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Thermodynamics and bioenergetics

Article in Biophysical Chemistry · July 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0301-4622(02)00069-8 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Yasar Demirel Stanley Sandler

University of Nebraska at Lincoln University of Delaware


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Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

Thermodynamics and bioenergetics
Y. Demirela,*, S.I. Sandlerb
Science and Engineering, Winona State University, 203A Stark Hall, Winona, MN 55987, USA
Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark,
DE 19716, USA

Received 18 December 2001; received in revised form 7 March 2002; accepted 15 March 2002


Bioenergetics is concerned with the energy conservation and conversion processes in a living cell, particularly in
the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This review summarizes the role of thermodynamics in understanding the
coupling between the chemical reactions and the transport of substances in bioenergetics. Thermodynamics has the
advantages of identifying possible pathways, providing a measure of the efficiency of energy conversion, and of the
coupling between various processes without requiring a detailed knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. In the last
five decades, various new approaches in thermodynamics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and network thermody-
namics have been developed to understand the transport and rate processes in physical and biological systems. For
systems not far from equilibrium the theory of linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics is used, while extended non-
equilibrium thermodynamics is used for systems far away from equilibrium. All these approaches are based on the
irreversible character of flows and forces of an open system. Here, linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics is mostly
discussed as it is the most advanced. We also review attempts to incorporate the mechanisms of a process into some
formulations of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The formulation of linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics for
facilitated transport and active transport, which represent the key processes of coupled phenomena of transport and
chemical reactions, is also presented. The purpose of this review is to present an overview of the application of non-
equilibrium thermodynamics to bioenergetics, and introduce the basic methods and equations that are used. However,
the reader will have to consult the literature reference to see the details of the specific applications. 䊚 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics; Bioenergetics; Coupling; Thermodynamic regulations; Active transport

1. Introduction the proteins, and muscular contraction. In this

process the source of energy is adenosine triphos-
It is believed that an evolved and adapted
phate (ATP), which has been produced by oxida-
biological system converts energy in the most
tive phosphorylation (OP) in the inner membrane
efficient manner for transport of substances across
of the mitochondria. This is a coupled-membrane
a cell membrane, the synthesis and assembly of
bound process. Classical thermodynamics analyzes
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-507-457-5504; fax: q1- the interconversion of energy for systems in equi-
507-457-5681. librium and provides a set of inequalities describ-
E-mail address: (Y. Demirel).

0301-4622/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 1 - 4 6 2 2 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 0 6 9 - 8
88 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

ing the direction of change. Systems may exhibit transport would be in violation of the second law
two different types of behavior: (i) the tendency of thermodynamics. As explained by NET theory,
towards maximum disorder; or (ii) the spontaneous dissipation due to either diffusion or chemical
appearance of a high degree of organization in reaction can be negative, but only if these two
space, time andyor function. The best examples of processes couple in an anisotropic medium and
the latter are dissipative systems at non-equilibrium produce a positive total dissipation.
conditions, such as living systems. As living sys- The linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics
tems grow and develop, outside energy is needed (LNET) theory is valid for near equilibrium sys-
for organized structures for the ability of reproduc- tems in which the Gibbs free energy change is
tion and surviving in changing conditions w1x. To small that is DG<2.5 kJymol w2,3,17x, and linear
maintain a state of organization requires a number relationships exist between flows and forces iden-
of coupled metabolic reactions and transport proc- tified in the dissipation function. The dissipation
esses with mechanisms controlling the rate and function is obtained from the Gibbs relation and
timing of the life processes. As Schrodinger pro- the general transport equations of mass, momen-
posed that these processes appear to be at variance tum, energy and entropy balances of a multi-
with the second law of thermodynamics, which component system. After properly identifying the
states that a finite amount of organization may be forces and flows, the matrix of cross coefficients
obtained at the expense of a greater amount of of the linear phenomenological equations becomes
disorganization in a series of interrelated (coupled) symmetric according to the Onsager reciprocal
spontaneous changes w1–5x. Many physical and relations. The cross coefficients naturally relate the
biological processes occur in non-equilibrium, coupled flows. Through coupling a flow can occur
open systems with irreversible changes, such as without or against its conjugate force. This theory
the transport of matter, energy and electricity, nerve does not require knowledge of mechanisms of the
conduction, muscle contractions, and complex cou- biological process, while a complete analysis
pled phenomena. Kinetic equations and statistical requires a quantitative description of the mecha-
models can describe such processes satisfactorily. nisms of energy conversion. In practice, it is
However, it has been argued that these procedures impossible to describe all the enzymes involved
often require more detailed information than is and the thermodynamic limitations of the possible
available, or only sometimes obtainable w6–9x. process pathways in a kinetics formulation w18x.
After the inspiring work and discussions of Onsa- Therefore, network thermodynamics w19x and
ger, Prigogine and Schrodinger a non-equilibrium rational thermodynamics w20x have also been used,
thermodynamics (NET) approach emerged to and they will be briefly discussed later.
replace the inequalities of classical thermodynam- Can we analyze the coupled processes in bioe-
ics with equalities in order to describe biological nergetics by a phenomenological approach using
processes quantitatively w2,4,5,10–17x. the LNET theory? This question has been dis-
There exist a large number of ‘phenomenologi- cussed since the publications of Kedem and Katch-
cal laws’ describing irreversible processes in the alsky w21x, Kedem w22x, and Kedem and Caplan
form of proportionalities, such as Fick’s law w23x of the analyses of transport problems in
between flow of a substance and its concentration biological membranes by the LNET theory with
gradient, and the mass action law between reaction the Onsager relations. In order to address this
rate and chemical concentrations or affinities. question, we first present a short description of the
When two or more of these phenomena occur mitochondria and energy transduction in the mito-
simultaneously in a system, they may couple and chondrion. Second, LNET theory and the coupling
cause new effects such as facilitated and active between reactions and the transport of substances
transport in biological systems. In active transport are presented. We also summarize the discussions
a substrate can be transported against the direction of the proper pathways and the study of multi-
imposed by its electrochemical potential gradient. inflection points that justify the use of the LNET
If this coupling does not take place, such ‘uphill’ in bioenergetics. Third, we present the concept of
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 89

thermodynamic buffering caused by soluble membrane, 60–70 A ˚ thick, has subunits on its
enzymes. Besides LNET, other thermodynamic very large inner surface area and recently, Man-
approaches namely, network thermodynamics, and nella w25x reported new insights for the internal
rational thermodynamics are briefly summarized. organization of mitochondria. Inner membrane
Lastly, some important processes of bioenergetics fragments may reform into vesicles known as
are presented using the LNET formulation. submitochondrial particles, which are covered by
subunits. The subunits have the major coupling
2. Background factors F1 and F0 protein parts, which together
comprise the large ATPase protein complex. ATP-
2.1. Irreversibility ase can catalyze the synthesis and the hydrolysis
of ATP, depending on the change of electrochem-
Consider the equations that describe time- ical potential of proton Dm¯ H.
dependent physical processes. If these equations Three-dimensional images show that inner
are invariant to the algebraic sign of the time, the membrane involutions (cristae) have narrow and
process is said to be a reversible process; otherwise very long tubular connections to the intermembra-
it is an irreversible process. For example, the ne w25x. These openings lead to the possibility that
equation describing the propagation of waves in a lateral gradients of ions, molecules, and macro-
non-absorbing medium is invariant to the substi- molecules may occur between the compartments
tution yt for t, hence, the propagation of waves of mitochondria. The compartment type of struc-
is a reversible process. However, Fick’s equation
ture may influence the magnitude of local pH
of diffusion is not invariant with respect to time,
gradients produced by chemiosmosis, and internal
and it describes an irreversible process. Most of
diffusion of adenine nucleotides. The information
the physicochemical and biological processes are
on the spatial organization of mitochondria is
irreversible processes. Phenomenological laws,
important to understand and describe the
which are asymmetric in time control irreversible
processes. All natural processes proceed towards
an equilibrium state, thus dissipating their driving Mitochondria cause the interactions between the
force. redox system and the synthesis of ATP, and are
The word irreversibility also refers to the direct- referred to as ‘coupling membranes’ w26x. The
edness of time evolution of a system; irreversibility membrane is an efficient and regulated energy-
implies the impossibility of creating a state that transducing unit as it organizes the electron transfer
evolves backward in time. The arrow of time is and the associated reactions leading to ATP syn-
related to the unidirectional increase of entropy in thesis. Photosynthetic energy conservation occurs
all natural irreversible processes. in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts.
Bioenergetics is concerned with energy metab-
2.2. Energy conservation and conversion in olism in biological systems w4,17,24x, which com-
mitochondria promise the mechanism of energy coupling w27–
29x and control w30–32x within cells. The clusters
Typical mitochondria are approximately 2–3 mm of orthologous gene database identifies 210 protein
long and 0.5–1 mm wide, and have an outer families involved in energy production and con-
membrane and a folded inner membrane w24x. The version; they show complex phylogenetic patterns
membranes are constructed with tail-to-tail bilayers and cause diverse strategies of energy conservation
of phospholipids into which various proteins are w33x. The respiration chain generates energy by
embedded. Outer and inner membranes produce the oxidation of reducing equivalents of nutrients
two separate compartments, the intermembrane (nicotinamide adenine nucleotides NADH and the
space (C-side) containing enzymes, and the matrix flavin nucleotides FADH2), which is conserved as
(M-side) rich in proteins, enzymes and fatty acids ATP through OP. Cytochrome c oxidase, terminal
enclosed by the inner membrane. The inner enzyme of the chain, (i) reduces dioxygen to water
90 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

