Human Agility For AI Mastery

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Human Agility for AI Mastery

Certificate in Applied AI for Non-Technical Professionals
Background - Age of AI

70 % AI is expected to improve
employee productivity by

40 %
of employees' daily work
activities could be
automated or augmented
by current AI technology.

97 % AI will create more than

of business owners believe

ChatGPT will help their
97 million
new jobs by 2025.

Source: McKinsey, PWC, Forbes, World Economic Forum

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Background - Human Competencies

85 %

of jobs in 2030 will
of job success comes
from people skills,
require strong only 15% comes from
human skills. World Economic Forum technical skills.
reports a shift in core skills:

22 out of 26
are now human-based.

Source: World Economic Forum, Deloitte, Stanford Research Center, Harvard University, Carnegie Foundation

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Workshop Objectives
To empower learners to unleash their unique human strengths of adaptive
thinking abilities for masterful use of AI, achieving human-AI synergy for
productivity, originality and innovation.

For 2-day In-person

Employees Full-time workshop
& Leaders

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Workshop Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, Employees & Leaders will be able to...
Foster a realistic understanding of AI to empower exploration of AI tools
Cultivate mindset to be agile, proactive and resourceful in navigating Age of AI
Master the art & science of effective prompting to optimise GenAI output
Activate human originality & innovation in synergy with the use of AI
Transform work with AI for breakthrough productivity & innovation
Sharpen critical thinking to identify & analyse deepfake and disinformation

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Workshop Outline
1/ Being Human in the Age of AI
2/ Demystifying AI & GenAI: Myths and Marvels
3/ Critical Thinking: Navigating the Dark Side of AI
4/ Mindset for the Future

5/ Originality & Productivity with Metacognition
6/ Effective Prompting with Computational Thinking
7/ Redesigning Work: Human-AI Synergy
8/ Moving Forward: Integrating a New Reality

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 1
Being Human in the Age of AI
Learners will step into the world of AI and reflect on their emotions &
attitudes towards AI to kickstart the creation of human-AI synergy.

Learners will connect with the concept of metacognition in order to tap

into unique human abilities for self-resourcefulness in the age of AI.

Learners will gain a deeper understanding of Human-AI Synergy

through our holistic framework, and engage in self-assessment to
evaluate their current level of Digital & AI Fluency .

Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Pair-share Discussion Reflection Self-evaluation

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 2
Demystifying AI & GenAI: Myths and Marvels
Learners will demystify AI & GenAI by understanding fundamental
concepts like weak v.s. strong AI and the four stages of AI development.

Learners will explain the difference between AI and human intelligence,

and compare how AI learning is fundamentally different from human

Learners will explore various types of GenAI tools like text, image, and
video generation, and understand their real-world applications.

Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Demonstration Video-Based Learning

Group Discussion Q&A

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 3
Critical Thinking:
Navigating the Dark Side of AI
Learners will identify common human cognitive biases that can
influence perception and how biases can be further amplified by AI.

Learners will study deepfakes with AI-generated media in order be

aware of the potential of content fabrication and mitigate the risks of

Learners will be equipped with critical thinking practises to enable safe

consumption of content and navigation of the web.
Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Game-Based Learning Thinking Exercises Reflection

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 4
Mindset for the Future
Learners will introspect on their mindset in facing the digitalised world
to gain a deeper understanding of personal underlying motivations and

Learners will gain clarity on their current and desired state in

developing and expressing their unique potential in the digital era.

Learners will be self-empowered to shift their mindset to be agile and

adaptable in the digital era by being aware of underlying psychological

Learning Methods:
Forum Discussion Reflection Introspection Q&A

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 5
Originality & Productivity with Metacognition
Learners will be able to appreciate the different brain networks involved
when activating systematic thinking (e.g. analytical thinking) and
spontaneous thinking (e.g. creative thinking).

Learners will sharpen intentional thinking by applying the Golden Circle to

guide their thinking in order to enhance productivity and innovation.

