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© bs IQ -1g. 23-11-18 worn 4 24-11-18 1-0 13 Jan Jy |S Joo [> 26-11-18 3 24-11-18 F/ Als es SITETCTIITITITTVTITUUUUT TUS ra u& rz 29-NAR noun ret aa ao at om wus suede 4 i 8 28 H+ 18 |" ote tbe \ upton NWTENDIS jtos-tos 28 | + (ieee ty 12. 29 “ Whiotkes jin- We 40 “ “VT PLA lis= 189 2) fot-t-te Ovre Aor > i-ed SS Vas by- ios] 83 |or-t2 a NVI=O4y teg— ina) Sf see See 19-120 ie NT=Pom 6-127 Ise 4-12-18 Rese 28-140 27 [eosa-e | < Qa ia 132 | sary Se «6 _VT= BPO Uteliepia)| 123-156 | Tre oe CaP Ng5-13¢ go jobs>ie Ni cme 181-139 ahs vie eer =e [ax : vi Ghr le-i8 {op ae Vt-, ay Ie a 2h > RU Ae IS| a ae | ee Allowed 25 min Total madky-loo geft idenlt fication — Vt-asm Plight Rule- LT Type of FLight-N Wilee Of Ale — Airsug Wake tdbulince- Elulpment —s Bep Aerodrome — voce Time - 0420 level - eee B (Poute- CONG Cre WIS QGO WISN Kamso fL250. weet Aerodrome - vaca AM Aerodrome - VAvo BDdtHer in fowmation = BNore:-2 - i ft . 2 FIS im Vomm FIR Provided by oe Uniton 122.8 Rio. You are preparing for a fit and evey tise you. tty to Contact ATc that one VT-KLP Jame Your Freq Give advice on thip to the Ale as you get a chance. b Time if 09:29:42 Isr Give time cheen to VT -FR» Without Atating Oumdsalo - c+ You want to know extsling reat the begining of Runy 23. . ATS 04:40 At 23mm to vocr, Passing FL9D You Pee @ widespread bad Wy and decide to proced Via voRs Seex Permission You are Parsi Fl240 at opamo that One of the Primary otrimeteh fig. A4 10 dME you Are ready for depent, due Strong HW Your €1A hangss to 08:10, Coealy fo imfructon. Transmit Hee foliowing Aentencep Containing db reviation 4 9 tn fur Form . i Var RBS ans erogiatian) Ruy 12 - 2. Ale hap Section GEN, MAP, FAL. 8 X-Rdi 156 3000 7 Aby. 4. che iB befna Camed out bu TAF RH. ee ne we eee US a « 4 z e Qo a Rx 8 | Gangtore Apa? vy Asm sn OPAMOD OS40 SON Paspi FL 240 for FL260 Una aQvem olut of pt Rel t to Logo ept VA1 ossv est MINIT ~ 6600 | | | 4] Mumbat ace YT-Acm psn “105 sna. reenter | t 808 ot26 psn Fureo cdr Ll Friso Rew EA BBE 0&0 ce AArong HW Rep olepcend . moe PL2¢0 for FLiso Vsm. S VT-RES Wind cheat facing at out marke Runway 2.| Aeronautical information Publication fap Aection_ Cenerat, Aeworautical Hark Purttbh faciittation 3] Crovp Radial 15% S000 ft or Above . FH, Search and Repeue iB eels Cnevied lqy out by Indi Alrforee fepeue Rebicoptes. S| Aigaq Refuest eptiumated time ore? neb Aignificant Reportirg Point 4 our Speed. : s b Visco. ne lime atlourd - 26 min Total madks- Loo. 7 Ach idenficatton = VT-cee Flight Rule-/ — fype sf Flight - G iM. Sipe of Acre - Citation Wake tuxnulence - Eyulpment - 5 Pyeo. Aerodrome - vomm Time - 04:10 lewd - PLIsD pp Rourke - Local Flying som dround Vom - pret Aerodrome - — Vomm Alm Aewodrome~ yorG other info: Training Pligut Lob on apron you tant to Coy out exenctse for asond/ Tlo anna flo Run for Tretning Purpoge. Aven Permission ot appropriate time af fF pitt increase Key aceuspancy - by Ad you Atart gatkering Speed for Tfo Your Ri egine actuan faith . Tare see Con taxi. + ” 2 ® AT>d 02:30 for civewit and landing» At downiind ATC asks you te orbit: to your Right the on ts . Gire AnoHses Auaggestion. te ATC. to adjust yoursell- dthind the the ') Subscfuent to the abow Clearance ATC gett