ACTIVITY 1 - EM7 - Pabustan

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PABUSTAN BSEd – English 2C

EM 7: Contemporary & Popular & Emergent Literature MW: 3:00 -4:30 PM

Home: A Haven of Comfort and Love

Our house cannot always be a home. It is so ironic that we are home outside our houses.
We are home with our friends, and not always with our family.
Home is more than just a physical place; it is a sanctuary of comfort and love. For me,
home is where I find solace and a sense of belonging. It is a place where I can truly be myself, free
from judgement and pretense. Home is where I share laughter and stories with my family and
friends. It is where we gather around the dining table, or simply just sitting on the floor, sharing
meals that warmth both our bodies and our hearts. The clinking of utensils and the sound of
laughter echo through the walls, creating a symphony of togetherness. It is the people who fill it
with love and joy It is the sound of my loved ones’ voices, their smiles, and the comfort of their
presence. It is the shared moments of watching movies, playing games, or simply sitting in silence,
knowing that we are connected by an unspoken bond. Home is where I can be vulnerable and find
support in times of sadness or challenges. It is where I can share my dreams and aspirations,
knowing that I have a loving support system cheering me on. Home can be felt when we are doing
the things we love. Home reflects who we are. It is a canvas upon which we paint our personalities,
interests, and aspirations. We fill our spaces with objects that tell the story of our lives—books that
have inspired us, art that has moved us, and mementos from adventures we have undertaken. It is
a place where our individuality shines.
A day in my home does not always feel like home. There are times when the familiar
surroundings and comforting routines are overshadowed by a sense of restlessness or unease. On
such days, home becomes a space that reflects the complexities of life, where emotions flow like
In the morning, as I wake up to the soft light filtering through the curtains, there are
moments when I find it difficult to share off the worries and stress that have lingered from the
previous day. The day unfolds with its usual task and responsibilities, but there are times when I
struggle to find motivation or focus.
Lunchtime arrives, and while I prepare a meal, it doesn’t always offer the solace it typically
does. There are moments when I eat alone, and the silence in the dining room echoes with a sense
of isolation. It’s during these times that home can feel more like a house, a structure devoid of the
warmth and connection it should provide.
Night falls, and as I retreat to our bedroom, sleep doesn’t come easily. The comfort of our
bed may be overshadowed by a restless mind, and the stillness of the night can sometimes be
unsettling. The bombarding assignments and academic responsibilities make everything more
Having or finding a home is complicated. Home is not always we expected to have..

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