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Marc Sdg 1-3 1.

Eradicate extreme poverty

for all people everywhere
The Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program has become
a cornerstone of social
protection reforms in the
Philippines, helping poor
families keep their children
healthier and in school
through a conditional cash
transfer program.
Although economic growth
picked up speed in the middle
of the 2000s, the Philippines'
poverty rate stubbornly
remained high and at times
even rose. Chronic
underinvestment in human
capital, particularly in health
and education, was one of
the main causes of poverty.
In response to these
obstacles, the government
launched a reform program
led by the Department of
Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) with
the goal of strengthening the
social protection system.
Based on the achievement of
health and educational
requirements, the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program
(Bridging Program for the
Filipino Family) awards cash
rewards to low-income
households. Pantawid is one
of the biggest CCT programs
among the 63 countries that
have one.

2. Zero Hunger
The InterAgency Task Force
on Zero Hunger (IATFZH)
was established in 2020 by
Executive Order 101, which
was issued by the President
of the Philippines.
In keeping with UN
Sustainable Development
Goal #2: Zero Hunger, the
Task Force aims to abolish
hunger in the nation by 2030.
WFP was an obvious partner
for this project since it is a
steadfast supporter of the
fight against hunger and
informs national policy
around food security and
WFP was chosen by the
government to assist the Zero
Hunger Task Force in
creating the National Food
Policy and achieving the Task
Force's objectives, along with
other United Nations
organizations like the World
Health Organization (WHO),
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), and UNICEF.
The Cabinet Secretary-led
Zero Hunger Task Force had
identified six key results
areas (KRA), each with a
working group, broken down
the priorities, and appointed
specialized experts to make
sure each was on track to be
accomplished by 2030.
Currently, WFP is offering
technical support for all six
KRAs, which are as follows:
* Review and Rationalization
of Existing Policies, Rules,
Regulations related to the EO
*Ensure Available and
Affordable food
*Secure Nutrition Adequacy
*Secure Food Accessibility
and Safety
*Ensure Resiliency and Food
Stability for Emergencies
*Ensure Information,
Education, Awareness and
People Participation

3. Good health and well-

In order to address the triple
burden of diseases in the
nation morbidity from
infectious diseases, mortality
from non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), and rising
rates of injuries, mental
health issues, and drug and
alcohol abuse—the
Department of Health (DOH)
is currently putting various
public health programs into
action. The National
Immunization Program is one
of these programs. Others
include: a) Women, Men, and
Children's Health
Development Programs; b)
Prevention; c) Emerging and
Re-emerging Infectious
Disease; Integrated Helminth
Control; d) Tuberculosis
Control Program; e) Malaria
Control, Schistosomiasis
Control, Leprosy Control, and
Filariasis Elimination
Programs; f) Rabies Control
Program; g) Lifestyle Related
Diseases Prevention and
Control and Essential NCDs

Anton Sdg 4-6 SDG 4: Ateneo de Manila

University, a prominent
educational institution in the
Philippines, is actively
contributing to the
achievement of the UN
Sustainable Development
Goal 4 (SDG 4) which
focuses on Quality Education.
Through their dedicated
programs, Ateneo aims to
improve access to quality
education, empower
educators through training,
and promote lifelong learning.
This local initiative is a prime
example of how institutions
worldwide are aligning their
efforts with the SDGs,
reflecting the global
commitment to provide
quality education for all as
outlined by the United

SDG 5: The Department of

Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) in the Philippines is
actively engaged in localizing
Sustainable Development
Goal 5 (SDG 5) - Gender
Equality. Their initiatives, as
outlined on their website,
showcase efforts to promote
gender equality within the
context of infrastructure and
public works. This program
serves as a prime illustration
of government departments
aligning with the SDGs,
emphasizing the importance
of gender equality and
women's empowerment. It
exemplifies the global
commitment to achieving
gender equality, a core
objective of the United
Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals.

SDG 6: The Philippines-

based program by Planet
Water Foundation is a
tangible illustration of
dedicated efforts in support of
Sustainable Development
Goal 6 (SDG 6) - Clean
Water and Sanitation. Their
initiatives, highlighted on their
website, are focused on
delivering clean and safe
drinking water and advancing
sanitation and hygiene. This
program serves as a prime
example of non-governmental
organizations' dedication to
align with the SDGs,
contributing to the crucial aim
of providing universal access
to clean water and sanitation,
as set forth in the United
Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals.

Joeven Sdg 7-8 7 - The aim of SDG 7 is to

ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable, and
modern energy for all while
promoting clean and
renewable energy sources to
mitigate the impacts of
climate change and advance
sustainable development.

The National Renewable
Energy Program (NREP)
delineates the policy structure
defined in Republic Act 9513,
establishing the essential
components for realizing the
objectives of the Renewable
Energy Act of 2008. Through
the NREP, the nation is
signaling a substantial shift
from disjointed and
inconsistent renewable
energy efforts to a
concentrated and continuous
pursuit of energy security and
enhanced availability of clean
The NREP offers a
commitment to an ongoing,
organized initiative for
advancing the renewable
energy sector, fostering
technological progress, and
attaining efficiency through
coordinated efforts, while also
serving as the foundation for
both national and local
renewable energy plans with
defined actions and timelines
for producing results.