poey Wit, OHek the. gt ip time for you. to Act: + You ore ean out Genewat Flying Evto at Bonm fom yomm + you Faintly heok an Ale cals Chennai , Obtain fuu info. from Ale to Pass on ‘to ATc and take actior OF you Contact Aubseluently a Ate Caus You , Ansuach He Car anol show Mmasilt to Comply bith Ac. Tnatruction dtaHng freason and give Auggestion to which Jeu Con pein EECCGCULEPSTCETUSE = P » VER Plight Con't be Plovn more thon L00nMm Semntard b i SOTVUCOCtS g : z i > s From Oe eee i % CAT if te time a detny an Ale i Lil Leawe ite fc th Send. 4 Taxi ip when Ale moveg under if own pourk f to at He Lime 6f Part Refucst a2 44 4 2 Se 5 a oe Hs : Me theutd Join a | oe Hee Qngie of 45° pi A phae anede mid field dows tsing deionuing Lh 4 oz for” Aways Laat ate wittdo orbit Aame love). 5 fh Toes ae Sh the Peigat euueg Ore VFR Ord ttre Ausstion Aas “Rep dey We should make a@ aweuege depend to cinuit auhi ; { Beet eke a NUM OD engin Dy Chennai Gd vT-cet On Stand - 03 Rey tayi for Fuk Length of Ruy bill Ca out Practice for Abosting To dlusing Tlo kell , inte B, Taxi via €,> Hes Ruy 24 vee. Chennear THR VT-cct on To Rot) Ruy 27 aborting Tlo due numb, od ine Falled hig ip not Practice drill Ref taxi bacw to Apron chennos TeR vt-ccl ON downtind he 297 we Can exttad downnind do adjust behind He #k on tes. clr fo extend clopnwind yvCcl. on extended Ref burn Chennai twr \emM downwind Rung 24 to base ty . Turning to pote) vem. hy Vel Tayi via Ep Hs er C4 Grng Ver clr fo extend downing. Vel Clr turn te base ley | station Calling Chennai vt-ccu | vT-ceu His if VI-any Soy again your Cou sign es Repuce ting 30 nm dev ‘4 auc py bits alee VT-BHY Report Your Psn.lul Aide, of ATs route you want to deviate (Moy doyy2 vr-@Hy ATR entered CB loogi and He duration s¢ dey. heigut Rapidly. (Moy chow yz Chennal Ace VT=cet. Relaying Mou doy. Pr VT-@HY ATR GrnQ. enter | Ga Gishing heiguf- ae : neg ete now. 4) Chennai gee vrcet Goakead. lye, Pte 6 Cite and proceed 120 nm Una t0 4 Puto and te Proceed iene Vonm E-word clue VER Flignt WeiCam fF upto tise and Can Proceed ftoonm €-wand veu 1) Sheretine , Controtted Airspace! hold 1 Approack — iad aa A. VT- (mo Aaitep ramen ¥ Time, allowtel ~ 25 ming Total markp- too > Act identifiation~V1-UMO FLIght gule- Y Type of Pligt — ny” “fue Of Ale ~ ATR Wake turbulince yj Equipment - 5 Sp Merodiome- VAny Tim - 02:40 lel - PLrWI0 > Route- Lido Lek VFS Prize VER eapebt Aerodrome - vrpr Aun Aerodsom—VILK Orr info - ee | Sepa pp NOTE? ear Bo AS you are Lani put Cabin Cras member informa 5 you Hat a pas barricaded Rewelt fn the teilef Ss Sand if Simpy pelwing ty Come out Ss b You get Qdrborme at 04:15 Pag ping level 2500' Atco Ss kp CAMA You anger te Cau, Kr. you mach Your last cleand lend at S71 IME distance from Ker. ATC informs You Hat WeKnew Arc fas gone otf P . ath A to Continue your sigh on rut t 5 the orange n v degmen @ You reach VIeK at your eee , Announce > ; E Your plan te amet PUghy plan. Re. you meocr vier at Fuso: e gs Franmit the fotwoving Acntences pourelitg Abbrefation. p Dd Alc ib mY dev by itnm cue Lf. ® 2 Hida ovey dQ dp bly Lvl 2500! mot peumitted: > > Mnin Rod 600 Lit athiude Sov! >? ALRAc if ibbued by D4CA- ’ SUMMARY ) Th Aituaton Cau Line Quation ne {. — foRMAT = thom ane You Catuing bho you Ohe | Where Ohe You