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Among the following, which will give least priority as it deals with ways of influencing
supernatural events by manipulating laws of nature?
a. Natural knowledge
b. Magical knowledge
c. Supernatural knowledge
d. Technological knowledgeCulture (Knowledge)
2.Among the following, which will you prioritize to deal with he challenges of the 4th
industrial era?
a. Natural knowledge
b. Magical knowledge
c. Supernatural knowledge
d. Technological knowledge

3.Bayanihan as a Filipino cultural value is understood as

a. Property of the community
b. Time of the community
c. Shared work of the community
d. Place of the community

4.A political scientist is talking about crafting creative impression. What cultural syndrome is
he referring as dominant in winning elections?
a. People-oriented leaders
b. Mass-empowered leaders
c. Leaders from political dynasties
d. Service-minded leaders

5.Globalization is the expansion and intensification of social relations across world-time and
across world space. What does the term EXPANSION mean?
a. Stretching of networks
b. Creation and multiplication of networks
c. Acceleration of networks
d. All of the above
6.Which of the following is a manifestation of an INTENSIFICATION of networks?
a. Social media connecting the people of the world
b. International NGOs establishing several regional partners
c. Establishing the United Nations as an international organization
d. Electronic trading increasing the volume of trade in London and New York

7.Which map tells more about people (countries and states) on earth more than about land and
a. Historical map
b. Political map
c. Natural resource map
d. Graphic relief map

8.Among the 17 SDGs, which can be resolved by protecting forest reserves?

a. Advance life on land
b. Develop life below
c. Mobilize sustainable cities
d. Grow affordable energy

9.What concept of political power emerged during the EDSA I Revolution?
a. The politics of cronies is better for the nation.
b. Revolution is a fundamental civil right.
c. The wealthy people has a power over the government.
d. The power belongs to the people
10.What prominent example can you find for conservatism of the United States republican
party politicians?
a. Rejection of mail voting
b. Uphold reason and rationalism
c. Redistricting states
d. Objection to abortion law
11.Among the principles enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, what is not found in
any other constitution in the world?
a. Truth
b. Common good
c. Independence
d. Love
12.The Carinosa folk dance originated from
a. Manila
b. Panay island
c. Pangasinan
d. Tarlac

Folk Dances
•Itik-itik – suriGAO
•Carinosa – PANAY
•Tinikling – Leyte (Late teh!)
13.Which among these charter documents is known as the Freedom Constitution?
a. 1899 Constitution
b. 1935 Constitution
c. 1973 Constitution
d. 1987 Constitution
14.“Summers are usually hot and rainy in my part of the country.” What is she describing?
a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Topography
d. Humidity
15.One of the reasons of the Duterte administration for the proposed change to federalism
a. To eliminate dynasties
b. For local government to get a greater share in revenues
c. To extend the president’s term
d. To extend the term of local officials
16.To resolve the problem of rampant poverty, which sector will you address?
a. Business
b. Military sector
c. Leisure sector
d. Culture 17
17.Kapalaran as a Filipino cultural value is understood as
a. Luck
b. Failure
c. Lost
d. Healthy living

Filipino Cultural Values

• Hiya – shame
• Kapalaran - luck
• Amor Propio – self esteem
• Paggalang – respect
• Pagdadamayan – arises from pakikipagkapwatao
• Pagkakamag-anakan – clan
• Bahala na – Bathala na
• Gaya-gaya – copycat
• Machismo – double
standard morality – boys are given more freedom but lesser responsibilities
18.What is the process of trading products or services using computer networks, such as the
a. Express credit
b. Online Transaction
c. Digital taxation
d. eCommerce
19.To what kind of learners do the class of Mr. Theo belong to if they like the lectures,
discussions, and talking about things?
a. Auditory learners
b. Kinesthetic learners
c. Visual learners
d. Tactile learners
20.Which among the following countries does not claim part of the South China Sea?
a. Vietnam
b. Philippines
c. China
d. Mexico

21.Who is the Father of Sociology?

a. Saint Simon
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Harriet Martineau
d. August Comte
22.The most important factor affecting all chemical weathering
a. Topography
b. Vegetation
c. Climate
d. None of the above
23.In 300 AD, Claudius Ptolemy proposed this hypothesis, which was eventually proven
wrong by Copernicus.
a. The earth is a round planet
b. The earth revolves around the sun
c. The earth is at the center of the universe
d. The earth is at the center of the galaxy
24.As a Social science, Economics will tackle the following but
will give less importance to:
a. Distribution
b. Consumption
c. Competition
d. Production

25.After an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude in 1990, the __________ erupted.
a. Mt. Pinatubo
b. Mt. Apo
c. Mayon
d. Taal
26.Show the proper citation of this literature review: Excerpt from the article of Sanchez
(2015): “Research is essential for a student, professional, or ordinary citizen.”
a. According to Sanchez, 2005, research is truly essential for a student, professional, or
ordinary citizen.
b. Sanchez (2005) stressed the importance of research in school, in the field, and even
in daily life.
c. Sanchez (2015) said that research is essential for a student, professional, or ordinary
d. Research is essential for a student, professional, or ordinary citizen Sanchez 2015.
26 7
27.Research in social science is a scientific inquiry because it
a. Relies on tradition
b. Follows intuition
c. Is fact-based
d. Comes from the government
28.The persistence of poverty incidence in third world countries like Sri Lanka and
Bangladesh is categorized under
a. Cultural universals
b. Cultural lag
c. Cultural shock
d. Cultural relativity

29.Which assessment monitors the learning process?

a. Pre-assessment
b. Formative
c. Diagnostic
d. Summative
30.Sociology is interested in learning
a. Social issues
b. Social problems
c. Social concerns
d. Social interaction
31.Teacher A is thinking about technology software to include in teaching History. What
should not be included?
a. Word processing
b. Database
c. Web browser
d. Computer Printer
32.What is known as the queen city of the south?
a. Manila
b. Davao
c. Iloilo
d. Cebu
33.This philosophy identifies the people’s physical, mental, and moral habits are directly
influenced by the natural environment
a. Environmental Acculturation
b. Environmental Evolution
c. Environmental Determinism
d. Environmental Change

34.Reasoning from specific to general follows

a. Ideographic method
b. Nomothetic method
c. Inductive method
d. Deductive method
35.What gave way to the system of central rule in Europe amid the medieval period?
a. Monarchism
b. Slavery
c. Papacy
d. Feudalism
36.Who among the following was a ruler of the Roman empire and was given an honorary
rule over all German state in the sixth century?
a. Charles
b. Ivan
c. Ferdinand
d. Charlemagne
37.What is the smallest state in the world in terms of population?
a. Papua New Guinea
b. Philippines
c. Australia
d. Vatican
38.Ms. Velasquez is appraising technology materials for Araling Panlipunan produced by her
teachers. What is being assessed by Ms. Velasquez as to being up-to-date and accurate?
a. Aesthetics
b. Mechanics
c. Content
d. User-friendliness

39.To resolve the problem of rampant crime, which sector will you address?
a. Business sector
b. Military sector
c. Police sector
d. Education sector
40.Which kind of test will measure basic skills in dance or the arts?
a. Aptitude test
b. Achievement test
c. Personality test
d. Intelligence test

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