with four electrons from cytochrome c and four systems. For those systems not far away from
protons taken up from the matrix of mitochondria, equilibrium the theory of LNET, and for those
and (ii) pumps protons from the matrix into the systems far away from equilibrium the theory of
intermembrane space, causing an electrochemical extended non-equilibrium thermodynamics
proton gradient across the inner membrane, which (ENET) have been developed over the last five
is used by ATPase to synthesize ATP w34x. There decades. The theories of LNET and ENET appear
is also another cycle (the Q cycle) around the often in modern physics, related to keywords such
cytochrome bc1 complex, which causes substantial as non-equilibrium, motion, irreversibility, instabil-
proton pumping. Synthesis of ATP is an endergon- ity and dissipative structures. Prigogine and his
ic reaction and hence, conserves the energy school have studied extensively the unification of
released during biological oxidation–reduction an irreversible phenomenological macroscopic
reactions. Photosynthesis, driven by light energy, description, and a microscopic description deter-
leads to production of ATP through electron trans- mined by linear and reversible quantum laws.
fer and photosynthetic phosphorylation. Hydrolysis Unstable phenomena occurring macroscopically in
of 1 mole of ATP is pH and wMgq2x-dependent, a physical system are caused by inherent fluctua-
and is an exergonic reaction releasing 31 kJymol tions of the related state variables. The trend
at pH 7. This energy drives various energy-depend- towards equilibrium is distinguished by asymptot-
ent metabolic reactions and the transport of various ically vanishing dissipative contributions. In con-
ions such as Hq, Kq and Naq w33–39x. trast, non-equilibrium states can amplify
Animals adjust the energy demands by coupling fluctuations, and any local disturbance can move
of respiration to the rate of ATP utilization, effi- a system into unstable, metastable and structured
cient use of nutrients under starvation, degradation macroscopic states. This difference is an important
of excess food, and control of ATP production and indication of the qualitative disparity between
response to stress conditions w34x. Experiments equilibrium and non-equilibrium states w3,41,42x.
indicate that the ratio of ATP produced to the The use of LNET and ENET in bioenergetics is
amount of oxygen consumed, which is called the summarized in the following sections.
PyO ratio, changes in the range of 1–3, and is
characteristic of the substrate undergoing oxidation 3.1. Linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics
and the physiological organ role w26x. In the case (LNET)
of excess substrate, oxygen and inorganic phos-
phate, the respiratory activity of the mitochondria The systems that are not in thermodynamic
is controlled by the amount of ADP available. In equilibrium are non-homogeneous systems in
the controlled state referred to as state 4 of the which at least some of the intensive parameters
mitochondria, the amount of ADP is low. With the are functions of time and position. However, a
addition of ADP, the respiratory rate increases local thermodynamic state exists in small volume
sharply; this is the active state called the state 3. elements at each point in a non-equilibrium sys-
The ratio of the state 3 to state 4 respiratory rates tem. These volume elements are so small that the
is known as the respiratory control index. substances in them can be treated as homogeneous
Mitochondria are the major source of reactive with a sufficient number of molecules for the
oxygen species through the respiratory chain. phenomenological laws to apply; they may be
These oxygen radicals may affect the function of thought of as being in thermodynamic equilibrium,
the enzyme complexes involved in energy conser- and the specific entropy and specific internal
vation, electron transfer and OP w40x. energy may be determined at every point in the
same way as for substances in equilibrium. Exper-
3. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics (NET) iments show that the postulate of local thermody-
namic equilibrium is valid if the gradients of
The theory of NET provides the working equa- intensive thermodynamic functions are small, and
tions for describing irreversible, non-equilibrium their local values vary slowly in comparison with
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 91

the relaxation time of the local state of the system If we neglect the higher order terms, Eqs. (3)
w2,10,12,13,42–47x. and (4) become linear relations, resulting in the
The entropy change dS for an open system is general type of linear-phenomenological equations
given by the following equation for irreversible phenomena
dQe n
dSsdSeqdSis qŽdSe.matterqdSi (1) Jis8LikXi Ži,ks1,2,...,n. (5)
T is1
which has two contributions: (i) the entropy flow n
due to exchange with the environment dSe; and Xis 8 KikJk (6)
(ii) the entropy production inside the volume dSi. ks1
The value of dSe may be positive, negative or
Eq. (5) shows that forces are the independent
zero. The increment dQe shows the amount of heat
variables, and any flow is caused by contributions
exchanged with the environment. Entropy produc-
for all the forces, while Eq. (6) indicates that
tion inside the elementary volume caused by irre-
flows are the independent variables, and any force
versible phenomena is the local value of the sum
is caused by all the flows in the system. If one of
of entropy generation processes. By the second
the flows vanishes, Eq. (5) should to be used,
law of thermodynamics, dSi is always positive,
while Eq. (6) is appropriate if one of the forces is
which is considered to be the only general criterion
set to zero. Eq. (6) may also be practical to use
of irreversibility w46x. The explicit calculation of
since it is generally easy to measure flows. The
dSi is essentially the basis of NET theory.
coefficients Lik and Kik are the conductance and
Mass flow and the chemical reaction rate (called
resistance phenomenological coefficients, respec-
the ‘flows’ Ji) are caused by the forces Xi, which
are the electrochemical potential gradient (for tively, and are generally assumed to be time
ions) Xisygradmi, and the chemical affinity, invariant. The coefficients with the repeated indi-
respectively. Chemical affinity A is ces relate the conjugate forces and flows, while
the cross coefficients Lik with i/k represent the
Ajsy8nijmi (2) coupling phenomena. The phenomenological coef-
is1 ficients are expressed as
where vij is the stoichiometric coefficient of the B ≠Ji E B J E
ith component in the jth reaction, and n is the LiksC F sC i F Ži/k. (7)
D ≠Xk GXj D Xk GXjs0
number of components in the reaction. Conven-
tionally, the stoichiometric coefficients are positive B
≠Xi E B Xi E
for products and negative for reactants (i.e. for a KiksC F sC F (8)
D ≠Jk GJi D Jk GJis0
reaction B1q2B2mB3, the affinity would be As
– wm3y(m1q2m2)x). Generally, any force can pro- Since dSi)0, the phenomenological coefficients
duce any flow Ji(Xi), and the flows and forces are for a two-flow system obey the following relations
complicated non-linear functions of one another.
However, we can expand the non-linear depend- L11)0; L22)0; 4L11L22yŽL12qL21.2)0 (9)
ence of the flows Ji and the forces Xi in Taylor which are also valid for Kij. For the matrix Lij is
series about the equilibrium to obtain to be positive and definite, its determinant and all
JisJi,eqŽXis0. the determinants of lower dimension, obtained by
n B
deleting rows and columns, must be positive. The
≠Ji E 1 n B ≠ 2J E
q8C F Xjq 8C 2i F X2j q.... (3) phenomenological coefficients are not a function
D ≠Xj Geq 2! js1D ≠Xj Geq of the thermodynamic forces and flows; on the