Situation Action . V of eramine dont A GT™NQ j4ten Continue | ivi ee ae itis (cleanness es 4 4 a 4 4 ‘ { ‘ ( 4 4 q 4 ¢ 4 ‘ ' _ : 7 ; 7 Sas SF CE ence a “| Nageuz ace vT-tmo Pen 81d + [Deni Ate VT-UMuo Khayuroro Tuy VT-tmo on 1 Cone Pax hag barricated herd fn toilet mefalng te Come oF no demand do far Canc dep ke tari back to apron and da ecu on a@rwival. Khajuraho toy vr-Lmo Go ahead. Wily f and main feiz0 tiv clr of the VT-uMmo. Crng VT-lmo Khayunoho tyr there ip veel thc at Fug { — SE examin danit 404 GING, Han | Khajuraho tur vT-UMo Mntn Fri30 Reel te fn Aight clr tench othe Rep Purr fb FL2I0 - PR kky b4¢o FLIZO Re t to FL 210 cut LLK Afmapace clsd leaving PLIt0 fr FL2I0 Lilco VT-UCMo. Psn OD LUK, 0420 Frr210 ETA Pantnagah Dsv0 aa e210 Per fepo - wilt ‘VUEVVTPeTvvueve on Pasting fuiso VT-tmo clr 4 to Frio RR. Grmng. S | VER Ref Permission Laving fluo for Plizo §=VT-Lmo- delhi Acc VT-LMo Pasting Fuso for Rui2zo Cancejli “my Ler biv join Ueft hand dossnuind Ruy 10 VvMo- Pantrager bah VM ebtablithed Left downwind fg ro at Circus ouitide Fa.ntragar tie VMO on downwind turning tft bape leg Rwy J0 Pantragar tr vmo tn LH bare fg 20 tuning Final revabt if vefuesting deviation by I¢nm dia Linke Afuall- Cancle NPR Change over to | dy | to fLro- Rayer. hoger Grng, GrNQ _ Change. e- over to VER. = . "| Pan {uy VI-tmo psn Vmo Ur to civcuih OH> Pantnagor Firp Ref | to | attitude join LeH hang Circut+ atHtude, downuind Ruy Jo- leaving Piso for ciruif) attitude | Hokding ove mon direetHonal beacon DP below Le! 3500 mot Perms No Change ty” Renu bend Ligh operation. Malntain Rak of duet 600 TU allude F000 Aerenauticas information Regulation and Contro| 16 i6sue4 by directorate peneral wf civil aviation, , NI-UlT ange oe pTime abourd- 95 ming Full mary:~ 100 pe Identification :-VT-uLJ PUR Rule T Type ot fut. ¢ gilt or Me Boeing Wake turbulence - M Pfuipment - ¢ ee. Aewodrome- verily fume 0600 lel — PLroo Phoute — 29 der Wes AKELA der GHA FL2S~0. poate heredsome - vr GR goer info-- DNore 2 :- Contact aipha Contre) outside AT2, CTA & Wort » +4 My vIDP- Alun. heredrome — VIpp Po AS you. are ‘taxiing out Cabin Cry member Infowg You a . b Pax Akowing Jak of oxygen - he 9 §) during Seyi out for dep. you “ant to know the effect 8 ot brake on Rung BO. dep. kuy 26 S/y calm Ad you are Line up brhite P snow Covered mountain give o- Blinding lam. TA. for ? b & Aate Tlo- @ ATD 06:50 You ae AGM BNR that you Aee on yet Right Hab a greak bates Oeludpe aux Bursting of Jars rived repesvoir TA bi tHe appropriate _dtotion for imaddiate action Anticipate great dongs be mon and properly “> Aloha Controlp Cally Yolr Anu the Can and Lars immidiate Oppropriate ction. BK) Subsfuert to He above action yous alo not Fear anything from Alpha Contesl, axe Faltou'up: action Wevwsvse~vwyvevsves 4 OW (sp you hare made an oxbit to looge hei gut dlusing degtend t Fuso and Act Couyse fo Dene Era oviso GAT giver OB: IC. _ OER PESTO o x : 4) VHE eme Frfucney §) In Lndin SAR UT Ome at the mec at eee. ad SUMMARY ec tffecieny rf brome ‘ 1. Sekai Action (Gay = Good = — Wilt olepant P Medium — Will depart Meditem to porr- bil) alepahy “ Por = — bill not clepart Gil fant Bac, f "4 : ate tacrapmn. 1 We don't give security Call to thot Sitwarion Whi. ip Comed Man made property. gf there Cin §. 