Barnette Chapter 1-5 Reviwed.

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A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a
Higher National Diploma (HND) in MARKETING AND TRADE SALES



ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023/2024 Yaounde, April 2024


I BONEH BARNETTE BOHNJIEH hereby declare that this report entitle THE ROLE OF
IN CAMEROON is my original work. All borrowed ideas have been reference.






This is to certify that the report entitle THE ROLE OF BRANDING ON THE MARKETING
BARNETTE BOHNJIEH, under the supervision of Mr. YONKAH PETER YUNJI as academic
supervisor in collaboration with Mr ETAND as field supervisor.

DATE ………………………….






This is dedicated to the BONEH FAMILY.

My sincere gratitude goes to the following personalities who contributed morally, financially,
academically, materially, physically and spiritually for the realization of this piece of work.

My special thanks to my academic supervisor Mr. YONKAH PETER YUNJI for academic
and moral support and the editing of this work without which could not have been successful.

Special thanks to Yaoundé‟ international business school (YIBS) for accepting me as one of
their student and for tuition received.

To the branch manager of DABEX TRADING CAMPANY for accepting me as an intern in

this enterprise and giving me the opportunity to acquire more skills and putting marketing
theories in to practice.

My sincere gratitude goes to my parents who provides my school needs and all financial
support and also to my cuisine who does not just take care of me like a brother but like a son, I
thank him for his care and moral support. Not forgetting my friends for their words of
encouragement and support throughout this work.

In today's highly competitive markets, keeping customers and retaining their loyalty is
considered crucial in maintaining business and its related marketing performance. Companies
and retailers also need to look for various marketing strategies in order to improve their
customers‟ loyalty. Having knowledge and skills about marketing is one of the capabilities which
is required for success in the competition. In consumable markets, brands are the main points of
differentiation between the competitive presentations, thus, they are crucial for the performance
in terms of success of the companies. The purpose of this study sets to analyses the role of
banding on marketing performance elements of branding .The present study is applicable in
terms of objective and descriptive survey in terms of data collection. To identify the challenges
associated with branding at DABEX TRADING COMPANY IN CAMEROON (DTC), identify
the importance of branding in the marketing of their services offer, determine the branding
strategies adapted by (DTC) and ascertain the relationship between branding and marketing
performance of (DTC) in Cameroon. Mixed research design was used and data was collected
from a sample size of 20 with the aid of questionnaires. Convenience sampling method was used
for the selection of the respondents. Results revealed that lack of branding know-how and
insufficient branding guidance for entrepreneurs are major challenges in (DTC). Also the results
indicated that, branding influence the purchase decision of customers, helps customers to identify
the source of communicates features and benefits while developing and maintaining it branding
activities through both internal and external agency. Brand extension and multiple branding are
the major branding strategies used by (DTC).
KEY words. Branding, marketing, performance, Real estate

Dans les marchés hautement concurrentiels d'aujourd'hui, fidéliser les clients et les fidéliser est
considéré comme crucial pour maintenir l'activité et les performances marketing qui y sont
associées. Les entreprises et les détaillants doivent également rechercher diverses stratégies
marketing afin d‟améliorer la fidélité de leurs clients. Avoir des connaissances et des
compétences en marketing est l‟une des capacités requises pour réussir dans la compétition. Sur
les marchés des biens de consommation, les marques sont les principaux points de
différenciation entre les présentations concurrentielles, elles sont donc cruciales pour la
performance en termes de succès des entreprises. Le but de cette étude consiste à analyser le rôle
du banding sur les éléments de performance marketing du branding. La présente étude est
applicable en termes d'enquête objective et descriptive en termes de collecte de données.
Identifier les défis associés au branding chez DABEX TRADING COMPANY AU
CAMEROUN (DTC), identifier l'importance du branding dans la commercialisation de leur offre
de services, déterminer les stratégies de branding adaptées par (DTC) et vérifier la relation entre
le branding et la performance marketing de ( DTC) au Cameroun. Une conception de recherche
descriptive a été utilisée et les données ont été collectées à partir d'un échantillon de 20
personnes à l'aide de questionnaires. La méthode d‟échantillonnage de convenance a été utilisée
pour la sélection des répondants. Les résultats ont révélé que le manque de savoir-faire en
matière de marque et l'insuffisance des conseils en matière de marque pour les entrepreneurs
constituent des défis majeurs en (DTC). Les résultats ont également indiqué que la marque
influence la décision d'achat des clients, aide les clients à identifier la source des fonctionnalités
et des avantages de la communication tout en développant et en maintenant ses activités de
marque par le biais d'agences internes et externes. L'extension de marque et les marques
multiples sont les principales stratégies de marque utilisées par (DTC).
Mots clés. Image de marque, marketing, performance, Immobilier,

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ vi
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1 Historical Background Of The Study ............................................................................. 2
1.1.1 The Theoretical Background ............................................................................................ 4 The brand personality theory by Jennifer asker (1997) (BPT) ....................................... 4 The brand equity theory by David A Aaker (1991) (BET) .......................................... 4
1.1.2 The brand identity prism theory (1997) (BIPT ................................................................. 4
1.1.3 Conceptual Background ................................................................................................... 5
b) Marketing ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.4 Contextual Background. .................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Problem statement ......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Objective Of The Study ................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Research Question ......................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Main Research question ................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Specific Questions ...................................................................................................... 7
1.6 The of Significant Study ................................................................................................ 7
This study will be significant to the following groups of individuals ........................................ 7
1.7 Justification Of The Study ............................................................................................. 9
1.8 Scope of the Study ......................................................................................................... 9
1.8.1 Geographical scope .......................................................................................................... 9
1.8.3 Thematic Scope. .............................................................................................................. 9
1.9 Organization Of The Study .......................................................................................... 10
2.1 Conceptual Review ......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Branding ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Element Of Branding ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Marketing .................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.4 Importance of Branding ................................................................................................ 12
2.1.5 Marketing Activity......................................................................................................... 13

2.1.7 Importance of Branding to Consumers.......................................................................... 13
2..1.8 Types of Branding That Is Been Practice By Dabex Ltd .............................................. 14
2.2 Theoretical Review .......................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Brand personality theory by Jennifer Aaker (1997) ....................................................... 14
2.2.2 Brand equity theory by David A Aaker in (1991) .......................................................... 15
2.2.3 Brand identity theory by jean-Noel kepferer in (1997).................................................. 15
2.3 Empirical Review ............................................................................................................ 15
2.4 Presentation of Internship Place and Activities. ............................................................... 17
2.4.2 Description of DABEX ................................................................................................. 17
2.4.4 Vision ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.4.5 Services Rendered ......................................................................................................... 18 Internship Activities Carry Out My The Researcher At DABEX ............................... 20 Department Of The Organization .............................................................................. 20
Qualities of a Good Customer Service Officer ........................................................................ 21
2.4.5. 8 Internal Auditor ......................................................................................................... 21 Role of Internal Auditor in Dabex ............................................................................... 21 Professional experience: ............................................................................................ 22 Difficulties Encountered ........................................................................................... 23 Strengths .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Weaknesses ............................................................................................................... 24
2..4.5.16 Opportunities ........................................................................................................... 24 Threats .................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 3: ............................................................................................................................. 26
METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................... 26
3.2 Population Sample Size and Techniques........................................................................... 26
3.3 Population of the study ..................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Sample size .................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Sampling Technique ...................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Source of Data Collection .............................................................................................. 27
3.3.3 Primary Source .............................................................................................................. 27
3.4.2 Validity .......................................................................................................................... 28

