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Problem solving

Theoretical How to fix Faced Didn’t face

copyright Before submitting, I will upload the film
to YouTube to see if it will get copyright
struck. I will also stick to using royalty
free music
File corruption I will back up all my files before
switching my computer off, and I will be
careful to eject my devices before
removing them.
Survey not being Make sure I send my surveys to sensible
answered seriously mature people that will answer seriously.
genre I will make sure to abide by genre
conventions by doing the adequate
Practical How to fix Faced Didn’t face
weather Make sure to check the weather before
filming, and have a multitude of days in
which are meant to be suitable for the
Actors Absent I have backup actors for each role, and
plenty of backup filming days in case of
any issues.
Sound I will use a good microphone and watch
over my footage with headphones after
every shot to listen to the quality, I will
also include foley sounds.
Issues with camera I have a spare lens, battery and memory
card with me at all times during filming.
Unable to get site Make sure to get permissions for filming
permissions locations before
Time management In order to not run out of time, I will plan
thoroughly before hand to give leave no
room for error.

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