XisXi,eqŽJks0. other hand, they are functions of the local state

n B and of the substance w10,13x. The Onsager recip-
≠Xi E 1 n B ≠ 2X E
q8C F Jkq 8C 2i F J2kq... (4) rocal relations state that, provided the flows and
D ≠Jk Geq 2! ks1D ≠Jk Geq
ks1 forces are identified by the appropriate dissipation
92 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

function, the matrix of phenomenological coeffi- is quadratic in all the forces. In continuous sys-
cients is symmetric. Onsager’s relations have been tems, the choice of reference system (i.e. station-
proven to be an implication of the property of ary, mass average velocity, etc.) for diffusion flow
‘microscopic reversibility’, that is the symmetry of affects the values of the transport coefficients and
all mechanical equations of motion of individual the entropy production due to diffusion w10,13x.
particles with respect to time t w13x. Gambar and Prigogine w2x proved the invariance of the entropy
Markus w45x related the Onsager reciprocal rela- production for an arbitrary base of reference if the
tions to the global gauge symmetries of the system is in mechanical equilibrium and the diver-
Lagrangian. This means that the results are general gence of viscous stress tensor vanishes.
and valid for an arbitrary process. In coupled The dissipation function for a series of l chem-
processes Lik are not zero; for example, for a two- ical reactions (including the electron transport
dimensional matrix, L12 and L21 are numerically w51,52x) is given by
the same, although their physical interpretations l
differ. Cs 8 JriAiG0 (13)
The dissipation function, first derived in 1911 i,ks1

by Jaumann w48x, can be obtained from the general For an elementary reaction the flow Jr and the
balance equations (mass, momentum, energy and affinity A are expressed in terms of forward r f and
entropy) and the Gibbs relation backward rb reaction rates
TdssduqPdvy8midNi (10) Jrsrfyfb (14)
where u is the specific energy, v the specific rf
volume, P the pressure, mi the chemical potential AsRTln (15)
and Ni the mole number of component i. As the
Gibbs relation is a fundamental relation of ther- These equations are solved together to express
modynamics, and valid even outside thermostatic the flow
equilibrium, the entropy depends explicitly only JrsrfŽ1yeyAyRT. (16)
on energy, volume and concentrations. Any chang-
es in a process can be taken into account through Close to the thermodynamic equilibrium, where
the balance equations and the Gibbs relation AyRT<1, we can expand Eq. (16) as
w2,10,13x. In NET theory, the entropy generation
rate F and the dissipation function C are calcu- Jrsrf,eq (17)
lated as the sum of the products of the conjugate RT
forces and flows for a specified process and compare with the linear phenomenological
n equations for chemical reactions
CsTFss8JiXiG0 (11) l
is1 Jris 8 LijAj (18)
In a stationary state, it has been shown that the
total entropy production reaches a minimum, to obtain the phenomenological coefficient as
which is the stability criterion of a stationary state
w2,3,49,50x. rf,eq,ij
Lijs (19)
By introducing the linear phenomenological Eq. RT
(5) into the dissipation function wEq. (11)x, we Here, we have rf,eqsrb,eq. For an overall reac-
have tion with l intermediate reactions, the linear phe-
n nomenological law is valid if every elementary
Cs 8 LikXiXkG0 (12) reaction satisfies AyRT<1 and the intermediate
reactions are fast and hence, a steady state is
This equation shows that the dissipation function reached w3x.
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 93

The LNET approach is more advanced than ute concentrations, then L becomes
ENET, and widely recognized as a useful phenom-
enological theory for describing the coupled phe- Ls (20)
nomena without the need for a detailed mechanism Dz
w5,9,35,50,53–61x. where u is the mobility, a is the solvent–
membrane partition coefficient, and cm is the log-
3.2. Proper pathways arithmic mean bath concentration, DcyDlnc. If
some value cm is chosen and the concentrations
Formulation of the relationships between forces are then constrained to the locus DcsŽcm.Dlnc,
and flows is the most important step in the theo- then L will be constant. Kedem and Katchalsky
retical and experimental analysis of biological w21x had also used the logarithmic mean concen-
reactions and transport processes w4x. This step tration in the linearization in the NET formulation
will lead to understanding the change of affinity of membrane transport. If the force is influenced
of an oxidative reaction driving transepithelial by both the concentrations and the electrical poten-
active transport, tissue anisotropy (compartmental- tial difference, then L becomes more complex, yet
ization), free energy, and activity coefficients. it is still possible to obtain a constant L by
Experiments show that biological processes take measuring J and X in a suitable experiment w5x.
place in many steps, each of which is thought to For a first order chemical reaction S™P, the
be nearly reversible, and exhibit linear relation- flow is given by Eq. (16)
ships between steady state flows and conjugate
thermodynamics forces, such as transepithelial JrskfcsykbcpskbcpŽeAyRTy1.
active Naq and Hq transport, and OP in mito- where k f and kb are the rate constants for forward
chondria w4,15,29,58,62,65–69x. and backward reactions, respectively, and c is the
Conventional phenomenological equations of concentration. At a steady state, far away from
NET may constitute an incomplete description of equilibrium, we describe the reaction by
the processes, because the forces can be controlled
in a proper pathway leading to near linear force– JrsLAsL9AyRT (21)
flow relationships so that the theory of LNET can where L9sTRL and can be evaluated my measur-
be applied w4x. In this case a distinction must be ing Jr and A
made between thermodynamic linearity and kinetic
B Ey1
linearity. For example, the flow of a solute across AyRT
a membrane depends on its chemical potential and L9sk c C
b p F
D eAyRTy1 G
also on its thermodynamic state on both sides of
the membrane. For a first order reaction S™P, Eq. (21) shows that for different values of A of
doubling the concentrations of S and P will double various stationary states, the same values of L9
the reaction rate for an ideal system, although the will describe the chemical reaction by choosing
force affinity remains the same. Similarly the the concentrations appropriately. For a specified
constancy of phenomenological coefficients L may value of A, Eqs. (16) and (21) determine the
be assured by the appropriate constraints to vary concentration ratio cp ycs and the value of cp,
the force X in the relationship JsLX. The phenom- respectively. This procedure can be used to find a
enological coefficient L will reflect the nature of constant L by limiting the cp and cs to an appro-
the membrane and be the means to vary the force priate locus. As the system approaches equilibrium,
X. If a homogeneous thin membrane is exposed at A tends to vanish and kbcp approaches the value
each surface to the same concentration of the L9.
substances, flow is induced solely by the electric For a coupled process defined in Eqs. (5) and
potential difference, and L is constant with the (6), we can consider a reference steady state far
variation of X. However, if X is the chemical from equilibrium with the given forces X1 and X2.
potential difference, dependent upon the bath sol- Proper pathways can be identified in the neighbor-
94 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

hood of this steady state by varying the forces X1 potential, while maintaining the oxidation potential
and X2 in such a manner to lead to linearity of constant, yields linear flow–force relationships.
flows and forces w4,15,29,58,65–69x. Sometimes Extensive ranges of linearity are found for the
non-linearity occurs at the kinetic level because of reaction driving active sodium transport in epithe-
feedback regulation and not, as is usually assumed, lial membranes, where the sodium pump operates
by large affinities that introduce thermodynamic close to a stationary state with zero flow w36,54x.
non-linearity and hence, sustained oscillations may In the vicinity of such stationary state, kinetic
occur near equilibrium w70x. linearity to a limited extent simulates thermody-
namic linearity at the multidimensional inflection
3.3. Multiple inflection points point. There may be a physiological advantage in
the near linearity and reciprocity for a highly
Rothschild et al. w71x found the existence of a coupled energy transducer at the multiple inflection
multidimensional inflection point well outside of point, since local asymptotic stability is guaranteed
equilibrium in the force–flow space of enzyme- by these conditions w4,72–77x. This could be
catalyzed reactions, indicating linear behavior achieved, for example by the thermodynamic reg-
between the logarithm of reactant concentrations ulation (buffering) of enzymes, and could be
and enzyme-catalyzed flows. Thus, enzymes oper- interpreted as meaning that intrinsic linearity
ating near this multidimensional point may lead to would have an energetic advantage and may have
some linear biological systems. This range of emerged as a consequence of evolution w78,79x.
kinetic linearity may be far from equilibrium. The
conditions for the existence of a multidimensional 3.4. Coupling in bioenergetics
inflection point w5x are: (i) each reactant with
varying activity influences the transition rates for Coupling implies an interrelation between flow
leaving one state only; (ii) the kinetics of the Ji and flow Jj so that, for example a substance can
transition involving the given reactant are of fixed flow without or against its conjugate driving force
order with respect to that reactant; and (iii) for w5,35,80,81x. Coupling is in most cases due to
each possible combination of reactants whose con- enzymes, which catalyze two non-spontaneous
centrations are varied, at least a certain cycle is processes, and make the exchange of energy
present containing only that combination and no between these processes possible. Tanford w27x
others. The first condition excludes autocatalytic reviewed the three kinds of coupled processes: (i)
systems, however, for many biological energy uphill transport of ions across a membrane in
transducers it may well be satisfied. Caplan and which an electrochemical potential gradient is
Essig w5x provided a simple model of active ion created and maintained by coupling to an exergon-
transport, having properties consistent with the ic chemical reaction, such as ATP hydrolysis; (ii)
existence of a multidimensional inflection point the downhill transport of ions to drive an ender-
when one of the variables was the electrical poten- gonic chemical reaction, such as ATP synthesis;
tial difference across the membrane. A multiple and (iii) uphill transport of one type of ion coupled
inflection point may not be unique; other condi- to the downhill transport of a second type of ion
tions may exist where flows J1 and J2 simultane- (incongruent diffusion). The first two of these are
ously pass through an inflection point on variation known as active transport, in which the transport
of X1 with constant X2, and vice versa. In this of a substance is coupled to a chemical reaction,
case, the Onsager relations may not be valid. although the transported substance itself does not
However, highly coupled biological systems undergo chemical transformation. A general fea-
approximately satisfy the Onsager relations w5x. ture of active transport is that free energy coupling
Existence of the multiple inflection point may may involve a protein-mediated linkage between
lead to proper pathways, for which linear flow– chemical changes occurring some distance apart.
force formulation prevails. Stucki w58x demonstrat- The need to couple the electrochemical potential
ed that in mitochondria, variation of the phosphate change of the transported ion to translocation from
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 95