3.5 Face validity ..................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.2 Content validity ............................................................................................................. 28
3.5.3 Reliability ...................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.3 Construction of research instruments ............................................................................. 28
3.5.4 Administration of the instrument ................................................................................... 29
3.5.5 Method of Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 29
4.1 Data Analysis.................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Inferential Statistics .......................................................................................................... 30
DISCUSSION OF CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................ 37
5.1 Discussion And Summary Of Findings ............................................................................. 37
5.2 Recommendations............................................................................................................. 37
5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 38
.4 Proposal for future research ................................................................................................ 38
Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................................. 49

Table 1destruction according to gender ...................................................................................................... 30
Table 2 distribution according to age ........................................................................................................... 31
Table 3 distribution according to marital status .......................................................................................... 32
Table 4 distribution according employment. ............................................................................................... 32
Table 5 distribution according to level of education ................................................................................... 32
Table 6 distribution according to function ................................................................................................... 33
Table 7distribution according to Longevity in sservice ................................................................................ 34
Table 8 how will you rate your organization marketing strategies ............................................................. 34
Table 9 how effective marketing campaigns reach out your audience ....................................................... 35
Table 10 our your marketing efforts in line with goals and objects ............................................................ 35
Table 11 do you think are brand give out massage to the customers ........................................................ 36
Table 12 how you will rate your organizational performance ..................................................................... 36


AMA: American association of marketing

BIPT: The brand identity prism theory
BPT: brand equity theory

DTC: Dabex trading company

MP: marketing performance

REC: Real estate Company

SWOT: strength, weakness, opportunity and threat


In view of today challenges of today‟s business organization attempt to attract customer and
having adopted strategy of keeping the current customer and inspiring their loyalty. Branding
concepts attaching to business strategy in a center-stage in business strategy development and
business activities

The number of brand related research and development has remained low in the real estate
business. Real estate is a customer orientation service business industry. Each tenant‟s core
business is supported by the performance. Properties and services of the building. Enhancing
brand thinking means practically focusing on operational quality and producing mass-built
unique products and services. Branding is always a strategic issue and brings continuity to
business in general multiform and singular clear branding are both available in the real estate
improving competitiveness is vital for real estate companies. The need for profitability makes it
necessary to focus on main resources and core competencies. Overall, it can be said that a brand
is a way of getting better rental income property.

This chapter is comprised of the introduction, the background of the study, historical background
of the topic, historical background of the case study, the theoretical background, contextual
background, statement of the problem, objective of the study, Research question, Hypothesis of
the study, significance of the study, justification of the study, scope of the study.

1.1 Historical Background Of The Study

Branding has a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. The term "brand" originally
referred to a mark burned into cattle to distinguish ownership. Over time, branding evolved into
a way for businesses to differentiate themselves and create a reputation among consumers. One
of the first known examples of branding in a modern sense is the Bass red triangle, used by Bass
Brewery in England in the late 1800s. This logo became one of the world's first registered
trademarks in 1876, signaling the beginning of formal brand identity. In the 20th century,
companies like Coca-Cola and Marlboro utilized branding techniques to establish strong
emotional connections with consumers. Coca-Cola, for example, created a timeless brand image
centered on happiness and togetherness, while Marlboro positioned itself as a rugged and
independent brand through its "Marlboro Man" advertising campaign. Today, branding has

become integral to business success, with companies investing heavily in brand strategy, design,
and communication to build loyalty and trust among consumers. Major brands like Apple, Nike,
and Amazon are renowned for their strong brand identities and the emotional appeal they evoke.
Branding is the act of creating a unique name or image of a product. This serves to distinguish
the product from others product in the market. This study is relevant as companies‟ success relies
on how its value for the customer. The poor regulation and questionable practice leading to the
crash of the housing market in 2008 still affective the whole real estate industry (cherif & Grant,
2014) the negative image effects have been hard to shake off and now the market is changing
rapidly with the independent. Do it your self-websites make it possible for individual to create
marketing material themselves and sell their house on their own. This is a threat to traditional
real estate professionals (Richardson & Zunbano, 2012, Gay & Zhang, 2014)

The digitalized world has created pressure on real estate professional to stand out from the crowd
as the competition is fiercer. To match the increase competitions, traditional real estate
professionals most also build and maintain an online brand presence in other to survive
(yuan,lee,kim & kim,2013) in addition to internet threats, the pressure has increased the use of
discount brokers an split commission (Rutherfort & yavas,2012)the home buyers today want
quick access to information that support their decision making order to answer this
demand, Gay et ai .(2014) argue that professionals like real estate agent most improve their
status as an expert in their filed. This can only be achieved by effectively disseminating
information to the client. Product in the marketplace, leaves a distinct impression in buyers‟
minds and attracts potential new customers. While most people will associate the branding
process with relatively modern concepts, its origins date back many thousands of years. This
study is relevant as company success release on how its employees generates, provide and
capture value for the customers. The poor regulation and questionable pragmatic leading crash of

Housing market in 2008 still effective the whole real estate industry (cherif & grant, 2014) the
negative image effects have been hard to shake off and now the market is changing rapidly with
the independent. Do it yourself website, this website makes it possible for individual home
owners to create marketing materials themselves and sale their houses on their own. This is a
threat to traditional real estate professional (Richardson & Zubano Gay 2012)

1.1.1 The Theoretical Background
Here the will be looking at some theories by different authors in branding The brand personality theory by Jennifer asker (1997) (BPT)

This theory was introduced by Jennifer Asker 1997, suggests that a brand can have human-like
characteristics such as emotion and personality traits. The theory emphasize that a brand can
create a strong connection with customers by developing a unique and likeable personality. Aker
identified five dimension of brand personality. Sincerity, excitement, competence sophistication,
and ruggedness. Each dimension represents a different set of personality traits that a brand can
possess. The brand equity theory by David A Aaker (1991) (BET)

David A Aaker suggests that a brand value is based on how much customers are willing
to pay for it and the overall perception of the brand. Aaker introduce this theory in this book
„Managing Brand Equity‟ in 1991. The theory emphasizes the importance of creating a strong
brand image and reputation in order to increase brand equity. The theory of band responsibility
to society and the environment. David A Aaker, the same author of the brand equity theory,
introduction this theory in his book. Bend relevance. Making competitors irrelevant in 2011. The
theory suggests that brands should take a proactive role in addressing social and environment
issues, and that doing so can create a positive image and reputation for the brand.

1.1.2 The brand identity prism theory (1997) (BIPT)

Jean-noel kapferer is a renowned French marketing strategist and academic known for
his work on brand management and identity prism which he introduced in his book “strategic
brand management: new approaches to creating and evaluating brand equity (1997). In this
theory, jean describes a brand as having six key dimension, represented by a prims physique,
personality, culture, relationship, inflection and self-image. Each dimension with a brand shaping
its overall identity and brand equity.

1.1.3 Conceptual Background
a) Branding

Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product, services, or company. It
involves developing a name, logo, and other visual element that distinguish the brand from its
competitors. Branding can also involve creating a specific image or personality for the brand, as
well as estate set value or beliefs that the brand represents.

b) Marketing: Philip Kotler (1967) defines marketing as art of creating and exchanging
products and values to satisfy the need and wands of individuals at a profit. Marketing more than
any other

c) Marketing Performance: Marketing performance refers to the effectiveness of a company‟s

marketing efforts in achieving their goals and objectives. This can include metrics such as sales
revenue, customer acquisition, and brand awareness. By analyzing marketing performance,
companies can identify areas of opportunity for improvement and make data-driven decision
about their marketing strategies.

d) Real Estate. Real estate refers to property consisting of land, building, and any natural
resources on or under the land. This can include residential, commercial or industrial properties,
as well as well as vacant land. Real estate refers to property consisting of land building, and any
natural resources on or under the land. This can include residential, commercial or industrial
properties, as well as vacant land represents.

