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学的理解。在 16 节课程中,学生将系统性地学习语言学研究的过程,通过对语
在 16 堂课后,学生应该对语言学研究的研究范式和方法有了基本的了解,能够


现代语言学研究方法 郭纯洁 科学出版社 2015

Research Methods in Linguistics (2nd ed) Lia Litosseliti Bloomsbury 2018

Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.). (2015). Research methods in applied linguistics:
A practical resource. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Riazi, A. M. (2016). The Routledge encyclopedia of research methods in applied
linguistics. Routledge.
文秋芳、俞洪亮、周维杰. (2004). 应用语言学研究方法与论文写作 北京:


Week 讲授内容
1 引:语言学研究问题的发现
2 语言研究的定义、类型与主要步骤
3 文献综述
4 收集方法 1:文献法、观察法与个案法
5 收集方法 2:调查法、实验法
6 收集方法 3:语料库方法
7 分析方法 1:语料库语言学方法
8 上机操练——Antconc 软件使用
9 分析方法 2:计量语言学方法
10 上机操练——QUITA 软件使用
11 分析方法 3:统计学基础知识 1
12 分析方法 3:统计学基础知识 2
13 上机操练——SPSS 软件使用
14 分析方法 4:定性分析
15 结果报告、研究论文写作
16 研究需要注意的问题(剽窃、发表)


1. 上课出勤、积极听讲 (15%)
2. 根据上机操练选择题目做练习 (25%)
3. 期末考试(开卷)(60%)
1) 选择题(20 项,共 20 分,20%)
2) 名词解释题(20 项,共 20 分,20%)
3) 判断正误题(20 句,共 20 分,20%)
4) 问答题(6 项里面选 5 项作答,共 40 分,40%)
Course objectives:

The current course aims to provide an opportunity for students to obtain a

comprehensive understanding of research methods and patterns of linguistics. Out of
16 courses, students will systematically learn the whole process of linguistic research.
Based on step-by-step instructions on linguistic research, students would get to know
the following issues, i.e., the definition of research, how to propose research
questions, the review of literature, multiple kinds of data collection, quantitative and
qualitative analysis of data, interpretation of results, and important issues related to
essay writing. They would gain insights into the concept of research, especially a
linguistics-related one. Apart from theoretical knowledge, this course will teach
students to employ user-friendly software, such as Antconc and QUITA, so as to give
them a chance to process data by themselves. After all the 16 lectures, students will
have a basic understanding of research methods in linguistics, and can collect and
process data to some degree by themselves; in addition, they can conduct preliminary
linguistic research.

Course books:

现代语言学研究方法 郭纯洁 科学出版社 2015

Research Methods in Linguistics (2 ed) Lia Litosseliti Bloomsbury 2018

Recommended readings:

Paltridge, B., & Phakiti, A. (Eds.). (2015). Research methods in applied

linguistics: A practical resource. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Riazi, A. M. (2016). The Routledge encyclopedia of research methods in applied
linguistics. Routledge.
文秋芳、俞洪亮、周维杰. (2004). 应用语言学研究方法与论文写作 北京:

Course content:

Week Content
1 Research questions
2 The definition of research
3 Literature review
4 Data collection 1: documentary research, observation, case study
5 Data collection 2: survey, experiment
6 Data collection 3: corpus-based
7 Data analysis 1: corpus linguistics methods
8 Exercise: Antconc
9 Data analysis 2: quantitative linguistics methods
10 Exercise: QUITA
11 Data analysis 3: introduction to statistics 1
12 Data analysis 3: introduction to statistics 2
13 Exercise: SPSS
14 Data analysis 4: qualitative analysis
15 Interpretation of results and essay writing
16 Ethics in research

Assessment and proportion of marks:

1. Attendance and participation (15%)
2. Exercises on software (25%)
3. Final examination (open) (60%)
1) Choice (20 items, each with three options; 20%)
2) Definitions (20 items, sentences or paragraphs; 20%)
3) True or false (20 statements; 20%)
4) Questions (answer 5 questions out of 6; 40%).

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