one side of the membrane to the other is concep- situ may be more valuable compared with studies
tually a more difficult process of free energy on isolated mitochondria. The generalized force of
transfer without direct contact. chemical affinity for a chemical reaction shows
In mitochondria, energy-yielding reactions are the distance from equilibrium of the ith reaction
coupled to outward proton translocation, while the
energy-consuming reactions are coupled to the Ki,eq
XisRTln m (22)
inward movement of protons w28x. In the analysis
of bioenergetics the Hq electrochemical potential 2cjij
difference acts as the coupling intermediate
between the redox driven Hq pumps on one side, where R is the gas constant, K the equilibrium
and ATPase Hq pumps on the other. The primary constant, cj the concentration of the jth chemical
(respiratory chain) and secondary (ATPase Hq) species and vji the stoichiometry of the jth species
free energy transducing enzyme complexes can in the ith reaction. The phosphate potential in
couple transmembrane proton flow to scalar chem- mitochondria is expressed as w58x
ical reactions. These primary and secondary pumps
are also coupled. Westerhoff et al. w63x proposed XisyDGp0yRTlnwATPyŽADP*P.x (23)
that protonmotive free-energy coupling occurs as Stucki w58x suggested that the equilibrium ther-
an array of independent, small free-energy cou- modynamic treatment of OP is limited, and con-
pling units operating as proton microunits. Electron fined to the forces with vanishing net flows, hence,
transfer from respiratory chain substrates to molec- vanishing entropy production. To understand the
ular oxygen causes translocation of protons, and OP both the forces and the flows should be
this proton motive force is utilized for ATP syn- considered. Also, the definition of efficiency from
thesis, ion translocations, and protein importation
classical thermodynamics is not sufficient to deter-
catalyzed by discrete multisubunit enzyme com-
mine the efficiency of mitochondria. In state 4
plexes located in the mitochondrial inner
where the net ATP production is zero, the mito-
membrane. Hatefi w28x suggested that the synthesis
chondria still consume energy to maintain the
of enzyme-bound ATP from enzyme-bound ADP
phosphate potential and for the transport of ions
and P does not require energy, and the substrate
binding (an energy promoted process) and product across the inner membrane. Therefore, the assump-
releasing processes are the energy-requiring steps tion of thermodynamic equilibrium and hence, the
in OP. vanishing of entropy production is not justified.
Numerous studies of the relationships between However, the mitochondria is an open thermody-
flows and conjugate forces have helped to describe namic system not far away from equilibrium, and
coupling properties of the OP pathway. A recent experiments indicate that the formalism of LNET
study by Rigoulet et al. w15x showed that the provides a quantitative description of linear energy
LNET approach in intact cells might be helpful conversions and the degree of coupling for various
for understanding the mechanisms by which OP output characteristics of OP w5,26,58x. As living
activity is changed. They showed that with a given organisms must maintain structured states, internal
main substrate, the ATP-consuming processes or entropy production must be transferred to the
proton flows, lead to a unique and quasi-linear environment. Von Stockar and Liu w11x reviewed
relationship between the respiratory rate and its the entropy export and analyzed it based on the
associated overall thermodynamic driving force. Gibbs energy dissipation that leads to microbiolog-
The LNET approach has the following advantages: ical growth w82–84x. For efficient growth, a high
(i) behavior of OP may be studied in more relevant rate of biochemical coupling to exergonic catabolic
and physiological conditions; (ii) it is possible to processes is necessary. This implies an efficient
study the effect of some drugs on OP, whose energy conversion in which the Gibbs energy
effects are not direct and of which the mechanism dissipation due to chemical reaction is the driving
of action is unknown; and (iii) the observations in force for growth of an organism.
96 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

Stucki w58x applied the LNET theory of linear analysis: (i) s1 is analogous to an open circuit cell
energy converters to the process of OP without in which the net rate of ATP vanishes (static
considering the complex, coupled enzyme mecha- head); and (ii) s2 is analogous to a close circuit
nisms, with the coupling expressed by the cross- cell in which the phosphate potential vanishes
phenomenological coefficients LijŽi/j.. Using this (level flow). These are two extreme cases, and in
concept it is possible to assess the OP with Hq most practical cases neither X1 nor J1 vanishes,
pumps as a process driven by respiration by which could be experimentally realized by putting
assuming that the transport processes of ions a load (the ‘hexokinase trap’) on to OP w52x. In
(Ca2q, Hq) are at steady state. The linear phenom- the state s1 the rate of oxygen consumption J2 and
enological relations are then given as the force X1 (the phosphate potential) are
J1sL11X1qL12X2 (24) expressed in terms of the degree of coupling as
J2sL12X1qL22X2 (25)
ŽJ2.s1sL22X2Ž1yq2. (29)
where J1 is the net flow of ATP, J2 the net flow
of oxygen, and X1 the phosphate potential as given qX2
ŽX1.s1sy (30)
by Eq. (23), and X2 is the redox potential, which Z
is the difference in redox potentials between elec-
tron accepting and electron-donating redox cou- where L22 may be interpreted as the phenomeno-
ples. Stucki w58x and later Cairns et al. w26x logical conductance coefficient of the respiratory
experimentally showed the approximate linearity chain. Therefore, energy is still converted and
of reactions in OP within the range of phosphate consumed by the mitochondria. In the stationary
potentials of practical interest. state s2 the flow ratio are given by
The degree of coupling w23x is defined as
L12 C 1 F sqZ (31)
qs 0-ZqZ-1 (26) D J2 Gs2
Eq. (31) shows that the PyO ratio is not equal
and indicates the extent of overall coupling of the to the phenomenological stoichiometry Z, but
different reactions driven by respiration in the approaches this value within a factor of q if the
mitochondria. By defining the phenomenological force is kept zero. Therefore, if the degree of
stoichiometry (the phenomenological stoichiome- coupling q is known, it is possible to calculate Z
try Z differs from the molecular stoichiometry n from the PyO measurements.
for cqc-1 w52x) The efficiency of linear energy converters is
B L11 E1y2 defined in terms of the degree of coupling and
ZsC F (27) given as
D L22 G

J1X1 xqq
and by dividing Eq. (24) by Eq. (25), we obtain hsy sy (32)
the flow ratio jsJ1yŽJ2Z. in terms of the force J 2X 2 qqŽ1yx.
ratio xsX1ZyX2 as follows The efficiency reaches an optimum value
xqq between the two stationary states s1 and s2, which
js (28) is a function of the degree of coupling only, and
is given by
Since the oxidation drives phosphorylation, X1-
0, X2)0, and J1 yJ2 is the conventional PyO ratio, q2
hopts B E 2 (33)
while X1 yX2 is the ratio of phosphate potential to w1q y1yq x
the applied redox potential. There are two types
of stationary states, s1 and s2, considered in the The value of x at hopt is given by
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 97

q J3sL33X1 (41)
xoptsy (34)
1qy1yq2 Here, L33 is an overall phenomenological con-
The dissipation function, Eq. (12), can be ductance coefficient lumping the conductance of
expressed in terms of force ratio x and degree of all the ATP utilization processes, and the dissipa-
coupling q tion function in terms of the force ratio x becomes