1.1.4 Contextual Background.

Here we will be talking about the background, environment of my internship places the study
was carried out at DABEX TRADING COMPANY IN YAOUNDE LTD the focus was to
investigate how branding have influence their market share. DABEX was chosen for the study
because the face a problem of branding in the market which can hinders their market share and
stop them from achieving their objectives and goals on the time study it was carried on within
the period from 1/08/2023 up till date.

This tell us the context within which the study has been chosen that makes it original the role
of branding on market share which fall under the context of marketing this topic brings the

reason why branding is important and the ways it‟s supposed to be applied in other to achieve the
objectives of the organization

1.2 Problem statement

In today's competitive business landscape, effective branding plays a crucial role in shaping a
company's marketing performance and overall success. DABEX Trading Company, as a
representative case, aims to understand the specific impact of branding on its marketing
performance. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research on the role of branding and its
influence on the marketing performance of DABEX Trading Company.

This study seeks to investigate the relationship between branding and marketing performance,
focusing on DABEX Trading Company. By examining the various elements of branding, such as
brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, and brand equity, this research aims to provide
valuable insights into the extent to which branding strategies contribute to the marketing
performance of DABEX Trading Company

By addressing these research questions, this study aims to provide practical insights for DABEX
Trading Company and other similar businesses in understanding the significance of branding in
enhancing marketing performance. The findings will contribute to the development of effective
branding strategies and marketing campaigns that can create a competitive advantage, increase
customer loyalty, and drive business growth.

1.3 Objective of The Study.

1.3.1 Main Objective

The general objective of the study was to examine the role of branding on the marketing
performance of real estate case of Dabex trading company in Yaoundé (DTC).

1.3.2 Specific research objectives’

 How does brand awareness impact the marketing performance of DABEX Trading Company
in terms of customer acquisition, market share, and brand recognition?

 What is the relationship between brand image and customer perception of DABEX Trading
Company's product quality, reliability, and differentiation in the market?

 How does brand loyalty influence customer retention, repeat purchases, and customer
lifetime value for DABEX Trading Company?
1.4 Research Question.
1.4.1 Main Research question

The main research question of this of the study was to examine weather branding has an
influence on the marketing performance of real estate case of Dabex trading company in
Yaoundé (DTC).

1.4.1 Specific Questions.

The specifics question are as follows.
 What is the way to increase customers through the implementation of branding in the
 Which problem does the team members always face during prospecting
 How to increase the number of customers in the market through the implementation of
effective branding of DTC.

1.5.1 Null hypothesis (H0) There is no relationship between branding and marketing

1.5.2 Alternate hypothesis (H1) there is a relationship between branding and marketing

1.6 The of Significant Study.

This study will be significant to the following groups of individuals :

1.6.1 To The Organization.

 Branding plays a major role in every business especially for new businesses. As the
business world is competitive branding is used to raise awareness about a business or a
product, services of the organization, brand and position a company products or service
against the competitors in the market for them to have advantage.
 Branding provides information and differentiation of company products from another‟s
and to increase to awareness within the target market.
 it is important for organization to brand their good because it will help the consumers
buying process easy.

1.6.2 To The Customer Every customer will want to have a tangible reason for consuming a
particular product or services and this can be achieved by every brand giving a reason to be an
actual and loyal consumer which is done through branding aspects, given that it is the best way
to reach out to the public.

 Consumer are considered as king by organization thus ensuring regular purchase and
recommendations to others

1.6.3 To The Researcher:

By providing quality services to your customers will help to generate making or sale opportunity.
The researcher is aimed at trying to improve on the way customer are being satisfy.

This as enable me to understand the importance of marketing research to new business creation

1.6.4 To the society

The researcher help the society to know about the various aspects such as

 Economic impact: it help businesses make better decisions about marketing budgets and
strategies, leading to businesses growth and economic development
 Consumer empowerment :it shows how brand can engage with consumers effectively
respond to their need and build stronger relationships, resulting in improved customer‟s
 satisfaction and more consumers- centric business

1.7Justification Of The Study.

The goal of every organization is to maximize profit while satisfying the demand of their
customers. In the other hand the goal of DABEX is to serve individual and organizations in the
society. For this, DABEX has a project to extend its enterprise with better technologies and also
improve in the quality of its services that will respond to the market development .DABEX is
aware that the survival of a business depends on its ability to innovate. The sustainability of
every organization depends on its goal and objectives. Branding helps a business to retain more
customers which intend can lead to higher profit and sales.

With the help of branding, a company will be able to understand its customers.
DABEX will be able to relate to their challenges and quickly learn what matters to their
1.7 Scope of the Study.

This research topic is on the role of branding on the marketing performance which fall within the
marketing department milieu therefore contributed to global supply chain.

1.8.1 Geographical scope

The study was carried out at Dabex trading company sarl (DTC) with the head office branch in
Yaoundé Cameroon precisely at Mache Mendong. Which the geographical map will be
illustrated at the end of chapter five of the work

1.8.2 Time Scope

The study was done within a period of two months from July to August 2023 where I served as
marketer in the marketing department, some of my activities there was, customer services,
prospection, posting company product online and producing flyers.

1.8.3 Thematic Scope.

This piece of work is based on the topic the role of branding on the marketing performance of
real estate in Yaoundé.

1.8 Organization Of The Study

The study is divided into five chapters and each of the chapters is divided into subsections.
Chapter one which is title introduction contains the background of the study, statement of the
problem, research questions, objective of the study, research hypothesis, significance of the study
and scope of the study.

Chapter two is the literature review and consist of three sections. Section one is known as
conceptual issues and deals with definition and detail explanation of terms. Section two is known
as theoretical review which identifies some theories of branding on the marketing performance.
The last section is known as empirical review. This section look at similar studies and summarize

Chapter three is methodology. It focuses on how the research will be carried out. It consists of
the scope a delimitation of the study, research design, method of data collection, population of
the study, sample and sampling technique, research instrument, method of data analysis,
validation of research instruments, validation/ reliability of findings and measurability of

Chapter four is called presentation and discussion of results. In this chapter, the researcher
presents the results obtained from the field and uses the results to answer the research questions
he presented in chapter one section four.

Chapter five known as summary, conclusion and recommendation is divided into three sections.



This chapter comprised of literature review with theories as well as internship activities.

2.1 Conceptual Review

2.1.1 Branding
Branding can be traced back to ancient times when livestock owners would use hot iron to
make their animals with unique symbols or logos. The modern concept of branding, as we know
it today began to emerge in the late 1800s and early 1900s with the rise of mass production and
consumer culture. In terms of authors who have writing about the history of branding, we have
Kevin Lane Keller, David A. Aaker are some of the authors who have writing extensive on the
topic of branding and may have touched on its history in their works.

According to Kevin Lane Keller and David A. Aaker (1991) are two leading experts on
branding, and they have both writing extensively on the subject. In their work, both emphasize
the importance of creating and maintaining a strong brand identity that resonate with customer
and sets a company apart from the competitors. They also stress the importance of building brand
equity, which is the value that a brand adds to a product or services beyond its functional
benefits. According to Kevin Lane Keller branding is all about creating a unique and memorable
identity for a product or services that inspires trust, loyalty, and positive association in the mind
of consumers.

2.1.2 Element Of Branding.

 Branding identity: this refers to the unique visual and verbal elements that make up a
brand, such as the logo, tagline and brand name. A strong brand identity can help to
differentiate a product or services from others competitors produce and build recognition
and trust with consumers.

