Structures of English

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Select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the Select the answer choice that identifies

fies the pronouns in

sentence. the sentence.


1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to 11. My name is Sonia. ___ love my family.
walk again. A. He
Take B. I
All C. She
Your D. We
12. I met Sonia yesterday. ___ made me laugh.
2. The works of many great poets have been placed on A. It
reserve. B. Her
Many C. She
Great D. They
Reserve 13. On the left, you can see Simon. ___ is my brother.
A. That
3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883. B. He
Bridge C. It
Was D. Him
In 14. Birds flap ___ wings.
A. It
4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the B. His
Peloponnesian War. C. Their
And D. Those
During 15. My grandparents live in Mumbai. ___ visit us often.
War A. Them
B. They
5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their C. Their
skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. D. He
Because 16. Look outside. ___ is my car parked there.
Their A. This
Bone B. That
C. Those
6. Joe, have you met your new boss? D. Their
Met 17. _______ are not my keys.
Your A. We
Boss B. She
C. He
7. Sue’s parents tried living in the north, but they could D. These
not adapt to the cold.
North 18. _________ to work harder to make my dreams come
But true.
Not A. You
Adapt B. I
C. They
8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for D. These
younger students.
Mastering 19. Rohan said that _____ would not come tomorrow.
Important A. I
Younger B. She
Students C. He
D. They
9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is
flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality. 20. If ______ had some more money, his girlfriend
Seize would have got that mobile.
Its A. We
Flagrant B. You
Neutrality C. She
D. He
10. The Trojans’ rash decision to accept the wooden
horse led to their destruction. 21. ________ has always trusted her boyfriend.
Their A. I
Led B. We
Accept C. She
Destruction D. He
22. John is my friend. I gave ___ my books.
A. Him
B. It
C. Them
D. His

23. She is a good painter. This painting is __.

A. Her
B. Hers
C. His
D. Their

24. Why have you not sent the report? ___ was your
A. It
B. Those
C. Its
D. Them

25. Our friend, ___ we invited to the party, arrived early.

A. Whose
B. That
C. Whom
D. Them

Word Formation

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