C C c w 2B L33 E z
sŽx2q2qxq1.L22X22 (35) sxx C1q Fq2qxq1|L22X22 (42)
T T y D L11 G ~

If we assume X2 as constant, the dissipation If these conductance L33 and L11 (the phenom-
function has a minimum in state s1 at the force enological conductance of phosphorylation) are
ratio xs1syq. For linear phenomenological equa- matched, the following equation is satisfied
tions, the theorem of minimal entropy generation L33
or the dissipation C at steady state is a general sy1yq2 (43)
evolution and stability criterion. Minima of C
occur along the loci of state s1, and these loci are Then Eq. (42) is minimum at xopt w26,58x. Stucki
given by w58x viewed Eq. (43) as conductance matching of
OP, which was experimentally verified for the case
sŽ1yx2.L22X22 (36) of perfused livers.
T The dissipation function at the state of optimal
The dissipation at the state of optimal efficiency efficiency of OP is
is obtained using xopt in Eq. (34), and we have ŽCc.opt 1yx2
2 2 s L22X22 (44)
Copt Ž1yx . T 1qx2
s L22X22 (37)
T 1qx2 and the PyO ratio is given by
The dissipation for state s2 is given by B J E B J E 1qx2
C 1 F sC 1 F (45)
D J2 Gopt D J2 Gs2 2
sL22X22 (38)
This equation shows that unless the coupling is
Stucki w58x predicted the following order among complete (qs"1), a maximal PyO ratio is incom-
the dissipation functions with an ATP flow (Copt patible with optimal efficiency, and the following
and Cs2) and one without an ATP flow (Cs1) inequality occurs w26,58x
Cs1-Copt-Cs2 (39) 1 B J1 E BJ E BJ E
C F -C 1 F -C 1 F (46)
This inequality means that the minimum dissi- 2 D J2 Gs2 D J2 Gopt D J2 Gs2
pation does not occur at the state of optimal Therefore, experimentally measured low PyO
efficiency of OP. ratios do not necessarily mean a poor performance
The dissipation of OP with an attached flow of the OP. Similarly, the net rate of ATP synthesis
corresponding to hydrolysis of ATP is given as at optimal efficiency is given as
Cc 1yx2
sJ1X1qJ2X2qJ3X3 (40) ŽJ1.optsŽJ1.s2 (47)
T 2
Assuming that the ATP hydrolysis process is with the limits
driven by the phosphate potential, X3sX1, and a
linear relation exists between the net rate of ATP 1
0-ŽJ1.opt- ŽJ1.s2 (48)
hydrolysis and X1, we have 2
98 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

Table 1
Production functions with the consideration of conductance matching w58x

Production Loci of the optimal q Energy

function efficiency states cost
1. Optimum rate of From the plot of J1 vs. x q f s0.786 nscons
ATP production: ŽJ1.optstanŽay2.cosaZL22X2 as51.838
2. Optimum output power From the plot of J1X1 vs. x qps0.910 nscons
of oxidative phosphorylation: ŽJ1X1.optstan2Žay2.cosaL22X22 as65.538
3. Optimum rate of ATP From the plot of J1 ? vs. x qfecs0.953 Yes
production at minimal energy cost: ŽJ1h.optstan3Žay2.cosaZL22X2 as72.388
J1hsy ZL22X2
4. Optimum output power of From the plot of J1 X1 ? vs. x qpecs0.972 Yes
oxidative phosphorylation ŽJ1X1h.optstan4Žay2.cosaL22X22 as76.348
at minimal energy cost:
J1X1hsy L22X22

indicating that a maximal net rate of ATP produc- (J1X1h)opt (from the plot of J1X1h vs. x). A
tion is incompatible with optimal efficiency. transition from qp and qec p causes a 12% drop in
Stucki w58x analyzed the required degree of output power (J1X1) and 51% increase in efficien-
coupling of OP, which satisfies Eq. (43), for the cy w58x. Cairns et al. w26x compared the theoretical
optimum production functions f for ATP and and observed determinations of coupling of OP in
output power expressed in terms of asarcsinŽq. mitochondria from rat liver, heart, and brain using
fstanmŽay2.cosŽa. Žms1,2,3,4. (49) classical and NET measures; the coupling of OP
can change with substrate availability and also
The optimum production functions and the asso- reflect the specific response of mitochondria to fit
ciated constants are described in Table 1, while specific organ roles in the rat. For example, the
Fig. 1 shows the effect of degree of coupling on
metabolic driving force and flow (ATP production
the characteristics of four different output functions
rates) relationships facilitated the analysis of
f . If the system has to maximize the ATP produc-
tion at optimal efficiency then fsŽJ1.opt and q f s Ca2q effects on various commonly accepted con-
0.786. Instead, if the system has to maximize the trol points within OP.
power output at optimal efficiency, we have the Stucki w85x analyzed the sensitivity of the force,
output function fsŽJ1X1.opt occurring at qps0.91. the phosphate potential, to the fluctuating cellular
If the additional constraint of efficient ATP syn- ATP utilization, and found that the sensitivity is
thesis (minimal energy cost) is imposed on these minimal at a degree of coupling qs0.95. This is
output functions, then the economic ATP flow and based on an eigenvalue sensitivity analysis of the
economic power output occur at qec f s0.953 and experimentally supported LNET model of OP, and
qecp s0.972, respectively. The difference between indicated that the phosphate potential is highly
qp and qpec becomes clear when we calculate the buffered with respect to changing energy demand,
output power, and the product of power output and the value of q agrees with the degree of
and efficiency at the maximum of the plots of coupling at which net ATP production of OP
(J1X1)opt (from the plot of J1X1 vs. x) and occurs at optimal efficiency. This leads to simul-
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 99

Fig. 1. Degree of couplings and different output functions f .

taneous maximization of kinetic stability and ther- efficiency. For example, the production of thermal
modynamic efficiency at the same degree of energy in the mitochondria requires rather low
coupling. For Hq-translocating ATPase, the Hq y degrees of coupling. Pfeffier et al. w65x showed
ATP coupling ratio is important for mechanistic, that ATP production with a low rate and high yield
energetic and kinetic consequences, and a value of results from cooperative resource use and may
four was adopted for the ratio. evolve in spatially structured environments. The
The values of the degree of coupling depend on thermodynamically determined degrees of cou-
the nature of the output required from the energy pling were also measured in Naq transport in
conversion system in the mitochondria epithelial cells w55x, and growing bacteria w84x
w30,60,64,86–92x. Tomashek and Brusilow w93x where maximization of net flows are the most
suggested that the differences in rates of proton important task of the system. On the other hand,
pumping, ATPase activities, and degrees of cou- for a fed rat liver in a metabolic resting state,
pling might all be variables in the choices that economy of power output has the priority, while a
each biologic system makes in order to survive starved rat liver has to produce glucose, and the
and compete in its environment. Experiments with priority of energy conversion is replaced by the
liver perfused at a metabolic resting state suggest maximum ATP production. Theoretical and exper-
that Eq. (43) is satisfied over a time average, and imental studies indicate that the degree of coupling
the degree of coupling q ec yields an efficient is directly related to metabolic regulation and
process of OP w58x. Optimization may be carried stability in living organisms w26,58,86x. If the
out based on other constraints different from the system cannot cope with instabilities, then fluctu-
100 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

