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5 Dorset

10 June 2021

Dear Sir.

I have seen your advertisement for a computer programmer in the Straits Times of June 2020 and
wish to apply for the post.

I am 21 years and was educated at St. Joseph’s Institute where I obtained five GCO ‘O’ Level
passes in English Languange, Mathematics, Biology, Geography and art.

Since leaving school I have been employed by Everest shipping Lines as junior clerk. I was given a
short training in computer lessons to handle cargo bookings.

Although I have been given increasing responsible work by my present employer. I would like to
change my job to gain more experience in computer programming.

I would be free for interview any day between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm. My present employer has
promised to give me a very favourable reference.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Gustina Suharto

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