 Brand personality: this refers to the human-link qualities and characteristic that are
associated with a brand, such as its value, tone of voice, and style. A strong brand
personality can help to create emotional connection with consumers and make a brand
more relatable and memorable.
 Brand equity: this refers to the value that a brand adds to a product or services beyond
its functional benefits. A strong brand equity can help to increase customer loyalty,
command higher price, and create a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
 Brand management: this refers to the ongoing process of developing, maintaining, and
strengthening a brand over time, effective brand management involves monitoring and
responding to change in the market and consumers presence, as well as adapting to new
technology and trend.

2.1.3 Marketing:

Philip Kotler (1967) defines marketing as art of creating and exchanging products and
values to satisfy the need and wands of individuals at a profit. Marketing more than any other
function deals with customers, creating customer value and satisfaction are heart of modern
marketing thinking and practices. The two-fold marketing goals are to attract new customers by
promising superior value and keep current customers by delivering satisfaction at a profit

According to the American association of marketing (AMA), marketing is the performance of

business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to

A simple definition of marketing is the selling of good and services. Selling of good is the
transfer of ownership and possession of goods.

2.1.4 Importance of Branding

For an institution like DABEX LTD, branding is important both as a promotional and as a
marketing activity. Branding as a promotional activity has the following important. It helps to
bring a change in the attitude of the customers.

 To generate awareness of the product or services.

 It imparts knowledge about brand to the consumer\customers.
 It helps the consumers to differentiate from others competitor‟s product.
 To turn prospect into customer.

2.1.5 Marketing Activity

Branding holds its significance for decision other tools as well as other marketing decisions
concerning product, price, and place. The nature and scope of branding for a product depending
upon the mix various tools in a given situation.

2.1.6 Importance of Branding to the Organization

a) To Introduce Products: Branding is very necessary to the producer because it will help the
consumers should be aware about the product, and also should be able to differentiate it from
others produce. Thus, branding is crucial to promote the sale of new product.
b) To The Remind User: In competitive market new product are introduced frequently. All
these products and services branded in the market. As a result, old brands are likely to be
forgotten by the consumers.
c) To Crate Brand Image: Business institution carry on branding often to establish an image
for the product and creating customers loyalty for the product. Consumers are unlike to
switch to other brands easily when they develop a brand loyalty.

2.1.7 Importance of Branding to Consumers

a) protect consumers from exploitation

Branding also acts as an information service and educates the consumers about a
enable consumers to know what exactly they want and where they can get it.

a) Facilitates direct selling: Branding makes it possible to sell directly to the consumers by
mail other business. Thus, consumers from the remote ears can also enjoy the comforts
and luxuries available only in the cities or town.
b) Improved consumers satisfaction: Price cutting is available to retailers and the
shopkeepers as they try to attract customers by given better and more satisfactory

c) Enable comparison: Branding helps consumers find best products for themselves by
facilitating comparison among various products available in the market. When
consumers are aware about the product, they are to compare price, quality and

2..1.8 Types of Branding That Is Been Practice By Dabex Ltd

 Social media branding: This involves creating identity for the company as an employer
to attract and retain top talent employer. Branding help to build a strong reputation about
the company as a great place to work.
 Services branding: In this form of branding, the company is creating a brand identity for
a specific service, such as consulting. Service branding help to differentiate the services
of the company form others competitors own.
 Corporate branding. With this branding strategy the company create a brand identity
for the entire organization rather than just one service. Corporate branding can help to
build a strong reputation and image for the company as a whole.

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Brand personality theory by Jennifer Aaker (1997)

Branding theory by Jennifer the Aaker in 1997 focuses on the personality traits of a brand,
outlining five core dimensions: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and
ruggedness. However, it‟s worth noting that Jennifer Aaker did not develop this theory in 1917
(it was actually developed in the late 1990s).

As for limitations of the theory, some criticisms include the subjective nature of measuring brand
personality, the challenge of accurately portraying multiple personality dimensions in a brand,
and the potential for brands to be misinterpreted by consumers. Additionally, some argue that the
theory may oversimplify the complexity of brand identity and consumer perceptions.

2.2.2 Brand equity theory by David A Aaker in (1991)
The brand equity theory of branding, proposed by David Aaker in 1991, focuses on the value that
a brand adds to a product or service. It suggests that strong brands can command higher prices
and customer loyalty, leading to long-term success for a company.

However, there are some limitations to the brand equity theory. One limitation is that it can be
difficult to quantify the exact value of a brand and its impact on consumer behavior. Another
limitation is that brand equity can be influenced by various factors, such as market trends,
competition, and consumer preferences, making it challenging to maintain consistent.

2.2.3 Brand identity theory by jean-Noel kepferer in (1997)

Jean-Noel Kapferer is a renowned French expert in brand management who is known for his
work on brand identity. In 1997, he published the book “Strategic Brand Management: Creating
and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term” which introduced his theory of brand identity.

Kapferer‟s theory of brand identity emphasizes the importance of understanding the different
dimensions of a brand in order to create a compelling brand identity that resonates with
consumers. He highlights the facets of brand identity, such as brand physique (tangible aspects
like logo and packaging), brand personality (the brand‟s character and values), brand culture (the
values and beliefs associated with the brand), and brand reflection (how the brand is perceived
by customers)

However, there are also limitations to Kapferer‟s theory of brand identity. One criticism is that
his model may oversimplify the complexities of building and managing a brand p in today‟s
dynamic marketplace. Additionally, some argue that his focus on the traditional elements of
brand identity may not fully capture the evolving nature of brand relationships in the digital age.

2.3 Empirical Review

This empirical review aims to provide insights into the role of branding on marketing
performance. Branding has long been recognized as a vital element in achieving sustainable
competitive advantage for businesses. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of empirical
research conducted in various industries and markets to understand the impact of branding on
marketing performance, including brand awareness, brand loyalty, and financial outcomes. The
findings here highlight the role of branding as a strategic tool for marketing performance to

enhance their effectiveness and overall business performance. Brief overview of branding and
its significance in modern marketing. Emphasize the need for empirical evidence concerning the
impact of branding on marketing performance Brand Awareness Review of studies investigating
the relationship between branding and awareness Examination of the positive effects of strong
brand awareness on customer perceptions and purchase intentions. Discussion of different
methodologies employed to measure brand awareness and Brand Loyalty.

David A. Aaker Building Strong Brands” is a book and published in 1996. It is a

comprehensive guide that delves into the strategies and techniques involved in creating and
managing strong brands. The book emphasizes the importance of brand identity and provides
insights on how to develop and maintain a brand‟s equity over time. Aaker introduces various
frameworks and models to help businesses build strong brands through proper brand positioning,
brand architecture, brand extension, and brand revitalization. The book remains a valuable
resource for marketers and brand managers seeking to enhance their understanding of brand
management and create enduring brand value.

Kelvin Keller is a renowned expert in branding strategies. He believes that effective branding is
critical for any business to succeed in today‟s competitive market. According to his ideology,
branding should encapsulate a company‟s values, vision, and unique selling proposition It serves
as a powerful tool to differentiate a business from its competitors and create a strong connection
with the target audience.