ations such as pH and pressure of the blood could function of cellular respiration w86,98x. LNET is
irreversibly harm the organism. also used for a macroscopic description of some
inhibitors of OP, by considering protonophores,
3.5. Thermodynamic regulation in bioenergetics some ATPase inactivators and some electron-chain
inhibitors w99x.
Fatty acids may regulate and tune the degree of In mitochondrial OP leaks cause a certain
coupling w76,87–89x, and can induce uncoupling uncoupling of two consecutive pumps, for example
to set the optimum efficiency of OP w88,90x. electron transport and ATP synthase, and may be
Experiments with incubated rat-liver mitochondria described as membrane potential driven backflow
show that the adenylate kinase reaction can buffer of protons across the bilayer, while a slip means a
the phosphate potential to a value suitable for decreased Hq yey stoichiometry of proton pumps
optimal efficiency of OP in the presence of very w32x. Kadenbach et al. w34x recently proposed that
high rate of ATP hydrolysis. Stucki w76x called mitochondrial energy metabolism was regulated by
this class of enzymes, such as adenylate kinase the intramitochondrial ATPyADP ratio and slip of
and creatine-kinase, thermodynamic buffer proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase at high
enzymes. A fluctuating ATPyADP ratio and devi- proton motive force. In transportation, leaks, for
ations from optimal efficiency of OP are largely example, can be found in the proton-sugar symport
overcome by thermodynamic buffering w54,57,91x. in bacteria where a protein mediates the transport
The enzymes are capable of causing certain reac- of protons and sugar across the membrane, and
tion pathways by catalyzing a conversion of a adding a protonophore, a parallel pathway occurs
substance or a coupled reaction w17,18,31,92x. For causing a leak in the transport. A slip can occur
example, on adding nigericin to a membrane with when one of two coupled processes (i.e. reactions)
gradients of Hq and Kq, the system reaches a in a cyclic process proceeds without its counter-
steady state in which the gradients of Hq and part, which is also called intrinsic uncoupling w93x.
Kq are balanced. On the other hand, if we add Leaks and slips may affect the metabolic rate
valinomycin and protonophore, both gradients rap- w100,101x. Schuster and Westerhoff w101x devel-
idly dissipate. Wyss et al. w29x discussed the oped a theory for the metabolic control by enzymes
functions of the mitochondrial creatine kinase, that catalyze two or more incompletely coupled
which is a key enzyme of aerobic energy metab- reactions. Control by the coupled reactions is
olism w87,94,95x, and involved in the buffering, distinguished quantitatively from control by the
transport and reducing the transient nature of the extent of slippage using the LNET formulation.
system in reaching a new steady state upon chang- Here, the limits of coupling or the tightness of
es in workload w68x. This can be achieved: (i) by coupling, as Krupka w73,74x called it, becomes an
increasing the enzymatic activities in such a way important parameter and may be defined as the
as to guarantee near equilibrium conditions; (ii) ratio of coupled-to-uncoupled rates, which is a
by metabolic channeling of substrates; and (iii) by function of the binding energy of the substrate and
damping oscillations of ATP and ADP upon sud- the carrier protein. Evolution favors the coupling
den changes in workload. in organisms as tight as possible, since the loss of
Uncoupling proteins facilitate the dissipation of available metabolic energy is a disadvantage. For
the transmembrane electrochemical potentials of example, the rather loose coupling of calcium and
Hq or Naq produced by the respiratory chain, and sugar transport systems may represent a tradeoff
results in an increase in the Hq and Naq perme- between efficiency and the rate that can be
ability of the coupling membranes. These proteins achieved in primary and secondary active transport
provide adaptive advantages, both to the organism w74x. One other concern in an interconnected
and to individual cell, and also increase vulnera- biological network is that the behavior of a sub-
bility to necrosis by compromising the mitochon- system (e.g. glycolysis) may become unsteady and
drial membrane potential w88,96,97x. Some chaotic, so that the output of this subsystem (e.g.
uncoupling is favorable for the energy-conserving ATP production) is adversely affected, and
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 101

becomes an external noise for other subsystems In the non-linear regime and for time-independ-
causing inhibition and desynchronization w4x. ent boundary conditions we have w2,3,49x
3.6. Extended non-equilibrium thermodynamics dXC
F0 (51)
(ENET) dt
Extended non-equilibrium thermodynamics is dXC is not a differential of a state function, so
used for systems far from equilibrium. The dis- that Eq. (51) does not indicate how the state will
tance from equilibrium can be measured by the evolve, it only indicates that C can only decrease.
gradients and affinities imposed on the system. Stability must be determined from the properties
For example, chemical reaction systems are in the of the particular steady state. This leads to the
linear regime if the affinities A are small compared decoupling of evolution and stability in the non-
to RT (A<2.5 kJymol at Ts300 K), however, linear regime, and it permits the occurrence of new
for most reactions chemical affinities are in the organized structures beyond a point of instability
range of 10–100 kJymol and hence, they are in of a state in the non-equilibrium regime. The time-
the non-linear regime. Beyond a critical distance independent constraints may lead to oscillating
the flows are no longer linear functions of forces; states in time, such as the well-known Lotka–
the system explores all the possibilities to counter Volterra interactions in which the system cycles
the applied gradients, and may become unstable continuously.
and have more than one possible steady state, A physical system x may be described by an n-
sometimes showing bifurcation and leading to self- dimensional vector with elements of xi (is1,2,.,n)
organized behavior. As the Belousov–Zhabotinski and parameters aj, and
reaction displays, these complex structures can dxi
arise as the solution of a deterministic differential sfiŽxi,aj. (52)
equation. Sometime it is the symmetry, and not dt
the linearity, of the force–flow relations in the The stationary states xsi are obtained using dxi y
near equilibrium region that precludes oscillations dts0. With a small perturbation dxi and a positive
w56x. The process and the boundary conditions do function L(dx) called the distance, the stationary
not uniquely specify the new non-equilibrium state, state is stable if the distance between xi and the
which can be a highly structured state and can perturbed state (xsiqdxi) steadily decreases with
only be maintained by a continuous exchange of time, that is
energy andyor matter with the surroundings. The
structured states degrade the imposed gradients LŽdxi.)0; -0 (53)
effectively when the dynamic and kinetic pathways dt
for the structure were not possible. ENET is A function satisfying Eq. (53) is called a Lya-
concerned with the non-linear region, and with punov function, which provides a general criterion
deriving the evolution equations with the dissipa- for stability of a state. Kondepudi and Prigogine
tive flows as the independent variables in addition w3x used the second variation of entropy Lsyd2S
to the usual conserved variables w2,20,102x. as a Lyapunov functional if the stationary state
If C is the dissipation in a non-equilibrium satisfies 8dXidJj)0, hence, a non-equilibrium
stationary state, the change in C with time due to
small changes in the forces dXi and in the flows stationary state is stable if
dJi is expressed by d d 2S
s8dXidJj)0 (54)
dC B dX E dt 2
s | C8Ji i FdV
VD dt G The bilinear expression in Eq. (54) is known as
the excess entropy production w3x, and dJi and
dJi E d C dC
q | C8
dt G
FdVs X q J
dt dt
(50) dXi denote the deviations of Ji and Xi from the
values at the non-equilibrium steady state.
102 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

The coupling between chemical kinetics and mined by the characteristic parameters of both the
transport may lead to dissipative structures that are present and the past. However, the general expres-
caused by auto- and cross-catalytic processes with sions for the balance of mass, momentum and
positive and negative feedback, influencing their energy are still used w20x.
rates of reaction w56x. For example, the Belousov– The Clausius–Duhem equation is the fundamen-
Zhabotinski reaction exhibits a wide variety of tal inequality for a single component system. The
characteristic non-linear phenomena. In the non- selection of the independent constitutive variables
linear region, the class of instabilities arise in depends on the type of system considered. A
biological systems are (i) multi-steady states, (ii) process is then described by a solution of the
homogeneous chemical oscillations, and (iii) com- balance equations with the constitutive relations
plex oscillatory phenomena w3x. The thermody- and Clausius–Duhem inequality.
namic buffer enzymes may provide bioenergetics Rational thermodynamics is not limited to linear
regulatory mechanisms for the maintenance of a constitutive relations, and when the constitutive
state far from equilibrium w39,86,103,104x. In equations are expressed in terms of functionals,
recent studies ENET has been used to describe generally, a vast amount of information is neces-
protein folding and the complex behavior in bio- sary w20x. Rational thermodynamics may be useful
logical systems w39,103x. in the case of memory effects; non-equilibrium
processes may approach equilibrium in a longer
4. Other thermodynamic approaches time than as is generally assumed; as a result
nature has a much longer memory of irreversible
LNET has some fundamental limitations: (i) it processes w3x. Grmela w105x combined thermody-
does not incorporate mechanisms into the formu- namic theories, such as LNET, ENET, rational
lation, or provide values of the phenomenological thermodynamics, and theories using evolution cri-
coefficients; and (ii) it is based on the local- teria and variational principles into a bracket for-
equilibrium hypothesis, and therefore confined to malism based on an extension of Hamiltonian
systems in the vicinity of equilibrium. Also, prop- mechanics. One result of this bracket approach is
erties not needed or defined in equilibrium may a general equation for the non-equilibrium revers-
influence the thermodynamic relations in non- ible–irreversible coupling (GENERIC) formalism
equilibrium situations. For example, the density for describing isolated discrete systems of complex
may depend on the shearing rate in addition to fluids w106x.
temperature and pressure w20x. The local equilib-
rium hypothesis holds only for linear phenome- 4.2. Network thermodynamics (NT)
nological relations, low frequencies and long
wavelengths, which makes the application of the Flow–force relations are more complicated in
LNET theory limited for chemical reactions. In bioenergetics due to enzymatic reactions; for
the following sections, some attempts that have example, Hill w107x reported many critical con-
been made to overcome these limitations are straints involved in describing photosynthesis in
summarized. terms of LNET w108x. Network thermodynamics
(NT) and mosaic non-equilibrium thermodynamics
4.1. Rational thermodynamics w17x incorporate the details of the process into
force–flow relations of LNET for complex systems
Rational thermodynamics (RT) provides a meth- such as biological applications. The Onsager reci-
od for deriving constitutive equations without procity and topological connectedness in the net-
assuming the local equilibrium hypothesis. In the work representation is of concern and discussed
formulation, absolute temperature and entropy do by Mikulecy w109x. NT can be used in both the
not have a precise physical interpretation. It is linear and non-linear regions of NET, and has the
assumed that the system has a memory, and the flexibility to deal with the systems in which the
behavior of the system at a given time is deter- transport and reactions are occurring simultaneous-
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 103

