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1st year BEED

Gender and Society

Ms. Gi Elene Lintao
Lesson 5


 Name three menstruation related problems that is experienced by the female teen.
- dysmenorrhea
- mood swing
- headache
 Share the changes you experienced during puberty.
- menstruation starting
- also pubic hair is growing
- hips are bigger
- acne
- pubic hair
 How did you adapt this changes?
- These changes are completely natural and indicate that your body is developing. Maintain appropriate
hygiene: It is essential to bathe or shower on a regular basis to remove perspiration and extra oil from places
such as the face. A bath is one of the most calming things you can do. It's also a good idea to start shaving your
armpits and pubic region at this time.


 Remember a time when you have seen or conversed with a pregnant woman. Pair up with your seatmate
and discuss on the signs of pregnancy you have observed among women.
- have baby bump
- larger body
- moody
- greedy
 Imagine what it is like to be pregnant. What do you think are their needs and concerns?
- Consume folate, iron, calcium, and protein-rich meals and beverages. Prenatal supplements should be
discussed with your doctor (vitamins you may take while pregnant). Every day, eat breakfast. To avoid
constipation, eat high-fiber meals and drink enough of fluids (especially water).
- Swollen breasts, lethargy, nausea and vomiting (morning sickness), backaches, mood changes, and
frequent urination are all common symptoms in the first trimester.
- However, you will require more important nutrients (particularly calcium, iron, and folic acid) than
before you were pregnant.
- Iron-rich foods include:
 red meat.
 dark poultry
 salmon
 eggs
 tofu
 enriched grains
 dried beans and peas
 dried fruits

1. What do you often hear about sex?
- I frequently hear that sex is defined as two people of opposite gender engaging in intimate physical
action to express love for each other, body to body and feelings to feelings. Sex is what a relationship need to
express love to its partner.
2. Draw a mind map showing the ways to avoid the pressure to have sex.

Hang out with

friends who
also believe Instead of going
Bring your pals that it's OK out with only
over to meet not to be ready your date, go
your parents. for sex yet. out with a
group of

If you need to Prepare a

leave a date, be ways to avoid response in
prepared to phone advance in case
the pressure someone
your mother,
father, or a friend to have sex. attempts to
to pick you up. pressurize you.

Always have
If you feel
cash on hand in
strongly about
Prepare a case you need to
something, say
response in make a phone
"no" and mean
advance in case call or hail a cab.
someone attempts
to pressurize you.

Lesson 6

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