Keller emphasizes the importance of creating a consistent and cohesive brand identity across all
channels, including website, social media, advertising, and packaging. He suggests that
businesses should carefully choose branding elements such as the logo, color palette,
typography, and tagline to reflect the desired brand image and resonate with the target market

Keller also advocates for regular monitoring and evaluation of a brand‟s perception in the
market. By actively listening to customer feedback and adapting branding strategies accordingly,
businesses can stay relevant and maintain a positive brand image

.Jennifer also emphasizes the importance of brand positioning in the market. He suggests that
effective brand positioning allows companies to differentiate their products/services from
competitors and target the right consumer segments (Kotler et al., 2016)

Philip Kotler: Idea: Philip Kotler, a prominent marketing expert, emphasizes the role of
branding in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing brand preference. He suggests that
advertisements play a crucial role in creating brand awareness, building brand image, and
establishing brand associations in the minds of consumers. Effective branding communicate a
clear value proposition, resonate with target audiences, and positive emotions can drive
consumer engagement and preference for a brand.

2.4 Presentation of Internship Place and Activities.

This section includes presentation of place of internship, activities performed and the
strength and weakness of the study.

2.4.1 Historical Background of Dabex Trading Company Ltd.

Dabex trading company ltd (DTC) is a multi-service company, which came into being in 2015
and was launched on 08 of August 2020 operating in Yaoundé with its head office at Marche

DTC was introduced in Cameroon by a dynamic German based Cameroonian called MR.
DABA BERTRAND. This Company by name DTC deals with provision of services and solution
to customers‟ needs in the area of real estate, import and export, logistic management, transit
forwarding and insurance, ticketing.

Since DTC was louche, the company as carried out many activities in various department which
enable them to create partnerships with other companies, to extend their activities and to be
opened to a bigger market.

2.4.2 Description of DABEX

Dabex trading company is a company that was created and lunch on the 08 august 2020
that offers many services, like Insurance, Marketing, Ticketing Import and Export, Real
Estate, located at Marche Mendong which the locational map will be illustrate at the lass pages
in chapter fiver.

2.4.3 Mission

The mission of DTC SARL is to have the greater market share in: real estates, food and
beverages, agriculture manufacturing and distribution, construction contractors, construction
project, import and export, clearance and trade, financial capital contribution, drawings,
borrowings (loan) and loan repayment, logistics port management and haulage, insurance,
ticketing, export of palm oil.

2.4.4 Vision
The vision of DTC is to strive for self-reliance in Cameroon in all sector they operate as also to
get up world class project in agriculture, real estate, import and export. They aim at taking
Cameroon‟s agriculture operational across Africa and helping others countries to do it the same.

2.4.5 Services Rendered

The services rendered by DABEX TRADING COMPANY SARL so far are.

 Auto mobile insurance

 Air ticketing
 Real estate
a) Insurance

Insurance is a legal contract between two parties that is the insurer and the insured, where the
insurer turns to compensate the insured in case he suffers lost. In other words insurance is a way
for somebody to prevent himself or his properties from risks with the insurance company and get
the cover for financial lost that he may face due to unforeseen event. There is insurance available
for various risks starting from your life to mobile phone that you use. At the end it is important to
you. DABEX TRADING COMPANY SARL deals only with Auto-mobile insurance that is their
insurance policy covers only cars. DTC SARL Insurance Policy varies that is they give out
insurance on TAXI and AUTO ECOLE for three, six and twelve months since they both have
high risk that is their risk are more elevated than other auto mobile. They also provide insurance
policy for private cars from four, six, eight and twelve months since their risk are limited. In
addition to that DTC SARL also provide insurance policy looking at the Performance of the
engine power (number of horse power) Fuel consumption (Diesel or Petrol) DTC SARL also
provide you with the kebbi fuel saver which helps in the reduction of fuel consumption by 15%

the kebbi fuel saver is in two types that which use petrol and that which use Diesel. Diesel is
more advantageous because it goes with all cars. They have the Michel‟s Scan Pro which helps
in diagnosing or carrying out a rapid scan of your vehicle to know the different damages or
malfunctions of your car. This product helps you to prevent unforeseen break down or damages.

b) Ticketing:

Also have a ticketing department which is specialized in issuing, reservations and selling of
flight tickets. They walk with a GDS that is Global Distribution System call AMADEUS,
GALLILEO and SABRE on which they find available flight from Cameroon. DTC SARL is in
partnership with all the airlines landing in Cameroon be it in DOUALA or in YAOUNDE which
enables them to handle or to take care of trips for their clients or passengers .DTC SARL
provides amazing services to all its customers like; Keeping in touch with their clients in other to
secure their journey like in case of date and time changes. Giving out real time updated news for
all companies and destinations for clients to program their trips at the right time in other to make
economies. DTC SARL also follows up miles of their customers for affiliated frequent flyers of
airlines companies in other for them to have the advantages reserve to the frequent flyers. All
this is done in other to maintain good customer relationship since their main aim is to satisfy
their customers.

c) Real Estate:

This is the main service or activity DTC SARL is concern with, that is to say they put in place
Lands, Houses for sale and rent. DTC SARL helps to facilitate a transaction between the buyers
and the sellers of houses and lands. Their job is represent either party and help them achieve a
purchase or sale with the best possible terms by so doing they make profit through commissions.
In other for them to carry out this task, DTC SARL is in partnership with land owners, houses for
sale and rent in other to facilitate their task since they don‟t own any house or land yet on their
own. DTC SARL also deals with property management that is landlords hand over to the
company the management of their properties which is they look for tenants to put in the various
houses, they collect the house rent on behalf of the landlord. Since DTC SARL does not have
any property on its own yet, they are facilitators between landlords and tenants, and between
land owners and buyers. In this case they deal only on commissions for tenants, and on
percentages based on the agreements they have with landlords and land owners.

19 Internship Activities Carry Out My The Researcher At DABEX
The activities carried out by the researcher during his internship are as follows.
 Week one Photocopying of document
 Week two Distributions of flyers
 Week three Going out for prospections
 Week four Posting and advertising properties online
 Week five Designing of flyers

Carryout prospection Carrying out prospection is one of the main activities I did throughout my
internship period in DTC SARL. This was done by going to the field and meeting various types
of customers, approaching them and giving them vital information concerning the services
offered by DTC SARL which was aimed at bringing new clients for the company and making it
known. This was very effective since we know both English and French .This facilitated the task
of approaching various types of clients on the field

.Advertise companies services on social media and through discussions Another activity I
engage myself in was to make the company known through discussions and social Mediums
and this activity was done by sharing links and passing relevant information‟s about the company
to friends and on social Mediums and create awareness which was also aimed at selling the
company‟s services and make it known.

Cleaning of the company Cleaning of the company was also part of my activity which has been
carried out daily in other to keep the company clean. This was done at the end of each weekend
that is Saturdays Department Of The Organization

DABEX as a real estate company operate with activities carried out by various personals. Some
of these activities include.

a) Customers services

Customers services entails treating customers the way you would like to be treated yourself and
how they want to be treated. This department is headed by a customer service officer. The
customer service is responsible for receiving customers and making the products and services of

DABEX known to them. They identify customer‟s needs, their problems and try to solve them to
their satisfaction.

Qualities of a Good Customer Service Officer

1. Excellent communication skills: Being able to effectively communicate with customers in a
clear and friendly manner is essential for addressing their needs and concerns.

2. Empathy: Understanding and empathizing with customers' emotions and situations is

important for building rapport and providing personalized support.

3. Problem-solving skills: Being able to think quickly on their feet and find solutions to
customers' problems or inquiries is crucial for delivering excellent customer service.

4. Patience: Dealing with various types of customers, including those who may be upset or
frustrated, requires a high level of patience to ensure a positive interaction.

5. Flexibility: Adapting to different situations and customer needs, and being willing to go above
and beyond to assist them, is a key quality of a good customer service officer.

