ang main point ng public instruments dito sa ART.1500: There may also be tradition
contract of sale is to legally prove that the seller constitutum possessorium.
acted on his free will to enter such transaction,
and the respective official will also attest to that [ang nangyayari dito ay the vendor retains
fact.] possession of the property sold; kumbaga, the
legal ownership is nakay buyer na talaga, but the
By Symbolical Tradition or Traditio Symbolica physical possession of the property is nakay
vendor pa.]
[in a Symbolic Tradition, meaning to say ay hindi
actual goods ang naideliver sa buyer to say na By Quasi-Traditio
may delivery talaga; take a look at the Par.2 of
this article which states that the delivery of a ART.1501: With respect to incorporeal
movable property is equivalent to the keys of a property, the provisions of the first paragraph
warehouse kung saan nakastore ‘yung goods.] of article 1498 shall govern. In any other case
wherein said provisions are not applicable,
[however, take note that since symbolic lang ito, the placing of the titles of ownership in the
this delivery does not mark the consummation of possession of the vendee or the use by the
the contract, magstop lang ang contract once na vendee of his rights, with the vendor’s
matake out of the warehouse or storage room consent, shall be understood as delivery.
ang object of the contract.]
[based on my understanding, this talks about the
delivery of intangible properties which is
Burgos, Maryden
BSACC 2-1 | BLAW 23A Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business

equivalent to delivery or transfer of rights;

therefore, since physical delivery is not possible,
the mode of delivery can be through the following:

a. Execution of public instrument.

b. Placing of titles of ownership to the
c. By allowing the vendee to use his rights as
new owner with the consent of the vendor.

[kumbaga, parang walang choice si vendor but to

waived his rights to the property and transfer it to
the vendee.]

2. Contrary may be stipulated.

ART.1502: When goods are delivered to the

buyer “on sale or return” to give the buyer an
option to return the goods instead of paying
the price, the ownership passes to the buyer
on delivery, but he may revest the ownership
in the seller by returning or tendering the
goods within the time fixed in the contract, or
if no time has been fixed, within a reasonable

When goods are delivered to the buyer

on approval or on trial or on satisfaction, or
other similar terms, the ownership therein
passes to the buyer.

1. When he signifies his approval or

acceptance to the seller or does
any other act adopting the
2. If he does not signify his approval
or acceptance to the seller, but
retains the goods without giving
notice of rejection, then if a time
has been fixed for the return of the
goods, on the expiration of such
time and if no time has been fixed,
on the expiration of a reasonable
time. What is reasonable is a
question of a fact.



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