SDG 8 -
A set of services and
measures established and
executed by the government
and its social partners to
support the successful
reintegration of Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) into
their families and
communities after they finish
their overseas employment.
As part of the overall
measures to reduce poverty
and protect children from any
forms of child labor, different
forms of assistance were
provided ensuring the welfare
of the people in every stage
of their lives.

Phoebe Sdg 9-10

Julyan Sdg 11-12 SDG11 Make cities and human

inclusive,safe,resilent and
sustainable. The world’s
population is constantly
increasing. To accommodate
everyone, we need to build
modern, sustainable cities.
For all of us to survive and
prosper, we need new,
intelligent urban planning that
creates safe, affordable and
resilient cities with green and
culturally inspiring living
conditions. Ensure access for
all to adequate, safe and
affordable housing and basic
services and upgrade slums.
Substantially increase the
number of cities and human
settlements adopting and
implementing integrated
policies and plans towards
inclusion, resource efficiency,
mitigation and adaptation to
climate change, resilience to
disasters, and develop and
implement, in line with the
Sendai Framework for
Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-
2030, holistic disaster risk
management at all levels safe,
affordable and resilient cities
with green and culturally
inspiring living conditions.

SDG12 Ensure sustainable

consumption and production
patterns. Our planet has
provided us with an
abundance of natural
resources. But we have not
utilized them responsibly and
currently consume far beyond
what our planet can provide.
We must learn how to use and
produce in sustainable ways
that will reverse the harm that
we have inflicted on the
planet. Achieve the
environmentally sound
management of chemicals and
all wastes throughout their life
cycle, in accordance with
agreed international
frameworks, and significantly
reduce their release to air,
water and soil in order to
minimize their adverse
impacts on human health and
the environment

Rationalize inefficient fossil-

fuel subsidies that encourage
wasteful consumption by
removing market distortions,
in accordance with national
circumstances, including by
restructuring taxation and
phasing out those harmful
subsidies, where they exist, to
reflect their environmental
impacts, taking fully into
account the specific needs
and conditions of developing
countries and minimizing the
possible adverse impacts on
their development in a manner
that protects the poor and the
affected communities

Haj Sdg 13-15 Sdg 13. Providing High

Resolution (5km) Climate
Change Projections in the
Philippines using Weather
Research and Forecasting
(WRF) Model
This project by the DOST-
PAGASA aims to provide a
high-resolution (5km) climate
change projection using WRF
model, covering the entire
Philippines, using the RCP4.5
and RCP8.5 climate change
scenarios, for both
precipitation and
temperature. The outputs
from the system are expected
to contribute to the updating
of the LGUs’ CC-DRR-
enhanced local plans (i.e.,
CLUP, LCCAP). This project
is expected to contribute in
strengthening the resilience
and adaptive capacity of
communities and ecosystems
to climate-related hazards
and natural disasters by
providing timely and accurate
disaster and climate
information that will support
risk-informed planning,
particularly at the local level

Sdg14. National Search for

Outstanding Coastal
Community Malinis at
Masaganang Karagatan
The MMK program of the DA-
BFAR aims to promote
fisheries protection and
conservation, centers on the
significance of sustainably
managing our fisheries and
aquatic resources, and
promotes stakeholder
engagement to the cause of
resource protection and
conservation. The Search for
Malinis at Masaganang
Karagatan aims to recognize
outstanding initiatives and
contributions of coastal
municipalities/cities to
sustainable fisheries
development. This program
will indirectly support SDG
14.2 to sustainably manage
and protect marine and
coastal ecosystems and SDG
14.4 which aims to effectively
regulate harvesting and end
overfishing, illegal,
unreported and unregulated
fishing and destructive fishing

Sdg15. Protected Area

Development and
This program covers the main
in-situ measures to conserve
biodiversity within and
adjacent to protected areas. It
will ensure that the current
NIPAS coverage is
rationalized by retaining and
prioritizing those with high
biodiversity values while
providing appropriate
governance regime for the
protection of Key Biodiversity
Areas (KBAs) such as
through Local Conservation
Areas (LCAs) with the LGU
concerned and through
Indigenous Community
Conserved Areas (ICCAs).
This program will directly
contribute to SDG target 15.2
which is to promote the
implementation of sustainable
management of all types of
forests, halt deforestation,
restore degraded forests and
substantially increase
afforestation and

Dante Sdg 16-17

16.) DepEd) Peace Education

Program aims to develop
learners' knowledge, skills,
and attitudes towards
peacebuilding and conflict
resolution. It is integrated into
the K-12 curriculum across all
subjects and grade levels.

Philippine Development Plan
(PDP) 2017-2022: The PDP
is the government's blueprint
for development, and it
integrates the SDGs into all
of its goals and targets. The
PDP also recognizes the
importance of partnerships in
achieving sustainable
development, and it outlines
a number of strategies for
strengthening partnerships
between government, the
private sector, civil society,
and other stakeholders.

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