2.4.5. 8 Internal Auditor

Internal auditor is the part of the ongoing monitoring the internal system of the organization Role of Internal Auditor in Dabex

 Evaluate the adequacy of the system of internal control
 Recommend improvement in control
 Verify the existence of assets and recommend proper safeguard

Procurement Officer
 Procurement officer of DABEX LTD has the task of buying equipment and ensuring that
suppliers comply with legal and company policies
 When a need is recognizes in DABEX the procurement officer prepares a purchase
requisition form to purchase good on behalf of the institution.

21 Professional experience:
In related to what I have been leaning in class through my internship experience I have been able
to understand more about the theoretical and practical know how at the level of work. Actually
the experience was a good one as I had to see how to relate theory with practical which equally
open me to some professional skills in the field. Which I learn so many things from different

Personal Experience I learnt how to work under pressure, collaborate with co-workers with
different characters, and subdue myself to my boss who put pressure on me to perform task. I
learnt how to work hand in hand with others (team work), thinking out of the box and I was able
to match theories learn in school and that in the field. I equally learnt to cope with the fact that
the enterprise used me to carry out exercises in the field which are not related to my field of
studies. The experience gotten from the place of internship was amazing and interesting since the
researcher was able to understand business language used in retaining customers. The researcher
equally had the opportunity to learn how to convince the customer in a polite way to purchase its
goods. Professional Experience

The researcher experience during this internship was very enriching as he learnt how to work
hand in gloves with others (team work) thinking out of the box and he was able to match theories
leant in class with those learned in the field.

Experience During my internship I was opportune to have a detailed analysis of all the prices of
the different products found in Profess consulting firm which help me to draw conclusion on
other consulting firms around.

One of the experiences was that I was able to evaluate how prices and quality services affect the
performance of sales. And also I was entitled to a book and pen free of charge which helped me
to be able to write the prices of all the goods, it helped me to easily inform the customers about
the different prices of the goods. The differences between classroom and professional

22 Difficulties Encountered
The intern faces a lot a difficulty during the two months internship, some of which are.

 Language problem: In case where the intern is being sent to the field for prospection on
the behalf of the institution, most of the potential customers were French speaking,
making it very difficult for the intern to lean faster. And also difficulty to speak boldly
enough when it comes to public speaking in French
 Financial: There was no motivational form the organization for transport and food.
 Thinking skills: Difficulties to think out of the box without the help of supervise.
 Difficulty in filling of document. Swot Analysis of Dabex Trending Company in Cameroon (DTC)

This is a strategic planning techniques used to help the organization identify its strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats Strengths
This are those attributes of the organization necessary for the ultimate success of the organization
the strengths include

 Good reputation: A positive reputation as a company help attract and retain the best talent
in the sector. It could be a good reputation for the quality of service they offer in other to
create satisfaction in which all will help DTC a lot in gaining entry in to new market. And
also a good reputation as an employee will help attract customers who judge a company
based in it standing in the industry.
 Creative employees :Since DTC SARL has creative employees who also creative thinking
skills in the workplace this boost team moral loyalty and this can only come as a result if the
employer trust and encourage employees abilities to bring up good ideas in which the
company will often receive loyalty in return.
 Diverse service: It is easy for them to change to other services or to depend on one service
to cover another since it has diverse service like insurance, real estate, ticketing which help
them reduce the risk of going out of the market.
 Provide consumers satisfaction

DTC SAIL number one priority is customer satisfaction which is an important aspect in growing
the business since your customers are satisfied they will maintain loyalty and increases referral. Weaknesses
These are factors within the organization that could prevent successful result in the
organization. Some weaknesses are.

 Geographical location: The geographical location of DTC SARL may be a weakness in the
company is not situated in the center town where reliable customers are found and also
company has just one branch it won‟t be over popular hence which makes it difficult for
clients to know the company from all over the globe it will be very difficult for customers
about the company
 Market segmentation: DTC SARL still has a problem with segmenting the market in case
of positioning, targeting and coming out with a suitable market strategy DTC can‟t use a
strategy which a company that exist for long is using because DTC is still a new company
entering the market and need a strong marketing strategies to make them stand out of their
 Transport facilities: The transport facility of DTC is poor due to the breakdown of the
company vehicle which mark it difficult for employees to go out for business purpose.

2..4.5.16 Opportunities
This are the external elements that might be helpful in achieving the goal of the company it

 Arrivals of new technology: Since technology changes every day, it is a big plus to the
organization growth since the will be able to increase the quality of their services offered as
time changes
 Partnership: this is a great advantage of the company to more profit since they get into
partnership with already existing companies who have experience and knowledge, such
organization functions which increase credibility since many hands comes together.
 Global market: DTC has a global market in that it has what is needed almost everywhere for
example people buy cars every day and will need an insurance policy, an also people travel

almost every day for business purposes also as concern real estate everyone needs shelter
with all this the company already has a plus in the services offered. Threats
These are external factors that could gravely affect business growth some of this include

 Competitors: Since DTC is a new business entering the market they have a high level of
competitor since their services have been vastly operating in another company which will
make it difficult to surpass competitors which has existed for a long period of time
 customer perception
It is normal for customer to have a negative perception for any new company which
Make difficult for DTC to gain more customers
 partnership
Most companies will find it difficult to get into partnership with DTC looking at the fact
that the company is still new in the market and has a large possibility of insecurity which
prevent them from enjoying economic of scale.



This chapter involves the different means and procedures that were undertaken to gather data for
these research work. The chapter is divided into six main sections that describe the research
design, target population, sampling techniques, validity, data collection tools, data analysis,
research instrument and presentation.

3.1 Research Design

A research design is a frame work of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher to
conduct a study. It allows the researcher to sharpen the research method suitable for the subject
matter. There are different research designs but this study will use the mixed research design to
attain the project objectives. For to study we shall apply the quantitative and qualitative research
design because it will help quantify our study

3.2 Population Sample Size and Techniques

Here we will examine the population in general, the sample and methods. Sampling is the
process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individual
represents the larger group from which they are selected.

3.3 Population of the study

Population is a complete collection of elements of units that are of interest in a particular
investigation. Population is totally made up of group of individuals with some general
characteristics that can be identified and studied by researchers. Which the population sizes was
20. The study population was made up with both male and female

3.3.1 Sample size

The research used a sample side of 14. Sample size determination is the act of choosing the
number of observation or replicates to include in statistical sample. The sample side is an
important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a

population from a sample. In practice, the sample size used in a study is usually determined
based on cost, time, or convenience of collecting the data and the need for it to offer sufficient
statistical power. In complicated studies there may be several different sample sizes; for example
in a stratified survey there would be different sizes for each stratum. In a census, data is collected
for an entire population, hence the intended sample size is equal to the population.

3.2.3 Sampling Technique

The simple random sampling method was used in the study. The researcher used this method
because it is not bias, that is each and every one is given the equal chance to get selected this
method was also chosen because it was easy to administer.

3.3.2 Source of Data Collection

Here we are going to examine the different ways that the data we are going to use is to be
collected. They can be seen as follows;

3.3.3 Primary Source

The primary data was collected through observation and questionnaires. The questionnaire was
prepared and distributed to the company‟s sample size to provide response to them. Also,
observation was done as part of the research.

A) Questionnaires

This containing a set of questions, which is presented to a sample as a means of gathering

information in relation to the topic concern. The intern administered twenty-seven (27)
questionnaires which will help backup the topic. It is a good method because it safe time.

B) Observation

It is a systematic approach whereby a researcher uses all of her senses to examine people in
natural settings. The researcher also carried out the observation method. The researcher moves to
the enterprise to observe the method used in retaining customers.

