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Class: Name:

Read and circle.國小必背英文字彙

one two three four five six seven eight
nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fifteen sixteen
數字 n
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty
seventy eighty ninety zero
顏色 black blue green pink red white yellow
水果 apple banana orange
食物 egg hot dog
運動 baseball basketball
bag ball bike book box bus car card
comic cup
chair clock desk doll door eraser
物品 book
jump rope listen pen pencil robot ruler table telephone
tree TV watch
boy brother doctor father friend girl grandfather grandmother
mother nurse sister student teacher
動物 bird cat dog fish pig rabbit
be 動詞 am are is
come close cook dance do draw drink eat
go look open play read ride run say
sing sit down sleep spell stand up thank
watch welcome writ
時間 afternoon evening morning night

地點 classroom farm park school zoo

big fat fine good happy long
new OK old sad short small tall thin
代名詞 / he I it she that these they this
名詞 those we you its
所有格 her his my your
介系詞 at in next to to under on from
wh 疑問
how what where who

a an and game good-bye hello here hi
其怹 home Miss Mr. Mrs. name no not number
song sorry the there yes
Write and recite. 國小必背英文字彙
(將前頁圈出的國小字彙寫在下方空格中,每次練習背 5 個,背熟後再背 5 個新的,以反覆背「5 個
舊的+5 個新的」字的方式來熟記)
英文 中文 詞性 英文 中文 詞性

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