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JUNE 2019


This research was conducted on practice and challenges of poor classroom management in
practical programs of physical education in the case of Adimancho arfixxa primary school. The
participation on practical programs of physical education is very important for students to be
physical fit, mentally alert, to be popular, to make mutual social interaction, to create cordial
relations with different friends etc. Although it has many advantages, the participation of
practical class on sport in general and on physical education is very low .this study directly focus
on the practice and challenges of poor classroom management in practice programs and to dig
out the core problems that affect their participation on physical education ant to give possible
solutions and recommendation to reduce the stated problem.

As The Major Findings Indicated/reveals that from so many problems the main problems that
hamper /threat the participation of students on practical class of physical education are more of
related to school environment, teacher, socio-cultural, economic problems and parental influence
etc. Therefore, understanding solution and recommendation was improving the participation of
students on practical programs of physical education particularly in sport events.

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the Study
Physical education is the only area within the school that helps students in developing their
motor skills. Through a progressive curriculum, students move from competency in the basic
movement to the performance of skilled movements, including sport skills .they are provided
with opportunities to learn how to modify these movements to meets changing situational
demands and unique personal needs .they also have the opportunity to explore movements as a
medium for communication, as a vehicle for creativity and as a means to understand other
cultures.(Wuet Bucher p.456 14th edition)

Through many current Physical education curriculums are emphasizing fitness promotion, the
developing of motor skills should not be neglected. This essential for life span participation .this
likelihood of individuals engaging in physical activity regularly increases if they have the skills
to participation successfully in activity that enjoyable and personally satisfying.

(Wuet Bucher p.249 14th edition)

School physical education programs should offer a balanced variety of activities that allow
young people to develop competency in the life time activities that are personally meaningful
and enjoyable. a balance should exist in any physical education program among team,dual,and
individual (life time ) sports. Team sport such as football and basketball provide a opportunity
for students to develop skills and to enjoy working and competing together as a team.

(Wuet Bucher p.549 14th edition)

However, in many school physical education programs, team sports dominate the curriculum at
the experience of various individuals and dual sports .in such cases the students are deprived of
the opportunity to develop skills in activities that they can participate in throughout their adult
lives. Only through a balanced program of team, dual and individual sports is it possible to
develop well rounded individuals (weut –Bucher 14th edition p.65).

However, there are many problems in teaching physical education especially in practical of the problem is: qualification of the teacher, method /procedure adopted by a
teacher in the approach to the subject matter, number of students in one class, the age of students,
shortage of teaching learning materials, either the community or students negative attitude
toward the program and the topography of school building .they create challenges in order to
manage class during practical programs of the field.

With regard to above all, this study will focus on the problems that hamper class room
management in practical program of physical education in the case of Adimancho arfixa junior

1.2. Statements of the Problems

This study was conducted on the problems based on practiced and challenges of poor class room
management on practical programs of Physical education.

Hence to ideal with this problems, this study was give due attention to the following basic
research question.

1. How to solve the major problem that challenges poors class room management in practical
programs of Physical education?

2. What are the main sources of the problems?

3. What are the possible solutions in order to reduce the problems?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objectives
 To analyze the major problem of class room management in practical programs of
Physical education
 To identify the main sources of the problem
 To put possible solutions and recommendation to minimize the problem

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

 To Improve Class Room Management Of Physical Education Practical Programs.

 To assess the sources of the problems observed in teaching learning process during
practical class.
 To develop positive attitude to award practical class of Physical education.
 To maximize their interest on the fields of Physical education.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The finding of this research was advantages to identify the main problem of practical

Class room management during Physical education programs in Adimancho arfixa primary

In addition to above idea the researchers believe that this study would have the following
benefits and contributions.

 It changes the society view about school Physical education programs.

 In order to alleviate organization problems interns of Physical education.

Furthermore, it helps to encourage teachers in order to shape their students to develop positive
attitudes, skills, knowledge and good ability to ward Physical education.

Finally, this study was data base for individuals those who were conduct research on the same

1.5. Hypothesis of the Study

The research hypothesis would expected to reshape factors which create organization problems
during practical programs of Physical education .those factors are school related, teacher related,
student related, and socio-cultural, economic related and family educational background.