3.4.1 Secondary source

The data is that which was collected by someone else, and which has already passed through
the statistical process, such as data from the organizational records, internet and publications.

a) Internet Some of the necessary information was collected from the internet. Since the
internet has various websites like „w.w.w we leaning which is a very broad research
program were some of the knowledge of this work is gotten different types of information
a researcher could use. The researcher was able to have various necessary information for
the report.
b) Document from DABEX Information from the introduction part of this study like the
history, background, literature review and contextual background of the study were
gotten from the company.

3.4.2 Validity
The expert with this topic of the work in this case is the supervisor of this research. After
constructing the questionnaires gave them to the supervisor for corrections. He receives in terms
of their clarity and appropriateness to the need of the study.

3.5 Face validity

After the questionnaires had been constructed, it was handed to the supervisor for the researcher
who critically examined, checking its appropriateness and pointing out the errors were necessary.

3.5.2 Content validity

To assess the content if the questionnaire, my supervisor examined every item that was
constructed, in relation to the subject of the study and made necessary corrections. This exercise
was done to prove that the questionnaire is valid.

3.5.3 Reliability
The researcher hereby attests that the research instrument in this work is consistent and reliable.

3.5.3 Construction of research instruments

The main instrument used for the collection of data was a questionnaire, which was best to
answer the various questions of the research. The questionnaire was made up of twenty-seven
(27) questions which were presented to all workers and some members of the enterprise to be
answered to fulfill the objective of the research.

3.5.4 Administration of the instrument
After the face content and validity, all necessary modifications were made and the
questionnaire was administered to the sample study. It was done using direct delivery and all
workers of the sample population answered as expected and were collected.

3.5.5 Method of Data Analysis

This data was collection through the use of primary and secondary source and was analyzed
using excel and presented on tables which are in frequency and percentages Conclusions were
drawn from the answered questions and tables were presented in ample form to ease



In this chapter we shall be looking at the presentation, analysis and interpretation of results
obtained in the field through the questionnaires administered by the researcher with a sample size
of 14. From the result we can say whether the objectives stated in chapter one have been made or

4.1 Data Analysis

This chapter is concerned with the presentation of analysis collected from the field with
accordance to the objectives of the study. The data presented in this chapter is based on a sample
survey carried out at DABEX.

4.2 Inferential Statistics

This section presents, analyses and interprets the data was collected from the field survey

In order to answer the questions that were posed in chapter one. The section will begin with the
description of the respondents characteristics before talking the issues raised in this study.

4.2.1 Presentation of Respondents According Questionnaire Administered

Table 1: Distribution and Collection of Questionnaire


Printed copies 14 100%
Administered 14 100%
Collected 14 100%
Those that did 0 0
not submit
Source: field work 2023

From the table above it shows that the 14 copies where printed which make up 100% and all the
14 were administered which gives a total of 100% which shows that all the questionnaire were
answered and all the 14 were collected which gives a 100%
4.1.2 Presentation of Respondents According Gender

Table 2 destruction according to gender


Male 4 28.58
Female 10 71.42
Total 14 100
Source: field work 2023

The above shows that majority of the respondent were female who made up 71.42% of the total
sample population and 28.58% were male. This implies that the respondents were more of
female than male leading to ineffectiveness in work since woman always have issues like
menstrual cramps, taking care of children and child birth.

4.1.3 Presentation Of Respondents According Age

Table 3 Distribution According To Age


Below 30 6 42.86%
30-39 4 28.29%
40-49 2 14.29%
50 and above 2 14.29
Total 14 100
Source; field work 2023

The above table shows that 42.86% of the responds were below 30 meaning most of them were
youth and could give reliable information since information is still fresh on their minds, 28.29%
of the respondents were between 30-39 years, 40-49 also gave 14.29% and then 14.29 were 50
and above. This shows that employees of DABEX are well distributed in term of age could
therefore give reliable information

4.1.4 Presentation Of Respondents According to Marital Status

Table 4 Distribution According To Marital Status


Married 3 21.43
Single 4 28.58
Other 7 50
Total 14 100
Source: field work 2o23

The table above shows the marital status of the respondents of the study. From the table, 4
corresponding to single of both single ladies and men making 28.58%, 3 from married people
making 21.43, and 7 corresponding from others which gave 35%

4.1.5 Presentation Of Respondents According To Employment Post Of Responsibility

Table 5:Distribution According Employment.

Respondents Frequency Percentage

permanent 8 57.14
Temporal 6 42.86
Civil servant 0 0
Total 14 100
Source: field work 2o23From the above table it can be seen that majority of the correspondent
occupies permanent nature of employment which are 8 correspondents which make a percentage
of 57.14%, 6 from temporal workers making 42.86, and 0 from civil servant which gave

4.1.6 Presentation Of Respondents According To level of education

Table 1 distribution according to level of education

Respondents Frequency Percentage

Secondary 2 14.29
Degree 4 28.57
Post graduate 5 35.71
Others 3 21.43
total 14 100
Source; field work 2023

From the table above it can be seen that majority of the respondent are profession post graduate,
therefore most of the population has a good knowledge on the activities in the organization. This
indicate that the respondents were knowledge enough and could give valid and reliable
information, and also it indicate that some respondents had enough experience with the
organization to give credible information.

4.1.7 Presentation of Respondents According to function

Table 7 distribution according to function

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Top management 2 14.29
Middle level 2 14.29
Lower management 10 71.43
Total 14 100
Source; field work 2023

From the table above it can be seen that majority of the respondent occupied the lower
management which is make up of 10 respondent and it is make up 71.43% followed by the
middle management with the percentage of 14.29 and finally the top management is make up of
2 respondent with a percentage of 14.29 making of 100.

4.1.8 Presentation Of Respondents According To Longevity in service

Table 8distribution according to Longevity in service

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Less than 1year 3 14.29
2-4 3 21.42
5-6 7 50
7 and above 2 14.29
Total 14 100
Source; field work 2023

The table above show that 14.29% of the population has been on service for less, than a year and
21.42% from 2-4years are make-up of 50% from 5years to 6 years and 14.29% from 7 to

4.2 Verification Of The Objectives

4.2.1 Presentation of Respondents According To usage of organizational marketing


Table 9: How You Will Rate Your Organization Marketing Strategies

Response Frequency Percentage

Excellent 7 50
Good 4 28.57
Average 2 14.29
Poor 1 7.14
Total 14 100
Sources field 2023

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents rate the overall marketing strategy of their
organization to be excellent and 28.57% said it is good while 14.29% said it was average and
7.14% said it was poor.

4.2.2Presentation of Respondents According To Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns

Table 2 Distribution of effective marketing campaigns reach out your audience

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Highly effective 7 50
Moderately effective 3 21.43
Somehow effective 3 21.43
Ineffectively 1 7.14
Total 14 100
Source field 2023

From the table above it shows that 50% of the workers said there do marketing campaigns,
21.43% said it was moderate effective, 21.43 also said it was somehow effective and 7.14 said it
was ineffective. Making a total of 100%

4.2.3Presentation of Respondents According To Achievement of Marketing Efforts In Line

With Goals and Objectives

Table 3 Our Your Marketing Efforts In Line With Goals and Objects

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Complete aligned 7 50
Mostly aligned 4 28.57
Partially aligned 2 14.29
Not aligned 1 7.14
Total 14 100
Source field work 2023

The above table shows that 50% of the respondent said the goals and objectives are aligned with
the marketing efforts and 28.57% said they are mostly aligned while 14.29% said they are
partially aligned and 7.14% said they are not aligned at all making a total of 100.

