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The development story of India is incomplete without being inclusive of the

villages and rural area of the country. “If we have to build the nation, we have to
start from the villages”. This is, in fact, has been repeatedly emphasized by Prime
Minister Modi in his speeches.

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is a unique initiative by the Government of India.
To transform the villages of the country, in a way that they become models of
development for others to follow. The focus of the scheme will not be the
infrastructural and material development of the villages. Instead, the Saansad
Adarsh Gram Yojana will lay emphasis on a value-driven, holistic approach. To
devise a developmental model which is sustainable and far-sighted. In that
direction, this particular scheme aims to leverage and channelize the energy,
capacity, and commitment of the Members of Parliament. As an effective way of
transforming the rural area in their respective constituencies/states.

Launch of Yojana

The scheme enacted on 11 October 2014 by the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra
Modi three years ago the scheme and due to its benefits and awareness to the youth
the scheme is currently in process and is actively working. The scheme led to the
motivational, cultural and social development of the locality or the area.

Goal of SAGY
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana envision to be a result-orient, time-bound
initiative. The goal of the scheme has been very clearly defines to develop three
Adarsh Grams per Member of Parliament, by March 2019, of which one to
achieve by 2016 itself. Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) the
government will select and develop by each MP, by the year 2024
Key Areas of Transformation under the
The value-centric model of development that the scheme adopts is quite diverse
in its approach and touches different spheres of personal and community life.

 The whole model of development can be broadly classified into four major
areas of transformation: personal, human, social and economic
 The transformation at the personal level will aim at improving the quality of
life of an average villager, by reinventing the individual values, hygiene,
culture, religion, and behavioral aspects.
 At the level of transformation of the humankind, the essential entities like
education, healthcare, and nutrition will be worked upon.
 Reforms with socio-economic implications, like social justice, dispute
resolution, citizen services, financial inclusion, and skill development will
help raise the overall bar of the rural lifestyle.
 Together, the work done on improving the scenario of all these areas will
help bring about a development which is truly sustainable, and responsive
to the needs of rural India.

How does Sansad Adarsh Gram

Yojana Work?
In almost 70 years of independence, several schemes for the development of
rural India. Most of these schemes have just come and passed by, without
creating much impact. The situation of rural India, on the ground, remains
largely the same.

There can be several reasons. The primary one being a major disconnect
between the development inputs being delivered by the government agencies,
and the actual real-time requirements of the villages. Another reason for being
an unruly focus on infrastructure and expenditure, completely ignoring the
social and cultural aspects of development. In fact, in many decades that have
gone by, villages of the country have been made to rely more on the grants and
subsidies by the government agencies, than to make the village entities self-
reliant and self-sufficient.

The Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana aims to plug in these gaps and provide a
comprehensive model of development, which is weaved around and caters to
the needs of the specific village. One of the best strategies for implementation in
that direction was to involve the Member of Parliament from the region as an
instrumental entity in the whole process.

Identification of Adarsh Gram

A Gram Panchayat would be the basic unit in the implementation of the scheme.
It will have a population of 3000-5000 in plain areas and 1000-3000 in hilly, tribal
and difficult areas. The MP would be free to identify a suitable Gram Panchayat
from his constituency, to develop as Adarsh Gram.

After identification of the village develop as an Adarsh gram, the next step will be
to prepare a Village Development Plan (VDP) for every identified Gram
Panchayat, with a special focus on enabling every poor household to come out
of poverty. An important part of this will be the stimulation of a favorable
environment and social mobility, to garner maximum inputs from the villagers

Once the Village Development Plan has been drafted based upon the inputs of
the local villagers and approval by the gram panchayat, the next step would be
the projectization of the whole exercise, into term- based targets of 3 months, 6
months, 1 year and beyond. The entire exercise concerned departmental
officials will implement it.
Outcomes of the Scheme & Key
The outcomes of the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana reflect more in terms of the
value-based, holistic growth of the village, rather any major infrastructural leaps.

 There will be a significant impact on the overall quality of life of the rural
 With improvement in availability, as well as usability of basic amenities like
safe drinking water, sanitation, health care, cleanliness, education, digital
infrastructure, transportation, and connectivity.
 The scheme is also expected to generate new and sustainable employment
opportunities for the younger village population.
 Digital infrastructure of the villages, with all citizen services being
 Reform and upliftment of the weakest and most deprived section of the

SAGY Guidelines
The SAGY issued the specific guideline for the reason to launch the project, its
role and achievements, goals and much more about SAGY and each one is
pointed as below.



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