ly, either at steady or at unsteady state w109–113x. sensitivities to the free-energy difference for the
For example, in the formalism of network ther- proton pump and other reactions. This differential
modynamics a membrane is treated as a sequence sensitivity is a characteristic of the enzyme and is
of discrete elements called lumps, where both reflected in the formulation of the flow–force
dissipation and storage of energy may occur. Each relationships of that enzyme. The term nH is the
of the storage and dissipative elements needs number of protons translocated per ATP hydro-
relationships between the input and output flows. lyzed, while JH, JO and JP indicate the flows of
The lumps have a resistance and capacitance, and hydrogen and oxygen and ATP, respectively.
incorporate the boundary conditions when they Metabolic control theory can also be combined
joined in the network. with NT in which the metabolism is lumped
The NT formulation has been used in the ther- together in three essential steps w112x: (i) catabo-
modynamics of bacterial growth, the steady state lism; (ii) anabolism; and (iii) leak (ATP hydrol-
protonic coupling scheme w63,114x, and following ysis without coupling to anabolism or catabolism).
the biological free-energy converters scheme w17x. The LNET formulation is used in the network
First, bacteriorhodopsin liposomes use light as approach to describe the coupled diffusion of water
energy source to pump protons. The flow–force and the cryoprotectant additive in cryopreservation
relations for each of the elemental processes are of a living tissue w113,115x. Assuming that the
written and by adding the flows of each chemical living tissue is a porous medium, Darcy’s law is
substance, a set of equations is obtained based on used to model the flows of water and cryopreser-
the proposed structure of the system, so that the vation agent, and a temperature-dependent viscos-
verification of the relations can be used to test the ity is used in the model. The Onsager reciprocal
applicability of the proposed structure. If the rela- relations are valid, and the three independent
tions are not verified, then either the formulation phenomenological coefficients are expressed in
is in error or the proposed structure is not appro- terms of the water and solute permeability, and the
priate. In testing the formulation experimentally reflection coefficient. The network thermodynam-
certain states, such as steady states, are assumed. ics model is able to account for interstitial diffusion
For example, prediction of the effect of addition and storage, transient osmotic behavior of cells
of ionophores on the rate of light-driven proton and interstitium, and chemical potential transients
uptake is experimentally tested; the light-driven in the tissue compartments.
pump is inhibited by the electrochemical gradient
of protons developed by the system itself. Second, 5. Some applications of linear non-equilibrium
the formulation of the OP is based on the chem- thermodynamics
iosmotic model, assuming that the membrane has
certain permeability to protons that the ATP syn- 5.1. Oxidative phosphorylation (OP)
thetase is a reversible Hq pump coupled to the
hydrolysis of ATP, and that the proton gradient
˜ H across the inner mitochondrial membrane is Dissipation function for OP is
the main coupling agent. The following flow– CsJPAPqJHDm
˜ HqJOAO (58)
force relations are used
Here, the subscripts P, H and O refer to the
˜H (55) phosphorylation, Hq flow, and substrate oxidation,
i 0
˜ H) (56) respectively and Dm ˜ HsDm ˜H yDm˜H . The dissipa-
tion function can be transformed to w4,11x
˜ H) (57)
˜ HqJOAex
O (59)
The terms LH, LO and LP are the transport
coefficients for proton, oxygen and ATP flows, where A ex is the external affinity. When the interior
respectively. The g factors describe the enzyme- of the mitochondrion is in a stationary state, for
catalyzed reactions with rates having different all components dNj,in ydts0, hence
104 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

Cs8JrAex ex ex
r sJPAP qJOAO (60) 5.2. Facilitated transport

Therefore, in the stationary state it suffices to Many biological transport processes occur selec-
measure the changes in the external solution only. tively and fast as a result of the combination of a
From Eq. (59), the appropriate phenomenolog- substrate s with a membrane constituent referred
ical equations in terms of the resistance formula- to as carrier c to form a carrier-bounded complex
tions, which are suitable for considering a bc, which shuttles between the two surfaces of a
vanishing force, are given by membrane (or perform conformational changes)
P sKPJPqKPHJHqKPOJO (61) nO2 (s)qHb (c) hemoglobin
mHbO2n oxyhemoglobin (bc) (69)
Dm (62)
For facilitated oxygen transport, a membrane
O sKPOJPqKOHJHqKOJO (63) composed of a filter soaked in a solution of
hemoglobin was used in experimental work and
For oxidative phosphorylation the coupling is
formulated by LNET w9,21x. Oxygen, at different
essentially ‘chemiosmotic’, i.e. KPOf0 w52x, and
pressures P1)P2, was placed in the two compart-
there are three degrees of coupling, qPH, qOH and
ments and the steady state flow of oxygen across
qPO. the membrane was measured. The following dis-
When the force vanishes, Dm ˜ Hs0, Eqs. (61) sipation function is used
and (63) give
CsJs=Žyms.qJc=Žymc.qJbc=Žymbc. (70)
Aex 2
and the affinity A is
yŽKPKO.1y2ŽqPOqqPHqOH.JO (64)
Asnmsqmcymbc (71)
qKOŽ1yq2OH.JO (65) Assuming that the rate of reaction is more rapid
than diffusion, so that the reaction is at equilibrium
So that and hence, As0, and applying the gradient oper-
ator to Eq. (71), we obtain
qs (66) n=msq=mcs=mbc (72)
Eq. (72) expresses a chemical interrelation
The effectiveness of energy conversion can be
among the forces that leads to a coupling of the
expressed as flows. The flows passing any point in the
JPXP membrane are those of free oxygen Js, of hemo-
hsy (67) globin Jc, and of oxyhemoglobin Jbc. The exter-
nally measured flow of oxygen J*s equals to the
where Xp is the force for proton transportation, flows of free oxygen and oxygen carried by
and h vanishes at states s1 and s2. hemoglobin.
It is also useful to consider the force developed J*s sJsqnJbc (73)
per given rate of expenditure of metabolic energy,
the efficacy of force w5x Since no external flow of hemoglobin J*c takes
place, we have
´Xpsy (68) J*c sJcqJbcs0 (74)
Using Eqs. (72)–(74), we transform the dissi-
Stucki w58x, and Caplan and Essig w5x provide pation Eq. (70) into
a detailed analysis of the chemical, chemiosmotic
and the parallel coupling hypothesis. CsJ*s =Žyms.qJc*Žymc. (75)
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 105

The flows and forces identified in Eq. (75) are lar) and diffusion flow (vectorial) can take place,
used in the following linear phenomenological which does not occur in an isotropic medium w2x.
equations Sodium, potassium and proton pumps occur in
almost all cells, especially nerve cells, while the
J*s syLss=mcyLsc=mc (76)
active transport of calcium takes place in muscle
J*c s0syLcs=msyLcc=mc (77) cells.
Conventional methods for establishing the exis-
Eqs. (76) and (77) obey the Onsager relations, tence of active transport are to analyze the effects
LscsLcs, which reduces the number of unknown of metabolic inhibitors, to correlate the level or
phenomenological coefficients by one. The chem- rate of metabolism with the extent of ion flow or
ical potentials are related to concentrations or the concentration ratio between the inside and
partial pressures. If P1)P2, then cs,1)cs,2, and the outside of cells, and to measure the current needed
contribution of the carrier transport to the total to short-circuit a system having identical solutions
oxygen flow is positive. The presence of hemoglo- on each side of the membrane. The measured
bin enhanced the flow of oxygen at low oxygen flows indicate that the flow contributing to the
pressure, however, this facilitation of oxygen trans- short circuit current, and any net flows detected
fer disappeared at higher pressures of oxygen. are due to active transport, since the electrochem-
Hemoglobin can exist in two conformational states, ical gradients of all ions are zero (Dcs0, cosci).
differing in oxygen affinity, and all four oxygen- Kedem w22x presented an early analysis of the
binding sites change their affinity simultaneously interactions between mass transport and chemical
reactions using the LNET approach. The dissipa-
tion function for active transport may be expressed
5.3. Active transport as