2) only farod bint be better Han onty be Con give Sete Cou. but vegeroly if eey a, 4 Wd. ne Ye4b} Folios up if written iF means ditwation if mtg 6 Ta Beno, 4. > We are out ef jurisdiction of dots but tier We” hint che Delhi Acc because in uu. BAT Ded vp given bo auc BAT Dew Wag given Der ATC a So eee deLks say current ATC af cur fluent atc ot eae atays vive Tx Bind ee ne Sw rey ie a ee ee | (Pan pany? Leh tur vr-vr7 SECEGLELGEG wo ‘Ianean)y? Ghunter tur on Duy B Canele. dep . Ref taxi back to apron duc one Pax Aubbering from Aypoxia Ref medical on arvival. Jaxi via 6,> Stad S VII. Uh tor vtT-vLT on twy B Rey GA on fury. BA medium Lo poor vrs kkk twr Vievurt Umnedg ue Rung 26 geting binding Gloxe from Anon) Covered mountain Ref back track Lineup! Ruy oF clr baex track Lineup furor VT-uty- VT-uty Aighkd on Wr deluge due busating of datlug Tier vegenole fnform Concern authority aaa ates Alpha Contre) vr-urs Goahead Tuning 0° Left of b3q vr-uTJ. NALA AT RS A Hand 5 expect medica) SQwites on Arr. elr back trace. lineup pot VT-OLT [urn qo? Left From N3q.. = Alpha Control vt-ury pen. on dev try qo’ welt of 039 Ref to Reprin aq, Wi deb Curse. per SP on Reach with L to euiso fn orbit “vr-ury- “[dethi £42) VT-UI> ‘Psm Sp 0120 OFF Cmplted dlecending to PLiso. Setting Course“ te Den. ETA DPN O1SD Delhi Ace vr-urp Tx blind due} Rx Faire Psn on SP peacending to PLUS on Reach i FLiso tL Oh» Ppr ETA Den 0150 ettablish mm hold At Ever oars bit! Commence descend in Aold for feso ten Wil) Canty out TLS Appt Ruy 14 hsiu TY again Reaching HD Der! VT-uTJ from Present Pan Seb Gp dcr SP on Renching L fo fur (n orbit Grng: ne ‘Reoly. by rp) one ero Heousond . 4) 121- Shue, 124° Lie, 243 he 5) Banglore, Luennons , Banglore Authonived ty Procesd Under Condition Apecified S| Ace , identify, distont 4 promtoent, anes dondade desde ddA AKAAAA O} Plight aatety mag, PUpAt Rapulatony oag V1 ATA chang NNT Time allourd ~ 25 ming Total many ¢- Joo Ale Identtfication~ VT-AzA Pgh Rule~ 7 Type of fligat - ny ype of Aje- Are, Wake turbulence — my Bquipment- 6 sare: Aewodsome-yngg Time- 0830 bevel ~ FLiae Route ~ low BPN ATA! fLIFo TER, Dest Aewodrome- ve TS. Alin hesodrome— ytpp Ofer Infos- Chartaed PUtgat: 2 @) You ake zaxiog for Your depastu that on the adyoini ovinsey you dee a Huet tonne if being driven bith fuel Leaxing non Atop From tap one of i outlet give detailed report Q@nd Dhow Your Concekn. 6) You are appr Rk holding foint that You decide to weocl Fiqo above the airfield before Flying out S> ATD 08:50 you Pass prio. <3. 1S nm From Aap at youd Crulotng level Jour starr > OMpAlencIng Bere turbulence . Show Progressive —p CompLtance . 2 y* OHD LOU>A — Refuest detend to Land - 3S. Franpmif the Foutouing Aenkiocg Confateing Abbreviation > in fu form :- . D XcevR hag xmtr and Rec. 9 2 Ale clr for FSU os In Tho Path. 3 % Conrdp are given tn latand in not in Lief % #) AD VETE is ced TEN, . S) Uz ib left of Ran > SI | unas eee | Ot Une ake meatling nent ATC Degponding Hun, We bit) stat Cou Line - brhom are you Col - Who ou ade a — mf _ Give (Par pant) Cay fn Case of 2 At aun Lev we med overe tursulence- SP) pranetva hag trang mute and recedes. 