Regardless of this students were improve ,their future learning process ,develop teacher`s
awareness to ward organization of classroom and the subject matter and it was enhance school
community understanding about time allocation problems ,lack of equipment’s and facilities,
lack of organized curriculum and learning environment which are required to teach the lesson.

1.6. Delimination of the Study
The study was conduct in SNNPR/south nation nationalities and peoples regions wolaita zone
Damot pullassa woreda one of the school specially Adimancho arfixa primary school.

It focuses on practice and challenges on practical programs of class-room management in the

field of Physical education and the participation those who are selected from the total population
are merely twenty/20/students are subjects of this study.

1.7. Operational Definition of Terms

Classroom management –it refers to handling the class skillfully or handling the lesson and
handling the learner in a well manner.

1.8. Organization of the Study

This study was organized in five chapters these are

Chapter 1.introduction: This chapter tries ti deal with the general frame work of the study.

Chapter literature: this part is all about review of related literature.

Chapter 3.the research design and methodology.

Chapter 4.this is tries to deal research design, subject and sampling procedure, source of data
collection procedure and method of data analysis.

Chapter 5.try deal with summary conclusion and recommendation.


2. Review of Related Literature

2.1. Classroom Management

Class room management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that
classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students .the terms also implies
the prevention of disruptive behavior .it is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many
teachers, indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether .in
1981 the US national educational association reported that 36% of teachers said they would
probably not go in to teaching they had to decide again. A major reason was`` negative student
attitudes and discipline.

According to Markowitz and Hayman (1976), once a teacher loses control of their
becomes increasingly more difficult for them to regain that control. Also research from
Berliner(1988)and brophy and good (1986)shows that the time a teacher has to take correct
misbehavior caused by poor classroom management skills results in a lower rate of academic
engagement in the classroom. From the student`s perspective ,effective classroom management
involves clear communication of behavioral and academic expectation as well as cooperative
learning environment .classroom management is closely linked to issues of motivation, discipline
and respect. Methodologies remain a matter of passionate debate amongst teachers holds
regarding educational psychology. A large part of traditional classroom management involves
behavior modification, although many teachers see using behavioral approaches alone beginning
of the school year. According to gootman (2008), rules give students concrete direction to ensure
that our expectation becomes a reality. They also try to be consistent in enforcing these rules and
procedures .many would also argue for positive consequences when rules are followed and
negative consequences when rules are broken. There are newer perspectives on classroom
management that attempt to be holistic. One examples if affirmation teaching, which attemts to
guide students to ward success helping them see how their effort pays off in the classroom. It
relies up on creating an environment where students are successful as a result of their own
efforts. By creating this type of environment, students are much more likely to want to do well.
Ideally, this transformer a classroom in to community of well-behaved and self-directed learners.

2.2. Top for Classroom Discipline and Management
Classroom discipline and management causes the most fear and consternation in new teachers.
However, this is a skill that is not only learned but practiced daily. Here are ten tips that can lead
to successful classroom management and greater discipline in schools. These tips can help you
cut down on discipline problem and leave you with fewer interruption and disruption. Those 10
tips classroom discipline and management are:

1. It`s easier to get easier

2. Fairness is key
3. Deal with disruption with a little interruption as possible
4. Avoid confrontation in front of students
5. stop disruption with a little humor
6. Keep high expectation in your class
7. Over plan
8. Be consisting
9. Make rules understandable
10. Start fresh everyday
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

2.3. Teaching Physical Education in A Middle School

Teaching students enrolled in a middle school presents unique series of challenges to physical
educators. Students are in a period development that is fraught with physical, social and
emotional changes. During these school years, students are faces with the development of
secondary sex characteristics .social and emotional changes are also experienced. During these
school years, students begin to specialize in certain physical activities and actively pursue those
interests. (west.bucher p.456 14th edition)

2.4. Issues and Challenges on the Fields physical Education

Many issues and challenges confront the field, of physical education, exercise science, and sport
today. The challenges facing physical education, exercise science and sport professionals will
increase as we move in to the future only four of the many challenges will be discussed in this
section, providing daily, high-quality physical education; promotion our programs; working to

achieve the nation`s health obejectives,and encouraging the lifespan involvement for all people
(Wuest. Bucher 14th edition p.249)

High quality, daily physical education

The provision of high –quality, daily physical education programs in the nation`s school is a
challenges to all physical educator there is evidence that many of the nation`s children and youth
are in active and active lifestyles ,sedentary leisure pursuit and the lack in the schools
contribute to the poor fitness level of American children and youth. There is increasingly strong
support that regular and appropriate physical activity can contribute to good health and enhance
the quality of life for individuals of all ages.