Learners will utilise a metacognitive framework to brainstorm a range of

creative ideas and transform it into innovative solutions.
Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Thinking Exercises Hands-on Learning

Pair-share Discussion Reflection

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 6
Effective Prompting with
Computational Thinking
Learners will explore functionalities and limitations of GenAI tools like
ChatGPT and Google Gemini through hands-on experimentation.

Learners will develop computational thinking and acquire techniques to

skillfully craft clear and effective prompts tailored for optimal GenAI

Learners will apply prompting techniques to leverage GenAI for tasks

like explanations, summaries, and brainstorming, enhancing
productivity across different situations.
Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Demonstration Hands-on Learning Group Discussion

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 7
Redesigning Work: Human-AI Synergy
Learners will distinguish between tasks best suited to human expertise
vs machine expertise, applying it to categorise their own work tasks
into automation, augmentation, or human.

Learners will re-examine competency requirements and the rising

importance of core human competencies required to thrive in the
Age of AI.

Learners will re-construct their job role based on Otti's Future-ready

Talent Framework to design a personalised development path.
Learning Methods:
Knowledge Building Case Study Reflection Strategic Planning

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Module Details

Module 8
Moving Forward: Integrating a New Reality
Learners will engage in a forum-style discussion on navigating the
world of AI with thoughtful considerations on humanity.

Learners will exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas with fellow

participants, fostering mutual growth and inspiration.

Learners will reflect & consolidate course learning, translating them

into actionable applications in real life.

Learning Methods:
Forum Discussion Q&A Reflection

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Learning Design
Our learning design is brain-friendly -
just like how chairs that curves to our
spine is much more body-friendly, our
trainings are designed for the brain to
learn easily, quickly and deeply.

There is a large body of research on the

neural mechanisms of attention,
curiosity, memory and motivation. We
apply these research to optimise your

Our learning methods are designed to

make learning both stimulating and
satisfying at the same time, tapping into
your reward system & learning circuitry.

Ultimately, it’s about creating impact.

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Learning Methods

Our workshops are delivered by

subject matter experts using active
learning methods to evoke curiosity
and encourage engagement.

Our holistic learning approach

through seeing, hearing, feeling &
doing allow learners to turn
knowledge into practical insights,
and create opportunities for “AHA”

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Learning Methods
Case Study: Learning through real-world examples of how concepts
are applied, triggering the brain's pattern recognition.
Demonstration: Observing how something is done to understand the
process, engaging mirror neurons for imitation-based learning.
Forum Discussion: Group exploration with an expert moderator in an
inclusive environment to accelerate realisations and enable
personalised takeaways.
Game-based Learning: Learning through social experience with
interactive EdTech tools, triggering the brain's reward system for
active learning.
Group Discussion: Collaboratively explore knowledge & perspectives
in a group setting, stimulating critical thinking and social learning.

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Learning Methods
Hands-on Learning: Learning by doing and actively practicing to
activate learning circuitry and strengthen neural pathways for long-
term application.
Introspection: Looking inward to examine thoughts and feelings,
activating the prefrontal cortex for self-awareness and
Knowledge Building: Chunking down complex topics to bite-size
pieces to connect new concepts with existing knowledge network.
Pair Share Discussion: Discussing a topic with a partner to deepen
comprehension and promote collaborative learning.
Q&A: Asking clarifying questions to gain a deeper understanding,
promoting active learning & knowledge retention.

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Learning Methods
Reflection: Internally revisiting experiences & memories to deepen
the exploration and understanding of concepts.
Self-Evaluation: Customised self-assessment tools designed with
scientific methods for gauging knowledge & setting learning goals.
Strategic Planning: Apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to
designing a personalised strategy and/or plan, promoting goal-
oriented behaviour.
Thinking Exercises: Applying knowledge to solve problems through
various thought patterns, stimulating metacognitive abilities of the
Video-based Learning: Engaging multiple senses to evoke curiosity,
therefore boosting attention, understanding & knowledge retention.

Otti Proprietary | Copyright © 2024 Otti Sdn. Bhd.

Shape your tomorrow, today.



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