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Changes During American Occupation In The

Social Changes
Philippines Political Changes
President McKinley's directive to the Schurman and Taft Commissions set the
The Pensionado Program, introduced in 1903 by the United States
tone for American policy in the Philippines, leading to the establishment of the
during its occupation of the Philippines, sent promising Filipino
Civil Government in 1901, with William Howard Taft as Civil Governor and chairman
students to American universities for higher education. This initiative
of the Philippine Commission. This marked the beginning of legislative governance
aimed to cultivate a new educated elite in the Philippines, providing
in the Philippines. The Philippine Bill of 1902, also known as the Cooper Act, played
social mobility and previously inaccessible opportunities. It
a crucial role in shaping Philippine governance under American rule. It allowed
facilitated cultural exchange and knowledge transfer between the
certain rights such as free speech and press and allowed the Philippines to send
United States and the Philippines, contributing significantly to the
two resident commissioners to the United States Congress, although they could
modernization of Philippine society.
not vote. While maintaining an American governor-general, The Jones Law of 1916
The establishment of public schools under American rule aimed to pledged eventual independence for the Philippines once self-governance was
democratize education regardless of social or economic status. With established. Sergio Osmeña and Manuel Roxas led a joint mission to Washington
English as the medium of instruction and Western curriculum for the passage of the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law. This mission, often referred to as
integrated into the system, literacy rates increased, fostering a 'Os-Rox mission", played a crucial role in lobbying for the enactment of
politically aware populace. This initiative not only facilitated societal legislation that would pave the way for Philippine independence.
development but also laid the foundation for future educational The Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law proposed a framework for granting independence to
reforms in the Philippines. the Philippines, with provisions for the establishment of an autonomous
government and a transition period leading to full independence. As part of the
law, it was stipulated that at the end of a ten-year period, referred to as the

Cultural Changes Economic Changes

Commonwealth Period, Philippine independence would be granted.

One notable development was the establishment of a free trade relationship between
During the period of American occupation, life in the Philippines the two countries. Under this arrangement, Filipino products entering the United States
experienced a shift in cultural dynamics. The adoption of English as a were exempt from tariffs, and similarly, American products entering the Philippines
primary language opened doors to broader communication. faced no duties. This led to a boost in Philippine exports to the United States, resulting
in a trade surplus where Philippine exports exceeded imports. However, the
Alongside linguistic changes, American entertainment, from music to implementation of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act in 1909 had mixed implications for
movies, bringing a taste of Hollywood glamour to our country. The physical Philippine trade and industry. While it continued to allow free entry of Philippine
landscape of our cities also underwent a transformation, as modern products into the U.S. market, it also exempted U.S. manufactured goods from tariffs
architectural styles and urban planning concepts reshaped the skyline. The in the Philippines. This policy favored American industries and posed challenges for
introduction of American sports, such as basketball and baseball, further Philippine industrial growth. As a result, export agriculture, particularly sugar,
enriched our leisure activities. flourished in the protected U.S. market, benefiting the wealthy elite who owned large
plantations and mills. This reinforced the political dominance of the landed elite in the

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