There is also increased recognition that achieves the maximum benefits of exercise an individual
must begin to exercise early in life and continues to exercise thought the life span.daily physical
education in school is one of the best means to help individuals learn the skills, knowledge, and
values necessary to incorporate physical activity in to their lifestyle. (wuest.bucher 14 th edition

2.5. What Is Effective Teaching?

Teaching can be defined as those interactions of the teacher and the learner that make learning
more successful .teacher effectively use a variety of pedagogical skills and strategies to ensure
that their studied students, and create and maintain a classroom climate that is warm and
nurturing(wuest bucher 1999.p.391)

Effectively class organization and management are central element in effective delivery pupil
learning .it is well established that the more time pupils spend actively engaged in tasks offering
an appropriate level of challenge, the greater will be their opportunity for learning, success and

Class organization and management are designed to maximize pupils on task behavior, as part of
an overall positive working environment.


3. The Research Design and Methodology

3.1. The Research Design

This study was descriptive form of research because, it describes about the practice and
challenges of poor class room management on practical programs of physical education class

3.2. Subjects and Sampling Procedure

In this school, there are around two hundred (200) grades seven and grade eight students are
found. From this student, there are only twelve(12)male and eight female students were used
randomly from probably sampling technique .because the number of total population are too
large to conduct study total population.therefore,merely twenty (20) from both grade students are
subject of this study

3.3. Sources of Data and Instrument

To conduct this study there are two sources of data were used. These are

1. Primary sources and

2. Secondary source
 Primary sources of data are a student those who are selected for this study and
secondary sources of data is different materials is related to my topic.
 To gather data from different sources there are two types of data gathering
instruments was used. These are:
 Questionnaire and
 Interview
 The questionnaire were prepared for respondents in understandable language and it include
seven close ended and three open-ended questionnaire was prepared.furthermore,interview
was conducted with students in order to get valid information from them.

3.4. Data Collection Procedure

 In order to collect necessary data from primary sources (respondents) first questionnaire was
prepared within five days. After preparation of both open-ended and close-ended
questionnaire were distributed for respondents within three (3) days. Then the respondents
return back the questionnaire paper after one month later.

To sum up, interview would conduct with concerned body for five days in order to get full
information concerning the stated problem.

3.5. Method of Data Analysis

To validate this study, questionnaire was distribute for all twenty (20) students and they were
filled both close ended and open ended questionnaire and return back to the researcher. After
collecting the questionnaire paper, the researcher was be changed their respondents in to
percentage form and tabulated in the table form quantitatively.

Finally, possible solution and recommendation are given based on the date obtained from the

3.6. Financial and Time Budgeting
3.6.1. Time Schedule (Work Plan)


1 Topic selection X

2 Developing X X

3 Identifying sample X
areas and

4 Data collation X

5 Data organization X

6 Submitting the X
first draft

7 Submitting the X
final draft

8 Research defense X

Tables: 1

3.6.2. Budget Required For the Budget Plan
No Items Unit Unit Price Total Price

1 Notebook 3 9.00Birr 27.00Birr

2 Pen 5 5.00Birr 25.00

3 Paper 120 0.50Birr 60.00Birr

4 Transport -- 120.00Birr 120.00Birr

5 Typing 60Papers 30.00Birr 180.00Birr

6 Communication -- 45.00Birr 45.00Birr

7 Internet Charge 40Hours 0.50Birr 20.00Birr

8 Unexpected Out -- 130.00Birr 130.00Birr

9 Printing 60Pages 30.00Birr 180.00Birr

10 Total 787

 Cycle and leopard,(1968) teaching physical education in secondary school (U.S.A)
 Class room management from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

 Deborah Auest and Charles, A.bucher (1999) foundation of physical education and sport,
13th ed New yourk,me craw Hill
 14th edition foundations of physical education exercise science and sport Wuest. Bucher.
 Thomas D.Fayeu,paul.M.Inset and Walton T. Roth (2005).fit well 6 th ED New your M.C
Graw Hill


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