2) Avert cleared for Pun Atop landing hind shear tn Taxeepf ‘ouwveeveuenwewewenwuuewe we © ¥ Co-ordinates ore given i'n latitude and Longitude, niin’ Ws fance . ; 4) Aerodrome Jorhat is closed fi Furth pobre Localives 16 tel} of tan tsag Centre. Oe en ae ye Mumbar Gd vr-AzA on Thy B Aignred Indian olf fuel fankes. on being driven hie fuer teaking Prom vet of the outlep the vehicle ff moving torrerdy Apzon Qf Could be mayor fire harand. Mumbai TR vr—Aza Approachi Ruwy hidg 27 in Tuy B. Ref Climb OD BBG Fo before pea Couree to dest- clr t to Fito’ ons 6ag ky line ups dep. Mumbai Apeh, VT-AZA Psn OHD RAB 0900 Passing Fito for FlLiao ett doTiP OgIo est APANO ©4920 + Mumbai Ace vr-Aza Hob do your vod Neg cto VIHK Muumbal Apel Pin OWd ARG D900 Paating foro for Fuso At doriP oqio ett APAnto 0920. V2A. cly t to filo ond Gen No Reply VUA Mumbai Ace Read faa nme. GrnQ Rep Y to Perigo lu deren Turbulence Leaving Flite fir FLigo hileo VTA: Napeuk Acc VzA Reporting / Taning Fulgo. Nagpur Ace vT-AzA Pin TauDA 0g§o Aatqy FLIEO eit ARIVo j000 ETA JIS Volo = Rep. Lr leaving FLI6© for Lilo hit) che Kolkata Ate VZA- koiwata Acc VT-AzA pga FLilo ETA JIS tor0 Ref Furtiey J. Laaving FLO Foy FLIO biti cto Tom phedpur 0% VT-AzA- Tamebed puk Terr VT-Arw Arq| Filo €mars |020 Ref Purtter J. “| (Pant PAN) x3 Nagpur ACC vEaca Psn 45> PROPL Aq) FUP VTA Nagpur Ace Clr L feigo RA: GmaQ. VTA Nagpur Acc clr Futo ck ort App ATC on Teaching, VT-AZA Kolkata Acc. clr fer to FL “lo Kc axat ATC for descend: aA BAA KB RKB ARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. A AA Ak A A YLAPL pangs COE Time allowed - 25 ming Total marcy too ‘Ale Idendificatfon- VT-APL Plight Rule - 2% Type of flight- G ‘Tyee of Ale~ Citahon, Make Lirbulence- M4 9wpment - pep. heredrome ~ VA AU fime - 0120 lev :- Lito Rouk- Gaso TAMIpD W2O AUsSAO FL2I0 TER. reat Aerodrome. Vormm Adin Aerodrome — Vong. ‘oe, Cy ee —_— ‘ 10) Time 6 0100-30 OMe VT-UID Rep you fr Time cheen ' 6) on Approaching Ruy Alay Arc clr you for r/o , Ag You Ato oo for Tl & Xi /NCUdBIOn taney place , by a veHete - Take a kadio Action and express Conpefuencey { Rad You @qap' volled OF). ATH 0113S AL 20 Om Passing Fito you decide to Change your route and proceed Via der usa to | Quid by. vaau Ras no objection durjyct be clearance ' ‘from next Sppropriade ATC + deck Mecea nary Permiasion. Your tack BUSBo- 4. At Jo dmB fo Yomm your Contact: Are bo Report Passing ptaso for FuaO that radio fadture take place your | qeivibed ETA 03:40 , FAT 04:58: S. Traapmit the following denfentes ee el Qébbrey/ation in fuse form :- ‘ t) war tp thoving cB. "2) Me t GA due gu on tinal , a) Usp mpc AD from wre. 4) Mat tfc for Aagety» + $) Yu Ahoutd mot not be mon Hon Pcl. einhcs ) in Q.m-2> VAAu has no o ectton. Phraye = Neg the Li Aurangabad ” 7 ites = There if no any Eh bik, eee aa Dd. 9n Mno.3 > 54 Rept mag 9f examines Lty not gire- Auggestion to te ony Ate, fen wie Cau he Are Whe ern if appropriate . Because Here Cheanas Control / but in WRC Ang key te do Accerding t, Paeeeere 4 Appropriate ATC. Here ip Suggestion if fireny do we ; 1 ce nye mee Pen tay Sy wants kadar if thowing Cumulonimeuy ) Afreratt to Go around “due Gitex on ftnal. D Une dfuats approacting Aerodrome from North north bash +) Monitor traffic for Aakey. $) Landing height mot Shows tot be mre then Parennf- classification Numse,, st AA AA

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