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Miss Asmaa

Me and My community and Citizenship

Society = community
Help= support
Poor= needy
Association = organization
Donation= charity
Homeless people
Happy #sad
Happiness = joy #sadness
Advantages #drawbacks
Like = prefer= enjoy = love
Like# hate, dislike
Supper = dinner
Courageous = brave
Brave #fearful, coward
Less #more
High #low
Solidarity = unity = coherence
Safe #dangerous , harmful
Miss Asmaa
Expressing advice
Subject + should / should not + stem
Example: you should help poor people
You should not be selfish

Expressing Obligation
Subject + must + stem
Example: You must be involved in charity works

Expressing prohibition
Subject + mustn’t + stem
Eample: You mustn’t be rude with needy people

The imperative
Verb stem + rest
Example: go to your room
Don’t + verb stem
Example: Don’t be selfish

The conditional sentence

If + present simple+ the imperative
If + present simple+ will + stem
Example: If you want to get good marks, study hard
If you study hard, you will succeed.

Final “s”
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/
P Vowels Ch
T The rest of letters Sh
Th S
F (ph gh) Ss
k Ce

Miss Asmaa
After that,


Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Subject + like/enjoy/ prefer/love + verb + ing
Subject + hate/dislike + verb + iTzlng
Example: I prefer donating
I like doing charity works

Silent Letters
/K/ know knowledge knife knock
/L/ Talk yolk walk half could would should
/W/ write wrong wrestle which what
/ B/ Bomb lamb debt doubt
/N/ column autumn
Being a Good Citizen
We all live in a community together. We share different things with people we live
with. Therefore, being a good citizen is important.
A good citizen is the person who makes a difference between the wrong and the right.
First, a good citizen should be involved in charity organizations. He should donate with the
least he can. Second, being a good citizen means to respect others religion, beliefs, traditions,
language, and race. He or she must respect the opinion of others also. Besides, a good citizen
is the one who keeps the environment clean. In addition, another quality of a good citizen is
helping the poor and the needy people with money, clothes, food, or even with a smile and a
good word. It involves also being kind, honest, patient, and friendly.
To sum up, We all should learn how to be good citizens in our community.

Voluntary work
Volunteering means giving and helping others for free. It is for those who want to
make a difference in the lives of others especially the needy ones.
Miss Asmaa
Voluntary works means being involved in charity associations. It involves helping
others like homeless people, orphans, and even those who are far from their homes. It can be
done by giving money, clothes, food, or supper for Muslims in Ramadan. It includes also
visiting hospitalized people. It is very important sine it is related to our religion. The one who
helps others will find help in case he is in a complex situation. It is also an act of love and
kindness. It is an act of humanity.
The experience of being a volunteer makes the person happier and more confident. It
helps to fill the world with happiness.

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