For a two-flow system of diffusion and chemical Cs8JjDm

˜ iqJrAr (79)
reaction the dissipation function is
where Dm ˜ i is the difference in electrochemical
CsTFssJiXiqJrAG0 (78) potential on two sides of the membrane, Jj and Jr
are the flow of ions and the rate of reaction,
where Jr is the rate of chemical reaction, and Ji is
respectively, and A is the conjugate affinity within
the flow of a substance. Eq. (78) represents the
the cell. Since the flows are easy to measure, it
simplest thermodynamic description of coupled
may be advantageous to express the phenomeno-
flow–chemical reaction systems. If JiXi is negative,
logical equations in terms of the forces
then the signs of Ji and Xi are opposite, causing
the flow in a direction opposite to that imposed
by its conjugate force Xi, which is called the active
˜ is8KijJjqKirJr
Dm (80)
transport system. This is possible only if the flow
is coupled to the chemical reaction with a large
Ars8KrjJjqKrrJr (81)
positive dissipation JrA, leading to a positive over- js1
all dissipation without contradicting the second
law of thermodynamics w4,38,58x. Active transport The resistance cross-coefficient Kir (i/r) rep-
is a universal property of the cells and tissues, and resents the coupling between the flow and the rate
determines the selective transport of substrates of reaction. Although the coefficient Kir must be a
coupled to metabolic reactions w5,9x. Most of the vector (since diffusion flow is a vector and the
chloride flow in plant cells depends on continuing rate of reaction is scalar), flows of species trans-
photosynthesis. Biological membranes are aniso- ported across a membrane may be treated as scalars
tropic as their molecules are preferentially ordered since their direction is affected by the topology of
in the direction of the plane of the membrane, so the system. In order to use Eqs. (80) and (81),
that the coupling between chemical reactions (sca- we need to know the local flows and forces in the
106 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

biomembrane system, and integrate the expressions Since the flow of electricity is determined by
over the membrane thickness. The rate of meta- the ionic fluxes
bolic reaction Jr may be taken, for example as the
IsŽJNayJCl.F (89)
rate of oxygen intake by a tissue w9,22,58,81x. The
diffusion flow rate Ji may be obtained from Eq. Therefore, from Eqs. (88) and (89) we have
(80) as KNar
Isy JrF (90)
Dm Kij Kir KNa
Jis y 8 Jjy Jr (82)
Kii js1,i/j Kii Kii Under short-circuit conditions, the measurable
The driving force for the ionic flow is the electrical current is linearly proportional to the
electrochemical potential difference, which com- overall rate of reaction, and the proportionality
prises both the differences in concentration and in constant depends on the coupling coefficient
the electrical potential, and for an ideal system is KNar/0. (ii) In an open circuit potentiometric case
given as where Is0, a transport of salt occurs JNasJCl.
For analysis we can express the phenomenolog-
˜ isRTŽlnciIylnciII.qziFŽcIycII.
Dm (83) ical stoichiometry Z, and the degree of coupling q
between the sodium transport and chemical reac-
where I and II denote the surrounding compart-
tion as follows
ments to the membrane.
Based on the dissipation function wEq. (79)x, B Kr E1y2
the following phenomenological equations can ZsC F (91)
describe a simple example for an active transport
of sodium w5,9x KNar
qsy (92)
˜ NasKNaJNaqKNarJr
Dm (84) ŽKNaKr.1y2
For the general case we have for the degree of
˜ ClsKClJCl
Dm (85)
coupling y1FqF1.
AsKNarJNaqKrJr (86) While the above model is useful, biological
membranes that transport various substances are
These equations imply that no coupling exists more complex. Such membranes are almost com-
between the sodium and chloride flows, while the posite membranes with series and parallel elements
sodium flow JNa is coupled to metabolic reaction w5x. A value of q-1 shows an incomplete cou-
Jr. The flow of chloride may be assumed to pling, in which metabolic energy must be expend-
proceed in a passive manner. ed to maintain an electrochemical potential
Eqs. (84)–(86) can be applied to the following difference of sodium even if JNas0.
cases: (i) two electrodes are inserted into each
compartment and are short circuited, the potential 5.4. Molecular evolution
difference (cIycII) is zero and an electrical current
I is allowed to flow across the membrane. If the Proteins are synthesized as linear polymers with
experiment is carried out at equal salt concentra- the covalent attachments of successive amino
tions in I and II, so that (lncIylncII)s0, we have acids, and many of them fold into a three-dimen-
sional structure defined by the information con-
˜ Nas0, Dm
Dm ˜ Cls0 (87)
tained within the characteristic sequence w116x.
The only remaining driving force is the affinity This folding results largely from an entropic bal-
A of the metabolic reaction in Eq. (84), so that ance between hydrophobic interactions and config-
we have urational constraints. The information content of a
protein structure is essentially equivalent to the
KNar configurational thermodynamic entropy of the pro-
JNasy Jr (88)
KNa tein, which relates the shared information between
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111 107

sequence and structure w116–118x. Dewey w117x molecular complexes w120–123x. For example,
proposed that the time evolution of a protein pumps are commonly used for the transport of
depends on the shared information entropy S ions and molecules across biological membranes,
between sequence and structure, which can be whereas the word motor is used for transducing
described with a NET theory of sequence–struc- chemical energy into mechanical work by proteins
ture evolution; the sequence complexity follows w123x. Proton translocating ATP synthase (F0F1)
minimal entropy production resulting in a steady synthesizes ATP from ADP and phosphate, cou-
non-equilibrium state w2,3,102x pled with an electrochemical proton gradient across
the biological membrane. Recently, rotation of a
≠ B dS E
C Fs0 (93) subunit assembly of the ATP synthase was consid-
≠Xj D dt G ered as an essential feature of the ATPase enzyme
From a statistical mechanical model of thermo- mechanism and that F0F1 as a molecular motor
dynamic entropy production in a sequence–struc- w124x. These motors are isothermal, and the inter-
ture system, a NET model was developed w118x. nal states are in local equilibrium. They operate
In the model, the shared thermodynamic entropy with a generalized force, which for the motory
is the probability function that weights any filament system may be the external mechanical
sequence average; the sequence information is force f ext applied to the motor and the affinity Ar,
defined as the length of the shortest string the which measures the free-energy change per ATP
encodes the sequence; and the connection between molecule consumed. These generalized forces cre-
sequence evolution and NET is that the minimal ate motion, characterized by an average velocity
length encoding of specific amino acids will have v, and average rate of ATP consumption Jr. Julich-
the same dependence on sequence as the shared er et al. w120x used the following LNET
thermodynamic entropy. Dewey and Donne w117x formulation
considered the entropy production of the protein CsvfextqJrAr (94)
sequence–structure system based on LNET. The
change of composition with time is taken as the vsL11 fextqL12Ar (95)
flow, while the sequence information change with JrsL21 fextqL22Ar (96)
the composition is treated as the force, which can
be interpreted as the chemical potential of the Here, L11 is a mobility coefficient, while L22 is
sequence composition. Since the change of entropy a generalized mobility relating ATP consumption
with time (dissipation) is a positive quadratic and the chemical potential difference, and L12 and
expression, wEq. (12)x, Eq. (93) shows that when L21 are the mechano-chemical coupling coeffi-
regions of the sequence are conserved, the rest of cients. A given motoryfilament system can work
the sequence is driven to a minimum entropy in different regimes. In a regime where the work
production and hence, towards the lower complex- is performed by the motor, efficiency is defined as
ity seen in the protein sequence, creating a stable vfext
state away from equilibrium. hsy (97)
The recognition that in the steady state a system
decreases its entropy production, and loses mini- For non-linear motors operating far from equi-
mal amounts of free energy led to the concept of librium velocity, reversal allows direction reversal
least dissipation, which is the physical principle without any need for a change in the microscopic
underlying the evolution of biological systems mechanism w120x.
w9,119x. A restoring and regulating force acts in
any fluctuation from the stationary state. 6. Conclusions
5.5. Molecular machines
Most physical and biological systems operate
Some important biological processes resemble away from thermodynamic equilibrium. The dis-
macroscopic machines governed by the action of tance from equilibrium distinguishes between two
108 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / Biophysical Chemistry 97 (2002) 87–111

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