The Phrase Amor Fati Is Latin For Love of Fate, and It Is A Concept That Has Its Roots in Stoic Philosophy. It Teaches Us To Accept and Embrace Our Destiny, No Matter What It May Be.

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My name is William Mulligan.

I teach Stoicism to hundreds of thousands.

I am author of the book ‘The Everyday Stoic - Simple

rules for a good life’

This is my short Stoic guide on the concept of

‘Amor Fati’

I hope it helps you.



The phrase "amor fati" is Latin for "love of fate, "
and it is a concept that has its roots in Stoic philosophy.
It teaches us to accept and embrace our destiny,
no matter what it may be.
Amor Fati = Love of fate
In the 19th cent ury , French
philosopher, Friedrich Ni e t zsche
explained that his “f ormu la f o r
greatness in a human being is a mor
fati: that one wants not h ing t o be
different, not f orward,
not backward, not in a ll et ern it y .
Not merely bear wha t is ne c e ssa ry ,
still less conceal it—all
idealism is mendacit y in t he f ace of
what is necessary —but love it . ”
“Frightened of change?
But what can exist wit hout i t ?
What’s closer t o nat ure’s he art ?
Can you take a hot bath and leave
the firewood a s it was? Eat f o od
without transf orming it? Can any
vital process t a ke place w it h out
something be ing changed? C an’t
you see? It’s just t he same w it h
you-and just as v ital t o nat u re.”

- Marcus Aurelius
Marcus aure lius was t he l ast great
emperor of rome.

As emperor he f aced ma n y
challenges and cha nges in h is d ut y ,
he also lost 9 of his own children,
lost many fri ends in t he
Marcomanni c wars a nd c ount l e ss
more due to t he Antonine pla gue .

H e suffered illness most his l if e ye t

never resented his f a t e. h e
accepted it and embra ced it , he
was loved by his people a nd had a
lasting impact on hist ory.
“Do not seek f or t hings t o happe n
the way you want t hem t o ; rat he r,
wish that what happens ha ppe n t h e
way it happens: t hen you w ill be

- Epictetus
Epictetus was a slave t urn e d

H e was admire d great ly f or his

character an d he also inf lue nc e d
marcus aurelius wit h his t e ac hings.

H e taught us that t hat t he majori t y

of the world is out of our c ont rol,
so we must accept it wit h out re sent
and give out best t o what i s i n our
W i thi n o ur po we r -
our opinion, motivat ion, d e si re,
aversion and in a word, w ha t eve r
is of our own doing.

N o t wi thi n o ur po we r -
our health, our wea lth, o ur
reputation, our off ice and in a
world whatver is not of our o w n
Focus on that which y ou c an
control and accept t he rest .


Y ou cannot change t he past ,

resenting it o r complaini ng only
makes it worse.

F ocus on your a ctions now and

make best of what you can.
But my health is in my pow e r?

I f you want to build a st ro ng bac k

then you workout y our b a c k.

I f fate decides t hat y ou hav e a sev e re

back conditi on or a t ree f alls o n y ou.
then what power did you hav e ove r
your back?

I f life decides y ou are ill o r y o u are

deteriorating f rom old a ge, your
efforts cannot st op t his.

B esides, no one can contro l t h e ir

body so much a s t o a void de at h .
“Something happens t o you.
Good. It was meant f or yo u by
nature, wove n int o t he pat t ern
from the beginning.”

- Marcus Aurelius
How can we practice Amor
Fati in our own lives?

1. Embrace challenges an d
difficulties as opport unitie s f or
growth and self - improvement

2. Let go of regrets abou t t he

past and focu s on making t h e
most of the present mome nt

3. Cultivate a sense of gra t i t u de

and appreciat ion f or t he
experiences a nd opport uni t i e s
that come our way
Exercise I

The stoics believed t hat w e live lif es t o

accord of zu es’ will.

T his is comparable t o Gods plan.

G od has given y ou a dif f icult y , do not

complain but ask yourself “f or wha t
reason” “how is God blessi ng me”

L ook at a difficulty in your lif e a nd ask

“what is this a blessing ”
Exercise II

When faced with cha llenges, say t o

yourself “amor f at i”

N o matter the dif f icult y, sa y “a mor


L ove your fate, embrace it, mak e t h e

most of it.

T he opposite is t o f oolishly l ament t hat

which cannot be change
Victor Frankl, a f amous
psychologist a nd Auschw it z
survivor, spoke of his simple
philosophy credited f or
helping him surv ive t he hard sh ip
he faced throughout his l if e.

“You cannot control what

happens to you in lif e, but yo u
can always cont rol what you w ill
feel and do about what happe ns
to you.”
Amor Fati of f ers t he opport unit y
to change how we perceive t h e
world around us. Through
adversity we beg in t o realise t h at
it is this opp ort unity t hat has
permitted us t o grow.
If we experience loss... It of f e rs us
the chance to a ppreciat e w ha t we
already have.

If we lose our job... what doors

are now opened t hat were
previously cl osed.

This mindset all f ilt ers dow n t o t h e

concept of cont rol, a st rong f o c us
of the stoics.

Of course we can’t alway s c ont rol

what life throws a t us, but w e c a n
control how we process t h is
“Accept the t hings t o whic h f at e
binds you, and lov e t he p e ople
with whom f at e brings y o u
together, but do so wit h al l your

-Marcus Aurelius
Zeno used th e a nalog y of t he dog a nd t h e

T he dog is tied t o t he wagon

T he wagon is f a t e

T he wagon is moving at a c onst ant spe e d

T he foolish dog will t ry resi st and f i ght t he

wagon. T he wise dog will calmly walk along
with the wagon

W hen you resist your f a t e and c omp lain

about what has happened, you are be ing
foolish as you can nev er cha nge t h is.


“The willing are led by f a t e , t h e
reluctant are drag ged.”

- Cleanthes
I spent a long t ime and y e a rs of
studying to make t his course f o r

For more free resources che c k t h e

next few pag es. If you wan t t o
show your appreciat ion t h e n
follow me on a plat f orm o f yo ur
choice and join in wit h my

T hank you,
W illiam
Don’t stop now.

You have just embarked on your

path towards t he st oic sage.

These teachi ngs will help yo u a

lot, if you ap ply t hem dai ly it will
be life changing .

These lesson s a re just a d ro p in t h e

ocean of stoic wisdom.

It took me a decade t o re alise my

potential. i hope t hrough
simplifying a nd making pra ct i c al
of these teac hings it will be a mu c h
faster journe y f or you.

W illiam
I hope this course helped y o u.

Remember to a ct on t hese st oic

principle oth erwise y ou may f o rg et
them or retu rn t o bad hab it s.

Effort is a key f a ctor in grow t h .

Thank you.






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