Anna Gender and Society 5

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1st year BEED

Gender and Society

Ms. Gi Elene Lintao

Lesson 9

Contemplate - write down words/phrases or draw symbols which show what comes to your mind when you
hear the word.

1. Love - The most well-known and generally recognized symbol of love is the heart. It is a universally
known love symbol that is used in a variety of patterns, symbolize love and devotion.
2. Intimacy - "If fear is intimacy's greatest foe, love is its true ally." "Real intimacy is only possible to the
extent that we can be honest about what we are doing and feeling." "My great hope is to laugh as much as I
cry; to get my work done; and to try to love someone and have the courage to accept the love in return."
3. Relationship - "The most important lesson you'll ever learn is to love and be loved."

Contemplate - Having initially explored your understanding of love, intimacy, and relationship, we will
reflect further about these phenomena by looking at your own experiences or attitudes. Below is a table with
two columns. In Column A, list down traits of a person which might potentially make you attracted towards
her or him. In Column B, list down traits of a person which might potentially make you commit to her or
him at a more long-term and stable basis. Remember that traits can be physical (i.e., physical features) or not
physical (i.e., values, mental or emotional qualities).

A. Traits that might towards someone B. Traits that might convince you to commit into a
long term, stable relationship
 Singer  Cares to me all the time
 Playing guitar  He respect my family and me
 Caring  He respecting his family
 Have sense of humor
 Family oriented
 Respectful
 Trustworthy
 Family oriented

Lesson 10

Contemplate - Think about past events in your life as a man, woman, or LGBT, when your emotional
response was: (1) fight, (2) flight, (3) freeze. Reflect how this response influenced other succeeding life

1. Fight
2. Flight
3. Freeze

Communicate - Conduct a brief interview among five females and five males of the same age regarding the
characteristics of the scent they like and do not like. Wright your response here.

Code name Sex Age Desirable scent Undesirable scent

Calliah F 18 Sweet perfume Cigarette
alexa F 18 Sweet perfume Vape
michelle F 18 Floral perfume Cigarette
Sitielle F 18 Floral perfume Alcoholic drinks
Quenna F 18 Sweet perfume Alcoholic drinks
Caiden M 18 Alcoholic drinks Sweet perfume
prince M 18 Citrus perfume Cigarette
king M 18 Vape Sweet perfume
John M 18 Citrus perfume Alcoholic drinks
Gabriele M 18 Cigarette Sweet perfume

What does your data say?

- The data says that there are three female that likes floral scent and two female that like sweet scent
and their undesirable scent is leather scent. And the data says that boys like citrus scent and they don’t like
the sweet scent.

Contemplate - look for popular songs which tackles any element of human sexuality (e.g, love and
intimacy, sexual behavior, gender identity). reflect about the essential messages that these songs are trying to

Title of the song : Reflection

Key messages:
1. To be welcomed and respected, you don't have to pretend to be someone else.
2. Allowing people to control and prohibit you from doing what you want is not a good idea.
3. Don't pretend to be someone you're not, and don't listen to others who you think are incorrect; simply be
yourself. Make your own decisions, face your fears, and love yourself.
4. Equality applies to everyone.
5. Few individuals would be able to walk a mile in your shoes. Only you are aware of your difficulties,
hurdles, and roadblocks, so be proud of how far you have progressed.

Based on previous discussions in class, comment whether the message is aligned with what is known about
human sexuality.
- yes, it is aligned because it talks about human sexuality which is equality, respect and etc.
1. Discuss how each of the senses link to human sexuality.
- The five senses of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste all have a part in arousal and sex
enjoyment. "People cease paying attention to their senses," says Sari Cooper, a trained sex therapist in New
York City. "One of the greatest reasons why sex becomes regular is because people stop paying attention to
their senses." According to parental investment theory, the relative significance of olfaction over vision,
touch, and hearing for human males and females should be different. For females, odor should be a more
essential predictor of sexual choice and arousal than for men, due to its relationship to immunological
profile and offspring viability.

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