4.2.4Presentation of Respondents According To Achievement Of Marketing Efforts In Line

With Goals And Objectives

Table 4 do you think are brand give out massage to the customers

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Yes 10 71.43
No 2 14.29
Not sure 2 14.29
Total 14 100
Source of field work 2023

From the above table, it shows that majority of the respondents is 10 with the 71.43% who said
yes the communicates their brand effective to their customers 14.29% of the respondent said No
and 14.29% said they are not sure with a total of 100.

4.2. 4Presentation Of Respondents According To organizational performance

Table 5 Distribution rating organizational performance

Respondent frequency Percentages

Excellent 5 35.71
Good 2 14.29
Average 5 35.71
2 14.29
Total 14 100
Source of field work 2023

From the table above it shows that respondent was excellent with a frequency of 5 making up a
total of 35.71% and 14.29% said that it was good, 35.71 said it was average and 14.29% said it
was poor.



So far in this case study, we have seen the role of branding influence to the market share of an
enterprise, relevant literature was reviewed, the methods used for data collection and how the
data collected was analyzed and presented on tables and charts were discuss in the previous
chapters in the report. This chapter seeks to discuss, conclude and recommend on the subject
matter of this research work.

5.1 Discussion and Summary of Findings

The objective of this study was to establish the role of branding on the market performance of
DABEX. From the findings of the data collected, one can say that branding has a great role on
the market performance of an enterprise which ties with the objectives given in chapter one. This
is because from the questionnaires issued, many respondents confirm in alignment with the
objective of marketing performance. Three objectives were made on the objective. First objective
is to influence consumer satisfaction from the data collected, workers confirmed that customer
satisfaction is effective. Which is an essential tool to increase engagement and referral. So
emphasis has to be made.

The second objective is to examine how branding has influence customer engagement. It goes
along side with questionnaires respondent acknowledge that effective communication can
improve customer satisfaction with product and services.

The result reveal that respondents are for the fact that customers satisfaction is effective in the
organization so serious emphasis needs to laid on the strategies put in by the organization.

5.2 Recommendations
The following are recommendation by researcher to DABEX

 To build and creating a memorable identity for consumers recognition

 Feedback should be gotten from members so as to try and give just what the members
want and meet their satisfaction, this will add revenue to the union.
 DABEX should employ francophone workers that can interact effectively with
francophone members.

 They should improve the level of their prospection and branding activities, this can
enable Growth in Their Market Share.

5.3 Conclusion
Branding is very important to every business performance since it is the strategy that is used
to identify the needs and want of the consumers. The term branding describe the product and
market situation of which will the help to identify loyal customer data enable the management to
know the desires of its consumer in respect to their cultures. Management bring together various
departments such as sales and marketing to ensure a uniform approach which ultimately
contributes to increasing the company‟s success. Normally, after integrating all the information
into one platform, the system will soon analyze the overall purchase preferences and, providing
evidence base on future actions. It will be less costly to evaluate customer retention within a
short period of time and immediate actions can be made base on the data being analyzed. From
the findings of this research on the situation of management in DABEX.

It is evident that branding enables consumer buying process, management is essential in every
business, in order to promote customer retention and increase the market share. Firms should
come up with various technics in retaining customer. The antecedent of customer retention is
loyalty of the customer to a company. To retain customers and adopt various strategies including
marketing strategies

.4 Proposal for future research

Data should be collected so as to improve services, understand consumer needs, refine
business strategies, grow and retain customers in today's competitive marketplace, personalized
brand experiences have gained significant attention as a strategy for enhancing consumer
engagement and loyalty. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of personalized
brand experiences on consumer behavior, with a focus on understanding the mechanisms that
drive engagement and loyalty towards brands. By exploring the effectiveness of personalized
branding strategies, this study seeks to provide valuable insights for marketing practitioners and
academics looking to optimize brand-consumer relationships

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Appendix :


I am a second-year student undertaking a Higher National Diploma in marketing at Yaoundé

international business school.

I am carrying out research on the topic on the Role of branding on the marketing performance
of real estate. The case study of PPROFESS CONSULTING FIRM please kindly respond to
my question as best as u can. The confidence of respect will be well respected and all results
used only for research purposes.


Please tic the appropriate letter

1. Gender;
(A) Male,
(B) Female
2. Age: below
(A) 30,
(B) 30-39,
(C) 40-50
(D) 50 and above
3. Marital status:
(A) Married
(B) Single
(C) Others
4. Nature of employment:
(A) Permanent
(C) Temporal
(D) Civils savants
5. Level of education:
(A) Secondary

(B) Degree
(C) Post graduate
(D) Others
6. Function:
(A) Management
(B) Middle level
(C) Lower management
7. Longevity:
(A) Less than 5years
(B) 6-10years
(C) 11-15Years
(D) 16 an above

SECTION B: Advertisement Survey Questions for Customers

1. How often do you notice advertisements for products or services?

- A. Multiple times a day

- B. Once a day
- C. Few times a week
- D. Rarely
- E. Never

2. Which advertising channel do you find most effective in capturing your attention?

- A. Television
- B. Social media
- C. Print (newspapers/magazines)
- D. Online banner

1. How satisfied are you with the overall work environment?

a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

2. How would you rate the effectiveness of communication within the organization?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor
e) Very poor

3. Are you provided with sufficient training and development opportunities?

a) Yes, regularly
b) Yes, occasionally
c) No, rarely
d) No, never

4. How would you describe the level of job satisfaction in your role?

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Highly dissatisfied

5. Do you feel your contributions are recognized and appreciated?

a) Always
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) Never

6. How effectively does the organization promote work-life balance?

a) Very effectively
b) Somewhat effectively

c) Neutral
d) Ineffectively
e) Very ineffectively

7. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for career advancement within the organization?

a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied

8. Do you feel the organization values diversity and inclusion?

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

9. How would you rate the level of support provided by your immediate supervisor?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor
e) Very poor

10. Are you satisfied with the organizations overall performance and direction?

a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied

Section C: brand performance to the consumers

1. How familiar are you with our brand?

a) Very familiar
b) Somewhat familiar
c) Not familiar at all

2. How did you first hear about our brand?

a) Online search
b) Social media
c) Word of mouth
d) Advertisement
e) Other (please specify)

3. What comes to your mind when you think about our brand? (Open-ended)

4. How would you describe our brand's values or personality?

5. Do you think our brand effectively communicates its messaging to customers?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not sure

6. Which of the following aspects of our brand do you find appealing? (Select all that apply)
a) Quality of products/services
b) Brand reputation
c) Brand image or design
d) Customer service
7. How likely are you to recommend our brand to others?

a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat unlikely
e) Very unlikely
8. If you have ever had any negative experiences with our brand, please briefly describe them.
9. Is there anything specific that you would like to see our brand improve or change?
10. How likely are you to continue using our brand in the future?
a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Neutral
d) Somewhat unlikely
e) Very unlikely


Appendix 1













Appendix 3

General Variables of Theories of Specific Research Modalities

topic the topic branding objective of the design
The role of Dependent The brand What is the way Population of
branding on variable personality to increase the study 20
the marketing Market theory by customer‟s sample size 14
performance performance Jennifer through the Source of data
of real estate asker (1997) implementation
(BPT) of branding in
the market?
Independent The brand How will their Primary source
variable equity theory services (questionnaire,
Marketing by David A influence in observation)
Performance Aaker (1991) marketing
(BET) effectiveness of
Dabex trading

The brand How to increase Secondary
the number of
identity source
customers in the
prism theory market through (internet,
(1997) document)
(BIPT) of effective
branding of


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